Love is always UNFAIR

The Irony of Destiny and What's not Meant to be

It all started when they met and they met like how ordinary people met but who was he joking it's out of ordinary when he fell inlove with him nowing that he shouldn't be. He has Siwon and Siwon has him all along. He's Lee Sungmin and no man can say no to Lee Sungmin so he took a chance and worked his way to all the defenses Siwon built around Kyuhyun's. He managed to get in, break all walls and get hold of that stubborn secured heart. It was fine at first, an achievement for his part because whatever he do Choi Siwon will always be a lot better than him. If he was perfect like everyone assume him to be then Choi Siwon was above the perfect line.

But Cho Kyuhyun said he was different. and he believed him because he was just Lee Sungmin. And Lee Sungmin believed everything that Cho Kyuhyun will say. He was a slave for Cho Kyuhyun and that will never change. But life is hard. And it's taking all of him and before he do something well he already lost himself but something worst might happen but he won't let that happen now. He has to stop. Just stop now.



"I love you"

The words came out hoarse almost like forced but Sungmin definitely know that this is true. They maybe saying this out of desperation, out of lost hope but he means it. He love Kyuhyun more than anything else. He looked at him, into his brown eyes and silently he let his eyes speak for his heart. He let his eyes sing those hidden melodies and to dance those lovely beats. If only Kyuhyun can feel how much his fragile heart's crumbling everytime he looks down after saying he has to go. How he wish that Kyuhyun can feel how his world breaks down everytime they kiss goodbye only to crawl back to Siwon. How insecure he had been to that holy guy. He might not be handsome nor rich enough but he loves Kyuhyun so much that sometimes he would invisibly bleed on his own.

"I love you too Sungmin"

He almost choke on his own tears, its suppose to feel good but no it hurts more now. The piecrcing sound of his every word scratching the remaining field he built around his heart. He was torturing him but he choose to deny the help to survive. He'll hold onto him until he's ready to just be Sungmin's and not just be Sungmin's when Siwon's not around. He know's it impossible but he couldn't help himself to hope that it'll come, the day that he wont have to cheat, he wont have to share and he wont have to be feeling all selfish and guilty.

"Just leave Siwon and be with me" i was saying those words uncomfortably for like a thousands times and my throats already burning everytime it pass through. "If its too hard for you and you love me then leave him" Kyuhyun looks down, wipes his tears and turn to say goodbye. "You dont know how hard it is for me Sungmin, i can't hurt him, he's just too precious to be broken"

Sungmin covers his mouth to push back the surge of loud sobs and wails trying to get out. He wants to curse him, hit him and make him bleed like how he is bleeding. "And what am i here Kyu? A trash? A bad flirt who doesn't deserve to be taken seriously? Am i not precious too?!" He shakes his head and makes the first turn to leave. Kyuhyun just stands frozen there, arms hanging dead on the air and his breath hitching from the tears he's trying to stop. "Am i not the one you truly love? Am i just a toy for everyone?" Sungmin keep mumbling while his tears fall nonstop on his pale cheeks. Maybe he has done enough and this should be over now. Just over now.

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kiitha #1
Chapter 1: my poor Minnie, I know how he feels, so this is too precious.
I love it, really!
mitralisa #2
Chapter 1: Thank u 4 sharing