KARA Buster Squad, Go!

KARA Buster Squad

This is the year of 2013. In this continent, everyone is making their best to live just to see tomorrow.

The end of 2012 is such a disaster. Near the 21st of December, mysterious beings made of electricity, known by the military as Uec (Unknown Electrical Creatures) appear on this earth and create havoc to the world. 45% of the population of this world is wiped out and the remaining 55% is forced to live hiding from them near the edge of the coordinate.

Still, these creatures keep on appearing and appearing in this continent.

In order to defend the humanity from Uec, a team known as Buster Squad is assembled, form by special individual that has bigger resistance from Uec’s fatal electrical attack.


In a building located in the middle of the town, a woman in a white uniform is walking through the corridor. Her expression seems cool or cold for some people.

As she walks into a room, she greets a man in the office, “Did you call me, Commander Kyu?”

“Ah, just the person I want to meet. Please take a seat, 2nd Lieutenant Park Gyuri.”

The woman carefully seats on the seat in front of her, “Is something matter, Commander?”

“No, I just wanted to tell you that from now on I will assign you into a group of your own. You will be leading them in your own section against Uec.”

“Where I will be assign to, Commander?”

“Right here.”

She wonders, “Here in Sector S? But I thought Dolls Buster Squad is having this place under control?”

Kyu sighs, “They are. But lately the Uec’s activities are increasing in here. We have no idea what attracts them to focus their attacks here, but we can assure to you that it is not a good thing.”

Gyuri silences for a while before speaks up, “May I know the members of my team?”

Kyu hands her two files as she opens them and read their names.

“Ensign Han Seungyeon, tactical expert.”

The commander explains, “She has an IQ of 199 and experts in creating a sudden tactics in any dire situation, despite having a childish attitude.”

“Ensign Jung Nicole, combat expert.”

“While being a big-eater, she is capable of delivering powerful blows with just a bare fist. She is also known for a strong resistant against the Uec and able to hold them 15 minutes straight.”

The lieutenant turns toward him, “Only two?”

“Well, you are supposed to lead a team of five like Dolls, but we only manage to recruit two people into your team. Also, you will have an assistant working in your base as the chief scientist there. His name is Ensign Joon Jinwoon. The other two will be included into your team when we have figured out who is compatible with you. In the mean time, just act as three-man group for a while. You are now dismissed. Go and meet your team in your new working room.”

She stands up and bows at him before walking out of there.


Two girls, one blond while the other redheaded, are seen sitting in a base, talking to each other.

Seungyeon speaks up, “Nicole, I wonder who is our leader for this team. Is it a man or a woman?”

“I heard it’s a woman. Heard that she is known for fighting alone against the Uec in several occasion before.”

Something enters her mind, “Could it be 2nd Lieutenant Park? She is the one that has been fighting alone before.”

“Really?” Nicole tilts her head, “I wonder why she is leading a group now. There’s a rumor that she hates working with a team.”

Gyuri suddenly enters the place and goes straight toward the front, “Good morning, everyone.”

The two quickly salute them, “2nd Lieutenant!”

Gyuri slightly nods before stating, “From now on I will be the leader of KARA Buster Squad. So I want a full cooperation from both of you. Any question?”

Seungyeon raises her hand, “Lieutenant, are we a three-man group? It’s so rare to have such group formation in a place where Uec’s activities are a lot.”

Gyuri smirks inside her minds. As expected, she can see this one coming.

“Ensign Han, this will be five-man group once we found two more suitable members but for now we will act as three-man group.”

Nicole turns toward Seungyeon, “I wonder if those two will be men.”

Gyuri’s eyes twitched, hearing the word ‘men’.

Seungyeon shakes her head, “It’s impossible. All available male officers have their own team to take care of. Unless you don’t mind an amateur 2nd class Seaman, that is.”

A man in white lab coat enters the place, saluting toward them all, “I am Ensign Joon Jinwon and I will be your group’s chief scientist. Come into our lab and I will show you your newest gear for your battle against the Uec.”


