It hurts

Surviving on One Source

Out in the deck, Ami leans on the railing and stares out to the sea.  The clouds are darks and increasing in size, waves crash into another causing ripples.  A storm is approching but Ami doesn't notice any of this.  All she can remember is the bloody knife wedged into Tara's eye.  She remembers the lights going out and the door opening.  She remembers seeing a dark shadow slip into a crack on the wall as the door opens, revealing little Tara dead.  She rehears the scream, her scream echoing into the halls and rooms on the ship.  And then darkness. 

Her only sister, her only family was now gone from the face of the earth.  The crewman on board had held a little funeral in Tara's honor, and then thrown her into the deep and dark waters.  It all happend so fast that Ami had a hard time focusing.  She had fainted and had woken up back in the room where she and Tara orginal sat.  For long hours, Ami cried her heart out.  She was so sick of losing everything and everyone she loved.  Ami was alone, didn't know anyone, didn't care to.  The promise Ami had made when she had found out about their parent's death was broken.  She vowed to Tara that she would keep her safe and do everything that she could to protect her.  Ami had been doing that so well for a long time, but this time she would only have to take care of herself.  Needing some fresh air, her skinny legs carried her outside.

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to live for, no purpose to fulfill it?" Ami thought as she gazed into the forever moving sea.  "And in this time, where war rages, the battle of the fittest rules, and madness controls, why should I live?  I would rather die now then continue this meaningless life."

After saying that much, Ami took a deep breath.  Her heart ached but she was tired of crying.  Slowly, she leaned across the railings and took a good look at the saltwater.  It was a great way down.  The waves looked like they were trying to swallow the ship, trying to grab on to anything that it could pull down.  Ami hesitated, then she lifted her leg and carefully climbed over it so that she was now outside of the ship holding onto the railing.  One slip and she would plumet into the sea.  But that was exactly what Ami wanted. 

"Stop!" A man's voice suddenly made Ami freeze.

"Don't do it. Don't give up your life."

Ami turned her head but could see no one.  It was only her but she swore it sounded like he was right behind her.  Ami shivered in fright.  She had been through enough and decided it was only a voice in her head.  But the words scared her and she got back on the ship and headed inside.  She was too tired and wanted to find a quiet place to rest.

Inside, people were all staring at Ami.  Rumors spread about her as the girl who lost her sister.  "Oh, I feel so sorry for the girl" and "What is she going to do now?" were what most people were saying but no one actually went up to her to give Ami some support.  Ami hated all this pity so she ran into a room with no people and locked the door. 

Once inside she signed.  How was she going to live?  She should've jumped off the ship when she had the chance to, but because of the voice she didn't.  Who's voice was it?  Ami knew she had never heard the man's voice before.  Could it be someone on the ship that was watching her?  But then why did the voice sound like it was near? 

The questions brought a headache and Ami took a nap to heal it.  In the dream she saw the guy again.  But now she could hear his voice and it sounded exactly like the one when she was outside. 

"Be careful! Don't trust anyone on this ship!" He warned.

"Why? These people are from my country, what wrong with trusting them?"

"Just don't," He told me. 

"Who are you?" 

"My name is Minhyuk. And you're name is Ami.  I know what happened to your sister and I know who did it to her."

"You know who I am?  And what do you mean you know who it is?  Can you tell me?"

"I will later but please be cautious!"

"Were you the one who told me to stop?"

"Yeah, I was.  All I wanted to say is don't make the same mistake I made.  Because if you do, you will regret it forever.  My time is up, I will talk to you another time, bye." He smile and then started fading away.   

"Wait! Please answer my questions!" I tried to reach out for him but he was gone. 

I awoke with my breathing fast and my body shaking.  A window in the room shined moonlight and brightened the place a little.  It was clearly past midnight but my long nap forced me to stay awake for the rest of the night.  The whole time my mind thinking intensly.  Was this guy a ghost?  How did he know me?  And what about the murder of my sister?  Millions of quesion buzzed in my mind.  But a sudden noise made me only think of one. 

Who was knocking at the door at this nightly hour?



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Chapter 2: Omo! i wonder what happen?! Update soon <3 :)