Chapter 4


Nam Soons heart came to a sudden stop. He couldn't believe the words that had been spoken out just now, were those out of his long time ex-friends mouth. He brought his gaze up as he turned himself over onto his back, looking over to the guy who had just pronounced the two as friends. His eyes went pitch pink as the retina of his eyes triggered nerve impulses to the brain, having him feel the sensation of hurt and pain from many years back. His heart was moved and it pained him more than anything at that exact moment. The physical pain he was in had completely been abolished and tooken over by the immense emotional pain he was instituted in.

"Heu-.. heung soo.. ah," Nam soon spoke unintentionally, calling out to his friend as he reached his arm out, trying to grab for him.

Heung Soo, however, was too busy, knelt over the two thugs as he continously threw aggressive punches at them,"DO U HEAR MEEE!?!?!??! DON'T YOU ING DARE LAY A FINGER ON NAM SOON AH!!!!"

The words tore at Nam soon's heart, once again, as the cornea of his eyes began to turn moist, resulting in awoken tears, making their way from the corners of his eyes sideways down,"H-heung ..Soo ah," Nam Soon could hear the tremble in his voice. He tried to calm his erupted sensitized emotions down but the words that had escaped out of Heung Soo's mouth made it impossible to do so.

"Nam ... soon... that..," Heung Soo spoke between punches," SEKKI YAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Heung soo screamed on the top of his lungs as he gripped his palms around one of the thugs face, throwing his head back just a slight bit, and barely a second later, threw it back frontwards, hitting his head against the thugs head.

"HEUNG SOO AH!" Nam soon screamed shortly after as his eyes grew wide. He immediately forced himself to get up as he placed his forearm across the hard and rocky road, pushing himself up as he got up on his knees. He knee-trotted his way over to Heung Soo who was bent over the thug. Just as Nam soon approached him, Heung Soo fell over on his back, laying next to the thug.

The second possy rushed to his friends side as he had just been knocked to the head with another head,"YI KYUNG!" He called out to his friend, layen on the floor as he gripped onto his vest, shaking him, trying to wake him up. He looked over to Jung Ho who had been stabalized for the past couple minutes as he called out,"JUNG HO!!" He spat his name out to him as Jung ho shook his head, throwing a medium powered slap across his own face, waking himself up out of his never ending thoughts.

He looked over to his two friends as he gritted his teeth,"Shhhhhhhhit!" He exasperated as he quickly jogged over to their side, throwing his knees to the ground as he instructed the other to hold him from him arms while he wrapped the others legs around his waist. He turned around, facing his back towards the layen body as he reached his arms back, gripping onto his friends thighs as he pulled him closer towards him, wrapping his legs around his waist. The other held him by the arms as he pulled him up and the two immediately rushed off with the injured body.

Meanwhile, Nam soon had his arms stretched out, each hand resting on the rocky ground on either side of Heung Soo's layen body. His knees ached, being literally dug into the ground as he supported himself on his knees while he peered over his friends body.

His body overshadowed the others, as he was bent over him, tearing uncontrollable droplets onto the others face,"Heung soo ah.... chebal... LOOK AT ME!!!" He ordered the other who continued to lay there, eyes shut. Nam soon was angry at him. He wasn't supposed to be there lending him a hand, throwing himself into the situation. He had to get what he deserved and if it was death, then be it. He deserved death. He could never forgive himself for what he had done to his ex best friend. Death would've been much better than what he was faced with now. Atleast he wouldn't have to walk around with the burden for the rest of his life. It ached at his heart every.. single.. day! He knew if he hadn't forgiven HIMSELF already, then Heung soo definitely hadn't forgiven him.

"Heu-heung.. s-soo ah," Nam Soon's voice shook as the name he hadn't spoken and that had never preceeded out of his pouty lips in over three years, was so easily being said right now. He missed him. He missed his friend more than anything. He didn't give about school, teachers, classmates or anybody else he ever crossed path with except!.. the one guy that solely took place in his heart. The one guy that always was there for him in times of need and greed. The one guy, that always let him in when he had no where else to go. The one guy, that stood by him like an unshiftable structure, never letting anyone else slip into their relationship. The one guy, that always appeared cold to others but was the warmest damn thing available on hours end to Nam soon. The one guy, who always kept him away from danger, picking him up when needed so. The one guy, that trusted him, beleived him, accepted his messed up individuality and yet, never complained once as to why he was, the way he was bringing himself forth to be. The one guy, who secretly cared for him, worried for him and swore to protect him. The one guy... that Nam Soon couldn't do the same for. The one guy, that meant the WORLD to him, had to suffer due to his screwed up ways. The one guy!..... he never apologized to. THE ONE GUY!.. That Nam soon couldn't EVER!.. let go of... even though he tried... for three.. long years.

