i. Day by Day

60 Seconds



It takes a thrilling 60 seconds to learn that the name of the guy who always comes to me to buy the same coffee everyday is Do Kyungsoo.

It takes a chilling 60 seconds to accept that the strange feelings in my heart every time I saw you is love.

It takes an exciting 60 seconds to hear you say yes after hearing my confessions.

It takes a calming 60 seconds to kiss you good morning every time I wake up and kiss you good night every time I go to sleep.

It just takes 60 seconds for me to love someone like you this bad.

So when you told me to forget you and stop loving you, I thought it would take forever.

Because there’s no way I could forget you, erase you, and moreover stop loving you.

No matter how many times you erase your trace from my mind.

My heart would find its own way to find you again.




"Jongin-ah.. Jongin-ah.. What do you want for breakfast?"

I was awakened, facing the dull white ceiling of my room. I blinked my eyes several times before I turned my head to the empty space beside me, but I knew someone was sleeping there last night.

"..." I was opened my mouth to call that someone’s name but I couldn't find anything in my head.

Am I dreaming? I felt so wrong when I opened my eyes the very first time today to see no one around me. And what's that voice? I’m sure I always get awaken from that voice who asks the same questions every day.

The ring on my cellphone makes me startled, it was a call from my friend. Really, what did he need from me in the morning?


"Can you greet me with good morning sweetly Jongin? Geez.. You ruin my bright morning!"

"You're the one who ruined mine Oh Sehun, tell me what do you want from me?"

"Slow down man! Did you have a nightmare? Calling you in the morning really makes you lose your temper eh?"

"Oh Sehun if you don't get straight to the point-"

"Okay okay, I need to ask you a favor..."

"What's it this time?"

"Can you back me up at the morning shift today? My granny is suddenly sick and I need to go to see her at the-"

"Just go to the hell with your chinese boyfriend."

"Hey how did you-"

"I'll back you up don't worry."

"Really?? Really really reallyyyy??! Yaaaayy! Thank you Kim Jongin! You're my best buddy!! I love you but not as much as I love my Lulu! Have a nice day!!"

It's not like I had something to do though. It would be boring if I just stay in my apartment right?

"Ugh.. Migraine..." I threw my phone to the side and buried my face to pillow, smelling the familiar scent on my pillow. Someone's shampoo..


How could it be called a nightmare if in those dreams, were the only times I could ever feel peaceful and happiness?

In my sleep, I saw you standing there, watching me sleep with your doe-like-eyes.

In my sleep, I feel your fingers brush my hair away and kiss my forehead gently.

In my sleep, I hear you whisper "I love you, Jongin-ah.."

When I wake up every morning, you have already disappeared in the morning sunlight that shines through my windows.

In the time between my dreams and when I wake up, in those times I miss you so bad my head is aching and I cry.

I cried calling for someone whose name I couldn’t recall all the time every single morning.

Day by day...




"Have we met before?" It was an old way for someone to hit on the gorgeous stranger, but I meant it when this guy opens the door and walks into the café, coming straight forward to me for the first time. Instead of asking for his order, I was asking that silly question.

"Have we?" He chuckled, but I knew he was faking it. The way his right eye was twitching told me. That's the sign every time he lied or faked his smile. I knew it sounds ridiculous, but I remember it.

"Ugh.. Sorry.. I just..." I feel so shy when he looks at me straight in the eyes. "I don't get to meet a beautiful person every day." I must sound so pitiful with that silly pick up line but my worries disappeared when I see him laugh, this time his eyes disappeared making a half moon eyesmile. At these moments, I know he's laughing with his heart.

To make you laugh like that, should I start learning pick up lines from internet?

"You are a cheesy bastard. I bet you say it every time you see a lonely costumer come here. Am I right?" He raised his thick brows, make him look so cute.

"No, I don’t usually act like this... Ugh sorry Sir, can I take your order now? It's Caramel Latte right?" I turned to the coffee maker to make his order by myself. I gave the extra cream and handed the coffee to him who stared at me with amazed face. "What?" I asked.

"I didn't order anything yet!" The cute guy cracked into laughter, he laughed so hard, fortunately it's time the cafe closes so he’s the only one costumer now.

