Author's Analysis

Kidnapping Min Sunye


THIS IS NOT A REPOST OF THE STORY!!!!! Read on to see if you caught all of the hints on who's POV this story was in.


I did make the group an easy giveaway but I never mentioned names.  However, I left hints throughout the story so I went through and bolded all the clues. Did you catch them all? & I also inserted notes so look out for [my notes]. I wasn't originally going to post this here, but I figured some of you might be interested.



"Well guys, we have a busy day ahead of us. No time to be watching this crap."

"But Hyung. Do you think we should be careful too. We have to make sure the concert goes well today."

"Don't worry about it. We are the last people who would be affected by this news. In fact, it would benefit us if everyone else got a little scared. Let's just give our best performances today and end it with a bang!"

[If you couldn't guess from the clues, this is big bang]


"With nearly ten years of celebrity experience, I don't have to worry right?"

"I don't know, for the past three years, people have been out to get us."

"Don't listen to him. Just do your best today."

"Yeah, and people wouldn't purposely try to ruin someone's birthday...right?"

[This is JYJ]


"I'm worried. Do you think we should tell her?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Are people out there so cruel that they would try to ruin someone's big day?"

[Wonder Girls members minus Sunye]


"This is great. Some 's about to go down today!"

"Shouldn't we be worried?"

"No. Let's just forget about this enjoy the day with our babies."

[BAP - I mean come on, I even said "babies"]




"Okay, so here's how it's going to work. I got 5 passes from Junsu hyung so we can get in safely...but the less people we're seen by, the better." I have to do this. This is my last chance.

"You sure you want to do this? I mean, won't she be mad? It's her big day." Of course I'm sure. And even if she does get mad, I'll convince her somehow.

"We'll return her...eventually. Besides, it's too late to back out now."

"Won't we need some help once we get inside. I mean we could kidnap her easily, but we'd need to find her first."

"Have you been in contact with Yeeun lately?" They're best friends. Maybe she could prove useful to us. [Obviously referring to Daesung]

"No. But I don't think that's a good idea anyway. Yeeun is very practical and she wouldn't help us do something like this even if she wanted to. Sunye's her best friend and even if she wasn't okay with this marriage, she wouldn't do something foolish on the wedding day."

"You're right. Then, definitely Yoobin. Although she may not be with us on the whole kidnapping ordeal, it will be much easier t convince her to help us."

"Sunmi will be there too right?" I know he's been pining to see her [Yes this is Seungri] but I'm not sure if she'd be willing to help us. Well maybe, she likes me better cause she's known me longer than that Canadian.

"Okay, then you go to her and see if she'll help us find a way out of the building without being seen. Oh, and be careful cause there's going to be a lot of cameras."

"I still can't believe we're doing this." Neither can I but what choice do I have? I'd rather do this and possibly fail than regret not trying for the rest of my life.

"Guys, just help me out this once, I've never wanted anything as much as this." They all came and gave me a pat on the shoulder before we all put on our dress shoes and headed to Seoul Lotte Hotel.



Somehow, we managed to get in. I'm surprised they allowed us to go around the back. But I guess it's better, the crowd out front is crazy and I've never seen so many cameras all together in my life. I checked my watch. There was still about an hour before the wedding starts and all of the other celebrities were filing in, trying to find good seats. I won't be needing a seat, at least not one up-close.

I saw a familiar girl speeding towards the elevator and approached her stealthily. I have one shot to convince her. I can't blow this. The pounding of my heart got the better of me and she suddenly turned around spotting me a mere foot away from her. She gasped loudly and looked around before pulling me into the elevator.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in? What do you want?" she pressed the button for the seventh floor. Is she really taking me there?

"I really need your help. Just please let me talk to Sunye for a bit."

"What? No way!" Time for a little guilt trip.

"Please Yoobin. I need to make sure. If I don't talk to her today, I may never be able to let her go completely. And then both you and her would feel guilty for the rest of your lives." Sorry Yoobin but I have to do this. [Notice he didn't say "noona" so it's obviously one of the 3 hyungs: Jiyong, Youngbae, Seunghyun]

"Look, this is her wedding day. You've been so quiet, we thought you were okay with it...or frankly, didn't care."

"Of course I care!" she flinched at the volume of my voice. "I'm sorry but I really do love her. And I want to make sure that this is all right. I don't want to let her go and find out later that I should've stopped her. Just let me talk to her once." The elevator opened up to the seventh floor but before we could step out she closed the doors again. "I promise I'll leave after I'm convinced that I'm doing the right thing." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Fine." She pressed the button marked 10. Now there's only three floors separating Sunye from me. "I'll help you get in but wait in my room until I get everyone out of there. I don't want anyone to start anything when they see you. And don't screw this up." That's the last thing I want to do.

We exited the elevator and made our way down the hall. After opening the door to room 45, she knocked on room 46, ushering me to quickly enter her room. I closed the door and listened intently to what was happening on the other side of the wall, where the love of my life was getting ready to marry someone else. Damn it Min Sunye, god damn this situation. That James guy is one lucky bastard...but he won't be for long.



"Hyung! I talked to Sunmi and she's willing to help us. Where are you?" [See, it's not Seungri]

"I'm in Yoobin's room."

"What are you doing there? Oh, is she going to help us too?"


"Okay. Then we'll meet you there?"

"No wait, you guys stay down there for a while. I'll call you in a bit. Just stay out of Yeeun's sight."

"Got it. Good luck Hyung." The call ended and Yoobin entered the room motioning me to follow her.





Lights, cameras, hundreds of guests, countless celebrities, envious snickers, genuine applause.

There she was, the most beautiful bride in the world, walking down the aisle looking oh so breathtakingly beautiful. 

