A day in life

Mismatched Friendship

"Damn, that boy is really getting onto my nerves." Youngjae huffed as he waited at the entrance of Seoul High impatiently.


Few seconds passed before he heard someone groaning as he turned to look.

"Knew it." He muttered under his breath.


"EXCUSE ME!" The late boy shouted, trying to prevent any collision with the students.


He skid to a stop before Youngjae and flashed a bright smile. "Yo."


"10 minutes late, Park Chanyeol." Youngjae stated bluntly.


The bright expression that Chanyeol had on previously changed into one that screamed “I’m innocent”.

"Please forgive me! I saw an old lady trying to cross the road and I helped her."




"And...I didn't think about it. Hold on." Chanyeol paused and started thinking.


"YAH, PARK CHANYEOL!" Youngjae shouted angrily, grabbing the attention of everyone nearby.


With that, Chanyeol just smiled sheephishly and muttered, "Oops."


"Never mind, let's just get to class." Youngjae sighed and headed into the school.


Chanyeol pouted and just followed him, waving to all the students enthusiatically. "HI!"



In their classroom, Youngjae and Chanyeol sat next to each other, waiting for their English teacher to arrive.


"Youngjae..." Chanyeol mumbled in boredom, gently poking him.


However, the boy ignored him. He was trying to study for a calculus test later and if he played with Chanyeol like he usually did, he would not be able to focus.


"Jae, jae." Chanyeol muttered continuously, the poking became more frequently.


"Shut up! I need to study." Youngjae suddenly hissed, pissed off.


Chanyeol instantly became silent. He hated it when his best friend was angry.



For the whole day, Chanyeol was quiet as he waited for Youngjae to talk to him. His usually bright smile was nowhere visible on his face.


However, Youngjae did not realise anything, he was still studying for his test and was glad that Chanyeol was quiet for once.


All these were taken in account by Baekhyun, a friend of Chanyeol.

*I need to talk to Youngjae about this later.* He thought.



The school bell rang, signifying the end of school and the school ground was filled with chattering and laughter once again.


Youngjae walked out of class, refreshed. His school bag was slung carelessly over his shoulder. The calculus test was easy for him and he could not wait to tell the good news to Chanyeol.


However, there was one problem – Chanyeol was nowhere to be seen.


He waited at the gates for Chanyeol as usual.


5 minutes…


10 minutes…


15 minutes…


Chanyeol still did not appear.


Now, Youngjae was anxious and worried.

*What happened to him? Did he get into any trouble?*


He immediately turned back and went to look around for Chanyeol, but he was intercepted by Baekhyun.


“Hey.” Baekhyun greeted him casually.


“Hi.” Youngjae muttered, nodding in reply.


“You are looking for Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked.


“How…” Youngjae was surprised to hear Chanyeol’s name from Baekhyun.


“He went home already.” Baekhyun said, shrugging.


Youngjae was shocked, thoroughly shocked. It was their daily routine to go home together. He had not even considered the fact that Chanyeol will go home by himself.


“Don’t blame him. He was upset.” Baekhyun immediately said.


Youngjae’s expression immediately changed to one of worry and confusion.


“Upset? How can it be, Yeollie is never…” He faltered when he thought of how he had ignored Chanyeol earlier that day.




Baekhyun looked on as Youngjae’s expression turned into one of guilt.


“I will be going first then.” Youngjae said rapidly before rushing away.



“Well, I guess that was successful.” Baekhyun smiled and went in the direction where the gates were.



Youngjae boarded the bus to Chanyeol’s house.


The journey was excruciatingly slow for Youngjae. He knew his best friend was unhappy and he wanted to be with him to comfort him.


The bus slowly came to a stop at Chanyeol’s stop. Youngjae immediately tapped his card and fled from the bus, trying to get to his friend as soon as possible.


A few minutes later, he was panting while standing in front of Chanyeol’s house, contemplating whether to press the doorbell.


“Aish.” He groaned and pressed the doorbell immediately, thinking about the fact that his friend needed him.


Moments passed before a click was heard. The door opened and Chanyeol appeared in front of Youngjae.


“SpongeBob eh?” Youngjae said with a teasing smile.


Chanyeol was wearing a yellow shirt with Spongebob graphics on it with black pants.


Blushing, Chanyeol just muttered, “Shut up.”


He opened the door wider to allow entrance to Youngjae.

Chanyeol then led him to the living room.


After Youngjae sat down on the couch, Chanyeol asked, “Do you want any drink?”


Youngjae shook his head. Chanyeol then sat down beside him.

“So, what do you want to talk about?”


“You were quiet today.” Youngjae started.


“Oh…” He did not know what to say.


“And I know it is my fault.”Youngjae continued.


“It’s not your fault. I was too noisy.” Chanyeol interjected immediately.


An awkward silence settled in. The two friends did not know how to continue the conversation.


Just then, Chanyeol suddenly stood up in realisation.


He pointed an accusing finger at Youngjae and stuttered. “You…you are not angry at me?”


Youngjae blinked in surprise. “How can I be angry at my best friend?”


Chanyeol started laughing but tears also started to fall.


“H-hey, what happened?” Youngjae panicked. He did not know what to do, it was the first time such situation happened.


“I thought you don’t want to be my friend anymore.” Chanyeol wept.


Hearing that, Youngjae just sighed and stand up to hug Chanyeol.


However, Chanyeol’s towering height made it almost impossible to do so.

“Aigoo, why must you be so tall?” Youngjae whined.


At the sudden statement, Chanyeol stopped weeping. “E-eh?”


“Nothing.” Youngjae just chuckled and sat down again.


Chanyeol sat down beside his best friend again, trying to wipe away all the tears on his face, but he was making a mess.


“Seriously, Chanyeol…” Youngjae said, pulling out some tissue from his pocket and started wiping his friend’s tears away. “…You should not cry, it makes you look ugly.”


Shock took over Chanyeol for a few seconds before he reacted, “YAH!”


Youngjae just smiled and tossed the used tissue paper into the waste bin.


“So does it mean that you will be my friend forever?” Chanyeol questioned.


“Of course.” Youngjae agreed.


“Not even Jongup can come between us?” He asked again.


“Eung,” Youngjae nodded.


“Not even Daehyun?” Chanyeol asked again.


“Yes, yes. Stop asking questions and let me enjoy the silence.” Youngjae said, grinning.


“Alright.” Chanyeol agreed with a big smile plastered on his face.


He switched on the television and picked up the remote control to switch it to his favourite channel.




Who lives in a pineapple under the sea 
SpongeBob squarepants


The SpongeBob theme song started to play.


“Yah, Park Chanyeol! How old are you seriously?” Youngjae barked.


“You said you will never be angry at me!” Chanyeol squealed with his deep voice.


“Alright, just stop squealing. You sounded like an alien.” Youngjae sighed.




The squabbling started once again.




Hearing Chanyeol’s shout, Youngjae just smiled and thought.

*I love my best friend, Park Chanyeol.* 


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Hunnies_4Bap #1
Chapter 1: Ahgh. I love these types of fics. I love the ships, or "friends" in this story. There should be more of these two together not as a side pair but a focused on in a story.
GwagHyeYu #2
Chapter 1: hi, im nt advertising, juz a suggestion. i juz fin rdin n i thot dat it wuz reli cute. n ive gt a whole bunch of frens n subbies hu r BABYs, so im wonderin if u wud lyk me to advertise ur story in my shop? i luv sharin fics i lyk, which aint a lot since romance bores me... ㅋㅋ so dink bout it? if ure interested u can always leave a request at my shop. :-)