Remembering their Dance

Love, Again

"But why me as well?" Taeyeon questioned her best friend.

Jessica held on to her hands while staring into her eyes, "please? Hubby and I have discussed and we really, really, really want our best man and maid of honor to follow right after us! You don't want me to feel awkward, do you? Hmmm? Hmmm?"

"But you two are always in your own world! You won't even remember the rest of us!" Taeyeon insisted.

Jessica stuttered a little, "B-but... that's not true! I-I'll still feel... uncomfortable! Being the only two people dancing... Please Taengoo, for me? Hmmm?"

"What'd... he say?" Taeyeon asked.

Jessica knew she was giving in, and smiled widely, "Khunnie's given his okay as long as you are alright with it!"

Taeyeon sighed inwardly, "fine, I guess..."


"Can't you just dance with your princess?" Nichkhun sat down on the sofa right opposite Jay.

"But you're the best man... BEST MAN!" Jay raised his voice passionately, "you know... MY best man? The best on-"

"Fine... enough... I got it," Nichkhun sighed.

Jay turned his head to the side without Nichkhun seeing his face and smiled. He knew his girl's plan had worked.


"And a one and a two..."

The dance instructor, Seo Joohyun, was trying to teach the four newbies how to waltz.

Jessica was happily looking into the eyes of her beloved, but when she turned around to look at the other couple, she stopped dancing with Jay. She walked right up to them, took Nichkhun's hand and forced it on Taeyeon's waist, shocking the two of them. Before they could say a word, she took Taeyeon's hand and placed it on Nichkhun's shoulder and ordered, "place your free hand on his!"

The two of them, though still uncomfortable, did what they were told because they knew better than to go against Jessica when she is in this commanding mood.

"You did great, princess," Jay whispered to her when she walked back.

"Of course, I knew they'd listen if I sounded a little angry," Jessica giggled secretly, but quickly turned back to her strict face when she looked over at her friends.

Nichkhun tried to start up a conversation with Taeyeon, "wow... she sounded fierce, that was scary!"

"She sure was..." Taeyeon laughed a little.

He decided to ask the question he had been pondering about the previous night, "say... you went out last night?"

Taeyeon looked up at him, "hmmm? Oh... I did..."

Nichkhun hesitated a little. Isn't it weird to be asking her where she went?

"Why?" Taeyeon asked when he did not continue.

"Where did you go?" Nichkhun blurted out. He scolded himself in his mind. He did not mean to actually ask that, but he was stunned by her question while he was thinking that he just said what was on his mind the whole time. That and whether she was dating that guy... the hotel manager he saw her with.

He knew he should not ask her. They were not in a relationship, and even if they were, she had the freedom to do whatever pleased her.

But he was just so curious.

"Oh... I went to a bar... The food was pretty nice, you should try it sometime! Oh, but it is quite a distance away so you might have to drive there... But I still think it's worth it! I'll let you know the address if you... if you want..." Taeyeon explained, as she began babbling. When she realized how much she talked, she shut herself abruptly.

Nichkhun smiled, he knew she felt much more comfortable with him now, "I'd love to try that. Let me know the place."

"Oh! Okay! Sure!" Taeyeon returned his smile, relieved that he was not awkward with her for talking so much... so easily...

"And errr..." Nichkhun was being cautious again, "you and that... hotel manager..."

"Hotel manager?" Taeyeon contemplated on who he was referring to, "oh... you mean Taecyeon?"

"Taecyeon?" Nichkhun frowned. He did not know that they were already so close that they were on first name basis.

"Yeah!" Taeyeon replied, "he's my classmate. Well, was my classmate. That's why we went to the class gathering together last night."

"Oh... oh!" Nichkhun sighed in relief, "you mean, the bar... you were with a whole bunch of your classmates?"

Taeyeon nodded, "yeah, why?"

Nichkhun grinned widely, "nothing..."

Just when Taeyeon was about to reply, Seohyun called out, "okay. We're done for the day! I'll be back in a few days so we can have our second lesson."

At that, the two ex-lovers immediately let go of their hands.

They went back to smiling awkwardly, and quickly walked to where Jessica and Jay were standing.

Without anyone seeing, Taeyeon looked over at Nichkhun. She remembered his touch. Their hands linked.

She really missed him.


"It's our second lesson and we are already professionals!" Nichkhun joked, while the two of them swayed according to the music.

Taeyeon laughed out loud, before glancing at Seohyun and quietened down, "are we really? If professionals mean we don't step on each other and nothing else, then yeah, I guess we are."

