Lee Junho


Early morning the next day, Suzy is preparing herself. She wears a wig and put some make up for disguise so no one could recognize her. Her blackmailer had already text her how he’s going to take the money. It is a lot of money, so Suzy had to go to the atm first. She put the money on a plastic bag, put it in a paper bag and ducktape it. She catch a taxi and stop few blocks from the meeting point. She walks to the train station and casually throw the paper bag inside the trash can. And then she walks again like nothing happen. She walks a little bit far from there before suddenly she hide behind a wall. She waited patiently for the blackmailer to come. Minutes had past, but no one came. Suzy didn’t let go of her sight from the trash can. She know that he’ll come. Her waiting is pay off. A man walk to the trash can. Suzy hide when he turn his head right and left to make sure no one look. He took the paper bag and walk away. Suzy pull her hat lower when he walk pass her. Keeping the distance, Suzy followed him.

The man walks pass 5 blocks and some narrow alley before he stop in front of a small house. He looks again to see if anyone following him. He search for his key and opened the door.

The door closed.

Meanwhile, Suzy is hiding near the house. Her hands start to shaking again, her feet started to feeling numb. She hold on the wall so she not fall. She put a hand on , try to controlled herself not to make any noise. Luckily no one pay attention at her. She was deeply in shock. She knows that man. How could she forget about him. He’s one of her past that she wanted to forget. Her mind start to think how he know about the thing she did in the past. And she found the answer. He got what he asked for.

Maladewa, A week later

Suzy is enjoying her sun bathing near the hotel’s private beach. She sips her fruit punch. And take her sun lotion cream. She’s going to smear it in her hands when a hotel employee hand her a phone.

“What is this?”

“I’m sorry to bother you miss Bae. But there’s a phone for you from SK. They say that this is an urgent matter”

Suzy looks unhappy for a while. She already told her manager that she don’t want to be disturbed when she’s on vacation. In the end, she take the phone from the hotel employee.

“Ok, I’ll take it. Thank you”

The employee nod and excuse himself. Suzy arrange her hair on one side to receive the phone

“Mr Jang! Had I told you not to called me during my vacation?”

But the voice that answering her is not Mr Jang’s voice

“I’m sorry to disturb your vacation Miss Bae”

“Who’s this?”

“I’m captain Lee Seung Gi from Seoul Police Department”

“Police?”, Suzy become a little bit panic, “What happen?why police called me?something wrong?”

“I’m afraid we need you as soon as possible in here Miss Bae”

Suzy’s heart stopped


“Well, yesterday someone broke into your house. He seems an expert because we know that your house is protected by hi-tech security system”

“Is there any lost? My insurance will cover it. I’ll just tell them to come. Thankyou for contact me”

Suzy is going to close the phone when captain lee interrupted her

“I’m afraid you still had to end your vacation earlier Miss Bae”

Silence for a moment

“Tell me Mr Lee…what is really happen there?”

“It seems that this person is not just a thief. He write a threatening message to you. So we like to know if you had any enemies?”


“Halo…? Halo? Miss Bae? Are you still there?”

“Ah..yes Mr Lee. I’ll come as soon as possible”

“Ok. We’ll wait for you. Sorry for interrupting your vacation Miss Bae”

“it’s ok Mr Lee. I’ll see you in SK then”


Suzy ended the call and stand up from her beach chair. She tied her towel around her slim waist and walk to her room. She tell the room service to clean up her room and start packing up. She called her manager and he tell the same story like captain Lee had told her. She ask him to prepare a room in hotel where she can stay for a while. After finish packing and hotel administration, she go to the airport , and wait for the plane that would take her back to SK.

Seoul, hours later

Mr Jang picked her up in the airport, they go to the hotel to put her luggage there and go straight to her house. Captain lee had waited for them there. He shake suzy’s hand.

