My Two Identities

Life of a Star

      Everyone looks at you as you whiz by them on your way to school. You just got off from a night schedule preparing for your comeback, and you didn't get a single bit of sleep. That was the least of your worries though as you glance at the time on your phone.

     8:20 AM 

     You let out a sigh. It was all that PD's fault. He knew you had class at  8:30, but he wouldn't let you out until he made sure everything was perfect. And if only your manager drove you to school....that is, if you didn't insist that it'll cause too much commotion. Then, you hear some whispers and murmers.

      "That girl's so pretty...I wish I was her."

     "That girl is hot."

      "Who does she think she is? A model? What's she wearing in broad daylight?" You look down at my clothes.

     Uh oh. You remembered to wash off my makeup, but your clothes... YOU ARE STILL IN THE CLOTHES FROM LAST NIGHT'S RECORDING! You unconsciously fiddle with my sunglasses, which had em...studs. 

      "Doesn't she look familar?"

      "She looks like Lee Ha Na."

       "You mean LEE HA NA? OMG I'm a huge fan of her's!"  

     "AISHH," you mutter. You could already imagine the headline for tomorrow's newspaper. "Lee Ha Na sighted on the streets of Seoul...

    8:25 You didn't want to be late nor did you want  to gain some more stalker fans and saesang fans, so you run for it. You swear you could hear the clicks of cameras and phones as you sprint down the street. You reach your school: Kent Korea International High School. Good thing school is almost starting, so there isn't a lot of people at the entrance.

      You had to get rid of your outfit and change into your school uniform, so you sneak into the girls' locker room. No one is there, and you let out a sigh of relief. You quickly change and let down your hair. You mess up your hair to hide your face and replace your sunglasses with plain glasses.

     You tell yourself the same thing everyday before school, "Now you are no longer Lee Ha Na, but Lee Taeyeon." 

      8:30 You are going to be yelled at again for being late...again.

     You whisper, "fighting," then you leave the  locker room. You hear a small click sound as you leave, but didn't think much about it.... 

     You lower your head as you slip through the door, hoping that the teacher was late.

     "Lee Taeyeon!!! Why are you late again?!" She wouldn't be yelling like that if she knew you was Lee Ha Na.

     "Juesong hamnida." You slowly walk to your seat.

     "AHHH!" You fall flat on your face. Everyone starts laughing. You struggle to stand up only to find a pencil laying on the floor. You swear that Kwon Yuri put it there on purpose, but you silently go to your assigned the corner of the room.

     "Silent! Everyone please calm down. Lee Taeyeon, I know you have all A's in this class, but it doesn't mean you can skip class or come late, you understand?"

     You nod in agreement. Class ends quickly, and soon it is lunchtime. You bring out your bento box, which only had kimchi and rice. You are going to have a comeback soon and your manger wouldn't let you eat any junk food, even if you can't get fat no matter what you eat. You are about to eat your lunch when someone suddenly grabs your chopsticks.

     "YAHHH!" You turn your head around and finds yourself face to face with Kwon Yuri. That . Can't she leave me alone? But you didn't want to receive any unnecessary attention so you pretend to whimper and stutter,

    "Can I ...have my chopsticks back, please?"

     "Your family can't afford to buy it right? Your grandparents even had to beg the principal to let them accept you, am I right? You kow, I rreally feel bad for your grandparents. Weren;t they forced to adopt you after your parents died, Oh, I forgot. Didn't your parents commit suicide because their business failed."

     Your grip tightens around your chair. Kwon yuri had said plenty of bad things about you in the past, but this was too much.

    "Oh wait. They probably didn't want to see they ugly face of yours, and having to see you taking drugs all the time, huh?" She and her frinds start laughing.

     You couldn't stand it any longer. You jump out of your seat. You shout in her face, "You . Why don't you mind your own business!" The room becomes silent.

    Kwon Yuri looks at you shocked.

    Know Yuri's POV

    Did she just curse at English? What does she think she is? No one ever bullied me before. even my parents don't dare to hit me. She's so gonna regret this. She brings herself together and gets ready to fight you, but she doesn't see you anywhere. Where she go?

     Your POV

     OMG What did you just do? why didn't yiou control your emotions? Why did you have to curse at her? It's all your fault!

     You mutter, "She was right. It was all my fault." You think back to 5 years ago..the night that you lost your parents.  

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Chapter 1: Hehe... This is a really good first chapter!
I'm curious as to where this story will go!
I hope your story is a success, FIGHTING!