
Capturing Our Memories

{chapter four-

"You open it."

"No you open it! 

"It's on your desk. It's your property. You're opening it." 

"Why are you guys so scared of opening a damn envelope?" Kyungsoo snatched the envelope off of Baekhyun's desk. He ripped off the head off of the right fold and started to read the brief short letter. He held his hand over his mouth, in shock. "Daebak." 

 Kyungsoo passed the letter to Suho, he too had the same reaction.  Baekhyun stared at the two not having a single idea of what's happening in this situation. Then the letter was passed to sleepy Chanyeol, his eyes widened then looked at the letter then at Baekhyun, the letter and then Baekhyun. 

"How did- you- what- how did she- why. you? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??!" he continued to rock back and forth in his seat. He wasn't expecting that to happen until month or so but not in two freaking weeks. He expecpted a not-so-pretty one coming but not this. This, is almost to good to be true. 

Baekhyun looked at the shaking chihuahua on his left then at the two frozen statues on his right. His patience was so low, he couldn't take it anymore. "Hey guys, guys. GUYS!" he huffed, throwing his arms in every direction. 

"WHAT?" they mused all together. 

"WHAT DOES THE IT SAY!?!" Baekhyun threw his arms in air, completely irritated.

"Yah keep it down," Suho rolled his eyes and whacked Baekhyun's head lightly. Baekhyun apologized to the class president. He was lucky that everyone was outside. He grabbed the letter and passed it down to it's rightful owner.

Baekhyun's eyes widened then looked at his friends who was applauding him in his honor. "A d-date? W-with who?"

"It's one of the girls from the honors classes." Kyungsoo gawked, "and it seems like you charmed one of them with your awkwardness," he laughed out loud.

Chanyeol overheard the two and leaned closer. "And not just any girl from the honors classes. Remember her?" he questioned, pointing at perfectly printed name. "You used to like her!" 

Baekhyun studied the name. There was something about it that him uneasy. It sounded familiar. It looked familiar, but doesn't ring a bell. Did he forget his past already? He scratched his head, " Uh who?" 

The boys rolled their eyes. They continued to talk about the confession any way. "Are you going to accept it or not? It's a life time opportunity," Suho suggested. 

Baekhyun stared at the letter and frowned. "I wouldn't go accept it if I don't know the girl. It's called blind dating." 

"It's not blind dating. Think of it as a reunion! Or a small get together" Kyungsoo clapped in delight at his idea. "I'd think she would want to see you after all these years!' he whooped in delight."You guys might even have babies in the future. One might have her intelligence and the other what would have Baek- OW" 

"Kyungsoo don't get too excited." the class president scolded and whacked the young chef's head lightly. 

Baekhyun eyed Chanyeol and shrugged. "Is she nice?" he questioned. Chanyeol nearly smiled at that suggestion.

"You could say that." 


News spread quickly across campus. Eventually the news landed to Tae Yun who's attention was captured by the stunning view of the late autumn leaves. A group of 1st year students were  talking out loud passed her and she heard a tiny portion. She predicted this day would come and she knew Mr. Sun Gun would be a great hit with the girls. 

I mean, who wouldn't want an awkward yet ridiculously adorable guy to be chasing after you? Tae Yun slightly smiled at the thought until a another group of people came in sending high pitch shrieks. Tae Yun started to panic with a million of thoughts clogging her poor brain.

Did anyone die? she thought in horror. 

Tae Yun nervously clutched her camera closer to her stomach as she crept behind the rowdy crowd of 'fangirls'. 

Please tell me one of these idiots died, she thought. That was a much more pleasant idea then the last one. 

Walking around campus with his hands tucked in his blazer, Byun Baekhyun decided to get some fresh air. It was another late afternoon break and he was sick of study hall. The silence was so silent he felt that no one was there. Besides the fact the room was packed full. He didn't hear breathing, the sound of flipping the pages of the books drove him insane. 

He heavily sighed as he took a seat at the red metallic bench. His fringe dangled in front of his face. He blew the pesky strands of hair out of the way but soon it came rushing back . After several attempts he just let the pesky things be. Leaning against the tree, a very undesirable noise made him flinch. 

Being the curious one, he investiged and found himself in a crowd of girls. Baekhyun was literally about to explode being compressed in a tiny area. He managed to keep his lunch in and find out what was all the commotion about. He tip toed, having a tiny view of two very good looking guys practicing their dance routine. 

Now he could clearly see why they could over react and spazz to their hearts desire. He laughed, walking away the fangirls in their natural habit. Before he left completely, at the corner of his eye a girl watching girls ones. Not so much screaming or yelling manner but plain standing there. 