“it so nice to finally able to meet you in person Miss Bae. I’m your fan”, Captain lee try to give Suzy the best smile he had. Suzy force herself to smile at him

“Thankyou Mr Lee”

The three of them enter the house. There’s police line around the house. Mr Jang already told Suzy that damon is still in her daycare place. When they enter the room, captain Lee called someone from inside the house to meet them

“Hey Junho!!! Come here and meet Miss Bae”

“Junho?”, suzy ask

Captain lee turn his head to Suzy

“Yes…lee Junho. He’s the one who’ll take care this case.”, seeing Suzy didn’t give any response, captain Lee hurriedly explained

“Don’t worry Miss Bae. He is one of our best resource in Police Department. He could handle this cases fast”

“HEY JUNHO! Where are you?!”

“I’m here sir…!”

They hear footsteps coming hurriedly from the kitchen. A nice looking man comes up from there. He approach them and greeted.

“Halo, I’m Lee Junho….”

Junho stopped for a moment, he just realize the beauty in front of him and mesmerized by it. Suzy is used to had people look at him like that, but still she can’t help to blush. Seeing Suzy blush that even add her beauty, Junho gulp. He hesitantly offer his hand

“……..nice to meet you Miss Bae”

Suzy take his hand.

Junho take her hand longer that it should be. Suzy smiled when Captain Lee reprimand him

“Ehem….how long you going to take her hand exactly Detective Lee?”

Junho hastily release his grip

“Ah..i’m sorry Miss Bae”

Suzy smiled

“It’s ok Det. Lee. So…where’s the threat message for me?”

Junho and captain Lee look at each other.

“Brace yourself Miss Bae”, said Junho

The three of them took her to the bedroom. It was a disaster. Broken glasses are everywhere. The drawer and the cabinet inside was opened and all of the things inside it scattered everywhere. Suzy walks carefully passed the glasses. It came from the vases and the mirror in the bedroom. She reach for Mr Jang’s hand to hold on, because she was afraid to see what will shee saw later. On the basis of what it used to be a mirror, there’s a hand writing in it


Suzy fell backward when she read it. Luckily Mr jang and Junho had anticipated it. They catch Suzy in both left and right. They let her go when they feel she’s calmed enough. Suzy put her thumb between her front teeth and click it. Junho feel attracted to see it. Someone in his past also did the same thing when she got worried or nervous.

“Any guess of anyone who did this?”

Suzy release her hand

“No…I guess not. I can’t think any person that could do this”

Mr Jang added

“Suzy never had or even make any enemies in her career path as celebrity”

Junho raised one of his eyebrow


Mr Jang nod

“Yes. She earn the Nation’s sweetheart title because she never get any hatred. Well…until this incident of course”

Suddenly Suzy asked

“What about the cctv? Didn’t it show something?”

Junho check his notes

“We still try to get the record Miss Bae. But it seems that this person knows about your security system. We wouldn’t know about it if we didn’t received report from Mrs Kim who found this earlier”

“We still checking persons around you Miss bae. Hope we’ll find the result in a couple more days”, add capt. Lee

Junho see that Suzy try to hide her nervousness and feel sympathy for her.

“Where do you live now Miss Bae?”

Suzy look at Junho

“I’m staying at Hotel Maple for a while. Is that allright?”

Both captain Lee and Junho nod

“Yes…it’s allright Miss Bae. At least it’s safer than here”

“We’ll contacted you later if we found any progress. We try to catch the culprit before press know about this”

Hotel Maple

Suzy had just finished her bath. She wrap a towel in her wet hair when she hear her phone rings and dead. She take the phone and check it. There’s 7 missed call from unknown number. When she’s going to called the number, it ring again. Hurriedly Suzy answer it


“Why there’s police in your house?”

Suzy’s face become tense. It’s him… That man!. She try to stabilize her voice

“Aren’t you the one who did this?”

The man’s voice become impatient

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you breaking into my house and write that threatening word? I thought that you only think of money?”

“I didn’t break into your house!”

“…….then who is it?”

