Cookies and a Movie

Of Cookies and Accidental Kisses

A/N: Texts and thoughts are in italics :) 

    You woke up to a buzzing near your head. You pick up the buzzing object and looked at the screen of you phone. It said you had 17 messages. You your phone and scrolled through them. It looks like they came from the same person.

6:00 am

You up yet?


6:30 am

I’m gonna assume that’s a no?


6:40 am

Message/Call me when you wake up?


6:50 am



7:00 am

Still not up?


7:10 am

Sweet Jesus, how long are you going to sleep for?


7:20 am

Still not up?


7:30 am

Ugh, fine, I’ll message you later. Maybe I’ll have some luck then.


8:30 am

It’s been an hour. I’m assuming you’re up now.


8:40 am

Still no? My god, you’re like a pig.


8:30 am



8:40 am

I’m bored.


9:20 am

I have a brilliant plan.


9:30 am

My god, still not up? I’m going to tell you my brilliant plan anyways.


9:40 am

We’re going to bake cookies :D


9: 50 am

Still not up? Fine, you don’t get any.


10:00 am

I was just kidding about you not getting anything. You can have some. I’ll even let you eat the cookie dough even though it’s bad for you.


       You sighed, cursing the day you gave your phone number to him. You sent him a quick text and got ready to go to his house.


10:10 am

I’m on my way. Jesus, stop texting me already.


       You rang the doorbell and a second later, you could hear thumping and the door flung open and Jaejoong jumped into your arms.

       “You’re finally here!” he said. “Come in, come in.”

       “Would love to, but you need to come down,” you said, laughing.

       “Oops, sorry,” Jaejoong said, sheepish.

       You went into his house and got into the kitchen. Wow, Jaejoong’s kitchen was huge. You could see that he had already set everything up.

       “Let’s get started,” Jaejoong said. He dictated everything to you while you followed his instructions.

       “Why am I doing all the work?” you asked.

       “Because,” Jaejoong said. “I have been up since six am while you were in your bed, sleeping.”

       “It’s hardly my fault you woke up so early,” you grumbled under your breath. It didn’t matter anyway, baking was one thing you did to relax. It was nice of Jaejoong to ask you to bake with him.

       “Now, shape them and put them in the oven,” said Jaejoong.

       “Right, right,” you said, while putting the cookies on wax paper-lined baking sheets. The cookies went into the oven, and the timer was set.

       “Now, we can go watch a movie,” said Jaejoong.

       “Won’t the cookies burn?” you asked, dubious.

       “That’s why we have a timer,” said Jaejoong, rolling his eyes.

       “Right, so what movie did you pick?” you asked.

       “You’ll find out,” Jaejoong said, being all mysterious.

       “Rightt,” you said. You and Jaejoong sat on the couch and Jaejoong sat down right next to you. You blushed, but said nothing.

       While the movie was playing, you couldn’t help but notice the space between you and Jaejoong shrinking. It seemed Jaejoong had been moving closer to you as the movie was playing (or it could have been you, but you would deny it till the day you die). You shook your head and tried to concentrate on the movie. It didn’t work. You found yourself looking at Jaejoong again. He looked so into the movie; you felt bad you didn’t have that kind of enthusiasm. While you were busy thinking that, you didn’t notice you crept closer to Jaejoong.

~Jaejoong’s P.O.V.~

       This was my chance to finally have some time with Aidria. I couldn’t believe she is so oblivious to my feelings for her. It seemed like I would forever be a friend in her eyes, so I just had to take the initiative to invite her over to bake cookies and watch a movie. The movie I choose was a cheesy romantic comedy that would normally make me puke, but I needed it to put my plan into action. While watching the movie, it seemed I unconsciously moved closer to Aidria. 1 point for me. Go me! I thought. After a few minutes, I felt someone staring at me, so I turned around…..

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spikedheart #1
Chapter 2: Ahaaa now I get it!! Hahah so thats how they got together!:p I should have read this one first Though! XD it was cute and fluffy^^
I should've read this before reading "Mission Get Together"....
Jellyfish101 #3
Chapter 2: so cute!!!! aigoo :)
ummyeah #4
Chapter 2: Sweet and short. I loved that