
The Gangster and The Heiress



Mr. Moon was having a big gathering party at the Moon residence; the place was beautiful and hug like a ball room where a few tables were set off to the side with glasses of drinks and food neatly places on top. Everyone is enjoying their time with many people from different social statues fill the room, wearing every fancy clothing and jewelries that would cost millions, enough to feed poor families on the streets for years. 


“Father!” Chaewon call out to her father who was having a business conversation with a few members of the border. She was wearing a white strapless ball gown although she wasn't the picking type of rich girls who likes to flung their money and body around by wearing dresses and skirts or what so ever. A simple t shirt and jeans or either a business casual look will do. 


“Ah..there you are Chaewon I was looking all over for you.” Mr. Moon spoke out looking at Chaewon with delighted eyes. She raise her eyebrows at her father wondering what’s with his father change of attitude toward her, never in her life had she heard him to be soo please to see it because the way she is dressing today?


“There someone I want you to meet, this is Mr. Song Joong Ki.” Mr. Moon gesture Joongki to stood before him; wearing a black suit that matches his pant and leather shoes with a red tie while his wavy hair was spiky up neatly, looking devilishly handsome that one can't not deny his undying presence in which you can already tell by how many ladies inside was ogling at him the moment he enter but to his and their surprise Chaewon eyes meet his but only to look away, uninterested to know the man in front her before turning her head toward her father. 


“Father, I wanted to talk to you about mother’s resort--” 


“Chaewon, tonight isn’t the time to be talking about business, we’ll discusses about things later. I’ll leave you two alone now and Chaewon please do mind your manners around here. ” Mr. Moon cut her off knowing how utterly stubborn and hard head she could be before walking away leaving the two alone.


“Father!” Chaewon call out and was about to follow him but Joongki quickly block her path, standing in front of her with an amusing smile on his lips at how Chaewon easy ignore his presence as if he wasn't there at all.   


“I’m sorry, but let me introduce myself properly. My name is Song Joongki and would you mind having this dance with me?” Joongki asked with a charming smiled but to his dismay Chaewon could only roll her eyes at him and his attempt to charm her. She turns her heels around and walks away but to only be stop by Joongki once more.    

“Hey, where you're going and aren’t you going to introduces yourself?” He frowns and grabs her arm stopping her from her track.


“Why should I, when you clearly know who I am already and do I really need to introduce myself to the likes you?” She scoffs in annoyed.   


“The likes of me? What kind of person do you think I am then?” He raises his eyebrows at her. 


“Do I really need to spill it out loud?” She glare at the man in front of her who she thought was just another rich cocky snob...that thinks she will fall for him just because of their wealth and undying good looks in which she can already tell by this one is a player...a cocky, playboy, and a rich snob in all, the type she despite the most... 


“Yah! Let go of me!” She tried to pull away her arm but he only tighten onto it more and pull her closer to him as he look at her dead in the eyes with a stone cold expression. Not liking how she treats him and never in his entire life he had been treated as nothing... and she’s the first one to make him felt as if he’s nothing...


“No, not unless you agree to dance with me.” He sneers at her dangerously and pull her to the dances floor. He quickly wraps his hands around her waist while she tried to wiggle free from his embrace.  


“Yah! Didn’t I tell you to let me go!?” Chaewon protest as she pushes him away but he resist with still a firm hold onto her.   


“Keep still would you. It’s just a dance why are you making such a big fuss out of it.” Joongki roll her eyes at her while she slowly stop struggling to get free knowing the fact that she can't since he ten times stronger than she is. 


Joongki smirks seeing her relaxed in his arms before pressing her body closer to his with a firm hold on her waist as both swayed to the soft music while Chaewon snort in disgust, not please at how easily she summit to a filthy guy like him and she clearly shown it by keeping her hands to herself throughout the dance. 


After the music was over Chaewon roughly pushes him away looking at him in pure disgusts before walking away leaving Joongki while he could only sigh as he watches as she goes. Knowing that their first encounter didn't went well as he had planned...although this isn't the first time they met but doesn't seem like she remembers him it would consider it as a first time for her...




It was dark already and Chaewon was wondering around the big massive garden in the backyard, didn't want to be part of the party, in fact she rather spend it with nature than being inside with others of his father kind; rich and powerful folks in which she had grew tired of seeing and talking to everyday, always had to be the strict, cold business women, the only and mighty daughter of the Moon's family and heiress of Taesung...


She sigh deeply walking away from the Moon residence and into the garden as she lay down on the soft green grass with her eyes close...growing tired of everyone around her...all she ever wanted was a free life, a life she can live, how ever she wanted...her mother was the only person that understands at... but ever since the death of her mother she lost everything...and her mother resort was all that she had left to keep instantly. She groan in frustration with the thought of her mother resort gone...until sleepiness suddenly hit her to sleep not bother by the thoughts about the thin dress she is wearing.      