"HEUNG SOO AHH!!!" Nam Soon screamed out from the bottom of his damaged heart as he gripped onto the others storm flaps, hardly being able to look at the one under him as his eyes were drenched in pain filled tears,"IroNAAA!!!" (Ee-row-na: get up) He yelled at his seemingly dead body impatiently.

The state his ex friend was currently in, hurt him inside... deeply,"I ro naa-ah.. uh!?" Nam soon tried to confort himself, his lips quivering as he spoke.

His tears continued to drop down onto the latterer as he drew himself down, nearly laying on top of him as he brought his arms around his body, sliding his hands and forearms under his sturdy and built body.

He spread his legs over the other, resting his knees on the hard and rocky ground, gaining himself support, as he tried his utter best in pulling the other up. He placed in all his strength as he tightened the grasp of his two lips together, and pulled the other up halfway, successfully...... until..

"AAIISSHH!!!" Nam soon unexpectedly sighed loudly as he kicked his legs around in frustration. He had lost grip of the other in the process of turning around, having his back face the other male inorder to get the other onto his back, when his hand had slipped off his back and the other fell back first onto the ground with a ruffled thump.

Nam soon gritted his teeth as he looked onto the other, feeling determined to get him up. He turned around, bent halfway, facing his back towards the others layen body, pushing all his strength onto his right knee and left foot as his rested on the heel of his right foot. He was crumpled over inbetween Heung Soo's legs as he threw his upper body back a bit. He soon reached his arms back as well, trying to grab for Heung Soo in some way when his eyes grew somewhat wide.

He had lost balance on his left foot as he fell back and onto Heung Soo's chest,"Oof!" He sighed. He had failed at yet, another attempt, at getting his friend back up.

"AiiiiiiiISSHH!!! MWO YAAAA!!!!" Nam Soon scrambled off of Heung Soo as he brought himself together and took a breather.

He got up as he shifted his hands into his pockets and kicked his foot at Heung Soo's layen body,"Oi!.. Get up," he instructed the other as he felt exhausted carrying out the action. He felt the other rather do it himself and do it right,"Ya!.. Get your up!" Nam soon ordered once again, completely forgetting the mess they were both tangled in that had put an end to their years long relationship.

"Aigoo," he looked down patheticly onto the latterer.

His mind, just then, shot him an idea. He immediately stuffed his hand into the inside of his ed navy wool school jacket, pulling out a thin packet of 'Sky Flakes' brand Crackers. He held it out to himself, as he scanned the familiar looking snack.

He scrunched his eyebrows as he decided to go ahead with his third plan. Since his first two attempts to get Heung Soo up failed miserably, he decided to use a non realistic but much simpler tactic. And atleast with this plan, he wasn't tiring himself out.

He pulled open the pack of crackers oh so abruptly that a few dropped to the ground. He brought his gaze to the ground as he starred down at the fallen crackers for a bit. He looked back at Heung Soo, thinking the plan had already been initiated AND finalized. He figured the sound of breaking crackers, might just be enough to wake the fainted up, but..... it was once again a major f-

"Wae wae WAAAEE!!!!" He screamed out, seeming like a drunken fool as it was also pretty dark outside. He dropped himself on his knees, as he knee-sat next to Heung soo, lowering his face onto the others.

He brought the opened pack of crackers near the others face as well, in slow-mo, as he quietly took a cracker out, bringing it closer to the others nose. He held it under his nose when!

".. What in the !.. Are you doing?" Heung Soo spoke out as Nam soons body froze. His eyes grew wide as he starred down in shock at his ex-best friend. He looked at the cracker in his hand, shifting his sight back to Heung Soo's dark and cold expressioned face,"... Hungry?" Nam soon brought a huge wide, smile onto his face as he tried to hide behind the temporary shock.

Heung Soo admired the others sudden change of expression for a split second as he quickly shifted into reality,"Get .. off of me.. sekki ya," Heung soo spoke inbetween grunts as he tried to get up.

Nam soon hadn't noticed he had fallen on top of the others chest during the shock experience,".. Eh?" Nam soon eyebrows rose as his smile faded.

Heung Soo brought his hand up to where the latterer could see it, and pointed to his attatched body. Nam soon followed the direction of the pointed finger as he looked down at his chest, resting on the others.

He looked back up at Heung soo, as another smile quickly flashed onto his face," Quit smiling like an idiot and get OFF of me already!!" Heung Soo angerly boomed out loud as he practically pushed the other off. Nam soon stumbed, falling over onto his as he spread his arms out, placing his palms on the gravel like paved ground.

Heung Soo got up as he raised his left leg, spreading his arm across his left knee. He looked the other way, not wanting to look at Nam soon as he was still angry at what the other had done to him.