Feeling her confused, the man laughed

“Well…well…well….apparently that our Nation’s Sweetheart had enemies more than I expect”

“Stop it!!!!”

Suzy’s breath becomes frantic

“What do you want?”

The man stop laughed


“What?!!!! I already give you a lot of money!”

“Heheheh…chill out Miss Bae. Consider it as second payment. I think I had the right with the money for keeping this secret, don’t you think so?”

“……how much is it now?”

“I’ll text you the detail”

And their conversation end. Suzy look at her reflection at body sized mirror in her room. It shows a beauty looking at her. But her face is not happy as it used to be. It shows depressed, sad, nervous, scared feeling. She closed her eyes and suddenly Junho’s face come to her mind. She smiled bitterly and tell to herself.

“Lee Junho….i never expected that I’ll see you again”


Suzy was going to had dinner when Mr Jang called her. He said that the culprit has been found.

“So fast!”

“Yes, apparently the cctv’s result is out. They had captured him and now they need us in police station. I’ll pick you up now. Go change your clothes”

“Ok Mr Jang”

Suzy takes off her dress and decided to wear more casual clothes. She wipes all her make up and wear her shirt, jeans and jacket. She do ponytail to her hair. With this kind of looks, no one will expected that she is 27 year old. She looks like a high school student. When she’s done changing, Mr jang knock her door. And they go to the police station office together.

Everyone in the police station nudging each other when they saw suzy came. They try to keep their authority but they smile like an idiot when Suzy smiled at them. Captain Lee and Junho greeted her and Mr jang once they come in the suspect room.

“So…the culprit is behind that door?”

Suzy pointed out the door behind Captain Lee. He nod

“Yes, Miss Bae”

Junho opened the door for Suzy and comes in first. Suzy take a step inside and she was in shock when she sees who’s the one sitting in the suspect chair.

“Mr OK??!!!!! I can’t believe this!”

Mr Ok turn to face her

“I didn’t do it Miss! I swear…! When I got there, it’s already like that….i just…..”

Mr Ok couldn’t finished his word and bow his head. Suzy look at Junho with disbeliefs expression

“You must be catched the wrong person….Mr Ok will never do this. Poor Mrs Ok and Jinyoung. How did their reaction when they saw you catch him?”

Junho give her a slght smile. He feel touched that Suzy is still defending this man.

“We said earlier that the person who breaks in your house had disable your security system, but the cctv had been turn on again. And that’s when we catch him caught in cctv”

Suzy look at Mr Ok that still bow his head, avoiding her.

“How could you do this Mr Ok? What about Mrs Ok and Jinyoung?”

“Apparently he didn’t tell you the truth about his wife and daughter”

Suzy turn her head to Junho again

“What do you mean?”

“Mr Ok had divorced with his wife a year ago. His daughter choose to live with her mother”, said captain Lee

Suzy become surprised to hear this

“Really? Why? He never told me that”

Captain Lee give  Mr Ok an intense gaze

“Her wife ask for divorce because she can’t stand him again. He’s become obsessed with you. After we saw him on cctv, we go to his house, and we find YOU everywhere”, he look at Suzy


“Yes. Your picture is everywhere and comes in different size and shape. Picture, posters, mug, table cloth, pillow, bolster, even cover bed. And we find a box that contain your hair, a lipstick tube, all the things that you’ve hold before. He collected it”

Suzy use her hand to cover up . She feels sick to hear all of this. She look at Mr Ok with disbeliefs expression

“I thought that it was for Jiyoung…..all those posters and stuff….”

Mr Ok started to crying

“Yes…I admitted that I’m obsessed with you Miss Bae. But who wouldn’t? But I’m not the one who start the mess and write the word…I just accidently go to your house and saw that the lights on. I go inside and found out the mess….I didn’t write it…I just take some souvenir….trust me Miss bae!!!”