It was his seat mate. She too was curious of why hell suddenly broke loose. Baekhyun was somewhat amused when she had to craned her neck to see since she was too small to see a thing. Then had to tip toe. He noticed she was attached to her camera again. It's like the camera was her life source just like in the video games he played. 

There was this one point of the day he thought if Tae Yun was even human or not. She seems too sweet and nice to be one. Baekhyun thought up an idea to test his hypothesis. He slowly crept behind her, not making a peep. Baekhyun slowly s his hands towards the lens of the camera. 

Tae Yun felt a strange presence lingering. She shrugged it off, suddenly she caught a hand trying to snatch her camera. One of her greatest fears started to over come to reality. As a reflect, Tae Yun turned around and immediately kicked the person in the shin. Hard.

"YAH!" she hissed. 

Yes, she went there. Baekhyun winced in pain, He started to regret having the stupid idea to mess with this chick. Hell, from that moment on his view of his innocent classmate is not so sunshine and rainbows. Baekhyun bounced right to left, left to right holding his right leg. Tae Yun's hand flew on top of . 

"I'm s-so sorry! I d-didn't mean to! I thought you were going to- then-steal the camera- I'M SORRY!" she bowed firously. This was almost as bad as being pubically embrassed. Sadly, this was even worst than public humiliation. Oh how much she wished to jump off a cliff right now. 

Baekhyun hobbled his way towards a near by tree. 

"I didn't know you kick that hard!" Baekhyun bit his lip, trying to ignore the pain. Even though he was in great pain, it was painfully as funny seeing Tae Yun in a state of shock. "I'm truly sorry Baekhyun-sshi! I-I didn't know it i-it was you! I d-didn't expect it to b-be you -no- it's not like I was e-expecting you at all or anything!" Tae Yun sputtered. Bright pink blush appeared across her cheeks. 

Idiot, idiot, idiot! She face palmed. 

"Accidents happen," Baekhyun laughed out loud, "no need to explain." 

Tae Yun stared at him, puzzled. started to move for her, "W-Why did you try to steal my c-camera?" she held her vintage camera tightly in her hands. Absolute fear in her eyes. 

"To see if your a robot or not," Baekhyun casually pointed at her. 

"Dae?!" she gawked. Did he just say robots? 

"Nothing," he chuckled uneasily. "I'm always seen you with your camera all the time. And I think I never seen you without it before." 

"Oh..." her eyebrows furrowed as she looked downward. "I like to keep memories of things," Tae Yun admitted. She frantically looked at the floor, not knowing what to say next. There was brief moment of silence.

Baekhyun remembered his vlog and how he films everything with his camcorder. A days worth of events were wrapped into one single USB card that could be replayed over and over again. He  enjoys to look back at those films, those captured memories. Baekhyun remembered his oil paintings at home. In Tae Yun's case, she uses pictures. And that interested him. 

Tae Yun and Baekhyun were startled by a nasle voice from above. The loud speaker announced the afternoon break will soon end, students are required to return back to their classes in five minutes. 

"I wasn't watching the time," Baekhyun muttered then he faced Tae Yun, " Next time you should take a picture of me!" he eye smiled, lightly patting her head before running to class. He nearly tripped up the stairs due to his lack of stamina. Tae Yun laughed at him secretly. 

"That Byun Baekhyun is such a random person," she muttered, touching the top of her ruined hair. Then her memory triggered, she smacked her fore heard because of her stupidity, why did she have to kick him! Why did she have to trip over her words! This was about the fourth time this happened and the situation she's getting into are getter more weirder than ever. It's because of that American. That greasy bacon. 

A weird one at that.

[ mochii 's corner] 

Hahaha, don't you just love clumsy Bacon?  i'mtryingmybestnottocreatethiscliche
I know, I know, it's been EXACTLY ONE MONTH since the last update but hey! I updated cuz' I was in a writing mood 
I combind chapter 3&4 since the two fell into the same category if y'all are wondering.
Oh,  Sehun & Jongin~ any guesses how they're going to fit in this Baek Yun madness? HAHAHAHA,
Yeah, kill me now. Come at me. See you in the next update! <3 
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Hehe, forgot to hide the chapter :3 Sorry about that!


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caterinaa_925 #1
Chapter 6: This seems really cute :-)
Please update soon!
mochikaki #2
Chapter 4: I love the idea and the way you write. Looking forward to future chapters! :3
Cakeohcake26 #3
Chapter 2: Ohhh!!! They met! they met !they met! Can't wait to know how she's going to react hehe :) interesting plot ^.^
Please update soon! :D