Encouragement kiss

Arranged Marriage with an IDOL?!
A moment later, a staff gave ice creams to Eunji and Yoonhae.
"Omo.. Thank you very much for this." Eunji and Yoonhae both said and the staff smiled.
"You're welcome. And we're really glad you visited! L's such a hard ached yesterday but now, he's acting so naturally and really cute! You're really his inspiration!" The staff giggled.
Eunji blushed and nodded. "T-Thank you.."
"Aigoo~~ We have 15minutes break, how about you talk to him? Give him some encouragement!" The staff suggested and walked away.
Eunji looked at Yoonhae and the younger one smiled. "Go Eonni... I'm fine here! I'll be waiting!"
Eunji hesitated at first but then she already saw him walking towards them.
She sighed and looked back at Yoonhae. "Just stay here okay?"
The younger one nodded as she on her ice cream.
(like this scene)
Eunji then walked towards the coming-L.
Myungsoo chuckled as he was already near her. "You also have an ice cream?"
She nodded and raised her ice cream up. "It is delicious!"
He chuckled and walked a little more closer. "We're going to shoot with this later. We actually started already that's why I have this.."
He pouted and showed the ice cream that was slowly dripping on his hand.
She laughed. "That's sticky!"
"I know right!" He pouted like a kiddo and she laughed at his reaction.
"Hey! Why don't you shoot them?" The director asked the cameraman.
"Who?" The cameraman asked.
"Them!" The director pointed at Eunji and Myungsoo from afar.
"Why?" The cameraman asked again.
The director hit the cameraman with his rolled-newspaper. "Just shoot them! Faster!!!!!"
"O-Okay!!!!" The cameraman quickly moved his camera and started recording what's happening with Eunji and Myungsoo.
Yerim rolled her eyes on the scene. *Can they stop praising those two?*
She pouted angrily when she saw how happy Myungsoo was now that he's with her.
*And why is that girl here?! Why did they even allowed her here?!* She angrily thought.
"Can we continue shooting the scenes now?" She asked a staff who walked passed by her.
The staff stopped and looked at her. "No.. not yet.. The director's having fun on watching the lovebirds!"
"Lovebirds?!" She scoffed and looked away when the staff walked away.
She then looked at the director, and he was beside the cameraman. "Are they taking a video of the two?! That's insane!!! Urgh!!!"
She took her book and leaned on the backrest of her chair and covered her face with her book. *Please stop all of those nonsense things!!!!*
"Your ice cream started dripping Eunji!" Myungsoo said when he noticed her ice cream.
She blinked and looked at it. "Aish! Why is it melting already??"
He chuckled and took his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the ice cream away. "Because you're not yet eating it. Why don't you start eating it? You're having so much fun with me that you forgot you have an ice cream uh?"
She blushed and pouted angrily. "No way!"
"Aigoo~ Haha. Admit it already..." He teased and she shook her head.
"Wooo~~~" He leaned closer to her face and she leaned back. "Admit that you really like it when I'm with you!"
She blinked and looked away. "No way. I-I'm just forced to go here! You forced me!" She now looked at him with her wide eyes.
He laughed and leaned closer. "Did I really force you huh?"
She nodded with her lips pursed. "You forced me!"
He chuckled again and quickly stole a kiss on her lips. He smirked when he saw her reaction.
Her eyes were wide and her ice cream dropped on the floor.
He laughed and took her hand with his free hand. "Are you okay?"
She frowned and glared at him. "You-You..."
"I kissed you." He shrugged and winked. "Thanks for the encouragement kiss."
She blushed hard and he started walking away.
Her fingers slowly went to her lips and turned around. *Aish that guy!!!!!*
"Eonnie!!" She heard someone called her and she looked up from the ground.
She saw Yoonhae running towards her with a big smile.
"I saw that eonnie!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA~~~" She squaled and the older one blushed even more.
"Y-Yoonhae.. let's go back there.." She stuttered and the younger one as they go back to where they are staying.

hihi 2 updates again!!!


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Xinyiluvren #1
Chapter 72: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
LittleCupcakes #2
Chapter 72: PLEASE UPDATE SOON! !!!! when are you going to update this story again??
Kksecret #3
Chapter 72: Hello still there? You alive ? If you are autor -nim update please. Please don't keep us waiting. I'm gonna cry if you don't update soon
sarahloh1110 #4
Pls update soon authournim. Pls don't cliffhang it
moccaberry #5
Chapter 72: Author-nim~~~~~ please update soon~!! I really love this story ugh >///<
Chapter 72: please please please update soon~~^^
schamyeon #7
Chapter 72: Please update soon :)
Chapter 72: Chapter 72: I hope you update soon! I enjoyed reading this a lot! ^.^
Debbiemo48 #9
Chapter 72: Smurf phsst
chiara01 #10
Chapter 72: Update soonn ....^^