A Bet

A Sure Bet

They breezed into the room, both tired, but one looking triumphant and the other disinterested.

“I did it.  Pay up,” Daesung said as he bounced onto the bed.

“That does NOT count,” Seunghyun replied, walking into the closet to grab his pajamas.  It had been a long day and he was ready to wash up and go to bed. 

“What?  I won the bet, fair and square,” Daesung whined.

Seunghyun couldn’t believe that he actually tried to sound surprised.  “Don’t even pretend that you came close.”

He moved into the bathroom and shut the door.

“Hyung… are you actually upset?” Daesung asked from the other side.

Once again, Seunghyun had to take a moment to stop himself from snapping at his boyfriend.  This started out as a game, and it was supposed to just be some silly fun.  Just a way to keep each other on their toes after all this time.  Little bets, that one of them had to do or say something in public.  Telling everyone that Hyung has a nice body.  Holding Daesung’s hand – for more than a minute – when there’s a camera around.  It really was silly, but still, somewhere deep inside, he couldn’t help but be disappointed over this latest one.

“No.  I’m not angry.  I’m just saying that you did not win the bet.”

As he lathered up his face, Seunghyun heard Daesung sit down against door – he was not going to give in this easily.

“Okay, hold on.  Let’s review.  We agreed that you won the last bet – or I should say, I agreed that you won the last bet, after you basically begged me and then frustrated and exhausted me into agreeing with your opinion that it counted.  I gave in on that one and then you went and repaid me by giving me an impossible one.  I did it today, and now you’re saying that it doesn’t count?” Daesung ended with his voice questioning and his hands gesturing at his unseen boyfriend.

Daesung had barely finished his thoughts when he found himself on the floor of the bathroom, falling backwards when Seunghyun flung open the door and stared down at him.

“Gave in, Daesungah?  Do you know how hard it was for me to do that?  I already told you, I told you I liked you in front of someone else.  That was the bet you set – declare your love for me when there’s one non-member around!”  Seunghyun said as he air quoted the last sentence.  He was on a roll though.

“I did that.  The noonas were standing there and I told you how much I liked you.  I can’t believe you still don’t agree that I won!  I wasn’t even thinking about it, and then you were just sitting there, getting your makeup done.  I sat down next to you… as usual, I turned around in my chair so I could see you… and before I knew it, whatever we were talking about gave me the opportunity to say how much I liked you,” he continued, his eyes and eyebrows scrunched up and his lips pouting.

Daesung actually had to stifle his laughter a little.  It probably was a little unfair of him to bring up that last bet.  It wasn’t perfect, but Seunghyun had said those words… he’d even done a little aegyo which he knew was really difficult for him.  But Seunghyun’s reaction right now was priceless, made even cuter because his face was still dripping wet which he completely forgot.

“You told me you LIKED me, not that you LOVED me.  But fine, you’re right… that night… I did make a deal that you won the bet,” Daesung said, his voice dropping low as his face reddened at the thought of how Seunghyun had gotten him to agree.

Daesung mentally shook his head to remind himself to not get distracted.  He stood up and faced his boyfriend.  “But, the bet you made after was almost impossible, you were literally trying to take revenge on me!  I’ve been thinking about how I could do it, and you have to admit, I won today.”

“Revenge?  Is that what you’re going to call it?” Seunghyun smirked a little and started slowly making his way toward Daesung.  He was still kind of disappointed, but when Daesung brought up that night, he started to remember it as well.

“What else would I say?  You bet me TO ASK YOU TO MARRY ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!  You purposely chose something impossible.  Or I should say, near impossible, because I did it today.”

Seunghyun continued to walk closer to his boyfriend, a tiny smile playing on his lips.  “What did you say today?”

“I asked you to change your last name to Kang.  It’s what they do in the rest of the world when two people get married!  I asked you to become part of my family.”  When Daesung said it out loud, he realized he was trying to get by on a technicality, but at this point, he wasn’t going down without a fight.

“And what did you say right after that?  You said to be your real hyung!  You didn’t ask me to marry you, you asked me to become adopted by your parents,” Seunghyun said exasperated.  He had advanced on Daesung to the point where Daesung’s knees hit the bed frame.

“I want to be a part of your family, Daesung, believe me,” Seunghyun whispered as he got close to Daesung’s ear.  “But you can also believe that it is most definitely NOT as your brother.”

Daesung gulped as he sank down on top of the bed.  Seunghyun’s eyes had gone dark, completely focused on him.

“And what did I say after?” Seunghyun continued, on his hands and knees, leaning over Daesung.

“You… you told me I should change my last name to Choi,” he replied.  Somehow, this had gotten completely turned around on Daesung and he wasn’t sure how or when it had happened.

“That’s right, I did.  So, in fact, by your own admission, I’m the one that asked you to marry me because I know I never said anything about brothers,” Seunghyun said, grabbing Daesung’s wrists and pinning them down.  “But, come to think of it, you turned me down…”

Daesung bit his lip as he realized he had turned Seunghyun down.  Well, not so much as realized as remembered.  Seunghyun had fixed his eyes on Daesung when he said it this afternoon, a soft smile on his face but not blinking his eyes at all.  Seunghyun didn’t answer that question, instead asking his own.  A million thoughts had run through Daesung’s head at that moment, so he chose to make a joke, just laugh it off and get back to dance practice. 

“So Daesungah, not only did you mess up your proposal, but I also got rejected today.  If I were upset right now, it seems like I’d have every right to be, right?” Seunghyun asked slyly, his face just millimeters from Daesung’s.  “What should we do about that?”

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daesung2689 #1
Chapter 1: how i love you and your fics XD
Chapter 2: Aww! That was so cute!
Chapter 2: ahahaha lmao! this is totaly cuteeee >.<
good idea to bring up that "bet" thing on story hahaha
well done. thanks for sharing.
lucyna #4
Chapter 2: Wow! Sweet, sweet TODAE! I loved it.
Chapter 2: Omo! Omo! Omo! LOVE it! How sweet and adorable and well-written!

I think you could make a great sequel out of this! But, if not, then more ToDae fics from you would be lovely ^_^
Chapter 2: This was too sweet!!! Just the kind of proposal thatll work for very best friends in love for forever. :) totally love it!!
banjak #7
Thanks so much for reading, I'm glad you liked it. No plans for a sequel yet - it's always hard for me to come up with ideas!
Great idea! And too cute ><
I loved this so much! Thanks for sharing <3
KangGwisoon #9
Chapter 2: What can I say >< chp.2 is too sweet >w< I always love the sweet and happy ending :D seunghyun was brevely asked dae to marry him (even if it was just for a bet) and dae's answer will always be yes /sobs/ I loveeeeeeee this fic >< will it have any sequel? :D
KangGwisoon #10
Chapter 1: No comments yet? How come?
Ok, first spot is for me then ><
Woahhhh, XD what a bet O_o it must be hard to ask your boyfriend to marry in front of someone who doesn't know about your relationship but seunghyun did it XDD it's either because he loves dae so much or just want to win the bet :3
Ck ck ck bad daesung -_- how come u asked him to be your brother instead of husband -_-
I'm curious about seunghyun's punishment :D
Good job author-nim ^^ thank you so much for sharing this fic :D