Suzy cover up her ear. She can’t take it anymore. Mr Jang guide her outside, followed by captain Lee and Junho. He hold the door knob and said to Mr Ok

“We’ll find out if you really the one who write it or not. You better tell us the truth”

He closed the door. They could hear him yelling inside.

“I love you Miss Bae!!!!!!i won’t do anything to harm you!!!”

Mr jang had seated Suzy in the nearest bench. Junho looks at her, she did it again. She clicked her thumb between her front teeth. She stop when Mr Jang handed her a cup of hot coffee. She give him a slight smile and saying thankyou. Junho approached her

“Are you allright Miss Bae?

Suzy look at him and smile

“Just a little bit shock…but I’m fine now”

Junho took a seat next to her. It’s a narrow bench, so when he sit, his hand accidently brush Suzy’s arm. Suzy blushed a little. Junho smiled when he see it.

“How long have you worked with Mr Ok?”

Suzy thinks for a while

“It’s 8 years. At first he didn’t only work for me but to other celebrity also. We take turns to use his service. It happen for a year when he finally decided to work only for me.”

Suzy let out a big sigh

“Poor Mrs Ok and Jiyoung….i feel like I’m the one who destroyed their family”

Junho smiled at her

“You did nothing wrong. It his own imagination that ruined his family.”

Suzy replied his smile. But the guilty feeling still there. She look at the coffee cup in her hand, but her mind wandering. Suddenly an officer come in hurriedly. He greet captain Lee and tell him that there’s a lot of press car outside the police station. Mr Jang become panicked

“You tell us that no press will know!!”

Captain Lee wipe his forehead

“I didn’t know how they know. Junho, bring them out through the back door! Quick!”

“Yes sir!”

Junho grab one of Suzy’s hand and tell Mr Jang to follow them. Meanwhile, outside the police station, press is try to break in. People in the building could hear them yell

“We want to go inside!”

“You can’t obscure us”

“We want to see captain Lee!”

“Miss Bae! Are you there?!”

Suzy feel her feet start to numb, but Junho keep dragging her. Finally they managed to get out. Junho take them to his car and tell them to get in. Suzy sit in the passenger seat behind him while Mr jang sit next to Junho. He turn on his car and take them out from there.

While Junho driving, Mr Jang repeatedly complain.

“What to do now? We need to find the best answer…..”

Junho steal glances of Suzy from the rearview mirror. Suzy is looking outside the window, one hand on her chin. Looks like she’s thinking about something. Hearing Mr Jang complain, she lost her patient.

“Stop it Mr Jang…!”

Mr Jang straightly silent. Suzy bite her lips. She regrets her anger

“I’m sorry Mr jang. Just let me think how we could get out from this trouble”

“I know…I’m sorry”

After accompany Suzy to her room, Junho take Mr jang to his apartment. Before they said goodbye, Junho gives Suzy his card.

“Call me if you need something”

Suzy look at the card and smiled


On their way to Mr Jang’s apartement. Junho ask Mr Jang about Suzy.

“I work with her for 9 years now. She started her careers when she was 17 years old. She’s so talented and easy to tell. She’s every manager’s dream actress. I was surprised when she ask me to be her manager. Because she’s better than me…”

“What do you mean?”

“In entertainment world, sometimes there’s celebrity that actually didn’t need any manager to take care of them, they are autonomous type of celeb. Suzy was one of them. When she first enter the entertainment world, she managed to make herself a rising star just in her first year”

“She’s talented, pretty, full of respect to her seniors, care about her junior, always on time. In other word, she was born to be a star. I’m a little bit embarrassed if I tell you this. Actually she manage herself, my duty is just acting as her manager. She knows her price, what role will bring her to fame, what song she wants to sing. All that stuff, she handled it herself”

“So why she hired you?”

