
I Fell In Love With Hello Kitty!!

Zico's POV

She was walking SOO slow!!!! Sheesh, I'm hurt but you can walk faster than THAT!!!

After ages, it seemed, we finally got inside her apartment. It was decent size. I mean, it's small, but it's doable for a girl who works like her.

The bedroom was basically in the livingroom which was connected to the kitchen and bathroom. It was basically just one room that was separated into a bedroom and kitchen.

A bed was placed in the center of the livingroom and the bathroom was to the side beside the kitchen and a small size closet.

"Sorry my house isn't as big..." she apoligized, closing the door after her. She took off her coat and grabbed some clothes that were laying on the ground and threw them in the cupboard nearby.

"It's okay." I limped to the bed and looked around, scanning the room that had many pictures and other things plastered to the wall.

"Why do you live by yourself?" I was curious. Did her parents' die?

"Because my parents... passed away just a couple years ago, so... yeah..." she shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I tried sounding sad. I mean, it's not that I didn't care, it's just weird to try to show emotions when you didn't know them, you know?

"It's okay. I'm living fine." She said. I just nodded my head.

Maybe I'll be like this in the near future. Maybe... It's not the best, but it's okay. Better than nothing.

"Did you eat yet?" She asked taking a pot out. I looked at her and my stomach growled from the word 'eat'. She chuckled and made some food right away.

"Uh, the bathroom is right over there." She pointed to it. "And this is the kitchen, as you can see, so feel free to make yourself at home." She said.

Oh I will... don't you worry about me... :D I just looked at her and smiled a bit.



Nana's POV

It feels weird having someone in the house with me. Let alone a guy. But... hopefully everything will be cool. He seems cool... so hopefully nothing bad will come to a good person like me.

I finished cooking and set up the table.

"Zico, it's ready. Come eat." I called him. He was watching TV in front of my bed.

He looked over at me and turned off the TV then came over to the table to sit across from me.

"I hope you like it." I told him. He had a smile on his face and looked at the food. He didn't even say anything to me. He just dug into the food.


After we were done eating, I cleaned up with Zico's help. I didn't want him to help me since he was the guest in my house, but he insisted, so since I wasn't in the mood to wash dishes, I asked him to do it. Muahahaha...


When he was done, he came to sit on the bed, the only 'couch' in the house, and watched TV again.

I looked at him and got out an oversize sweat I had in my wardrobe. Don't ask me why I had one.... I just did... or do...

I got out a plain t-shirt and handed it to Zico.

"Here, this is all I have, so hopefully it'll fit you." I told him. He smiled and took it after I handed him a towel to wash up.

"Thanks." He said then got up and headed to the bathroom.


Breath in, breath out...


Omo, what to do? I looked at my bed and at the ground. Okay, I should've thought about this before asking him to live with me.

Hmm... I'll just... sleep on the floor and let him sleep on my bed??? That'll be weird though. But he's my guest...

Well, let's just hope he rejects and let me sleep on my bed... muahaha...



Zico's POV

I looked at myself in the full-body mirror she had in the bathroom. Thank goodness the clothes were big enough to make it look like my own clothes.

Even though the sweat was a little short and the shirt was a little tight, it fitted well.

I walked out and saw her throwing a pillow on top of a blanket that was spreaded on the ground on the foot of the bed.

She looked up at me and smiled then got up exhaling.

"Okay, I fixed the beds already. You can sleep on the bed. I'll... sleep here." She told me.

Thank goodness I get the bed! Well, I am the guest, right? But this is her house... and I'm a man also...

Argh!!! I should just let her sleep on the bed.

BUT! She did tell me to sleep on the bed. FINE!!! I'll be a freaken gentleman! Stop whining already you ladies out there!!!!

"No, it's okay. You can sleep on the bed. I'm fine on the floor." I lied, obviously. She, on the other hand, had what seemed like a relieved smile on her face.

"Okay... well, are you sure?" She asked again, walking to the bed already.


"Yeah... I'll be fine. Thanks for your consideration." I lied again. Your freaken consideration...

I walked to the 'bed' on the floor and she walked to hers.



In the middle of the night, I woke up with back pain from sleeping on the floor.

Yes, very cliche, but I really do have back pain! I don't sleep on the ground often... well, at all actually.

I sat up with a groan and it was total darkness. All the curtains covered up the windows, so there were no light entering the room at all.

I had to use the restroom so I got up and walked there slowly, tired my behind off.



Nana's POV

"Omma..." I was having another bad dream. Another nightmare about my parents. I was reliving the past again: their death.

I twisted and my bed, sweats drooling down my forehead.

It felt so hot but at the same time it was so cold. I didn't know whether to cuddle in my blanket or take it off from me.

I groaned and finally my eyes obeyed me and opened up.

I sat up and felt so dizzy. I guess I was working outside too much. That Hello Kitty outfit is SO thin too actually. It looks thick, and it is, but the fabric was thin.


*Cough Cough*


I got up and was about to walk to the kitchen to grab some water, but I felt like falling from my throbbing head.

Argh! It feels like something was fighting to get out. Well, GET OUT THEN!!!!!!!!

I coughed again and took another step, but I fell foreward. I couldn't care anymore.

All this pain, these nightmares... they'll killing me inside.

I was about to reach the ground until somebody caught me.



Zico's POV

"Omo! GHOST!!!!!!" Someone or something ran into me. My heart stopped for a split second from fear until I realized who it was: Nana.


*Dugun Dugun*


I left the bathroom light on since I was going to go back in there. I just had to go get something real quick, but she ran into me.

