Pretty Lady

KARA Buster Squad


The girls are at the shooting alley, practicing their shots with several bullets. And after that, they check their points.

Hara sighs, “Only one at the head, and the rests are scattered on the body.”

Jiyoung pouts, “You feel bad about that? I missed a lot just now.”

Seungyeon pats their shoulders, “You amateurs shouldn’t worry about that for now. Just practice hard and you’ll be just fine.”

“Hear that unnie’s words. She is the worst in the academy days, but still she works really hard, right Gyuri?” Nicole speaks up.

Gyuri just ignores them and walks out of there.

Hara walks toward her leader’s place to check on the point.

While there is only one hole shown on the target, the point says otherwise, “20 headshots?”

“Really? So cool!” Jiyoung squeals.

Seungyeon smirks, “That’s our leader.”


Gyuri slowly walks into the boss’ room as Kyu notices her presence, “Ah, what can I help you with?”

As the door closes, she speaks up, “Sir, I still did not approve your decision of putting rookies into my team.”

“Please state your reasoning.”

“We are involved in a battlefield right now. The two rookies are treating this task as if they are in a funfair. As a soldier, we need to keep our professionalism.”

“From what I see, those two are not the only members that play around. Even Nicole and Seungyeon play all the time, am I right?”

“But they are capable of assessing their professionalism during fight.”

“Even those two right? Hara and Jiyoung may not as experienced as you guys, but that’s how you look like the first time you were assigned in a group.”

“Still, such attitude are not allowed in battlefield.”

“Please give them time to suit themselves. It’s not like you are stationed on the border. If you don’t have anything else to do, I suggest you take a break in your own room.”

Gyuri salutes him and walks out of there.


In Kara’s briefing room, the rest of the team members are seen sitting on their place.

Hara sighs out loud, “Is it me or the leader seems to hate us both?”

Seungyeon smirks, “You just imagining things.”

Jiyoung pouts, “But, eonni, Lieutenant Park always ignore our words. This morning when we greet her, she not even looks at us as if we were invisible.”

Seungyeon just mutters, “She had already experienced joining elite teams four times before and among us all she hold her title as 2nd Lieutenant the longest.”

Hara points out to the two Ensigns, “What about you two? Why did you two were called Ensign? Isn’t Ensign is basically 2nd Lieutenant too?”

“Nicole just got the title Ensign two weeks ago back at the cost of Carlifornia in a huge group. She just transferred here a week later. I was Ensign earlier this year in Jeju before transferring here. Lieutenant Park has been working at the HQ ever since she was graduated from the academy.”


The door opens up as their colonel enters the room, looking around the place as the girls stand there, silenced.

He then turns toward them, “Don’t tell me she is in her room.”

Nicole nods as he sighs, “Again? Why on earth is she doing this is she doing this again?”

Before walking out of the room, he turns toward Nicole, “Today we are going to have a meeting with the available elites in this region. Make sure to tell Lieutenant Park about it.”

He then walks out of there as Hara suddenly speaks up, “Is it me, or the colonel is looking at Nicole-eonni a lot more than us?”

JIyoung suddenly laughs, “Did you just jelly?”

“What? No, why would I?’

Seungyeon speaks up, “Hara, Nicole is few months younger than you. Don’t call her eonni.”

“Really? But she looks older.”

“And that’s not an appropriate way to speak to your sunbae, especially toward women. We all have to speak about our ages, okay?”


As what people could have expected, Gyuri is sitting on her bed, staring completely blank onto that picture of her and a man. Her hair is looking like a mess.


“Lieutenant Park, what are you doing right now?”

Gyuri slowly turns her head toward the door, still high in trance.

“Okay, if you would not want to even answer my voice, then do not sue me for a ual harassment if I enter this place and sees yourself in front of me.”

Gyuri sighs, entering the code to open the door.

Kyu gives her a file, “Meeting at 1300 sharp. Bring your team along as well.”

“Yes, sir…”

The colonel sees the picture on her bed as he mutters, “I know your life is basically ed, but your life story is not near those two new recruits’ life story.”

Gyuri just ignores him and closes the door.

Kyu has veins on his forehead, “I suggest you befriend 1st Lieutenant Ryu Hyoyoung of 5Dolls! She has way better emotional stories than yours!”


Kara Buster Squad enters a huge room, which had already filled with a lot of people in there.

An old man stands up, looking at Kyu, “Colonel Jung, it seems your last team has arrived. Did you told them our meeting location before hand?”

“Wait, we have more than one meeting room?”

A woman near him just laughs, speaking to him, “Still with your immature antics, colonel?”

“What can I say? That’s my charm.”

Some of the higher-ups just laugh as the woman pouts.

The old man coughs a bit, getting all of their attention as he finally speaks up, “So, I believed everyone is present by now?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Then let us start our meeting. We had a report stated of a sighting of high-level  Uec has been spotted near Section 840 but somehow they have gone missing once the Buster Squad reach the location. It is also reported that similar occurrences occur somewhere else as well.”