".. Ah... Heung soo ah," Nam soon turned his head from Heung soo's direction, looking down at the pack of crackers, laying flat under his palm, wanting to give it to the other incase he was hungry and didn't want to express it verbally,"WAAAAA!!" Nam Soon over reacted to the single pack of destroyed crackers as he pulled his hand up, looking down at the crushed pack in disarray,"Why does this always happen to ME!!" He yelled out the last word as it caught Heung soo's attention. He turned his head around to look to where Nam soon was situated as he threw his arm down from having rested on his knee, placing his hand on the ground as he pushed himself up a little, wanting to peer over Nam soons body, to see what had happened.

"ISH!" Nam soon hissed as he shook his hand around violently, trying to shake a few bits of crackers off his palm. He turned around to where Heung Soo originally sat when he became startled and threw his upper body back; Heung soo was kneeling over him as he was curious as to what the other was doing behind his back.

When he came to notice of Nam soons startled expression as well as his body shifting back due to the sudden closeness of them two, he also felt weird and uncomfortable as he quickly looked away, sitting his back down onto the ground,"Aaagh," he sat back down to quickly, not taking precautions as his ACHED now.

"..G-.. gwen.. chan na?" (u k?) Nam soon asked, feeling, for the one sittin next to him. He tried in all his might not to ask but the worriness that overtook him when a simple thing as such harmed his exfriend, completely took over his heart and mind as he didn't think much before blurting out a worrisome filled phrase.

"Do I .. LOOK OK!?" Heung Soo attacked the others harmless concern filled question, as he turned over on his side a little, rubbing at his pained .

Just then, an arm was thrown down at him. Heung Soo looked up at the dangling arm as it met with a familiar body. He looked away, not wanting to take the arm that was reaching down at him.

Nam soon had gotten up and had reached his arm down, wanted the other to take it as so he could have the other get up and follow him to his house. He wasn't going to leave the other hurt, in the middle of the road but was rather going to bring him home and let him heal for the night before he decided to take off. He still had feelings for the latterer but, he knew deep down, his feelings were no match with Heung Soo's feelings as he was the one always risking his life and body for him. He knew how much Heung Soo cared about him, always taking him in, even be it in unmanagable situations. All he wanted to know NOW was......     did Heung soo still care for him like before? He knew he was asking himself too much of a favored question but how he WISHED his question lurked about with a positive answer.

"Heung Soo a-," before Nam soon could even finish stating his name fully,"GEUMAN!!" (quit it) Heung soo looked up with red streaked eyeballs as he clenched his teeth, inhaling and exhaling loudly,"I jasig a.... geuman," (Stop it.. u ) he calmed down a bit as he got up, his back turned towards Nam soon. He pulled his hands into his pockets as he erected his posture, throwing his shoulders back, and began to walk away, expressionless and as though nothing had tooken place.

Nam soon scrunched his lips together, as the pained feelings were entering into his heart once again. He felt hurt and rejected, also feeling a sense of downess and impossibility. Downess cause his mood had been dropped by a ton and impossibility because!....... He felt as though..... him and Heung Soo.... would never be the same way again... would never be!..... best friends again.


Class Time! {Emotions}

happy: haengboghan            scared/frightened: kkamjjag       confused: honlan                                   aroused: gagseong

sad: seulpeun                       in love: salang-e                         tired: pigon(han)                                     nervous: sin-gyeong

mad/angry: hwa                   hate: silh-eo                                pumped: peompeu (lmao)                      shy: geuleon/geuneun (Idk) 

excited: heungbunhan         surprised: nollan                         anxious/eager: yeol-mang ha neun        crazy:michin


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Finished chap 8!


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320 streak #1
Chapter 9: Wait wait wait whaaatt. That was too fast. the plot changes so suddenly. And Namsoon, what do you expect. It's not like yguys promise each other anything those years ago. Lol!

Anyway Authornim, will you continue writing this?
320 streak #2
Chapter 5: Wuhhhhh this chapter, so much angst!
320 streak #3
Chapter 1: Reading first chapter, and I feel like revisiting School 2013. ^^
redtunafish #4
do you plan on updating this? love it so far
jilamah #5
If you search in browse tags "heungsoon" I'm sure you'll find more
So true ;~; Why aren't there more of these School 2013 fics?
MizzPeel0007 #7
New reader and viewer of School 2013 and am I addicted to it already. To answer your question the realness of it all, that some techers are like Teacher Jung true and helpful, the ups and downs, peer pressure and obessive parental control of some students to excell not matter the cost.
Chapter 7: what?? ?? ?? is it the end?? O_O
Chapter 2: ahh~ You're gonna make me learn~ :O
I actually don't mind
Ugghh~ but school has been killing me. I'll do my best~