Joongki was looking around the ballroom for Chaewon after she had left, he went to entertain himself with the other ladies while waiting for her to come back but she hasn't been back and it worries him. He had search for her but she wasn't anywhere until he saw a petite figure with a white dress walking out side toward the garden. He raises his eyebrows as he follow suit. He watches her from afar keeping his distant as she walks deeper into the gardens and lay down on the grass under her feet not caring whether the white dress get tainted with dirt or not. He sat down a few distant from her, watching her every movement and memorizing them... the way she sign deeply lost in her own thoughts and how her face crease into a frown as she groan in frustration...he secretly smiled to himself, she was beautiful and he knows for a fact ever since he had lay eyes on her, he knew right away that she was the one for him... 


Joongki cocked his eyebrow when he saw her not making any kind of movement, he stood up and cautiously walk toward her and stop on his feet when he stood above her. “Chaewon-shii?” He spoke softly but a small tiny snort came out. He chuckles lightly seeing she had fallen asleep.  


“Pabo, how could you sleep like this in the cold?” He shook his head in amusement before taking off his black suit and covers her from the cold.


He sat down beside her protecting her from any necessary danger while she was asleep as he looks out at the scenery in front of him. He stayed like that for a while, not minding to miss out of the party in which he rarely doesn't, being the player he is, partying is what he do best but when it comes to Chaewon, he wouldn't mind missing out of the fun. 


“Your wake?” He spoke seeing her stir in her sleep as she slowly opens her eyes and got up from the grass as she rub her tired eyes before looking at the once who spoke. 


“What are you doing here!?” Chaewon gasp in shock and lend away from him with her hands on her chest.


“Guarding you while you sleep.”


“ert.” She dart her eyes at him.


“If you think me as one then I really don’t mind.” Joongki grin and wink her while she scoffs as she rolls her eyes...  




Both decide to come back to the party since the announcement is about to begin, Mr. Moon standing on the stage with the mice and Chaewon standing behind her father in the corner as the camera men flicker one by one the moment he spoke. 


“Lady and gentleman, may I have your attention." As Mr. Moon spoke, everyone turn quite with their eyes focus on at the man in front of the stadium as they all waited for his next word.


"Firstly I would like to thank everyone for coming today, second I would like to congratulate Taesang for becoming one of the biggest business industry in Asia!" Mr. Moon exclaims loud and proud, raising his glass of champagne as everyone roar alongside him with their glasses up in the air as well. 


"Last but not less I would like to introduce Mr. Song Joong Ki to the family of TaeSung." Mr. Moon gesture Joongki who came out of the backstage of the stadium and toward the stage and stand by Mr. Moon as he then bow down 90 degree to the crowed while Chaewon could only raise her eyebrow at him and his father in bewilder. 


"My daughter’s fiance and my soon to be son-in-law.” Mr. Moon finished with a big satisfy smiled on his face but in Chaewon case...her face crease in shocked at her father’s announcement as everyone clap their hands in both excitement and thrill while cameras start flicking like crazy at the shocking news of the engagement of the new couple...

 guys probably wanted to strangle me for not updating after 14928729472398 years...Truthfully I had nothing to say for myself...this chapter was actually half done like months ago and all I need was to finished it completely but...well let’s just say that I had been suffering from writers block...and I been to concern about my other ongoing story that this once just

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo sorry by chaeki readers...I'm gunna have to put this story on hiatus...maybe...since I can't completely focus on this story since I have others stories I needed to update as well and my mind can't process all these stories at once...with my lack of inspiration to write, which lead to have writers block...   



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Valkyrie92 #1
Chapter 4: Love it. Love the concept of the story. I hope you can update it. Really looking forward the next chapter.
belinha1045 #2
Chapter 4: Hahahahahhaa
I'm loving this story*--*
Can't wait for more ^^
jangdino #3
Chapter 4: Hope chaewon stop being so cold to him xD
Im-Yeon #4
Chapter 4: I love it so nuch!! fighting!
lilyecuw #5
Chapter 4: Yeeeyee update..
Even its just short,
I appriciate as well hohoho..
Hopefully u will update soon afterthis.. hahahha

Good job chingu..
chaekier #6
Chapter 4: update soon please....
Bassplayer #7
Chapter 4: hahha nice one joongki....uodate soon!
lilyecuw #8
Chapter 3: Update please
lilyecuw #9
Chapter 3: Cool chingu...
Hahahah... i love red joongki's face..
Update soon please..
seryoung #10
Chapter 3: hahaha.. how awkward when he said i like you? give us more soon please.. :)