“Missing? How is that even possible?”

“We have no idea of the reason for such. Just to tell you guys to be careful and alert on any suspicious movement. And remember not to act without at least one friend by your side and without telling your superior of such.”

“Now, for the next report…”


Kara waits for their boss, who is scold by the old man, who is their captain of the place.

The man mutters, “Jung Kyu, I hope you did not forget what I have told you about being a responsible leader. Please make sure to tell all of your subordinates all necessary information next time.”

“Yes, sir.”

He then walks out of there, passing through the girls. Seungyeon suddenly looks at him, but quickly turns back toward her boss, teasing him, “Colonel, that was a nice prank you gave us just now.”


She keeps on, “We nearly thought that there are no meeting for today and gone back to our place if not for your loyal assistant telling us the exact location.”

Gyuri smirks, walking away from there, followed by Seungyeon, Hara and Jiyoung.

Kyu turns toward Nicole with a dumbfounded face, “Did we really have more than one meeting room in this building?”


Somewhere outside, a woman is walking around the busy street.

It seems she is talking by herself, “Ah, but I am too busy caring for what I am going to eat for today. Really? Then I guess my appetite can be put on hold. Ah, what a waste. I really wish I could try this amazing strawberry sundae everybody keeps talking about.”

She sighs, “Living like this is so hard.”


Entering their office, Gyuri quickly sits on her seat, having her attention toward her computer.

Kyu reaches his seat as he mutters, “As an elite squad, we always have tons of free time since the Uec problem is for the lower-team’s problems. So for now why don’t you guys relax for awhile.”

Hara and Jiyoung seems excited about this as they run toward Seungyeon and Nicole, “Will you two join us for today?”

“Yeah, why not?”

Jiyoung walks toward Gyuri, “Eonnie, will you join us for today?”

“I’m busy,” she stands up, walking away from there.

The two new recruits are left dumbfounded.

Kyu sighs, “Please excuse her attitude.”


Gyuri sits on the bed, lying on it. He hand moves slowly, grabbing a picture of her and a man as she takes a look at it.

Slowly, her eyes drift into the sleeping realm.


[3 years ago]

It is noisy around a huge building with a word ‘ACADEMY’ on top of it. At a field, people are gathering as some of them are lining up, slowly going toward the stage in order to receive something that looks like a scroll.

“Kim Sunghee… Jung Nicole… Han Seungyeon… Park Gyuri…”

Gyuri walks toward the stage, smiling wide upon receiving her mark of graduation.

As it is all over, the scene shows her and a man.

“Congratulation on finally graduating from the academy, Gyuri.”

“Thank you, sunbaenim. Thank you very much.”

“So, I am going to be assigned into a team of my own. We might have to work at the border, but it is a worthwhile experience. Would you…like to join me?”

“Really? I would love to!”


Gyuri is now in a small building, wearing a green military suit. She is lining up in front of some people with some other people, standing straight without any other movement.

“So we have a new recruit, eh, boss?” one man with a lecherous face speaks, “Boss, you got yourself such beauties this year!”

Another one responds, “How I great I feels to have such a considering leader. Our time in the border are not going to be a bad time at all.”

“Hold your horses, people!” the leader speaks out loud, “They are specially recruited not to satisfy your demand, but so that we could work together in defending our post against those Uec.”

“But why are there only girls among all the recruits?”

“It is because we only have men in our group, so I would like to be fair and only recruit women to balance our team.”

One man stands up happily, “I get it, each of us gets one girls as ours!”

The recruits startled, feeling shaky already.

Her senior chuckles, “Well, I would not say no about that, but it’s best not to think of them as an object you could play with.”

“Sunbaenim…” Gyuri whispers to herself.

His eyes shines, “Instead, treat this as a game. We need entertainment after all.”

Wh-what? What is he talking about?

“Then, let the game begin.”

Wha…What kind of team she ended up in right now?



Gyuri opens up her door, seeing Kyu in front of her.

“A high-level Uec is attacking. Sort your team, now.”


In the town, a lot of Uec appears around the place, attacking everyone nearby.

Among them, a female figure is standing near them, standing in a prideful manner, “Fight, my pawn! Jolt them with your excitement!”


Kara arrives into the scene, already transformed as the figure seems mad, “What is this, a mere human trying to go against the powerful Lady Virgo? Tough luck, human!”

The fight ensues, but then it turns black.


Gyuri is holding a rifle with a bayonet attached on it, hiding in a bunker silently. She takes a peek at the front, but decides to hide when a stray lightning nearly hit her.

She looks at her side, looking at her fallen comrades. One of them is still alive, struggling to even move. But then a Uec steps on her head, shocking her and fries her head till she toast.

Looking upward, all she can remember is black scenery.


Back to the present, Gyuri storms into the base, feeling angry. Hara and Jiyoung looks bad about something.

Kyu asks her, “Okay, what now?”

“These recruits are unreliable! They have a clear shot on that thing and they did not shoot! If you can’t even perform such simple task, why are you even here?”