“She never tell me why, but I think I know why. I was working in one big agency before when they fired me without warning. At that time, my mother was sick and my kids is still in school. I don’t know how I’m going to pay all the bills. I got drunk and I remember telling her this story. When I was awake the next morning. I came to see her to said that I’m sorry to make hear such kind of story. But she smiled and offer me a job as her manager”

Mr Jang finished his story, leaving Junho alone. Junho smiled when he remembered how Suzy blushed when he accidently brush her arm earlier. And when he hold her hands, it feels like he knows what her hands feel like. Junho feels like he knows her for a long time. But he quickly erased that feeling

(“of course I feel like I know her…her face is everywhere for this past ten years”)

Meanwhile in Hotel Maple, Suzy disguised herself again. She bring the money to the place that he mentioned earlier. This time she didn’t follow him. The next morning, Suzy check out from the hotel. She decided to stay in her house. Junho was very angry to hear that when the hotel told him. He rushed to go to her house. Suzy is playing with Damon when she opened the door for her.

“What’s this all about?”

Suzy stop playing with Damon. When she see Junho, she smile

“Good morning detective Lee”

Junho didn’t reply her. He’s still looking at her with intense gaze

“What are you doing here Miss Bae? Didn’t you realize that your life is in danger?”

Suzy lift Damon in her arms

“The press already know where I stay. It’s just a matter of time before they start to swarm the hotel. I didn’t want to disturbed another guest. So I decided to go back home”

“But your security system is still broken”

“I know. It worked manually for a while. But look at the bright side. Only me who had the key”

Suzy smiled and swayed the key. Junho shake his head, he hates it when a target didn’t care about their own safety

“Where’s Mr jang? I want to speak with him…”

“He’s not in Seoul right now”


“His mother got sick again, he just found out about it yesterday. He ask for my permission to go, and I let him”

“Did he know about this? You comeback to your house?”

“Yes, he know”

Junho can’t hold his anger again. Suddenly he grip Suzy’s wrist, so hard it makes her scream a little and let go of her dog. Damon jump from Suzy’s arm and start barking. She even bite Junho’s leg, but he didn’t let go of her.

“Let me go Detective Lee…”, suzy hissed

“No! why you did this? What do you think of your life? You act like you’re not in danger…” Junho replied her word with the same emotion.

Suzy winced in pain

“Please…let me go first! I’ll tell you why…”

Finally Junho released her.  Suzy pull her hand in relief. She told Damon to let go of Junho’s foot. Junho looks at Suzy with guilty feeling. He saw her wrist marked red. Suzy rub it gently and blow it to reduce the pain. Gently, Junho take Suzy’s hand again but this time he take her to the wastafel. He opened the tap and let water slide.

“Do you have any ice pack?”

“Umm…it’s in the fridge”

Junho take her to the couch and leave her. He’s back with an ice pack in his hand. He wrap it with a face towel and rub it in Suzy’s wrist. He look at Suzy that still in pain

“I’m sorry…does it hurt?”

Suzy pout

“Of course! I thought I’m going to lose it!”

Junho bow and continue to rub her wrist

“I’m sorry…I just don’t know why you put yourself in danger. We still can’t find the one who did it yet, and you act careless like this”

Junho look at Suzy again. Somehow he felt something in her gaze, a feeling that he used to see long time ago. Suzy let out a big sigh

“I’m sorry…it’s not like I didn’t care about my own safety. His mother was the only parents Mr Jang had…and he loved her so much. I can’t tell him not to go when he hear the news. The press will eventually know where I am, no matter how. I feel safer here. Besides…..”, Suzy look at Junho, “there’s you who will protect me right?”

For a moment the time seems to stop ticking. Eventhough they just met with each other, they can’t deny that there’s something between them. An attraction. Slowly Junho lean forward to her. Suzy didn’t move, she wait. Feeling her agreement, Junho lean closer and closer. He saw how red her lips are, how moist they are, how tempting those lips are. He’s asking himself, what would it taste like?. Their lips getting closer and closer. Suzy slowly closed her eyes. Their breath start to mix together. Their lips is going to touch when suddenly Junho’s phone is ringing.

Like electricity stunned they separated. Suzy nervously put a strand of her hair in her ear. Junho cleared his throat before answering his phone.