In the peaceful city, the peace suddenly broke as a bunch of spiky-looking monsters appear wrecking havoc.

Five people in colorful masks and suits appear into the scene with the one in the middle shouts, “Dolls Buster Squad, engage!”

As the fight ensues, two women are peeking toward the scene.

The one with the short green-haired speaks up, “Wah, Buster Squads are so cool! I wish we could be part of them.”

The long blonde-haired turns toward her, “Jiyoung, that’s nearly impossible. We are just 2nd class Seaman. We have to be at least Ensign to join a team, and that’s if they even let us.”

“How can that be impossible? We just let ourselves got promoted.”

“How? The numbers of 2nd class Seaman in all sectors are thousands. They also wanted to get promoted as well.”

“You’re right, Hara. It’s impossible. Either way, we should spend our off day efficiently.”

“Yeah,” Hara then points toward somewhere, “Let’s check that shop out! Those clothes look good!”


Somewhere in a dark cave, three people wearing ceremonial robes with odd-looking masks covering the upper part of their faces are standing around a huge crystal ball.

The one wearing red robe, possibly female speaks up, “Arah the Colossus, Kra the Legacy, have you found the location of the sources yet?”

The one wearing indigo robe, also female, responds, “Not yet, Val the Script. Kra and I are still searching for the sources.”

“Imbecile!” Val shouts, throwing electricity around the walls of the cave, “How long we should wait till we can revive Vaccine?”

The one in beige robe, a male, speaks up, “Val, the Buster Squad made by those human are always on our way. They are the threat of us Elegy!”

“So what?” Val shouts again, “Those wretched human are nothing but bugs! Send out Meister Wasp to search for the sources!”


Gyuri, Seungyeon and Nicole are following Jinwoon from behind as he introduces all of their equipments.

They then enter a hangar as he points toward a car, “This is your Road Killer. 500 hp, able to reach 400 mph, shock resistance and electric proof. You can drive it to reach to any location. It can also be used on the ground at the World Outside.”

Gyuri coldly asks, “Why do we need to get out there?”

“Well, we can’t just stay here in hope we can fend them off all the time, right? One day we will need to get outside there and finish them once and for all.”

Seungyeon notices something above them as she points toward the direction, “Hey, what is that?”

Jinwoon chuckles, “Perceptive, aren’t you? Well, it’s not hurt to give a free show for you guys.”

A gate opens up as they walk into it.

The female ensigns have their jaw dropped out of amazement.

A giant square box with a lot of people working on it is seen in that part of the hangar.

Gyuri mutters, “Ensign Joon, please explain.”

“BTS-05, one of the five prototype giant machines project started by Commander Kyu. The other three was given to Dolls, SECRET, Running Buster Squads and the last one is for Commander’s personal usage. This machine, known as Pandora, will be used only in emergency.”

Gyuri mutters, “Pandora…”


Hara and Jiyoung are still with their shopping spree when both of her phone rings at the same time.

Hara checks hers first, “A message? Who could it be?”

But Jiyoung suddenly points her index finger forward, “Uec!”

Nearby them, the same spiky monsters are walking toward the crowd. Among those monsters, there is one that looks like a wasp.

The wasp shouts out loud, “I can really feel it around here! Tundos, scout the area!”

The spiky monsters rush around the place as people starts to run.

Hara turns toward Jiyoung, “Quickly informs the HQ!”



Gyuri speaks up, “Uec is attacking.”

Jinwoon points toward the car, “Get to Road Killer. It is already equipped with a customized GPS system. It will tell you where Uec is attacking.”

The three quickly get into the car as Gyuri drives it out toward an opened gate.


Some of the Uec are attacking people around as Hara quickly reacts by rushing toward one and kicks it away, giving a gap between the attacked people and the Tundos. Jiyoung joins in by taking out a yellow gun and shoots the Tundos.

“Get to the safety!” the two tell everyone as they run away from there.

