A New Role

Life of a Star

“Hey!” You say as you walk through the door of the dance room. Your groupmates, Victoria, Sulli, Luna, and Victoria wave back.  After they finish their rehearsal, they come over to the couch you are sitting on.


“Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”


"I decided to skip today." You sigh, preparing yourself for it.


"School is important and you know that you shouldn’t skip. Who knows how long we will survive in this industry. You don't want to be an unemployed 20 year old,” Victoria reprimands. She was always the motherly figure to you and reminded you of your mom often. Victoria gives you a stern look and is about to say some more but you did some aeygo. *Buing Buing*


“Fine. fine. Just make sure you don’t do that again.” Victoria raises her hands in defeat, muttering, "I always give in when she does aeygo."


You smile. No one could ever stand your aeygo. Even the media praises you for your charms giving you the title “Nation’s Little Princess.”


“That reminds me. The manager wanted us to tell you to see the CEO when you get back. You should go now,” Luna says. “Maybe he wants to give you another project."


“But I’m already as busy as it is. Why is he always making sure I never get a break. Love me just finished filming 2 weeks ago. And there’s nothing good about being called to the CEO office, ” you complain.


“Well, everyone knows that THE Lee Ha na is getting love calls from every company and programs out there. The CEO has to reply to some of them. We can’t have people thinking that Lee ha na is being arrogant and too picky.” Amber retorts.


“Maybe its an offer to go on WGM. I think the casting directors are looking to pair someone with Myungsoo oppa. You would love that, wouldn’t you?” Sulli laughs. All the members look at you and Sulli nudges you with her shoulder, making you blush.


“I also heard that Yoo seung ho just picked a new drama and SBS hasn’t decided on the female lead yet, but there are rumors that a female idol is considered for the role.”


*GASP* “Do you think that the CEO wants to talk to you about that?!”


“omo omo Lee Ha Na you are so lucky. Every actress and idol wants to collaborate with Yoo seung ho.”


“You guys are jumping to conclusions. It’s probably about a cf or guest starring.” You roll your eyes as Sulli and Luna continue squealing over your possible collab with the actor.


“Either way, I think you should hurry to the office. The CEO never likes it when people are late, ” Victoria warns. Everyone nods in agreement and urges you to hurry.


“I’m going now. See you later.” You say goodbye to your groupmates and walk hurriedly away to the CEO office, hoping that you won’t get yelled at.


You still remember the first thing you were told when you were a trainee - The CEO has a bad temper and rarely smiles. If you want to debut, never get on his bad side. And even now, artists under the label (including myself) try to follow all the CEO’s orders, because we know that despite the CEO’s mean side, he tries to make sure his artists get the best treatment and offers.

He knows how the entertainment industry works and knows what he has to do to make his artists popular.

*Knock Knock*


“Come in” You push open the door.


“CEO-nim, I heard you wanted to see me,” You stutter nervously.


“Yes. I wanted to tell you something.” He gestures for you to sit down. Seeing that you are nervous, he reassures, “I’m not going to yell at you.”


You sit down, less worried now that you know it’s nothing bad.


“We received a new offer for you to take part in a new show.” Your heart rate increases. A while ago, Sulli told you about WGM and secretly you hope that it would happen.


“It is a role that a lot of people want, so I hope you would highly consider this. There’s also a lot of expectations for this show and I want to make sure you know want you are up against."


"Umm...It is with someone I know...because you know it was hard for me to warm up to people last time" you ask, pretending to be nonchalant about it. However, inside you are hoping that the CEO would say L.


"Ah I see. Don't worry. It is an actor from our company so there won't be any problems getting to know him better." You smile. There weren't any actors signed under the company and the only artist besides you who acted as the lead in a drama was.... *GASP*


“I want to try it. Please accept the role.” You exclaim, surprising the CEO who is shocked about your eagerness about the new project.


“Are you sure? It’s a challenging role and you’ll be busy with the filimng and the preparation for the new album. We wanted to consult your opinion because we didn’t want to overwork you. The filming for the show will take months and…”


“I’m fine. I can do it.” You think about the time you can spend with Myungsoo oppa and you know that you couldn’t give up the opportunity.


“Okay. I’m glad that you have confidence in yourself. I’ll tell SBS the news. Be prepared to start shooting in two days.”


You happily get out of your seat and are about to walk out of the door. “No problem. l’ll start packing right….WAIT Did you just say SBS? I thought the variety show was broadcasted on MBC?” You look back at your CEO in confusion.


He chuckles in amusement. “I was talking about the new drama with Yoo seung ho, who just signed with our company. SBS was looking for a female lead and after reviewing trough all the choices, they chose you. I heard that Yoo seung ho was the one who suggested it as well."


"So it's not WGM..."


"Where did you hear that from? Ah...We just received the notice that L is going to be paired with Suzy from miss A."


"Why her?! Suzy from Miss A...Everyone knows about her. She is the Nation's First Love after all, " you mutter.


"Is there a problem with that? Unless, don't tell me there's something between you and L. You know what impact that would make on the company if you guys get caught."


"No no no. There's nothing between us. We are just friends." you admit, stuttering. If only we were more than that though...


"I'll trust you on this one. However, I'm assuming you will accept the drama offer. It would help a lot if you want a boost in your film career. "The CEO looks at you with the script in his hands and you know that you had no choice but to agree.


"I'll take the role." You take the script and are about the leave but decides,            


"There is really nothing going on between Myungsoo, I mean, L and I. We are just friends." And with that you run out the door.


Back in the office, from the CEO's POV


Funny how L said the same thing yesterday...

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Chapter 1: Hehe... This is a really good first chapter!
I'm curious as to where this story will go!
I hope your story is a success, FIGHTING!