The Boyfriend

Boyfriend Substitute


“Oppa…” she pleaded with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Why are you doing this to me?”

He cast her a pitiful look. “Did you really think that my feelings were genuine?” He scoffed. “You will never be good enough for me. Take a look in the mirror Ji Won, you’re hideous”

Ji Won clenched her fists. *Napun Jashik (Jerk), Napun Jashik. Nam Woohyun, you’re a jerk



*Hyejung’s eyes scanned the cardboard figure, her head nodding approvingly. “Perfect” she smiled. She looked over to the lady standing beside her. “I’ll take this one” she pointed. 

The lady smiled. She was in her mid-thirties with shoulder length brown hair, porcelain skin and hazel brown eyes that radiated with warmth, much like Hyejung’s. “You’ve made an excellent choice Ms. Choi” she said, leading Hyejung to the counter to make the final payments. Hyejung sighed with content as she handed over $1500 to the cashier.

“Ms Choi, I have to warn you. You cannot fall in love with our employees. It will only cause you heartbreak in the end. Also, how our system works is our employee will stay with you for two months. You must provide him a place to stay during the period until he has completed what you have asked of us.”

Hyejung grinned and nodded. She was excited to tell her sister about the news. The lady offered her a small smile and handed her an envelope with instructions on how to contact the ‘boyfriend’ and make arrangements.

“Thank you!” Hyejung bowed and left the store.



“YOU WHAT?!?” Ji Won blurted.

“I got you a pretend boyfriend?” Hyejung replied, slightly taken aback by her sister’s reaction. Disbelief was written all over Ji Won’s face. It had been a little under a month since her cruel break up with Woohyun, she hadn’t had the chance to properly settle her feelings. She let out a heavy sigh.


“Unnie, come on!” Hyejung interrupted. “I don’t like seeing you like this. You’re practically a walking zombie. You’ve barely had any sleep these past few weeks and look at those dark circles under your eyes. They look hideous.” She casually voiced.

Ji Won cast her gaze to the mirror. She looked bad. Really bad. She couldn’t figure out if it was because of the sleepless nights because of the break up or the numerous nights she spent staying up preparing for exams and catching up on assignments. Either way, it was due to a lack of sleep.

Noticing Ji won’s state of confusion, Hyejung took the opportunity to convince her sister once and for all to accept the offer. “I’ve also paid for the ‘boyfriend’ and there are no refunds” she said smiling, proud that her sister could no longer turn her down. Ji Won looked into her sister’s eyes. Her hazel brown eyes filled with concern.

*Defeated* Ji Won solemnly thought. “Alright”

Hyejung’s eyes lit up immediately. “Great! I’m going to make arrangements now” she squealed, running off to her room. Ji Won shook her head in amusement. If anyone didn’t know better, they’d think she had just won the lottery. *That girl* Ji Won chuckled softly to herself.




“Oh! I’m so sorry! Here let me help you –“

As their eyes met, Ji Won fell silent.  “Woohyun…” she found herself whispering.

Before either of them could say anything else, Ji Won felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and pull her off the ground, enveloping her in a delicate cologne. Ji Won’s eyes drew away from Woohyun to a pair of black dress shoes, navy tailored pants, a white button shirt and a loosened tie. As her eyes travelled to his face, she found herself internally gasping at how strikingly handsome the man was. He looked like he was in his early twenties with brown hair neatly gelled up. His dark brown eyes locking hers in his gaze and a pair of lips that attracted her unwavering attention.

“Babe, did you forget I was coming to pick you up today?”

Both confused and startled by the appearance of a handsome stranger, Ji Won remained silent.

“Babe?” his voice was charming, sweet and alluring at the same time. He looked at her questioningly and that was when it hit her. *THE PRETEND BOYFRIEND* she mentally smacked herself for forgetting. *What was his name again? Young…..Tae or was it Young Jae?*

“Oh, right…ha ha ha” she laughed nervously. “Hoya? I mean Howon. Meet Young Jae. My-“

“Boyfriend” Young Jae finished with a dazzling smile. 



Hello! This is my first time giving fanfic writing a shot. I hope my readers enjoy the story and continue to support both myself and this fanfic. 


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