But I'm Hungryyyy

But I'm Hungryyyy


“What are you even talking about?” Sandeul whispered in your ear, his voice full of confusion. You pull away from him and continue walking down the path.

“You know what I’m talking about,” You sneer at him, pulling away from his arm yet again.

“I’m serious. I don’t know what I did wrong. It wasn’t my fault.”

“Wasn’t your fault? Oh, I’m sorry!” You say sarcastically. “I didn’t realise flirting with other people is allowed in this relationship.”

“Then she started it. I didn’t know I was flirting.” He tries to hold your hand, but you yank it from his grip. You scoff and quicken your pace, trying to keep your balance on the icey footpath. You and Sandeul had been walking through the park, enjoying the partially warm winter day, when a fan around Junghwan’s age started flirting, and Sandeul being the oblivious muffin he was, took no notice.

"What if she kissed you? Would you know then?" You frown.

"____, I didn't realise. You have to believe me." His face falls. You stop abruptly, Sandeul passing you. His head turns left and right looking for you. His brow furrows and he turns around, his gaze settling on you and a smile spreads over his face. “Ah, there you ar-“ He stops, remembering that you were mad at him.

“Duckie..” You shake your head at his cuteness and fight down a smile.

“HA! You smiled. We’re officially not fighting anymore.” He ‘dances’ around, kicking out his legs and wobbling his arms around, throwing in random s every now and then.

“Sandeul..” You cover your face with one hand and try to make him stop this embarrassing dance.

“You can’t stop my groove,” He wiggles his bum in your direction and you go to kick it with your foot, but you become unsteady and your foot falls from under you. As soon as Junghwan sees you he spins and lunges for you. Your feet slide out from under you as Sandeul’s arms wrap around your waist.

“Well.. I stopped your ‘groove’.” You chuckle, trying to steady your feet, holding onto your boyfriend’s jacket.

“Or did you?” He begins to shake it bum around again to an imaginary tune and smiles widely, still holding on to your waist tightly.

“Oh, stop it.” You hit him lightly on the chest, finally clamping your feet down on the ground. You loosen your grip on his jacket and his arms release from your waist, but he keeps his hands resting on your hips. His face slackens and his eyes grow serious.

“I’m sorry.. I didn’t realise she was that forward. I don't look at anyone the way I look at you” He looks up at you with big puppy eyes, begging for forgiveness.

“Hey! No. Stop with those eyes! It’s not fair!” Sandeul furrows his eyebrows, adding to the puppy eyes. “Sandeul. I’m not going to forgive you this easily..” He pouts and puffs out his cheeks slightly, looking at your and sighing slightly.

“I’m sorry..” He blinks at you. “Please forgive me,” He kisses your cheek. “Please forgive me,” He kisses your nose. “Please forgive me,” He kisses your other cheek. “Please forgive me,” He kisses your mouth softly.

“Hey, hey. Mouth is off limits.” You squish your face up at him.

“But that’s not fair. I love your mouth.” He kisses your lips again, just as softly. His arms slide more around your waist, pulling you closer. He continues puckering his lips at you, wanting another kiss.

“No. No. Sandeul. Off limits.” You wag a finger in his direction, smiling lightly.

“Awwww..” He hangs his head sadly and dramatically throws his head back. “Fine. Then no more dancing from me.” He breaks away from you, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Ok.” You smile at him. He looks over to you and slips his arms back around your waist.

“I am sorry.” He frowns.

“I know you are. I’m sure you didn’t mean it..” You lower your voice. “At least; you wouldn’t flirt in front of me,” You wink. Sandeul laughs and shakes his head.

“Never.” He smiles and lowers his head to yours as your raise yours to his. As you break from the kiss, Sandeul’s eyes light up. “Can we get something to eat?”

“It’s only 10. And you already had breakfast. Plus that bowl of noodles an hour ago.”

“But I’m hungry~” He fake sobs and holds his stomach like he hasn’t been fed in a week.

“But you’ve already eaten,” You mimic his sobs.

“But, ________~ I’m hungryyy,” He smacks his lips and imitates eating an apple. Fake sobbing loudly when his teeth bit into only air.

“Oh alright. You big baby.” You sigh, defeated.

“Yay!” He begins to do his dance, just as much arm waving and bum shaking.

“Oh my god, Sandeul.” You cover your face in embarrassment, laughing hard at him.

“Come on,” He links arms with you. “Let’s go get something to eat.” He hurries ahead, practically pulling you.......




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Chapter 1: yieee ! so cute ! ^^
Chapter 1: AWWWW!!!!!!!!! I so wish he was my boyfriend!
BANAZelo #3
Chapter 1: This was so adorable!!!! Sandeul aww ^_^ <3
Chapter 1: This is so adorable! I loved it! >ω<
Chapter 1: Omg this was so cute :D I loved it! Even if you think its not your best, I enjoyed it ^^ thank you so much! ♡♡