“Yahh! Lee Junho…! Where are you? Did you know that miss bae is already check out from her hotel?”

“Yes sir…”, Junho took a glance of Suzy who’s blushing hard, “I’m with her right now”

“Oh..i see…well then, protect her ok?”

“Yes sir…I will”

Junho closed the phone, he looks at her again

“it’s captain Lee…he just find out that you check out from the hotel”

Suzy nod and stand up from the couch. She take the ice pack back to the kitchen. She told Junho that her wrist feeling better now. She’ll go get the medicine kit to take care of Junho’s wound. Junho see her leaving and lean himself hard to the couch. He wished they could continue what they’re going to do earlier. He smack his own head when he realizes his stupid thought.

“Aish…stupid Junho”

“You could get hurt if you hit yourself like that detective Lee”

Suzy comeback with the medicine kit in her hand and she smiled. She told Junho to roll up his pants to nursing his wound. Junho cringe a little when he feel the antiseptic touch his wound. Suzy smiled. She put on a plaster to cover it and give it a light hit.

“There you go”

“Ouch…it’s hurt”

Suzy laugh. After returning the medicine kit to its place. She take Damon in her arm and put a chain in her collar.

“Where do you think you want to go?”

“To go find something to eat…are you not hungry detective Lee?”

Junho hold his stomach. He hasn’t eat anything this morning. He smiled and stand up from the couch.

“Where do you want to eat, Miss Bae?”

Suzy smiled at him

“I don’t know…you tell me…aren’t you police used to know the best coffee and donuts in town?”

“Hahahhaah…you acted in too many police drama Miss Bae”

Suzy locked her door before they go. Casually Junho hold her hand, Suzy didn’t refuse it. Both of them smiling. On their way out, they talk and laugh

“So, when you decided to be a police, detective Lee?”

“Don’t call me detective Lee…just call me Junho”

Suzy blushed


She giggled feeling how awkward she said it. Junho smiled

“Can I called you Suzy?”

“Aren’t you supposed to called me nuuna? I’m a year older than you”

“a year gap is not a problem for me….Hey! how did you know about my age?”

Suzy get surprised. She cursed herself for being careless. Lucky for her, Junho didn’t seems to notice

“You ask captain Lee about me right?”

“Ah..y..yes…he told me a bit about you”

She took a glance of Junho that still driving. It seems that Junho didn’t think too much of it.

“I hope captain lee didn’t tell you something humiliating about me”

Suzy smiled and feel relieved

“No he didn’t. He told me that you’re one of his trustable man”

Junho smiled happily. He stopped his car in front of the ice cream café she saw earlier. Junho opened the door for Suzy

“Come on…we’re here”

Suzy raised an eyebrow

“Ice cream café?”

“Yep! You ask for the best donuts and coffee in town. They had it”

Hesitantly Suzy get out from the car. Damon couldn’t wait any longer. She’s barking nonstop. Junho smiled when he see the dog’s attitude

“Come on Suzy. Even damon knows good food when she smells one”

Suzy smiled and let Junho guide her inside. The café owner greet Junho. He’s a middle aged man with a cheerfull face. He wears a white apron with flower printed. It seems that junho is a regular customer here because the café owner hug him tight

“detective Lee! It’s nice to see you again”

Junho laughed

“What are saying Mr Park? Just yesterday I come here”

Mr Park finally realizes that Junho is not alone.

“Woah…who’s this pretty girl behind you?”, and he cover up his mouth when he recognize Suzy,”Oh my God! Isn’t this Miss bae Suzy?”

He hugged her tight

“I’m a big fans of you Miss Bae”

Suzy feel a little bit oppressed because of it. Lucky that Mr Park quickly release his hug. He’s holding Suzy’s hand

“I’m so sorry Miss bae…I get to excited to finally meet you in person. Woah…you’re so beautiful”

Suzy smiled at him

“It’s ok Mr Park. It’s nice to see you”

Mr Park held her hand and guide her to his best seat. Junho is smiling to see how Mr park adore her

“Here you go. Sit here Miss bae. From this place, you could get the best view in this café”

“Thankyou Mr Park”

Suzy sit and tied Damon in her table pole.

