That Morning

Fun sized


The first thing Jongin thinks when he opens his eyes  to find his shared bedroom with kyungsoo looking a lot bigger than usual is ‘Oh no not another giant Sehun dream’ ( said dreams often involved Sehun eating him). But when a couple seconds pass and Jongin realises that there is no Sehun in sight and that he is fully awake, he panics.

He bolts up quickly scanning his surroundings, noticing that the blanket covering him was now way too big and his night stand now towered over him like a ing skyscraper. But what really throws him off is the giant Kyungsoo sleeping across the room.

Jongin’s scream comes out uncharacteristically high pitched, squeaky and not as loud as he expected it to be (and of course he screams again out of shock) but it’s still very much effective, as (giant) kyungsoo startles from his sleep suddenly, eyes wide as he searches the room frantically for the source of noise.

 Finally his eyes land on Jongin’s bed  and  instead of seeing the 19 year old male, he spots a little doll in Jongin’s place.  He rids his eyes of sleepiness by rubbing them before taking another look at the doll, obviously not registering  the way said ‘doll’ blinked back at him with watery eyes.

“Jongin has a dolly, how cute” he coos then proceeds to snigger, he sits up , gets out of bed  and makes his way over to Jongins bed to get a closer look. once he’s close enough, he pokes at the dolls stomach a few times, before picking it up “ it kind of looks like Jongin too” he muses bringing the doll closer to his face.

“Hyung I do not play with dolls! And do you mind putting me down” Jongin whines, and kyungsoo drops him like hot bread, a piercing scream following.

“Holy ing ” kyungsoo yells  as he stumbles back onto his bed, holding an arm out in front of him as if protecting himself from small talking form.

A moment of heavy breathing (mostly on Kyungsoo’s part) later and the bedroom door flies open, revealing a very worried Joonmyun with a very bored looking Sehun following.

“What happened? Where’s Jongin? ” Joonmyun asks frantically.  Kyungsoo shakily reaches out a hand, pointing in the direction of Jongin’s bed, still breathing irregularly. The leader pauses for a second, confused as to what kyungsoo was trying to tell him, seeing nothing on Jongin’s bed of mild interest.

“K-kai” Kyungsoo insists, pointing directly at Jongin, Jongin doesn’t say anything at all and tries to keep completely still. One because he is rather confused himself and two he does not want Joonmyun to pass out or anything. But he finds it hard to keep his mouth shut when giant Sehun, the master of all his nightmares, comes bounding over, carelessly picking him up.

“So Jongin has a doll huh” Sehun states, analysing Jongin with interest for a moment before throwing him back unto the bed “it’s rather ugly if you ask me.  Where is Jongin anyway?”.

“Ow! You ” Jongin wails as soon as his small body hits the bed, bouncing lightly from the impact. The room goes silent suddenly, Jongin becomes aware of the fact that everyone is staring at him, mouths agape.

Joonmyun’s face goes through a series of different emotions in the space of five seconds and Jongin fears he may have just brought on a heart attack.

“Oh my god, is that Jongin!?” Joonmyun screeches, hands coming up to his face in sheer horror. Sehun on the other hand seems to be pass the shock; he stares down at Jongin in amusement, eyes glistening with Evil

and Kyungsoo is still unable to form words.

“what’s all the fuss about?”  Baekhyun pops his head round the door, Chanyeol appearing shortly after looking a tousled mess, eyes still weary with sleep. When Baekhyun gets no response he peers over to see what the others are staring at, but after a few seconds of staring at Jongin’s bed, he decides to ask again.

“Wha-“he is cut off by a loud string of profanities, all emitting from Joonmyun.

“” Joonmyun shrieks, “How the hell did this happen?! What the are we going to do?!”

while Joonmyun continues to pace around the room in panic, Sehun takes it upon himself to enlighten Baekhyun and Chanyeol on what all the halla-bullu was about. He picks up Jongin again, he arranges the tiny form so he is cradling the other in his arms, Jongin tries to wriggle out of his hold but it only serves pointless.

“It seems Jongin here has turned into a baby” he coos mockingly, snickering when Kai scowls and reaches  up a tiny arm in attempt to hit Sehun in the face, yelling things like ‘put me down you bastard’ and ‘you ing giant prick’ .
Baekhyun’s face changes from confusion, to shock, to pure amusement, he even crosses the room to Jongin s hair (much to Jongin’s distate)

“I’ve always wanted a baby” Baekhyun squeals.

“I am not a baby!” Jongin protests, trying his best to escape Sehun and Baekhyun’s clutches, but to no avail.

Chanyeol on the other hand stays deadly silent, he’s wide awake now and Sehun notices that he looks a tad nervous, he wants to ask, but before he can open his mouth the wide eyed male dashes out of the room.

But Sehun doesn’t get the chance to give it much thought as suddenly there is a loud thud and all eyes turn to see Joonmyun laying on the floor very much unconscious


“......I think we should call the others”.




“I hope you guys know that shrinking band mates isn’t something I usually deal with... “
All of exo now crowd around in K’s living room and kitchen area, currently waiting for the arrival of their manager. Sehun had called on Kris for help, since their leader had collapsed to the ground. But as soon as M arrived and set eyes upon the lead dancer, Kris thought best to call one of the managers.

“Yes, but you always know what to do. Plus we thought you’d be much more useful to us than other people” Baekhyun explains to Kris, staring pointedly at his now conscious band mate .


For some reason everyone in M avoided touching Jongin, choosing to gawk at him in disbelief. Well except for Jongdae and Luhan. Jongdae, as soon as stepping through the door, took it upon himself to poke fun at Jongin (and actually poke him). While Luhan, although also staring, held some kind of happiness in his expression, and also something a bit creepy. Jongin decided it was best to stay as far away from his hyung as possible, taking a seat upon Kyungsoo’s lap (who finally seemed to calm down)

“Jongin-ah how do you feel?”

