Why Him ? Why Not Me ?

Threaten Love

(This story is based on your p.o.v)


I stare at the back-figure of the person sitting infont of me . Choi Jonghyun , prefers to be called , Changjo . I sigh as i remember those times when he would always turn around , facing me to talk to me .
Suddenly , i jump in surprise when i feel a nudge on my side . I turn to glare at the person , Lee Byunghun also known as L.Joe  . The one who causes everything to change .
"Why are you staring at him babe ? You're suppose to be staring at me . I'm your boyfriend .."
I ignore him as i lay my head on the table . Stress and frustrated . 
'I shouldn't have agreed to this .'
I was walking to my locker when a hand grab me , covering my mouth and pulling me  . I shout with all my might but to no avail , i was led to an old storage room . I look up only to find the devil , L.joe .
"Hey baby ."
"What are you doing ?! Let me go !"
"I will , as soon as you accept my offer ."
"What offer ?!"
Suddenly he smirks and run a finger through my hair . He leans closer to my ears as he whisper ..
"Be ma girl ."
Shock , i pushed him hard , making him stumble and fall . I take the opportunity to turn around and leave . But as soon as i turn the door knob open , a hand smash it close again and turn me around in one swift movement . He rest both his hands on the wall , trapping me in between .
"Accept the offer , or i'll make my 'brother' suffer ... Forever ."
He said  , emphasizing the word , brother . My eyes widen when i realise who he's referring to , Changjo .
L.joe and Changjo are brothers , but from a different mother . Since Changjo's mother died a few years ago ,  he stays with his dad . Unfortunately, his dad found a new replacement and immediately get married . But his dad didn't know his step mother and her son , which is now his so called , 'step brother' , are devils . They do want they want , to get what they want . 
Flashback ends
With rumours spreading around the school , Changjo eventually found out . Eversince then , he avoided and ignored me . I was heartbroken , but i know i'm doing the right thing . He already had much trouble at home .
"Miss Park , what did i just say ?"
I snap out of my thoughts as i heard my name being mention . I lift my head up immediately . Everyone's attention was on me , including him . I stare at him , making eye contact . He then turn around , breaking the contact and  face the front again .
"So ?"
I shift my gaze to the teacher , impatiently tapping her feet , waiting for my answer . I fiddle with my fingers , nervously .
"I-im sorry , seongsanim . Could you please repeat again ?"
"... Meet me , right after class ."
I nod as i brought my head down , keeping my eyes on the worksheet. Minutes passed , and the bell finally rings signalling dismissal . I pack my bag and was about to leave when a hand grab mine . I look at the person , rolling my eyes in annoyance .
"What now L.Joe?"
"Lets go on a date ."
"I have to meet teacher ."
"I'll follow ."
"No , i've got into enough trouble because of you ."
Not listening to another word , i walk away and to the teachers office . As i got in , i walk to her table and  bow as i greet her .
"Miss Park . Is there something bothering you lately ?"
"No , i'm fine .."
"You're dropping . You used to be the top student . What happen ?"
"Nothing .."
She sigh as she turn around , grabbing a piece of paper and face me again .
"I've assign you to a tuition session with one of the students here . I hope i''ll see improvement . And please , don't dissapoint me . I believe you can do it . Here is the venue ."
"Thank you."
I grab a piece of paper from here as i read what it says .
'Block B , class 2 .'
I sigh as walk to the venue , written in the piece of paper . For no reason , my heart is beating faster than usual as i walk towards the room . I stood infront of the room as i knock it . No response , i inhale a huge amount of air before stepping in the class
"Hi , Mrs Lee asks me to--"
My words were cut off when i lift my head up , only to find him standing infront of me . Changjo .
"C-changjo ."
"Lets just faster get it over with so you can go for another date with your boyfriend ."
He said , walking away from me and to the table , grabbing a paper . Something about his words makes me angry . But i hold it in as i walk to him , grab the paper and take a seat .