“So..what can I get for you?”

Suzy lets Junho to decide

“ Donuts and coffee for us Mr Park”

Mr Park pretend to be offended

“That’s it? No ice cream? This isn’t called ice cream café for nothing you know…”

Junho laughed

“I’ll go with strawberry and chocolate ice cream. What about you?”

Suzy check the menu

“I’m vanilla and chocolate for damon”

Junho is curious with Suzy’s choice

“Vanilla? I thought girls like strawberry or chocolate ice cream”

Suzy smiled

“If it’s ice cream…its vanilla”

Junho was stunned


(12 years ago)

Junho smiled to the girl next to him

“Come on…I’ll treat you an ice cream”


“yeah…what flavor do you want?”


“And..? Any other flavor?”

“No…vanilla is enough”

“That’s it? Just vanilla?”

The girl her ice cream and smiled

“if it’s ice cream…it’s vanilla”


Suzy wave her hand in front of Junho

“Halo?...Junho? Are you allright?”

Junho startled and back to reality

“Ah..yes..something came into my mind just then”

Suzy smiled and feel relieved. After a while waiting, Mr Park comeback to them, bringing their food. He even treat Damon a big bone. Suzy smile widely

“Thankyou Mr park…”

“You’re welcome Miss bae”

They spent the food, talk and jokes. It was fun. Suzy praises Mr park’s menu. She even add some more, leaving Junho and Mr Park amazed with her ability to eat. She’s going to ask for the third time when Junho forbid it

“Stop it…I’ll take you here again tomorrow”, he laughed


“Yes..i promise”

After finishing their meal, Junho intended to pay, but Mr Park refused it

“It’s my treat. Not everyday I could see Miss Bae in person”

Junho laughed

“You’ll get huge loss when you give her free treat everytime she eats”

Suzy pout and nudged Junho waist

“Ouch…what that was for?”

Mr Park laughed to see their behavior. Knowing Junho for so long, he never saw him close enough with a girl. This time he brings a girl and its no other than Bae Suzy. What a jackpot!

They said goodbye to Mr Park. In the car, Junho ask Suzy where she wants to go next. Suzy ask him to drive them to the park. It was quiet there because its office hour. Suzy release Damon’s chain and let her run around the park. They sitting in a bench below a cherry tree.

Suzy laugh when she saw damon chasing a butterfly

“Go get it Damon….!”

She stop laughing whe she realize that Junho is watching her intensely


“Nothing…I’m just curious, why you give male name to her?”


“Yes..isnt it a male name?”

Suzy smiled

“Ian give me her…he named it Damon, like his role in drama. I was wonder about it too at first, but he said that it was to remind me of him. Silly Ian”

Junho felt a little bit jealous

“Is he your boyfriend?”

Suzy smiled feeling his jealousness

“No…he’s my best friend when I go to USA to record my album there. I never had any boyfriend”

“Really? I cant believe it”

Suzy shake her head

“You should…I’m too busy to had a boyfriend. I feel like I’m dedicated all my life to my careers”

The wind breeze slowly. Making some of Suzy’s hair cover up her face. Suzy slide her hair back behind her ear. Junho is still watching her.

“What about you Junho? Any girlfriend?”

Junho played with leaves that fell in his hand before answering

“I only dated for two times. The first one when I’m in a highschool, it last for 2 months. And the last one when I first enter police academy. It ended 2 years ago”

Suzy looks at Junho.

(“Your relationships with Yoona only last for two months? How come?”)

“Your first girlfriend…why it ended so fast? Who break up first?”

Seeing Junho hesitant to answer, Suzy quickly said

“ah…I’m sorry…you don’t need to answer it if you don’t want to”

Junho look at Suzy. He never feel like this with a girl. Not after “she”s gone.