But... what is she doing? Why does she feel so hot and cold at the same time? I limped and tried to keep my balance while trying to see what happened to her.

"Nana! Kim Nana?!" I called her name, shaking her shoulders a little. She didn't budge. She just moaned a little and scrunched up her eyebrows.

I wrapped my hands around her small waist since she was falling back.

This is... a very awkward position right now... Please God, don't make her wake up to see this.

I reached over and tried to turn on the lamp behind her since the switch to the room was beside the front door.

I finally got it and could see her face clearly now. She was sweating like a PIG! Her t-shirt was wet and she was slightly shivering.

This is soo awkward right now... still... what am I suppose to do?

I carried her back bridal style to her bed and gently tucked her in. My eyebrows scrunched up seeing her do that to hers' also.

"What did I get myself into? She's supposed to take care of me, but I have to take care of her now?" I whispered to myself.

Well, she did give me hospitality. So... this is the least I can do for her.


It's late at night and I should be sleeping, but I'm by her bedside, changing the small towel that was folded on her forehead.

My eyelids were so heavy. I felt like a ZOMBIE.

Beware!! Zico zombie in dah house!!!!!!

I looked at the alarm clock beside her bed and let out a groan.

It's 4:15 in the morning....

My head wobbled back and forth and my eyelids slowly connected, giving up on me.

Well, I'll just... take a 5 minute nap...?



Nana's POV

I opened my eyes and closed them back from the sunlight that escaped through a hole in the curtains.

I groaned and took my blanket off of me. I stepped out of my bed and took another step, but something was in the way so I ran into it.

"AH!!!!!" I screamed falling over. The thing I ran into fell back too becuse I heard something slap the ground and my leg.

I gasped and looked back, seeing Zico behind me, lying on the ground and groaning in pain.

"Omo Zico!!" I yelled standing up shocked. He grasped his shoulder and turned his head up to look at me.

"Yah, did you not see me or what?" He asked sitting up. I looked at him confused, wondering why he's sitting there instead of at the feet of my bed, on the groud.

"I didn't see you. What are YOU doing?" I asked curiously.

He finally managed to sit on my bed, taking a deep breath.

"I don't know! You fainted yesterday and you were freezing or having a fever or whatever it was. I was trying to put it down so that's why I stayed there." He explained to me.

I looked at the bowl of water beside my bed and the towel that was on top of my blanket.

I was sick yesterday? Huh? I feel... fine...



Zico's POV

How can she not remember? Is she that sick??

I just sat on her bed and waited for her response.


one mississippi...


two mississippi...



Suddenly, her face softened. She looked down at her fingers and just walked to the bathroom.

Me? Erm..... I just sat there... damn confused...

I guess she remembered what happened and is embarrassed? Keke... it's cool, you know. You don't have to be ashamed to be in my arms once last night... haha...


What's that noise? Is she... crying?? Why is she sniffing so much??


After a long while, she came out and her eyes were red. Her nose was red also...

So... I was right... she was crying... but why??

Ah, Zico, this is none of your business... why should I care?

I just stood there dumbfounded, still thinking to myself.

I suddenly bent down and folded the blanket that was on the ground and she told me to place it in the small closet beside the bathroom.

Before I knew it, she came to me with a smile again.

Erm... awkward... woman, or THIS woman is so unpredictable.

Well, she was... she was just crying. And now she's happy again? How bipolar?

"Let's go to the store to get you some things." She told me dressed already. When did she get dressed already??

Me? I just washed myself... and... yeah... so I was still in my same clothes.

"Okay..." was all I said.

A/N: Hi everyone!!!!!! Welcome new subs!!! :D

So, what's with Nana eh...? All will be revealed... haha...

Thank you so much for all of your support and love!

Please do leave comments and let me know how this story is going for you okay?

Whether it's boring, unentertaining, very entertaining... etc... just let me know otay?

Much love and saranghae!!!! >(^_^)<


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[hello kitty] will be updated tomorrow! sorry for such a long wait!


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Chapter 3: This is neat. I'm enjoying it :)
Chapter 20: YAH! I also thought he was going to ask her out! LOL. wowww, you got me there! xD I'm so happy it went the other way around, kekeke. I had to read it twice to make sure, LOL. YAY!!! I'm so happy for him! and awwww, can't wait for the happy couple to get married also xD

My exams are over too! We shall celebrate =D kekeke.
Chapter 19: update soon authornim!! zico love nana
Chapter 19: Ahhh! Pressed then comment button by accident.

But ukwon! Why abusive?!? Why he change all of a sudden? It was his fault the relationship ended! Hmmph! Don't mess up zina! Or naco! Nanaco? Zinana? What's a good couple name for them? Lol.
Chapter 19: Ohmygoshhh! Lol! I loved nana's thoughts! Keke. She's so funny! XD and how she kept spazzing to herself when younha appeared. Lol!!!
Aww, poor zico. So glad he trusts her. But ukwon
Chapter 19: UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: YUKWONNIE
oh look, capslock :D
loved the update ~ can't wait for the next one *-*
Chapter 18: 'o'
WHAT!?!?!? Ukwon???? lol. BEST FRIENDS?? yah, jessicar! you have alot of explaining to do missy! make something up RIGHT NOW about Nana and Ukwon's past! lol. ahhh!~ this is so interesting!!! Damn, nana had ukwon AND junhyung? And now she's with Zico? That girl is damn lucky! lololol.
Chapter 18: Sooooooo u-kwon huh???????? interesting
Please update
Chapter 18: ukwon...........