I Still Love You, Even After All These Years *SEQUEL TO MY HEART ONLY BELONGS TO YOU*

I Still Love You, Even After All Of These Years *SEQUEL TO MY HEART ONLY BELONGS TO YOU*


50 Years later:
_______ POV:
I stared at the soundless T.V. above my hospital bed mindlessly. The hospital smalled of anti-septic and bleach, and everything is blindingly white. When would it finally happen, I often wondered. 
Kyuhyun's death made me so much more aware of things. That lives could be cut so short. Innocent lives could be taken, and God thought nothing of it. Nobody really cared. Sure, people sent you sympathy cards and flowers and whatnot, but it wasn't sympathy they felt, or empathy. It was pity, and that was one thing I hated more than anything else in this world. 
And they expected you to  get over it fast, just because it was your 'boyfriend'. Not a husband, or family member. Just a mere boyfriend. Sure you've had many before. What they didn't know, was that that man was my soulmate. And that was one thing no one could replace. Sure, I loved my husband like nothing else, and I would die for him, and I'm sure he would do the same for me, but we just don't have that one thing, like Kyuhyun and I did. no one ever will. And I've accepted it.
"Mom!" I hear someone yell down the hallway, and my son appears at the door with his wife of 15 years. She's a beautiful woman, and very respectful, so I know she'll be able to take care of him when I'm gone. I smiled at them. "Hello, sweetie. How are you?"
My son, K, stares at me in disbelief. "How could you ask something like that, when you're the one in the hospital bed?!?" he demanded. K was so considerate of everyone else. Always putting their needs in front of his own. Like someone else I knew... (A/N: K is short for Kyuhyun, which is also her son's name. Refer back to 'My Heart Only Belongs To You'. Didn't want you to get confused ^-^ Now, get back to reading! I spent a long time writing this!)
"Sweetie, I'll be fine. Don't worry." That's what I said. Those were the words that came out of my mouth. 
But everything I say isn't always true.
The truth was, I wasn't sure everything was going to be okay. But I wasn't scared. I had people waiting for me. My mother and father, older sister, childhood friends... And him.
But just because I wasn't scared, didn't mean I wasn't worried. What about my son? My husband? Friends and family? What would happen? Would they grieve over the life they've lost, or just move on, and continue with their days, like nothing happened. Because even though a life has ended, other people keep living. They do simple things, like take the dog out for a walk, or make coffee, or check the mailbox every afternoon. Those are what most people do, what most people are.
Then there's the people who drink and do drugs, and practically throw their lives away. It's like they're handing heaven their life on a silver platter.  They are the careless ones, the ones who couldn't care less about you or I.
And then there are people like me. Who cherish every single precious breath.  Because we know. We know how fragile the strings of life can be. We know, that even at your highest, if someone decided to take a pair of scissors, and cut those strings, you're done. There's no second chance. 
Because time, time doesn't wait for anyone. Not you or I. No one. While you get your coffee or walk your dog, time won't wait for you, those precious seconds ticking away like a bomb.
K sighed. He sat down beside me and grabbed my pale, wrinkled hand with IV tubes stuck in it. I marveled at how much it had changed over the years. I used to have graceful, slender, piano-player hands. Time. That's all it was. Time.
I hear soft shuffling, and my husband appeared in the doorway. His eyes, which usually twinkled like a child's, which contrasted with his graying hair and his aging face, did not twinkle now. They were dull and full of pain. "Son, could I have a moment alone with your mother?" K hesitated. He didn't want to leave. I could tell. But he did, with his wife trailing behind him.
My husband took K's previous seat, and he grasped my cold hand in his warm one. "It's happening soon, isn't it?" He looked at me. I nodded slowly.
I could tell he understood. His eyes started watering, as did mine. I would miss him so much. so much. 
Suddenly, I had the urge to cough. To cough because I couldn't breathe. Something was blocking my airways, making it impossible for that precious things called air to enter and exit. His eyes widened. "Do you want me to call a nurse?"
I shook my head. I knew it was the time. Nothing could put this off any longer. I motioned with my finger, for him to come closer. He leaned forward, creaking like old stairs, until he was close enough to hear my words. The last words I would probably ever utter on this Earth.
"I love you."
My eyes slowly drifted shut, and then, I fell into a deep sleep.
When I awoke, I was no longer on the hospital bed, but I was. I could see my body there, and my family surrounding it, tears dripping down their cheks. My husband, K and his wife.
Suddenly, I felt something brush my hand, and grasp it tightly. I looked to my left, and, standing there, with tears nearly spilling over, was Kyuhyun. My eyes widened. I felt so many emotions.
I looked down at our joined hands. I gasped. My hand. It was young. The soft, supple, piano-playing hands I once had were back. I reached up with my free hand and my face. My wrinkle-free face.
Kyuhyun saw and smiled. "Amazing, right?"
I couldn't answer. I was in awe of that melodic voice of his. Suddenly, I wrapped my arms  around his neck, and he stepped backwards in shock. He chuckled low in my ear. "Missed me, did you?" I pulled away and saw him smirking. 
But slowly, that smirk melted away like ice cream on a hot summer day, he looked at me with so much sincerity and love, I wanted to melt just like his smirk had. 
"You missed me right? Because..... I missed you."
I was shocked. How could he think, think that silly thing. That I didn't love him. i took his hand and lifted it up to my chest, right where my heart would be. "Kyuhyun, how could I not love you. We're soulmates."
He almost jumped with joy. "Come one ______! There's so much we have to do. Not that we don't have all eternity to be with each other, but I don't know how long we'll be alone until your husband joins us." Kyuhyun nodded at the man I called my husband. Kyuhyun tugged my hand, and I cast one more look over my shoulder, until we faded away into the land of light.
"Ya know, I don't know how easy it'll be having to share you."
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It took forever to type out!
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i'll post the actual sequel later tonight or tomorrow cause i'm too lazy to type it now =.=


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Chapter 1: A lucky one thou.. when she was alive, her husband keep loving her.. and when she died, Kyuhyun had already waiting for her.
I think u should the link at the story. Or else people wont know~~

Luckily I did~