


Deep in the alleys hides a different world, that of , violence, greed, and many more. There is no order and there shall never be order, for this is where the human desire is no longer bound, physically nor mentally. Whatever sick crime you commit, nobody will ever give a , excuse it as a mere desire and think not more of it. As long as you WANT to do it, you CAN do it, and you most definitely will. In a place like this, law is a fantasy.


And on the road to this dark world, is someone lost, confused. Someone who got on the wrong side of town, at the wrong time, in a completely wrong situation. Young Tommy never belonged in a place like this; he was mommy's boy, a top student, the biggest maths geek in class, impervious to tests and exams, he was a dream child any ridiculously strict parent could want. Throughout his 15 years in life he had never touched the corrupt. He doesn't know whats a video game, he doesn't know what's , he doesn't know what those two big lumps every woman has are. Neither is he interested in them. He only wanted to be by mommy's side, and make her proud.


But for today, he's going to do something different, be someone different. Today he wasn't going to be by mommy's side anymore, neither make her proud. His thoughts weren't listening to him anymore. Pure instinct drove him to the dark alleys of this filthy town. He always had forbid himself from coming to these places, nor even TALK about them. But his legs continued the journey, despite how much he protested, something else was in work in his mind.


Two men from afar saw the boy approaching, as a very fast pace.


"There's today's meal." said one, a slow, wide grin on his face.


"A young one too, we'll get a load from this one." the other replied.


Nodding at each other in, both drew their knives, and rushed towards the boy.


At the other side, Tom already saw the two men coming, he could imagine their intentions, and he started crying, tears completely blurring his sight. Yet he continued, it was that other thing, he had to go. There was nothing he can do about it, even if he could get a hold of himself again, all is lost.


Then it started, Tom was shoved against the wall, the two men pointed their knives at his throat, he could feel the knife cut through his skin, and feel the warm blood flowing down his neck. He closed his eyes, hoping for the best, even when there was no longer a thread of hope in this situation. He fought hard to remember his mother's smile.


Insolent weakling. a deep voice boomed in his thoughts...


The two men were busy yelling at him, threatening him but he couldn't really hear them, he was losing himself, his vision slowly darkening, and there were flames, black fires burning all over the place. But the two men did not seem to notice it. How could they not? This was not the first time he saw what others did not. And then he fell alseep, but something else awakened.


His eyes both turned pitch black, leaving only a white slit in the middle, as a pupil.


One of the men proceeded to grab his face, but the moment his hand made contact with Tom's body, shadows rushed rapidly over his body, leaving only crimson bones where it passed through. The bones dropped, the man was no more.


The last one whispered "What are you?"


There was no answer, instead, Tom stuck his fingers into the man's face. But there were no blood, and no cries of pain. the fingers penetrated flawlessly into the man. But it did not end, thoughts began to float in the man's mind. The man clawed at his head, screaming to the point where his lungs would have burst. Black oil-like liquid began to flow from his gaping mouth, slowly covering his body and solidifying. Soon it was complete, Tom had projected imcomprehensible thoughts to the man, unable to take such insanity, then man has now become a black corpse, yet still shaking in madness and fear.


Tom's spoke, still with the voice of that pure, 15 year old boy.


"You know, but you do not understand. I am that. I am It."







Very bored, so I wrote this ridiculous story for those without purpose to read.

Ignored any grammatical or spelling mistakes or whatsoever.

Gave it a stupid name too.

Tell me how bad this story is, thank you~~


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