"Jongin-ah..." He called my name. His eyes on his coffee and his hands fiddled with the ear mug. "Kim Jongin" He said. I got goosebumps when he lifted his gaze from the coffee and faced me. "What?" He smirked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I blink my eyes, taken aback but I get myself up and say it out loud "I didn't give my name to you yet. How did you-"

He laughs again, that beautiful stranger, he stood up and opened his palms right in front of my face. "The same reason how you remember my fav coffee, good bye Jongin-ah."

And then once again...

"You'll forget me, you'll forget tonight there's a costumer coming to order a caramel latte with double cream tonight, and you will forget that you love him, you'll forget everything about me..."

You erased yourself from my mind as I suddenly out.




I had my free day from work, but I didn't have anything to do. I feel like I wanted to see someone, to ask that person to go out for a date at the park, playing in the playground together. But it's already an hour I spent for looking for their name in my phonebook list, and I still didn't find that person name.

I feel dumbfounded.

"I must be going crazy... How come my life turned out this way?" I laugh bitterly to my reflection in the mirror, I will turn 20 this year but I look like I’m already in my middle twenties.

"I should go take a walk and refresh my mind" I decided, grabbing my parka from the dresser. It was so cold outside since it's nearly the end of the year. People are walking quickly in the street, wanting to go into some warm place because it's freezing out. But here I am, sitting on the swing in the empty playground. It's just 7 P.M but people are already staying away from the streets. Why do I feel like something bad would happen?

I keep playing by myself and I didn't realize that time flew by without me knowing it’s 10 P.M already.

"I should go.. Uff so cold..." I rub my hands together and jumped off from the swings when suddenly my vision became black again.

"Ugh black out again??" But hey it's weird, how could I still be talking and feeling my toes freezing, feeling my palms rubbing the hotpack inside my coat and I blink my eyes  barely seeing someone moving in the darkness….

"Who's that??!" I yelled, the cold wind hit me, making me get chills. No one answers me, not even the wind that blew hard onto my face. "Hello? Anyone there?" I raised my voice again.

One, two, one, two. 

I could hear someone coming closer to me, it's so dark. Am I dreaming? What's this? I feel so cold that I couldn't even move an inch.

"Who is the-!!!" Someone covered my mouth with his palms!! I know it's a he by how rough and big it was on my face. I couldn't breathe!

"Let him be Tao, He's innocent" That was... not a stranger’s voice. Where did that voice come from? The person who grabbed me earlier locked me with his arms, he was so strong, that I couldn't move an inch in his arms.

"How does you know Mind Controller? He was wandering all alone here while everyone stayed inside. He acts so strange! He could be one of the spies!" The guy behind me talked in my ear, so he's actually a bit taller than me seeing that his chin touches my ear.

"No he isn't." I heard those voices again. "I know who is he, him? A spy? Hahahaha..." He laughs. I felt a familiar feeling when I heard those laughs. "I know the best at how lazy he is. That's why he kept the same job for 2 years in the coffee cafe while he could do better. Spy? Tch, it'll never be his field." I heard him snort.

The guys who held me loosened up his arms around me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, let him go Tao. Let's go we should continue our job"

He spared me as I tripped and fell on my knees. The wind came again and suddenly the light was back on, it's not black anymore, it's just. The light in the city had come back.

"Where did they go?" I looked around and found nothing that was the first time I got into my bed without having black out before going home.

I hardly get to sleep, my heart beating so fast. I held onto the pillows while I heard my cellphone ring out a certain ringtone that I knew something was coming.


"Kai, Spy Traveller 013, you've received a new mission. The details will be sent in.. 5...4..3...2...Now"

Ding Dong!

The bell in my apartment was ringing so loud, it's almost midnight. It must not be good news.

"Yes?" I opened the door and found no one except the strange box in front of my door. I sighed and took the box into my room. Unfolding the box, I grabbed the first thing that I saw in the box.

"Gun? Just this small gun?" I sneered and saw they left a letter in the box.

I read the letter and threw my body to the bed. I should have some sleep.

I got a big job tomorrow.

A very very big one.




"No!! I told you I don't know anything about the SG6!! I swear that I didn't-"


It's an easy way to ended someone's life. Mark the target. Grab the gun, pull the bullet out and Farewell! See you in another life! It was easy for me, to kill someone in the morning.

"Huh, stingy informant." I looked up when I walked out from someone's house who was supposed to have the informant there who could give me data about my tasks. They told me to look for someone who has relation with SG6, when they didn't even tell me what the hell that is.