“Tell me, what just happened?”


The fight ensues like as normally as it is.

All the girls are fighting against the grunts of Uec, Gyuri is already having a brawl with Lady Virgo.

With needles on her fists, she tries her best in making the needles at least make a contact with the enemy. But the monster keeps on dodging and dodging.

It is then at the third attack where everything changes its flow.

Gyuri sees an opening and proceed to push her left fist onto the enemy, but Virgo manages to grab her hand, holding tightly. The leader decides it is best to thrown another punch and it is indeed succeed in hitting her target.

The needles are pushed deep into the villain, but somehow she still managed to break a laugh, “Satisfy with your effort?”

Gyuri realizes it but it is too late. Current moving along her body, hurting her with a massive pain.

Virgo on the other hand laughs out loud in excitement, “It is time that you learned what us Raijin bleed.”

Gyuri keeps on getting electrocuted, unable to pull both her hands away.

“Stop it!”

Hara points her gun toward the monster, “Let her go!”

“Or what, shoot my head? Do you really think it is going to work?”

“Just shoot!” Gyuri shouts at her, but she could not move.

Jiyoung suddenly appears behind Virgo, pulling her out of way, letting her leader go in the process.

The villain rolls on the ground as she screams, “You! Why the likes of you are still alive!”

She then disappears out of the sight.


“Why are you so mad?” Kyu asks her, “It’s obvious they do not want to hurt you even more.”

Gyuri is still mad, “Can’t they use a common sense? Our battle suit able to withstand such attack. Even if we are hurt, we won’t be fried by their touch! This is why I hate recruits!”



Feeling a liquid dripping on her face, Gyuri opens up her eyes, startled by what she sees in front of her.

A body bath with blood is hanging upside down. No legs can be seen on the body.

But that’s not the only body she sees.

Startling by this, she quickly runs away, hiding at the corner.

“Ah, you’ve awaken!”

Turning to her side, she sees a girl wrapped with a piece of clothing around the part of her eyes as her hands move around, “Are you human?”

“What are you talking? Where are we?”

“We are at the Solara, a home of Uec.”


Cliffhanger for you!

Looks like things aren’t going so well with the team. And this is the beginning of something worse.

Like I’ve said, I could not think of any plot that be able to be used as a simple story for each of the girls of Kara while moving on with a plot point. So this is how I will do this story.

Kara Buster Squad will have shorter number of episodes while each story will not waste time thinking about your everyday life, but instead I will try to make the pacing as fast as possible to create an urgency in the story. You will see why.

Also, since Kara has faster pace, I would say that I will prepare a plot for the movie right away.

Till then, have fun with your life while I make this story as darker as how dark Kara’s future will be. Yeah, that bad…(?)

p/s: I have a request for anyone who read this story. I want you to mention any K-pop group (especially male, since I only recognize girls since I’m a pi- I mean, a man) with an epic song for me to use it as the future plot of F-ve Dolls and the movie. Also, for each of those group, tell me which member you want to have a spotlight shine on them for the movie.

Next: Wanna. It is time to learn more about Jiyoung’s storyline while we will hold Gyuri’s past just to connect everything for you guys.


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PikaBleu #1
Chapter 9: you're back!!!!!!! and then left us with a cliffhanger...what is inside the hole??what did jing see?? >______<
only 2 chapter left??i'm gonna miss this fic T_T
update soon kay :)
syer1001 #2
the seungyeon in this chapter is all raijin seungyeon. no, not all elegy are kara's children. technically, there is no right question since both kara are pretty much the same people with different origin, but to clear it all up, it's the raijin kara's children.
PikaBleu #3
Chapter 8: so,j-nicole's dead already??but why?? feel sad for her T_T
also,a bit confused with seungyeon appearance??is it all raijin seungyeon??she finally can be separated from kyu??
and and and......the elegy are kara's children?!?! O________o....which kara btw??still confused with the transition between human kara n raijin kara >______<
1124 streak #4
Chapter 7: wow so kara buster squad is a three person team now? are you going to add 2 or they will remain 3?
PikaBleu #5
Chapter 6: i'm back!!!!!!! a bit confused here...isn't val n hara are same person?? then why at the end O_______o or hara at the end is hara from the future (based on spoiler i got from hero bank prologue)...val is an elegy??
now only gyuri's past left..can't wait for it :)
1124 streak #6
Chapter 6: Woah this makes me more confused... Wait are they really quitting?? But i heard same kamilia friend told me Nic just renewed her contract.
1124 streak #7
Chapter 5: Oh so this is how Seungyeon was requited into kara baster squad... What Hara is a train asssassin?? cant wait for it
PikaBleu #8
Chapter 4: another cliffhanger >___<
cole vs cole!!!!! can't wait for that ^___^
1124 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wow Nicole vs Nicole...
1124 streak #10
Chapter 3: Whose eyes flash.. the nurse or Gyuri and What do you mean my "Gyuri is seen with a short hair shooting down nicole " is the short hair you mention Eunjung???