Speed up my heartbeat


Seungri looked so pale when he walked into the classroom, almost as white as the walls. His contrasting jet black hair was thin at the ends. With thick bags under his eyes and a nonexistent smile on his lips, he looked more dead than alive. And that was exactly what Jiyong was afraid to see happening. 

Seungri looked at Jiyong for a brief moment before he went to sit at a desk, alone. Jiyong couldn't understand that others couldn't see the beautiful soul that was Seungri. When the boy had gone quiet one day, his friends got bored of him and basically ignored him now. Nobody asked why. Nobody cared to look into what problems might be bothering the young man named Seungri. But Jiyong had figured it out recently.

Seungri was from a wealthy family. For as long as he can remember, his parents were busy a lot. Yet, as a young boy, he would have never doubted that they cared for him. They would give him anything to make him happy and he grew into a confident kid. He was popular and with the years the mass of his female friends would turn into his girlfriend at some point. Eventually he set his eyes on an exceptionally beautiful young woman who would be his lover for over three years, until she decided she wanted to get married to some guy even richer than him. That was an eye-opener.

Seungri turned it all on himself. He had never been, and would never be loved. The world revolved around money. Money, status, fame, taking what you want and getting rid of the anything in the way. His parents had bought him toys to keep him occupied and silent. His friends and girlfriends all abused his wallet or social connections one time or another. He was not someone anyone truly cared for. 

Seungri could only draw two conclusions; people were fake and love didn't exist. 

Seungri read a lot of books during that time. Fiction books, to keep his mind off the cruel reality and experience a world of perfection. Even if he could somehow jump into one of these books, Seungri came to realise nobody would care for him still. Because after all these years of functioning perfectly in this surrounding of corruption, he couldn't possibly be any better than the ones who hurt him. That's when he decided to change.

Seungri became the epitome of a well-behaved person. Do not speak unless spoken to. Do not refuse an offer without a valid reason. Do show care for your fellow people. No parties, no alcohol. He walked up straight and dressed properly. He had great manners. Unfortunately, that meant not fitting in with the general student. But as Seungri saw it, he was setting an example for a better society. 

Seungri really didn't care when he became an outcast. To him, all these other people were outcasts until they learned to act more properly. Seungri turned lonely. Nobody picked up on his principles. There was still nobody who cared for him. He had fixed himself as much as he could, but one should not brag and perfection didn't exist. He was still at fault. He was forgetting to care for the people around him.

One day, after gym class, Jiyong had noticed something about Seungri. The younger was worn out after running for an hour. As any other healthy person, he was sweaty and panting and quickly gulped down a bottle of water and maybe it looked really slightly very y, but Jiyong's attention fell upon something else. A million of tiny red veins were visible through Seungri's skin. Jiyong recognised the symptom immediately. He doubted anyone didn't. Even though Seungri may have come to believe these people did not know love, them being alive proved that they did. Seungri should know that too. 

He confronted Seungri about it that day. Jiyong took the other's face in his hands to make sure Seungri looked at him and he couldn't hide any truths or flee from him.

"You do know what is happening to you, do you?" he asked. Jiyong will never forget the look in the Seungri's eyes. As soon as the question was out, the younger's facade shattered into pieces. Seungri restlessly scanned over Jiyong's face, searching for how the elder could have found out and why he had bothered to ask if he knew, because he most certainly knew what Jiyong was talking about. It was like he panicked at the thought of someone possibly caring about him. 

"Can you save me, Jiyong?" Seungri asked in return, his voice tiny and laced with fear and desperation. The poor boy definitely didn't want to die, but he also sounded skeptical of his chance of survival. But mostly just frightened beyond belief. Jiyong promised right there that he'd save the younger. Jiyong was already in love with Seungri, he'd make sure those feelings became returned. If Seungri learned to love again, he'd live. He had to live. All Seungri had to do was accept Jiyong into his heart. 

Jiyong knew what task was ahead of him. Seungri's heart had a layer of protective ice around it, and he'd have to melt it. Seungri in his loneliness had become quite a stiff person. It was only cetrain tropics that Seungri had special interest in, and only then he would let go of the brakes. So Jiyong focused their conversations on those things. Seungri got looser. He remembered what it was to talk in enthusiastic manner and started doing so more and more.

Jiyong was an affectionate person. It wasn't strange for him touch and cuddle people who he was just friends with. He'd hug Seungri all the time, getting him accustomed to the gesture until the point where the younger would take the initiative. It felt good when Seungri took Jiyong into his arms upon seeing him. Seungri liked hugs, he wanted hugs. A corner of the ice had broken off.

Jiyong had quirky ways to remind Seungri of their goal. He had snatched the boy's phone and changed the wallpaper. An intense red colour with elegant black lettering, a heartshape around the words and a little flower at the bottom. 'Kiss while your lips are still red' it read. Jiyong had wanted to kiss the younger so many times, but he'd look into Seungri's eyes and just knew the time was not there yet. Seungri did keep that wallpaper and looked at it with an intrigued expression, as if trying to figure out what it meant.

Jiyong saw how Seungri's health wavered. One day he'd seem to have gained a little colour on that pale face, his smiles were more convincing and he walked with a stronger pace. The next day he'd be exhausted. But with tiredness as the main symptom, he was on the right track. No fevers, no sore chest, no sickness. The web of veins never showed itself again and and Seungri was no shorter of breath than his classmates.