"Rain, how refreshing..." The pitter patter of the rains greet me on the shoulders, I fastened up my coat and buried half of my face into the high collar of the coat and walked down the city.

The sounds of sirens came from afar as I walked down the streets lazily. Thanks to the rain, the blood on my face earlier disappeared, making it easier to get further away from the police.

My life , I didn't know the face of my father and my mother left me alone for living in such a cruel world where we killed strangers to live. I was living in disguise while I felt like dying inside.

It feels like I’m going to be up and shot down to nowhere. I’m neither rising nor sinking. I’m just standing still here. It’s a strange feeling.

But you came along, you came and made everything seem easier.

"Had a rough day?"

"Huh? Yeah, kinda.. Can I take your order sir?"

You look disappointed, why? Do you hope for something? Something like, me remembering you, your order at least?

"Caramel Latte with double cream, please."

I know, I know he'll order it, but I’ll pretend like I don’t know since I get a sense that he'll erase it from my mind anyway. I'm getting stranger these days. How could I get such odd ideas like that? Did my mind go nuts because of my habit of drinking alcohol before going to bed every night?

"Everything is $5.50 sir"

"Take the change, Jongin." Why did you call my name? It's ridiculous, why do you want me to remember you but when I say I do you'd make me forget it. It's cruel to give me so many things to remember you by when all you want me to do is forget.

"Please come again, thank you Do Kyungsoo."

Stop it, stop pretending that you’re taken aback and shocked at how I could remember you. How could I still remember your name when you always erase it from my mind?

"How could you-"

How can I forget you when you gave me so much to remember?

"Ah forget it, you'll forget me after this again though. Kim Jongin...."

"You'll forget me.." I hate this.

"You'll forget tonight there's a costumer coming to order a caramel latte with double cream tonight, and you will forget that you love him."

I hate it every time he extends his hands to reach out for me and says that ridiculous mantra to erase his traces from my head.

I hate it because the last thing I saw before the blackout was...

"You'll forget everything about me..."

How heavy the tears falling down from his eyes were and how sad they were looking at me.

If it's hurts you that bad, why-

Why do you do all of these ridiculous things over and over again?




I got the info from someone whom I met this morning that SG6 was a secret organization under the government. The old man who used to make weapons for soldiers stopped after hearing the news about the government building that SG thing and it makes me wonder what kind of organization it is that makes people stop making weapons? Did they get new and skilled people that could make much stronger and greater weapons? If that's the case, this task wouldn't be easy like my earlier task.

I never knew who I was working for these years, they didn't tell me anything it. But I didn't care because I owe them my life since they were the ones who trained me to be like this, someone stronger, someone braver than the old crybaby Kim Jongin. Since my mother abandoned me at such a young age, they were the one who took care of me. They trained me under the hard and tight practices, I learned Hapkido, Karate, Judo, and I know how to use a huge variety weapons. I used to travel to random places and never stayed in the same city for a year, but I’ve stayed in Seoul for 2 years for now. They didn't say a word, as long as I kept the secret and kept doing my job right. I have my own reason to stay, they have their own reason to let me stay.

"So, this is the store where he said the member of SG6 will always come to go shopping?" I lifted my head from the ground, watching people do random things with their lazy eyes while I scanned if there was anyone of them that looked fancy.

I must be very lucky because in between the glances of eyes, I see a tall guy with a smaller one, holding a basket and their groceries; with the strange necklace on their neck. I know it's not just ordinary couple necklace, I saw that mark on the paper of my task before.

That sign told me that they must be one of them.

Which one? The tall one or the small one? Or should I bring the both of them? Oh , I didn't bring my car because I didn't think that I'd meet them this fast. Okay, breathe Jongin breathe. What you need now is to wear your mask on and mark your target before you spit out the bullets.

"SG6?" I was just 5 steps away from the couple when the taller turned around to face me with shock expression, he must be it.



I didn't kill him yet, I shot him in the ankle of his left leg instead. The tall guy fell on his knees while the smaller one looks panicked but strangely he couldn't reach out to help his friend. Oh, he's blind?

"HEEEELPPP!!! THERE'S SOMEONE WHO GOT SHOOT HERE!!" The shop was in chaos after I shot the tall guy.