Nichkhun pouted a little, "hey... it takes a lot to not step on other people's foot when we are ballroom dancing."

"Sure sure!" Taeyeon smiled at him, "whatever you say!"

When the music ends, they went their separate ways right away once again, though this time, they turned and smiled at each other.

Nichkhun thought to himself, "I knew it. Even yesterday... I miss her touch... I miss our hands held tightly together... I miss her... so, so much..."


"Hey, this is our final lesson! Learn everything you can and ask Ms. Seohyun everything you don't know as well!" Jessica told Nichkhun and Taeyeon before heading back to her fiance.

She knew that they had gotten closer. She wanted them to get closer. However, she could also tell that it would take much more work. They were getting comfortable, that is true, but they were still awkward. She could tell when they let go of each other quickly during the previous two lessons. But still, she hoped that they would make this last lesson work.

"Shall we?" Nichkhun smiled at Taeyeon, while he held out his hands.

Taeyeon returned his smile and took hold of his hand, and instantly the distance between them shortened.

"Hey, do you remember that time? When we danced together like this? Well... of course less professional than this...' Nichkhun started.

Taeyeon looked up at him, "you mean for our prom?"

Nichkhun nodded.

"When you stepped on my dress during the first song?" Taeyeon teased.

Nichkhun pouted, "It was only that one time! I didn't do it anymore after that. For the whole night!"

Taeyeon laughed at him pouting like a kid, like how he usually did when he was upset with something she said or did.

"Stop laughing at me!" Nichkhun continued.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Taeyeon tried her best to keep a straight face, "I did like the third song that night though. It was a slow song, a ballad... one of my favorites..."

"I will always love you..." both of them spoke together.

"Oh, you remembered!" Taeyeon exclaimed.

Nichkhun smiled, "it's a nice song..."

"And it was our song," he thought.

"And I~ will always... love you. I~ will always love you~," Taeyeon sang.

The two ignored the music that was playing and instead danced following the beat that she was singing to.

It seemed like they were in their own world, transported back to the past during their prom.

Slowly, Taeyeon leaned her head on Nichkhun's shoulder.

Nichkhun realized that first. He was surprised, but soon he smiled.

He did not say a word. The mood was right and he would never want to break it.

He simply closed his eyes to enjoy the moment.

"We both know I'm not what you, you need..." at that, Taeyeon's eyes sprang open. She seemed to realize what she was doing.

"I-I'm sorry..." Taeyeon stuttered, while retreating away from Nichkhun, "I... excuse me..."

"No...don't..." Nichkhun started, but she had already run out of the room.

Jessica glanced at him before she too, exited the room, chasing after her best friend.


Author's note:

I have actually finished the first two lessons in October... but I've been stuck on the third... the special lesson... the one that made them remember how they felt...

Then I got busy by the end of October and was unable to finish until now. Will update the next chapter soon... though it's gonna be a heavy one. The full force of their feelings exploded here... them missing each other, reminiscing their past, remembering their prom...

I guess the story is different from others since they were ex-lovers... so it would not be so quick for them to accept each other again. They were hurt before... and before I spoil more of the next chapter... I shall just say THANK YOU once again to my faithful and dearest readers and subscribers!

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After I post on "In Her Place", and there is still no one joining the contest, I'm just going to delete it.


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Patresia_ss #1
Chapter 10: Update soon please....
Chapter 10: I guess I understand it is difficult because of how they broke up and everything... But whyyy did they break up? What's the full story?
kimNamkinh #3
Chapter 10: please make them together again^^
make sweet moment of them~
thank you for update author-nim
kyoshi123 #4
Chapter 8: haha thanks for updating! i love your stories :)
i cant wait for more khuntaeng moments <3
Chapter 7: And Jessica worried about other guys because she wants Nichkhun to end up with her! Hahaha. She is too impatient!
Chapter 7: Yay you updated! I thought she will accidentally meet Nichkhun, now I am curious who the lady is! I have a feeling but I shall keep quiet! :D
Chapter 6: They have improvements they have improvements they have improvements!!!
typicaltaeyeon #8
Chapter 6: Idk but i like this fanfic amidst of baekyeon and khunfany i like khuntaeng. :---) this pairing is really rare to so this adds up to the specialty of this fanfic, update soon author?
You updated here too! Keep it up chingu!
sone4lifee #10
Chapter 2: Can I request for a juntae fanfic ? Taeyeon and junho!! Nvm if can't