Jiyong did everything he could to make Seungri believe in people's hearts again. He himself would assist Seungri with anything he needed and ask if the boy was okay whenever he seemed down. He would also point out other people doing similar things for others. If Seungri felt the need to complain about anyone's actions, he'd make him see from another perspective. Now the boy was more talkative again, his former friends slowly started talking back to him as well. Seungri felt every bit betrayed by them, but Jiyong didn't even have to tell him he had to forgive them in order for this to work.

It was a lazy day. Seungri lay on the couch, an arm over the armrest and his head rested thereon. He lay on his side, closely pressed against the backboard because another body had to fit on the small space. Jiyong had dozed off with his head nuzzled against the younger's shoulder and holding him from behind. Seungri looked out of the window. He saw a beautiful sky and a setting but still warming sun. Pretty flowers that brightened the scene, a river that was a source of life. Freely flying, happily singing birds. He saw not the loneliness of the sole bypasser, but the wonders that this person might be headed for. It was like he looked through a child's eyes once more, blissfully unaware of hurt and unfairness. He felt warm on the inside and it spread from the arms around his middle. Not even the tingling sore in his muscles could bother the absolute peace of his mind. It was really good. He smiled at the world, thanking it for still being there the next day. 

The elder stirred behind him, grunting a little in protest as his dreams slipped away from him. Seungri turned around to look at him, another smile playing on his lips to welcome Jiyong among the waking. The latter opened his eyes carefully, blinking a few times to adjust. He had not wanted to come down from the paradise behind his eyelids, but once his sight focused he changed his mind. His Heaven was here. He felt one of Seungri's hands land on his hip and he knew for sure.

"Had a good sleep?" Seungri asked sweetly.

"Hm, but it's never better than being awake." Jiyong replied, putting up a little test. He drowned in the younger's eyes. They were filled with a deep care and gratefulness. He then knew it was all for him.

"I know." Seungri spoke softly, not much more than a whisper. He knew. He knew everything. In his moment of peace, he had admitted to himself that he felt a rather strong affection towards a certain person. He could feel his heartbeat speeding up the longer Jiyong looked at him. He knew he was going to be okay. The elder unwrapped his arms from his waist, only to place one hand over his heart and one on his cheek. Then he leaned in, without ever breaking eyecontact until right before their lips finally met. It was almost like a miracle, almost surreal. Neither of them could quite believe they were finally kissing, but they were really glad they were. It was a relief, a literal lifesaver. The kiss was gentle and came completely natural, easy, nothing awkward. Jiyong's love was requited. 

When they parted, they looked right back into each other's eyes. Seungri looked content, happy even. It had been a while since he looked that good. Jiyong couldn't help the huge smile on his face. He had loved Seungri for a long time, been terrified of the younger dying on him, worked hard to prevent that, and now his mission was accomplished. They loved each other. The elder sighed in pure happiness and swung his arms around Seungri's shoulders, holding him tighter than ever before, feeling the other's heartbeat against his chest. Seungri laughed a little, draping his arms around Jiyong as well and pulling the elder atop of him. He sniffled some tears, and with Jiyong so close to him there was no way the elder hadn't heard.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt?" Jiyong asked worriedly, franticed even. He drew back from their embrace right away to look at Seungri's face. His mind went from 0 to 140 in no time, all possible scenarios racing through him. For all he knew, it could be a horrendous pain when the body suddenly recovered from its gradual breakdown. Maybe he had jumped to conclusions and Seungri was not in love with him after all. But the younger shook his head and Jiyong sighed in relief once more as Seungri spoke.

"Thank you. I love you, Jiyong."

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Chapter 1: Omg!! This is amazing!! All words and sentences are sweet! Not bitter at all ^^
Ayaaahime #2
Chapter 1: This is ING awesome( sorry for cursing but yeah I needed to let it out)

omg! JUST OMG.
Feels all over the place. Like DAMN!

so so so many lines that hit home. Like you hit my heart with every WORD.!

I actually came to a point in my life where two things are proven. That people pretends for convenience and love is for fools who is dellusional.

nyongtory saved me from that pit of depression. Reading fics and seeing the world differently with its wisdom.

I'm actually very happy I got to read this fic!
You know, only few fics affect my POV in life in reality; but this one hit home.

Thank you for writing this with nyongtory and thank you for being an newly found inspiration! ;)))
diamante25 #3
I can feel your heartbeat by: Enrique Inglesias? Please continue this.
jithesandpaper #4
mayo_25 #5
Chapter 1: 'His Heaven was here' . the best line eveeer ugh love it too much <3
I totally love this <3 pure love <3
Chapter 1: Well written. What's the song? Let me know... Is seungri gonna die? Please don't make him die. Update soon
tarepandasan #8
Chapter 1: That was beautiful!!! Love it!
Chapter 1: This is so sweeeet.

Though I would seriously kick and slap some biitches if they leave me when i need them most then come back when I'm all better.

Well off to sleep. Sorry for the short comment, I need to sleep or else I'll be twice as exhausted tomorrow. ; ;
Chapter 1: Qrdhtdhgasfmj.jligjf.....

Omg!!!!! I love it......

Write moreeeeeeeee... Please....^^