The Start of Forever with Baekhyun (HIATUS)
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*All chapters will be set after "you" and Baekhyun graduated from high school. Starting this chapter, you two will be entering college*


Your thought          Baekhyun's thought          Others' thought


You and Baekhyun were fixing yourselves up for college. You two have to be prepared since it's the first day of your new life. New life as Baekhyun's girlfriend, new life as a college student and of course to start a new life in a new school. Baekhyun was smiling widely but you did not know why.

"Baek?" You asked

"Yes?" Baekhyun said, still smiling and staring at something

"What are you looking at?" You said and took a seat next to him


You have always been curious on what was Baekhyun doing and you don't know why. You knew that Baekhyun was a happy and cheerful being but it never failed to make you feel curious, is he smiling because of you or because of someone else. Baekhyun had been loyal to you ever since that day. You never thought of Baekhyun cheating on you or anything else because Baekhyun was always honest and true to his words, just like the Baekhyun that you always knew.


Baekhyun was looking at a picture of you when you were a kid, the photo of you wearing a striped rainbow colored sweater and a pair of nerdy glasses. Baekhyun was smiling because it was you and you had chocolate icing on your cheek. Baekhyun had always loved your weirdness and craziness, which were two of the countless things he loved about you.

"Huh? Oh nothing" Baekhyun said as he snapped out

"No really, what's that?" You said while blow drying your hair

"Nothing!" Baekhyun said as he hid his phone

"Okay. Keep secrets from me then" You said and continued drying your hair


Baekhyun widened his eyes at your statement. He knew that you were the jealous type, the jealous type inside but doesn't show it outside. Baekhyun became guilty of himself, he knew that he had hurted your feelings so he apologized immediately.

"I'm sorry" Baekhyun said and back-hugged you

"It's okay" You said and held his arms


You felt safe each time Baekhyun hugged you. His hugs wers simple but it was warm and filled with feelings. Baekhyun always hugged you to make you feel that you're his, and he's yours. Hugging was one of Baekhyun's way of showing people that he loves them.

"Let's get to school" Baekhyun said and held out his hand

"Let's go" You said and held his hand


You and Baekhyun left your house. Chanyeol was busy with his work so you didn't bother him. Chanyeol had always loved video games so he chose a job that he enjoys best, playing video games. Chanyeol's now a video game designer, working in Seoul's top video game producing company. You and Baekhyun were in his car, he was driving of course. Baekhyun was driving and at the same time holding your left hand. Baekhyun was a professional driver so he can do anything while looking at the road.


Minutes later.. You two arrived in Seoul National University : College of Medicine. You and Baekhyun were taking a medical course for college. Baekhyun chose this course because he was interested in learning medicine and on becoming a future doctor. You chose this course for one reason, to help and save the others. You always loved and cared for the others' so you decided on taking up a course that will help you with what you love best.

"Here goes nothing. Good luck baby" Baekhyun said and pecked your cheek

"Thank you. You too" You said and smiled

"Don't let anyone flirt with you, okay?" Baekhyun said and held your hand

"You too!" You said and went out of his car


You and Baekhyun held hands and walked to the school's main office to check your schedules. You and Baekhyun arrived in the office and was greeted by a line of college freshman's. You saw someone familiar to you but he was looking at the paper that he was holding but when he looked up, it revealed...

"Woohyun?" You asked

"~~~~?" He asked back

"Aish! Were have you been?" You asked him

"Well, I went to Japan for my education but now I'm back here" Woohyun explained

"It's great that you're here! Wait, let me introduce to you Baekhyun, my boyfriend. Baekhyun, Woohyun. Woohyun, Baekhyun" You introduced them and they smiled at each other

"Hi Baekhyun, so what course are you two taking up?" Woohyun asked

"Were both going to take up medicine" You answered

"That's nice! Medicine is a really great course" Woohyun said cheerfully

"How about you, Woohyun?" Baekhyun asked

"I'm going to take up engineering" Woohyun said and smiled

"That's fun! Math is good, Woohyun. Math is good" Baekhyun said

"I know right" Woohyun said


Woohyun and Baekhyun instantly became friends because of math. Baekhyun always loved math, it was his priority but then he became interested in medicine so he decided to take up a different course instead. Woohyun loved math too, ever since you knew him because of your ummas who were really close friends.


You and Baekhyun were walking around the school's campus since it's your first day in a new school. Baekhyun noticed someone he knew from a far but he couldn't recognize him nor remember him. Baekhyun knows his eyes, his skin tone and his style of clothing. Baekhyun tried his best to remember him but he couldn't. You noticed someone coming yours and Baekhyun's way.

"Baekhyun?" The guy asked

"Uhm?" Baekhyun looked at him with confusion


Baekhyun couldn't remember who could this guy be but he knows that this guy's eyes and voice was very familiar to him. 'Lay?' Baekhyun asked himself but he's not sure. You gave Baekhyun a questioning look, telling him that this guy is his friend. 'Why is Baekhyun acting like this?' You asked yourself.

"It's Lay" The guy said

"Lay?!" Baekhyun exclaimed with wide eyes

"I didn't even recognize you" Baekhyun continued 'What happen with Lay? He had gotten more handsome and wow, taller'

"I can see that. Did I change a lot?" Lay smiled and asked

"Yeah. A lot. What did you do?" Baekhyun asked

"You know, took dance classes and here I am" Lay explained

"That's nice and great, Lay!" Baekhyun said cheerfully and smiled

"Oh! Nice to meet you again Baekhyun and ~~~~-ah. I have to go to class. See you around" Lay said and dashed off

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10 comments until the next update.


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when are you going to update? although I am a new subscriber but it has been almost 2-3 years already. I'm waiting. Fighting!
jungkookswife #2
Chapter 12: OMG. I hope sujin doesn't take baek away
byeonbaekhyeon #3
Chapter 12: UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM!! I really love this story :(
Chapter 12: im scared that sujin will try to steal baek away :(
Xena_ngaihte #5
Chapter 7: omo!~.....such a perfect couple. . . but will sujin try to steal baekk away?.. :(
anyways..great story... :) please update soon!~
tinnew #6
Chapter 11: ..author-nim if sujin will steal baek away from ______ can i punch her? kekek..lols i'll do more than that if she'll try to do so :3.. nice update <3..
Chapter 11: Having a really bad feeling about that Sujin girl.... I would punch that girl if she even try to steal Baek away!!!
jungkookswife #8
Chapter 11: I swear. I that girl touches baekhyun.
locketblingermvp #9
Chapter 11: Who's that gurll..