Road Killer arrives into the scene as the three step out of it.

Seungyeon taps on Jiyoung’s shoulder, “Good job. Now let us do our job.”

Hara and Jiyoung step backward, watching the three people wear orange fingerless gloves on their hand.

They spin a circular object on the right gloves and slam both of their fists to each other, “Buster Assign!”

Electricity appears on their bodies as colorful suits appear on their bodies, starting from their hands straight toward their chests and legs. Some more electricity appears on their head, forming a helmet with black visors of assorted shapes. Gyuri’s suit is in yellow while Seungyeon’s is black and Nicole’s is orange.

The three ready in their stances as Gyuri shouts, “KARA Buster Squad, engage!”

Hara turns toward her friend, startled, “A new group?”

The three split into their own group of Tundos.

Gyuri takes out her yellow gun and calmly shoots those that try to attack her from the front. She then spins around and shoots some more, beating them up.

Seungyeon runs while shooting as one is about to hit her from the front. She quickly jumps forward and swipe its leg, letting them falling onto the ground. She turns to her back and high kicks one from the ground while doing a back roll and stands up. Taking out her gun, she shoots them all.

Nicole just smashes her way through Tundos with just using her body. She then stops and punching three Tundos on their face and does a somersault hitting two more. Turning around, she shoots the rest of them, finishing them off.

The three turn their attentions toward the wasp as he shouts toward them, “You wretched human! You had killed my subordinates! Did you know how much does it cost to have such reliable team?”

Nicole and Seungyeon wonder, “It costs something?”

Gyuri didn’t stops as she just shoots her enemy, catching it off guard. The two did the same, pushing it to the back.

The wasp then shouts, “I’ll be back!” and flies away from there.

The squad de-transforms before stepping into the car. It then drives away from there.

Hara and Jiyoung are looking at them with such hope, “They are so cool!”


The team enters their base just to see Kyu is already in there, waiting for them.

“Commander!” the three salute at him.

He opens up his mouth, “KARA, I would like to introduce you to your new members.”

Hara and Jiyoung enter the place, saluting them. Hara speaks up, “Seaman Goo Hara and Seaman Kang Jiyoung, reporting for duty.”

“These two are willingly to let their day off away just like that so they could meet you three.”

“I have wanted to be part of a Buster Squad ever since I joined this organization,” Jiyoung speaks loudly.

Seungyeon chuckles, “Calm down, Seaman. Don’t be so nervous. I am Ensign Han Seungyeon. This is Ensign Jung Nicole and that is 2nd Lieutenant Park Gyuri. Just call us two unnie, okay?”

The recruits nod gladly.

Gyuri’s face turns colder.

Kyu notices her as he speaks up, “Lieutenant Park, I would like to have a small meeting with you.”

He and Gyuri leave the room while the others are having an ice-breaker session.


Kyu and Gyuri enter his office as they sit on the available sits.

Kyu speaks up, “Something is troubling you.”

“You recruited amateurs just to fill up my team.”

“Not just amateurs. The two have something special.”

He gives her two files as she reads it.

Kyu explains, “Seaman Goo Hara, weapon specialist. Just give any disassembled weapons and she is able to assemble the weapons just by looking at it. She can also identify types of weapons and create new type of weapons. Seaman Kang Jiyoung, demolition expert. Has a tendency to blow up stuff and really good with bombs. Aside from that, their capabilities are as good as Nicole and Seungyeon.”

“There’s another reason you recruit them.”

“Compatibility. a group with different personalities will always work better in teamwork. Why? Because its effect is the same having different specialists.”

She sighs, “I don’t babysit.”

“You don’t have to. They will grow up and become stronger, just like you.”

Her eyes twitched.

Kyu leans forward, “Tell you what. Observe them fighting alongside you for a month and tell me what do you think after that. If it’s bad, I’ll put them in other squad.”


The bell suddenly rings as Gyuri enters the base.

Nicole looks at the computer and turns toward her, “Uec’s activities detected!”