"Whats wrong ? I thought you're the smartest in class . Is your boyfriend stressing you too much ?"
I clentch my fist under the table and grab the pen i was holding on to , hard , almost breaking it apart . I bit my lips , controlling the anger building up inside of me .
"Look , its okay if you wanna go out with him now , i won't tell seongsanim ."
And thats when i exploded , i slam the pen i was holding onto , to the table as i got up from my seat , glaring at him with tears in my eyes . He looks at me , shock written all over him .
"You don't know what i've been through Choi Jonghyun , so shut up !"
With that , i crush the paper into a ball , grab my bag and walk pass him . I stop and turn facing him with tears rolling down my eyes , wetting my cheeks .
"You have no idea Changjo .."
I run out the room and to the only place that calms me ; Rooftop . I push the door open as i throw my bag to the side . I throw myself on the bench as i bury my face in my hands and quietly sob , letting out all the emotions in me .
"I'm sorry ."
I lift my head immediately and wipe the tears falling off my eyes . I stood up and turn around , facing the voice .
"I'm sorry for not understanding your situation ."
"I-its okay ..."
"But why ?"
I stare at him as he slowly takes a step towards me .
"Why him ? Why not me ?"
I stare at his face , hurt . I mentally debate to myself , whether to tell him the truth or give him an excuse .
But if i were to give him a excuse , he'll definitely see right through me and still demand for the truth . 
"Changjo . I'm sorry . But i can't ."
"No , i know you're hiding something from me ."
Tears starts forming in my eyes as i shakes my head , denying it . He bring his hands up , cupping my cheeks softly .
"You can trust me . Please .."
"I-i .."
"Please .."
"I had no choice Changjo .."
"Why ?"
"He threaten me , he would hurt you if i were to reject his offer . I had no choice . I'm sorry ."
He pulls me into a hug as he rubs my back , soothing me . I snuggle into his chest as i brought my hands up , wrapping it around his waist .
"You should have told me . I'll be alright . Besides , i'm out of their lifes , i'm living in my own apartment now . Far away from them ."
"R-really ?"
"Yes . I rather live alone . Its such a torture living in the same roof as them . B-but please , do me a favour .."
"Anything Changjo , anything ."
"Break up with him . Be with me .."
".. I can't"
He pulls away and grasp my shoulder with both his hands , looking into my eyes . I broke into a laugh as i pinch his nose .
"I can't break up with him cause i was never his . Well maybe to him i was , but not to me . I'm always yours Changjo ."
His lips curve upwards into a wide smile as he tucks my hair behind my ears . I shift my gaze to his soft-pink lips . Suddenly , he leans in , closer and closer to me .
'This is it'
 I slowly shut my eyes , anxious and nervous at the same time .
"I love you"
He whisper before softly placing his lips on mine . We smile into the kiss as we deepen it . Showing our love towards each other . 
There goes my firt kiss , taken by the guy i love . And loves me .
 I wrap an arm around his neck as he wraps his around my tiny waist , closing the gap between us . We pull away , rest our forehead against eachother and pant for air .
"I love you _____ . I love you very much . Don't ever leave me ."
"I won't ... Ever . I love you too ."
Wassup guys ~ Hope you like this . The 'evil' maknae of Teen Top ; Changjo . Keke ! Do comment and subscribe . I'll (maybe) do the same ^_^
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Chapter 1: Oh my~ the rooftop - sweetest scene ever!! and as for the gifs - I had a heart attack, fainted, woke up, rolling, slaps my face, screams in my heart(since it's midnite), and grinning insanely XD Thank you~~ for the story and the gifs!!!
Chapter 1: The gif at the top~~ [!!!!] ughh Changjo's the cutest thing ever. The story's sweet~ (y)
Chapter 1: I cried TT TT :( so cute though
Chapter 1: OMG I love it <3 so cute <3
OMDAE!I like it...
This is seriusly AWESOME ! I love it !
Chapter 1: Changjo ~ Haha ! L.joe as a badass ? Yes suits him . (No offence~) but he's still hot though xD
athenasoso #9
can't wait to read your story ^^