It's almost time. I walked around the crowded seats, hiding my face. Once I reached the front, the wedding march stopped. And briefly, I heard the all so familiar tune on the piano. And as if on cue, the room turned pitch black. Oh wait, that is my cue! [The song is a huge clue! Although, let me clarify that GD and Taeyang can both play piano very well]

As I heard people whispering all across the room, the adrenaline rushed through me and I let the noise overshadow my heavy steps. Within seconds, her hands were secured in mine. And I knew they were her hands because, well how could I forget? Even though I haven't even touched her in years, I'll never forget how her hand fit perfectly in mine as if they were meant to be stuck together like pieces of a puzzle.

Without warning, I jerked her body in my direction and dragged her behind the curtains, where I had located a secret door. I'd love to stick around and see the reaction on people's faces when they see the bride missing but I guess I'll just wait for some "fancams".

As soon as we walked through the door, I quickly covered with my free hand which was concealed in a white glove. I'm really sorry babe but I'd rather break one heart than a million. In seconds, her body fell limply into my arms. I know this is not a good time but I was actually carrying the bride bridal style in a bridal gown while I, myself was well-suited in Armani. Can this moment become anymore fairytale-like than it already is?

And before I could even prepare myself, the lights in the building came back on. Shi+! Oh my god...the sight before me was truly one to behold. Min Sunye, even when you're unconscious, you still manage to take my breath away. 

I quickly made my way through the narrow corridors to the back of the building where we had entered from earlier. My phone started vibrating in my pocket but having the hands-free device already stuck in my ear, I used my shoulder to answer it.

"What?" I don't usually answer the phone like that but I'm kind of in a tight situation which makes me somewhat impatient.

"Hyung! Hurry before people start searching. Sunmi and I are waiting with the rest of the members in the conference room near the back. She's going to help us escape without being seen."

"Yeah. I'm almost there," I replied as I pushed through the doors of the conference room and was greeted by five familiar faces. You could tell from miles away that these people were celebrities, even her with her orange hair. [Sunmi's hair is orange based on pictures from the wedding...which is so idol-like]

"Hello oppa," she greeted politely.

"Hey Sunmi." After quickly exchanging greetings, her face turned really serious. Back to business I guess.

"Okay. You guys need to leave immediately. Everyone must be running around looking for unnie."

We were quickly hauled out the side door to the underground parking lot. "Thanks for the help Sunmi. We'll look forward to your comeback as a Wonder Girl."

"Yeah, don't forget to call me alien." [I was so tempted to have her respond by calling him Panda but I'm trying to be discreet, remember?]

"Whatever." She quickly turned back to me. "Take care of her oppa. I know she still loves you and that's the only reason I helped." Well then, see I'm not the only one who still has faith in our love.

It's a damn good thing our van is tinted. It'll be useful in escaping the crowd outside.



"Hyungs it's time for the show. Act natural okay. We did not just kidnap Min Sunye today. *winks*" Ugh. I don't even know what to say to this kid sometimes.

We all adjusted our ear-pieces and eyed each other one last time before we joined the stage from five rising platforms. I've got a feeling that I'm going to sing some of these love songs a little too happily tonight[Two song names in a row....that was unintentional]

"Yoreobun, annyeong! Make some noise Seoul! Thank you all for coming to one of our last shows! We have wonderful performances planned for themost important people in our lives. So enjoy the show." The crowd roared. This sea of glowing light on stage and the natural light of my life backstage are the two things I live for.

[VIP-Very Important Person/People] [Glowing light on stage - from lightsticks; VIPs have gold/yellow crowns] [Natural light backstage: min SUNye...and backstage where their relationship isn't followed by cameras: "secret relationship"]

I hope she's enjoying the show backstage. She did after all fall in love with the me on stage. Who knows, maybe it can happen again.



So, based on the clues, here's what you know:

1. He's a celebrity/idol

2. He's a member of Big Bang

3. He is most likely not Seungri or Daesung

The mystery guy is one of the following people:

1. G-Dragon/Jiyong

2. Taeyang/Youngbae

3. T.O.P/Seunghyun [I'm a secret SunTOP shipper at times but I guess I subconciously wrote this with GDYB in mind...]

A wonderful reader's comment on soompi reminded me of the whole Junsu bit I had in the story and I guess that narrows it down to 2 people. So good news for G-Ye /Suntae shippers...?

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I swear I'll post it today. I really was busy yesterday but I'm almost done with the story so I will make sure I finish it before I go anywhere today.


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Chapter 2: good story !!! u should write more :)
Chapter 2: definitely Jiyong!
hahah,,sorry.. me and my G-Ye fantasy :D

P.S. the picture awwww sjdhgfjhjrht
gdfishy #3
Chapter 2: that's G-dragon! i swear! i can feel it! that's him, right?
Chapter 2: i keep thinking it's Taeyang but then it could also be G-Dragon!! omg!!! i don't kniw anymore but great story ^^ <3
neha200 #5
I edited the story so it should be easier to read now. I'm happy I've been able to write one-shots lately because I never really like the idea of one-chapter stories [they're too short!] so I didn't think I would be able to write them well. Anyways, thank you all for reading. :)
See if you can find all the hints I left about the identity of the "mystery man."
rion_01 #6
Chapter 1: Awesome oneshot^^ I kept imagining GD here. Oh my poor G-Ye heart~ LOL Thanks for sharing <3 I hope you'll write a sequel^^~
neha200 #7
Chapter 1: It's finally finished like I promised. The ending is a little messed up since I finished it on my phone so I'll edit when I get home. Congrats to Sunye and James. Both looked really great yesterday. I'm really happy for them. I hope you guys were satisfied with the way this turned out. You can guess the group right away but I didn't want to make the main guy too obvious so really it's up to your interpretation.