Chapter 8

My Half Brother...a rescuer?!

Samuel's Point of View

I immediately hid Kiseob behind me once I open the door, "You're that girl from the signing event." I said while making sure that Kiseob was safe behind me. I didn't need him exposed to the media not when his uncle is KKS.

"Ariya Okita." She introduced herself with one hand stuck out to me and the other holding her cellphone very close to her. I shook her hand reluctantly and I can see a smirk plastered on her delicate face, "I'm the neice of the owner of this hotel." Ariya explained even though I didn't even ask anything yet. It was like she can read my mind.

She was talking in Japanese so Kiseob couldn't understand her, but Hyomin and Sooyoung could. With my weak Japanese I turned to Sooyoung for help, "Ariya-chan, we all know that you are the president of Samuel Liu's antis club, but why are you here exactly?" Sooyoung asked in fluent Japanese.

Ariya just smiled at Sooyoung, "I'm a girl of honor Sooyoung-san, I want to talk to Samuel-san face to face instead of computer to person." she explained and I just looked at her with a skeptical look, "Yes I hid since your debut, but your here now and I have my chance." 

"Can you speak Korean?" I asked. She shook her head, "Can you speak English?" She nodded.

Hyomin and Sooyoung both took Kiseob and led him to their room before closing the connected door. Ariya and I stood in complete silence and I was debating inside my head whether or not if I should actually talk with her. "Can I come in?" Ariya asked in fluent English with a hint of her accent.

"Yea." I replied and moved aside. She stepped inside and removed her shoes leaving it beside the door, " long have you been speaking English?" I questioned after closing the door. I led her to a table by the balcony door and we both took a seat looking over the Japanese scenery.

"About two years now," she replied and I gestured her to continued, "I major in writing literature and culinary arts." Ariya explained while she looked out the balcony door. 

I nodded understanding, "So..when did you start hating me?" I questioned while I fiddled with my phone. I looked up for a quick second to look at her before looking back at my phone. The look in her eyes showed she was thinking deeply about the topic, 'What did I do?' I thought. 

I scrolled to Krystal's name and started to text her.

To:  Baby Jung

Hey Krys. Sorry that I hung up, but I don't like being scolded at ;-; text back.

I closed my phone after sending the message and I looked at Ariya. She was looking intensely at me with a bored expression, "I hated you ever since the news of you debuting in your debut drama with Krystal Jung. You didn't even mean too audition nor have you had acting training from S.M yet you got the part just because of your looks." 

"Is that all?" I asked while looking at her with a small smile.

Ariya shook her head, "You flirt way to much with your noonas, you are like a mary sue type of person, and lastly ... you took the role from my baby cousin." she explained.

"Your baby cousin?.." I asked a bit uncertain before my phone vibrated in my hand.

I set my phone down ignoring the text and looked at Ariya full of curiousity, "My cousin flied to Korea to try getting the role since he was looking to start his acting career soon. He studied Korean for a year and a half for that role and many other roles. I didn't get to see him for that whole time because he was always busy with work and school work." she explained softly. 

I started to feel a pang of guilt.

"When he got back after they called off the callings, he stopped talking to all of us for a while. We finally got him to respond to us after your drama ended." Ariya explained.

"You must love your cousin if you hated me so much." I whispered while glancing down at my lap, "I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to take the role, but it just happened and yea..." I explained myself.

Ariya shrugged and looked out the window, "I don't blame you. Krystal Jung, quoting my friend, is a y person." she said bluntly.

"You like to voice yourself out huh?" I asked.

Ariya just nodded and sighed. She looked out of the balcony window, "I hate you so much. I will continue to hate you because you ruined my cousin so the only way I can get you is to just be an anti. Well at least a honest anti." she explained. Ariya looked over at me then my phone, "You should answer that. It may be important."

I nodded and picked up my phone. I turned it on to see a message from Krystal, "It's just from Krystal, I can reply to her later." I told her and put my phone down. I rested my arms on the table, "So you're going to continue being a paparazzi now?" I questioned.

"Not exactly. I will take pictures of you being scandalous, but I will not do anything that serious." Ariya shrugged.

I got up and went to the fridge. I handed her a bottle of water before sitting down, "I'm not trying to get you to like me or anything, but please hate on my only. My noonas got enough things to worry about so take me down just not them." I pleaded.

"Let's just see how it works." Ariya smiled.

I sighed and got up, "I suppose you want to leave now after we finally got things out of the way?" I questioned. She nodded and got up to head to the door herself without waiting for me to walk her out. I blinked a little before following after her, "Um I have one request from you though." I said as I got out a photo I always kept with myself.

"Which is?" 

I started jotting something down on the back of the photo. I folded it so it can be small and sipped it into a envelope, "Give this to your cousin please? I feel really bad for what happened and I want to show him how much I feel sorry." I explained.

She looked at the envelope that was extended out to her before reluctantly taking it, "Fine."

I opened the door for her. She bowed to me before taking her leave, "What a girl." I muttered and sighed sadly. I closed the door and sat down on the chair I was originally at so I can pick up my phone. 

From: Baby Jung

Whats up dummy? I was wondering when you were finally going to text me :P

I smiled at the text message before texting back.

To: Baby Jung

I have a schedule in a few. Let's skype? I have something to tell you. P.S I didn't know you missed me so much ;P


Sorry for the late update. I've been busy with school and other things :)

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Sorry I haven't updated. School Works :( I'll update soon!


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Chapter 21: I hope u finish ur story.. i like this. Yeah its been so l0ng since i started to read this. I thot ur not gona update this thats why i stop reading this.
misses this
jessicalm145 #3
Chapter 22: Bwahahahaha the gifs are the best!!!! Lmbo.
Chapter 22: Kristal???? what's that..ohwwwwwwwkay..
ChibiMedia #5
I would really like more comments from all my readers to know what I should do. The poll will be closed on January 22.
Chapter 21: *sigh* its getting to the good part..up to you author-ssi, ur the author anyway
DerpinJae #7
Chapter 21: Yeah ur right. It really got lost after the flight..
Maybe discontinue this and proceed with ur actor one..
And maybe remove kathryn xD and samuel's mother since it was jn the last fic that the custody something is in papa liu's hands so she really doesnt care for sam so why maybe not include her in this new story.. lets all move on. :D xD
jessicalm145 #8
Chapter 20: Welllllll..........alrighty now
Chapter 20: more samstal author-ssi.. ur jjang!
Chapter 20: author-ssi.. waaaahh cliffhanger again..haha nice update..