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Do you remember our Super Junior days when the Girls' Generation is too SHINee at the Co-ed School? There's Miss A who told us to F.Cuz on the Big Band and Supernova phenomenan along with the Rainbow at 2PM last December for the whole last 4Minutes before the class ends. We also had to stay up late until 2AM to finish up the F(x) equations.

Remember when we had to call SS501 when we thought there's some Beast wearing T-ara saying 'U-Kiss' for Infinite times? I feel like throwing her with her Boyfriend using flight B1A4 to Ft Island at CNBlue where it's open 2NE1 who likes Orange Caramel like them.

Remember Dalmation gets a Big Star thanks to the JJ Project where they invented LED Apple. Mighty Mouth however had a bad day when he continously say Mblaq instead of whats My Name. He's Sistar was being a Troublemaker when she ate the Tasty Jewelry. She then told a Secret about a Teen Top that was labeled as Double A because he always gets 100% in his examiination. The Wonder Girls was so envious of that guy especially Kara.

One day, the Brown Eyed Girls had a fight with the Dal Shabet After School at Block B in class E7. It was utter Chaos. Luckily, some Electroboyz came and stop the fight. Juniell hissed Exo-K at IU and she hissed back BTOB and Rania (running out) before the principal of Ze:a school, Lee Seung Gi came. To him, cursing was okay but when the student Touch the Untouchable, its just plain wrong. Its clearly stated in the X-5 section of Vixx in the school rule book.Those girls will be punish by the infamous G-Dragon the whole day until Twilight. It was the Nuest (newest) rule the JYJ made.

All ends that well ends. The two groups soon sign a B.A.P contract that made their group merge and become Two-X. A Fiesta was held for their success.


thats the end of it.. yay!


bean sprout dance time!!! hehe

how was it?


is it good? no?



well, good bye then.




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okay, that was really stupid of me to hide the chapter and mark it complete.... lol. please forgive my mistakes. *bow*


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Chapter 1: Fabulous :)