A shy Jong In or a y Kai Chapter 1

A shy Jong In or a y Kai

1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and !.


You watched in awe as your boyfriend of 11 months practiced the new routine for his group's comeback. Although you've been dating him for so long you were always surprised by his stage and dance presence. He moved his hips and body in a way you couldn't believe. Off stage and out of the dance room he was a shy and sweet dork. He had the cutest mannerisms and was an absolutely adorable boyfriend. On stage however, he was a man. Only 20 years old but a complete man. He had this certain sensuality that he couldn't pull off when you two were on a date.


The song finished and your man-boy collapsed on the floor with sweat dripping down his face and body. He shook his hair and moved it from his face. You smiled and walked up to him with a big water bottle. He smiled up at you with those beautiful lips you loved to kiss. He grabbed the bottle and began to chug it down. Finishing nearly the whole bottle, he put the top on and let out a long sigh. He spread himself flat across the dance floor and just laid there.


After a minute he felt your head resting on his outstretched arm. He smiled to himself as you did the same.


"You realize i'm really sweaty right now right?" He broke the comfortable silence that you two were use to.


"Mhhm, it's kinda hard to miss."


"You know what else is hard?" He said the words with the most innocent meanings.


"I could think of a few things..." You began to laugh a little as you turned to see his face that had gotten more red than after dancing.


"YAH!! That's not what i meant!!!" He quickly got up and scrambled to his dance bag. You sat on the floor with your legs crossed and laughed as you saw him all flustered.


"Hahaha, I'm sorry Kai." You got up and went to stand next to him. You grabbed his hand and turned him towards you. "What did you want to say?"


"Nothing... nevermind. Oh, do you want to go have dinner tonight? I have the night off."


"Really??!! I'd love to have dinner with you my good sir." You smiled as you linked your arm through his.


"Perfect, then off to the shower!" You burst out laughing again. He looked at you and sighed as you calmed down.


"I'm sorry, really but... you just set these up so perfectly." You caught your breath and followed after him.


When you reached the entrance of the shower room you decided to joke around with him and act like you would go in. You took a step into the hallway that led to the shower when you suddenly got an eye-full of a shirtless Donghae. You yelped and ran out apologizing like crazy. You could hear laughter coming from inside the room and sat on the bench, waiting in mortification.


After a bit, Kai came out ready to go. He ruffled his sweet smelling hair and put his towel into his bag. You stood up and he took your hand to plant a sweet kiss on it. You smiled at each other and began to walk out of the building.


Through out the car ride you noticed that Kai was being very jittery. He got out of the car and opened to door for you. You smiled at his manners and he looked down and blushed. Leading you by the small of your back, you made your way to the restaurant. He pulled out your chair and when we went to sit down he quickly covered his face with the menu.


It was so strange. He always acted like it was your first date. He was so attentive, so shy, and so tentative. Even when he kissed you it felt like your first kiss; full of sweet and tender shyness that the both of you felt.


He put the menu down when the waiter came and ordered his meal. You followed suit and the two of you talked as you waited for the meal.


"So," you began as you took a sip of your water, "you have a concert tomorrow. What time does manager oppa want you back at the dorm?"


"Not till 10. We have 4 hours till then and we eat pretty fast so..."


"so what?"


"I was wondering if you wanted to walk through the lighted garden where we had our first kiss." He smiled sweetly at you.


"Oh is it set up with lights again?!" Your face brightened up at the memory of that beautiful garden and a bashful and scared boy trying to ask for directions as he attempted to hid the fact that he was Exo K's Kai.


"Mhhm, they put them up for upcoming valentine's day." The waiter brought the food and placed it in front of us. Two bowls of pasta; a joke between you and Kai because you were secretly in love with the movie Lady and the Tramp.


"Really?! Oh yes then, can we go? Let's finish fast so we can see all the lights!" you began to eat your pasta and it tasted delicious. You looked up to see if Kai was enjoying the food when you saw the adorable face of your boyfriend, almost completely covered in pasta sauce. You laughed a litle and went to clean it off his chin. He understood the message and quickly grabbed the towel to clean himself. Two of you continued to eat until the other finished and when you were both done you got up to leave. You made your way out of the restaurant and decided to be adventurous and WALK to the garden with Kai. He was covered up in a scarf, hat, and sunglasses, but still, it was adventurous. Since it was early February you huddled close together. Kai took your hands and held them in his. He brought them close to his face and blew hot air into them to keep them warm. He rubbed them a bit and slipped your right hand into his pocket. You reached the garden in one piece and it was suprisingly empty. Usually you could find a multitude of couples flocking the area and putting their wishes on the famous tree in the center of the garden. You looked at Kai to ask him what he thought the reason was for the garden's emptiness. His face was focused and he looked directly ahead of him. He was acting more shy than usual. This wasn't even shy anymore, it was ... scared? But what did he have to be nervous about? He wasn't thinking about ending the relationship was he? It can't be because you laughed at the comments he made can it? You've always been like that.


you placed your attention ahead of you as well and matched his pace. When you reached the center of the garden you found the tree. You went to grab a piece of paper to write your wish on. Kai noticed how quickly you grabbed the paper and began to scribble. He noticed you were overly nervous as well and realized that you were on to him. You probably knew everything he was planning. He decided to go for it anyways and hope for the smoothest end to this boyfriend girlfriend relationship.


You were writing you wish: I want to stay with Jongin for the rest of my life. You glanced to see if he was writing anything but he was just looking at the floor. Slowly he started to bend down.


Before you knew it he was on one knee!

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EXOing #1
Chapter 2: HE'S SHYY!! XD
fida0704 #2
Chapter 2: omg, if my bias proposed to a girl he likes, i would literally die on the spot. haha. anyways, nice fiction you got there authornim!
Chapter 1: Your writing style seems to have improved here, and I can see that you really put a lot of effort into it ^^ And the story-line is extremely sweet! Shy Kai is my favorite, he's such a darling when he's being his usual sensitive self. Good job!
EXOing #4
EXO!! Happy already!