We Are The Same

The Frozen Soul's Fire



            I woke up after third period was over. Good thing I didn't get caught sleeping in class again. It was lunch time and everyone else was moving their desks into groups to eat together. I sighed and grabbed my bag. I slowly walked down the corridor as other boys chased each other and joked around. I went down stairs and stood at the end of the long line in front of the snack shop. I always did this just to make time pass. 1 hour is a long time when you are spending it all by yourself. It took about 15 minutes for me to reach the front of the line and the only thing left was a deformed rice ball. The shop lady gave it to me for free because she didn't want me to spend money on something that she called "ugly". I held it in my hand and carefully looked at it. I thought it was beautiful. It was different from all the other rice balls. I walked outside and sat under the tree that I always sat under. No one else claimed the tree because it was missing all of its branches on its left side, only its right side had branches and autumn leaves. Everyone else thought that it was ugly, but I thought it was more beautiful than a fully blossomed cherry tree in spring. I named my tree after my grandfather, Pyo. Half because my grandfather was missing his left arm due to his army service and half because I love my grandfather more than myself. I sat under Pyo's old branches and started to eat the rice ball as I watched the clouds travel through the sky. A peculiar little bird flew next to me and stared at the rice ball in my hand. I wasn't full because I only finished half of it but I offered the rest to the peculiar little brown bird. It chirped at me cheerfully before it began to peck at the rice. I smiled and took a picture of it on my phone.
            There was still half an hour left until lunch was over but I returned to my desk and slouched in my seat. I looked at the pictures that I had took since I started getting into photography. I had one of a white butterfly on a yellow daisy, one of the night sky where Venus was shining even brighter than the crescent moon. I looked beside my desk and someone's hand was pushing a doughnut on a napkin towards me. I looked up. It was Suzy. She startled me but this time I didn't fall off of my chair.
"Here, take this. I want to thank you for yesterday." She smiled softly.
"Thank you." I nodded my head.
            I watched her walk back to her seat when I realized that she too was sitting all alone. I thought she had friends. After all, she is pretty, smart, and kind. Why isn't anyone talking to her? I glanced at her again. Maybe I should talk to her... but I'm too scared. I faced the other way and took a bite out of the chocolate doughnut. But, I must talk to her! But, then I'm too scared. I looked outside and breathed deeply. You can do it, Jinyoung!

            I quickly looked at him as he took a bite out of the doughnut. Why is he sitting all alone? I thought he had friends. After all, he's handsome, smart, and kind. There's still twenty minutes left of lunch, maybe I should go talk to him... No, that would be too weird. He might think that I'm into him and he definitely has a girlfriend already. I looked the other way and watched the leaves blow in the wind when suddenly a odd looking brown bird landed on the branch beside the window. It was so tiny and adorable. I inched closed to it and pulled out my cell phone. Just as I pressed the capture button the little bird started to fly away. I thought that I didn't catch him in the picture but when I looked back at my phone, the picture was incredible. I caught him in flight so clearly. His little brown wing span was so beautiful because it revealed a speckled pattern that can't be seen otherwise. I was amazed at it and actually made a sound of awe. I quickly covered my mouth and looked around. Hopefully no one noticed me. I must of looked so stupid. My eyes peered around the room again and then they met someone else's eyes. It was his eyes. Yes, I still don't know his name. He smiled at me and let out a soft laugh. I quickly turned away in embarrassment and put my head down on the table. I heard footsteps approach me as I covered my face on the desk.
"Thanks for the doughnut. It was tasty." He said.
I immediately looked up at him. "You're welcome." I said. Oh my god. Go away, you don't know how embarrassed I am right now.
"What did you take a picture of?" He asked with a casual tone.
"A bird..."
"Can I see? Is it good?" He asked again. Go away!
"Sure!" I smiled awkwardly as I showed him the picture.
He slightly bent over and squinted his eyes to observe the picture. "Wahh..." He said in astonishment. He pulled out his phone and then showed me a picture. It was the same bird and it was eating rice.
"Cute!" I said as I looked at it. "Are you into photography?" I continued instead of coldly ending the conversation as I would have liked to do.
"Yeah. I just got into it this year though. Want to see my other pictures?" He suggested.
I nodded my head and he sat down in a chair beside me. He went to his most recent picture after the bird picture. He leaned closer to me so I could see the picture. It was a picture of that ugly deformed tree in our school yard.
"I named this tree Pyo, after my grandfather. Pyo may seem ugly at first but after a while he seems like the most beautiful tree that exists." He explained.
"Why? Its shape is not perfect." I said.
"Because it is imperfect it is perfect. Because it is different it is beautiful." He philosophically said. Wow, I never thought of that...
"Show me the next one." I said as if I was interested in the pictures.
He tapped the screen on his phone. I recognized that the picture was taken in this classroom. Fall leaves posed in the background behind the tall glass window of a girl sleeping on her desk. I took a closer look at the face of the girl who was sleeping. She looked so familiar. Wait a minute... is that me? I leaned closer to the phone to observe the picture when suddenly he frantically put the phone away.

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Chapter 18: Please update sooooooon xD I've been waiting for sooooo long xD I love this ship omg...
I edited and redid chapters 1-16 and will be finishing the whole story soon! Sorry for the long...long... wait~! xD
Hi guys! Do you remember me? It's been SO LONG! I edited and re-did chapters 1 to 9! I will be editing and FINISHING the whole story soon! ^_______^ (after like... a year lol)
oBeast24 #4
Chapter 21: Awww, so cute! I thought it was going to be y time too :P
Chapter 21: Ohmygosh, you didn't even explain anything!! Lol. More more more! I want to know why she's not with him no more!!!!! >:/

Chapter 21: You updated :D ! Woo congratulations ^^
Alliah #7
Chapter 20: Pls. update more!! :)))
Alliah #8
Chapter 19: pls. update more!!! i need more!!! :DD
Chapter 20: dammit woman!! (i was talking to you xD)

but dammit! why would you stop here, evil!! grrr >:/ hurry and update!! =DDD