“Squad, move out,” she responds as they all nod.


The wasp and Tundos are doing their thing again.

Road Killer arrives into the scene with all five members walk out of it, lining up.

“Buster Assign!”

All of them suited up once more, with Hara’s suit is white while Jiyoung’s is blue.

The two are amazed as Nicole tap their shoulders, “Keep your head up. Enemies incoming.”

The two nod at her as they split up.

Hara dodges one monster’s attack and takes out her gun to shoot right on the head. She then turns while spins midair while shooting in circular motion.

Jiyoung grabs one punch as the Tundos try to electrocute her, but she head butts him and kicks the one on her back. She then takes out grenades and spins around, throwing them around the place. Explosion ensues.

“Again!? This is imposibble!”

Gyuri reaches him first, punching him on the head. On her wrist, a huge needle is seen. She uses it as she keeps punching him on the head.

Seungyeon then appears with her cane, hits him on his legs and chest. The wasp tries to fight back, but she suddenly disappears. The wasp is then got hit somewhere he did not facing a lot of time. She appears in front of him and smashes his chest.

Nicole hugs him from behind and slams him down onto the ground with a German suplex. She holds an orange ball and keeps throwing it onto his head. Every time it hit, the ball always returns back to its owner.

Hara rushes into the scene with a huge white shield on her right hand as she slams it onto his stomach. The wasp stands up and punches her, but her shield got in the way. Every punches hurt him.


An explosion happens on his back. He turns to see what’s up as Jiyoung swipes her blade across his body. Explosion occurs on the trace of the swipe.

The wasp walks backward weakly, “Not anymore.”

All five of them spins the circle on their gloves once again as electricity is seen on their palms. They then grab their guns.


KARA press the triggers as their guns shoot out powerful yellow streams of beam onto the monster. It then explodes.

“We did it!” Hara cheers.


While KARA celebrates their first victory as a completed team noisily, Gyuri is sitting inside her room silently. She is looking on her diary…or maybe a picture of her and a man.


A/N: Chapter one finish. Be sure to note that this won’t be as long as Power Rangers/Super Sentai so don’t hope too much.

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PikaBleu #1
Chapter 9: you're back!!!!!!! and then left us with a cliffhanger...what is inside the hole??what did jing see?? >______<
only 2 chapter left??i'm gonna miss this fic T_T
update soon kay :)
syer1001 #2
the seungyeon in this chapter is all raijin seungyeon. no, not all elegy are kara's children. technically, there is no right question since both kara are pretty much the same people with different origin, but to clear it all up, it's the raijin kara's children.
PikaBleu #3
Chapter 8: so,j-nicole's dead already??but why?? feel sad for her T_T
also,a bit confused with seungyeon appearance??is it all raijin seungyeon??she finally can be separated from kyu??
and and and......the elegy are kara's children?!?! O________o....which kara btw??still confused with the transition between human kara n raijin kara >______<
1123 streak #4
Chapter 7: wow so kara buster squad is a three person team now? are you going to add 2 or they will remain 3?
PikaBleu #5
Chapter 6: i'm back!!!!!!! a bit confused here...isn't val n hara are same person?? then why at the end O_______o or hara at the end is hara from the future (based on spoiler i got from hero bank prologue)...val is an elegy??
now only gyuri's past left..can't wait for it :)
1123 streak #6
Chapter 6: Woah this makes me more confused... Wait are they really quitting?? But i heard same kamilia friend told me Nic just renewed her contract.
1123 streak #7
Chapter 5: Oh so this is how Seungyeon was requited into kara baster squad... What Hara is a train asssassin?? cant wait for it
PikaBleu #8
Chapter 4: another cliffhanger >___<
cole vs cole!!!!! can't wait for that ^___^
1123 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wow Nicole vs Nicole...
1123 streak #10
Chapter 3: Whose eyes flash.. the nurse or Gyuri and What do you mean my "Gyuri is seen with a short hair shooting down nicole " is the short hair you mention Eunjung???