
Lonely me!


The autumn's breeze is slowly becoming chilly,pointing out that winter is fast arriving.Myungsoo was trying to get hold of his brain from side tracking as he was preparing for his SAT exams.
"Huh!I really can't understand how things go in this world.It's kind of funny how people always think when they see geeks  "If I study, I can also get his grades or even better,who knows." They should study first and then let their mouths talk about these things.They should know that using the mind is one of the fastest way to burn calories.
Aish!I am going crazy here........Ok now!Calm down."
He then let out a small sigh to let out his frustation and concentrate on the Physics problem which is not not even close to be being solved.
Aish this maths.How do people even try to correlate with it.Why can't every subject be as easy as biology.
"Ok now!Calm down Kai.Think for some time.They say that around 700000 people are going to attempt SAT this time.I must be inside top 5000 atleast to get my interest in either KAIST or Seoul University.Hmmm..Looks like I must get a strategy prepared as of now.I am never going to allow Myungsoo to score more than me this time...this all important time."
"Hmmm...I really love biology.Why can't every subject be like this.Especially that stupid Maths.I am never going into a stream which contains maths now.Wait a minute,May be I should become a doctor.This way i can avoid maths and enjoy my biology.WOW Suzy!You are really a genious.But still,I have to study maths for this stupid SAT as of now.Huh!(let out a sigh)"
A/N:A small chapter to start.But would write larger chapters from next.
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mahida456 #1
Chapter 1: myungzy!! update soon *smile*
soomuch_A #2
Myungzy!!! Update soon :)