I walked closer to the tall one since he seems like the right person, but the small one kept clutching into him.

"Get the off." I kicked the small guy's legs but he hugs the tall one tighter.

"I won’t let you take Chanyeol from me!! I won’t let you!!!" He cries.

He was a pretty boy, it's a waste that he was blind.

Why did this task feel so easy? If this SG6 was a secret organization shouldn't they fight me back a little or something? What's with this poor and weak couple?

"Baekhyun run, you need to save yourself..." I heard the tall one whisper while grabbing his bleeding ankle, this guy must be something for not crying or groaning in pain to have such hot bullets in his flesh. It must be for this small guy, he must act all strong like that so the other wouldn't worry about him. Irony.

"No! I won't leave you!! Chanyeol? Chanyeol are you okay?? Where are you hurt?"

Oh my God! I couldn't stay in such a melodrama like this anymore. I took my gun and pointed it to the small guy.

"Hey you, come with me or I'll do something about your lover." I said.

"NO!!" I heard the tall guy screamed, he was about to try to get up but his ankle made it hard for him, he finally groans in pain when he fell to the floor.

"CHANYEOL??! CHANYEOL ARE YOU OKAY?? Chanyeol tell me what's happened!!"

The tall guy’s eyes piercing me while he told the small one to stay still. I was about to take the tall guy in my arms when the small guy holding onto his partner's legs.

"Don't take him from meeee!!! Chanyeoolll!! Stop!! Stop I said!!!!!!"

He was glowing.

Those eyes of the small guy were shining like the sun with the brightest light that I’ve ever seen. I got a little black out when the tall guy hit me with his elbow to my ribs and ran away to the small guy.

"Baekhyun!! Why did you do that??? Stop it! Stop! People would see it!!!" I heard that tall guy panic while the lights started slowly vanishing. I see the small guy fall on his knees tired out, hugging the tall one desperately.

"Chanyeol are you okay?? Tell me you are okay!"

"I'm okay Baek but you-"


I didn't want to waste any more time, I took the small guy who already lost his energy in my arms and made him faint with the drugs from my handkerchief and brought him by myself to my apartment.

I sat him down on the legs of my bed and tied him by the wrists and ankles to my bed. If he wakes up later I'd interrogate him and gain information about that SG6 thing. And for now, I'll just lie down and take a rest after doing such a tiring job today on my couch.

The night was cold, and I hoped that there’s someone who would wrap his arms around me to sleep.








so how is the chapter? lol.

a short chapter for now, i'll  update the rest later

please anticipated for the last chapter!



beta by : Alexiz119

(thanks a lot for beta this so fast!!)




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please do read "Luminous Baekhyun" too after you read this one! thank you!


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Rinininette #1
Chapter 3: This story is awesome! This impossible love arrrg but one day, they will be able to live together forever without erasing Jongin's mind :D
Thanks for the fic!
Chapter 3: Got I really hate endings like this . But it was a beautiful story
annisayasri #3
Chapter 3: im not found the happy ending of this story. i feel so sorry for Jongin to end up with those tragedy. half of me was happy that Kyungsoo tried to give a chance for Jongin. but another me felt so angry because Kyungsoo always erase Jongin's memories. i'm waiting for you to make another sequel ^^
yourEXOticELF #4
Chapter 3: i love it!!!!!

No matter how many times you erase and erase your traces on my mind. You can't erase your fingerprints that you left on my heart.


ill wait even it takes forever
--babystar #5
Chapter 3: This plotline is freakin gorgeous. You are awesome!
Gangerginger #6
Chapter 1: Hello Author. I'm your reader ~^^~. I love your fic. So romance. It's very very attractive. Do you mind if I translate your fic into vietnamese ? Please. I think there will be many readers want to read it. Please Please. Thank you so much.
Chapter 3: i like this ^.^ the story is too beautiful,, <3
it's so heart wrenching....
Chapter 3: What makes you think that you have a right to make me cry hysterically like that?

I just bursted into tears near the end of the story and it was almost instantanious hysteria.

That was beautifully written, seriously. Thank you for sharing this.
Chapter 3: thank god, I'm not in class right now. It wouldn't be cool if my friends saw me banging my head on table.
ASDFGHJKL this is amazingly awesome! I feel sorry for both of them. Mind can forgets, but heart not, yeah.
Subscribe to the Baekyeol fic already! >_<