“It was a mistake. I thought I like her…I didn’t realize that I like another girl. When I realize it already late”

“Why? Did she find another man?”

Junho looks at her intensely

“No…she’s dead…she kills herself by jumping from the cliff”

Suzy’s heart stopped. Junho look in front and continued his word

“I could never understand why she did that…My dad die when he struggle to fight his diabetes, he wants to live. But she just throw away her life and ended it. I hate her because of that”

Suzy coldly replied

“Maybe you don’t know her that much”

Junho look at Suzy again

“Maybe…but she could tell me…,” he look at her intensely,”When I first hear you singing, I thought it was her. Somehow, you remind me of her”

Suzy start to feeling nervous but she managed to hide it

“Really? Is she pretty?”

Junho give her a weak smile

“No…but she’s nice and funny. She made me comfortable”

“Is that why you didn’t date her?”


“If you’re comfortable with a pretty/handsome one, you want to make them your lover. If you’re comfortable with commoner, you just think that they’re such a good friends. That’s the law of attraction”

Junho cant believe what he just heard

“What? What do you think you’re saying? That’s a ridiculous theory”

Suzy stand up from her seat and look at Junho coldly

“Really? So tell me why you and my other fans interested in me? Because my personality? It’s always because my face....No matter how nice and talented you are, if you’re not pretty, you wouldn’t be able to get to the top”

“Hey…what happened?”

Junho held Suzy’s hand, telling her to relax. He didn’t know why Suzy become emotional like this. Suzy try to control herself. She couldn’t be like this or she’ll ruined everything. She hold Junho’s hand and let out a sigh

“I’m sorry…I just remember Yeon Seo’s scandal. It hurt me so why this life could be cruel sometimes”

Junho squeeze Suzy’s hand gently. She gave him a slight smile. After Damon satisfied chasing small animals in the park. They leave the park. On their way to the car, Junho received a phone from office. Telling him that Mr Ok is proven innocent with the thread accused. Junho said that he’ll come as soon as possible. Suzy become a little bit worried when she hear the news. That means the real culprit hasn’t been caught yet.

Junho saw her expression but then Suzy smiled at him, try to convince him that she’s allright.

Junho drove Suzy back to her house. He’s asking if she got any plan for tonight. Suzy shake her head and says that she’ll just spent the day at home. Not long after that, they hear cars start to come in Suzy’s house. It’s like a press car. Junho tell her to quickly go inside. Suzy nod and greet him goodbye. Junho had started his car engine when the reporter come down from their vehicle and start questioning him. Junho didn’t open his window car. He just smiled and tell them that official report will be given in the police station.

Some reporters followed him, some choose to stay there, hoping Suzy will come out and give them explanation. Junho drives his car carefully with some reporters behind him when he realizes one black sedan comes out from behind a tree. Junho can’t see who’s behind the steering wheel because the window car had blackened. He check the car’s license plate, but it was covered. He had bad feeling about it.

Junho wants to follow the car but the reporters still behind him. So he contacted his friend and tell him specification of the car. He ask them to get info about this car. Why the driver act suspiciously.

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jungieyah #1
The meaning behind Monster~!
Chapter 3: Your story had a very strong message at the end, it was such a great story...I still need to digest this. Beauty, and the consequences it brings, her backstory and the motives that lead her to make the decision she took it's just impressive. Good job!
Loved that you included Wooyoung as the manager and Taecyeon as the obsessed driver, or at least that's who I pictured the characters as :)
j_love2pm #3
Chapter 3: author-nim you breake my heart... why did you write a ____ing good sad story... you make me cry T-T
Chapter 3: gosh the ending is so tragic TT
I cant wait for the next chapter !!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 2: he is out.... nice carachter detective junho...
love your story ^_^
j_love2pm #7
Chapter 1: nice start... still curios what is junho character here ^-^
JUNZY !! <3