“I feel tiny” comes Jongin’s now, incredibly high pitched and squeaky voice, a stark contrast from his normally deep and smooth voice. “Plus....I think you and Chanyeol, Tao and Sehun need to stay the  away from me. I think I’m becoming gigaphobic” his cursing immediately shocking everyone, just because of his new found height.

“What’s gigaphobic?”  Zitao asks

“A fear of very tall people” Kyungsoo explain as he begins to pet Jongins head. Only to be batted away.

“Oh.”  Zitao says dumbly, before he faces morphs into offence “rude! Everyone else is taller than you now, Why only us”

 Jongin ignores him.


“I just want to know how this happened” Yixing pipes up

“Chanyeol is to blame.” Sehun declares, and everyone else looks at him in bewilderment, wondering how their youngest managed to come up with that conclusion. Sehun notices and decides to explain further.

“C’mon guys, it’s quite obvious. Did you see his reaction this morning? He practically sprinted out of the door! Plus he’s not even here right now” at this the other members nod in acknowledgement, some even looking as if just noticing the tall male’s absence. “Something’s fishy and I’m going to find out what” and with that he leaves, in search for Chanyeol.

Once he’s gone, there is loud thudding against the floor and everyone turns to see Luhan kneeling right before Jongin and Kyungsoo, apparently having just crawled across the living room. 

“Jongin-ah you look so cute! I just want to squish you forever.”  Luhan squeals, moving in closer so his face is only a few centimetres away from Jongin’s.

“Hyung, I’d like you to know that I feel very uncomfortable right now” but Luhan ignore the comment.  

“Aw, even you’re voice is cute” and then Jongin is ripped out of Kyungsoo’s arms and into Luhans.  

Luhan goes back to his spot on one of the couches, seating Jongin in his lap so the tiny male is facing him and everyone else goes back to talking amongst themselves. 

They stare at each other for a while.

Luhan’s eyes unblinking and a lot wider than usual as he analyses Jongin, the smaller watches his hyung with uncertainty, deciding that he should be ready for anything because there was no telling what was going through Luhan’s head.

After a few more moments of uncomfortable silence, Jongin begins to sense danger.

“Hyung are yo-“

But before he can finish he is suddenly yanked forward, lips pressing firmly unto his own.


“What the hell!” Jongin screeches, face red as a cherry as he pushes at Luhan’s face “No kissing!”

“But Jonginnie, you’re so cute. I couldn’t help myself” Luhan pouts “you’re even cuter than baozi” Luhan tries to reason, and from the side Minseok rolls his eyes.

But Luhan doesn’t get the chance to explain himself any further, as Jongin quickly jumps from his lap and hops back to Kyungsoo, latching onto the other male’s leg tightly, ignoring all of Luhan’s calls.

“Tiny Jongin is just as grumpy as normal sized Jongin, don’t worry hyung”” Baekhyun tries to reassure Luhan, as the other proceeds to sulk.



When manager arrives it’s all profanities and insults thrown at the members, which was pretty unfair and uncalled for as it really wasn’t anyone’s fault that Jongin had somehow shrunken over night, it just happened. Other than that his reaction if fairly similar to Joonmyun’s. 

Well, except no one passed out this time.


Its good half hour after the manager arrives that Sehun returns, pulling along a very frightened looking Chanyeol behind him.

“I now know the truth!” Sehun announces dramatically, pointing a finger in the air in triumph.  He pushes Chanyeol in front of him, the taller almost keeling over at the unexpected force.  Everyone

“Apparently Chanyeol here is a he-witch” pointing an accusing finger at the said male and the others all eye him in obvious disbelief.

“I prefer the term wizard” Chanyeol grumbles quietly to himself, keeping his head low. But of course Sehun pays him no attention.

“C’mon it’s not so unbelievable. Look at him!”

well it was true that Chanyeol was in fact a very bizarre character.

“Jongin, did you happen to drink anything late last night?”  

Jongin thinks about the question for a while, he did get up at late hours last night in search for a drink and he does remember opening the fridge to find a flamboyant , blue drink placed at the front, it looked drinkable enough.


“well, it seems that you've consumed a potion” by this point everyone is beyond confused and strangely enough Sehun seemed very amused by this, eyes turning into little crescents as he smiled.

“A potion? This is no Disney moviethe manager says, looking far from amused

yeah well; this isn’t a chucky movie either” Sehun points out, gesturing to Jongin, who looked more than a little freaked out.

“okay wait wait, Chanyeol is a he-witch? (‘Wizard’ Chanyeol timidly reminds, cowering under all the judgemental stares) and he made some kind of shrinking potion that he stored in our fridge?” Joonmyun repeats all he’s heard, trying to make sense of things. 


“Who the stores potions in a fridge?“ Baekhyun says, giving Chanyeol a dirty look

“who drinks unidentified drinks in the middle of the night! It’s his fault” Chanyeol retaliates, trying to defend his stupid actions.

“Why couldn’t you just hide it under your bed or something?”

“Okay fine, I don’t make good decisions. But we should all know that by now” Chanyeol huffs, turning away from everyone, now feeling a bit embarrassed.

“How long do I have to stay like this, you freak” Jongin shrieks, seeming more than a little pissed, but he only looked cute and not as intimidating as he usually did when he was annoyed.

“I’m not sure, it could be days, weeks.....maybe months”

“months!?!”  Everyone in the room choruses in horror, except Sehun who already knew and Luhan who seemed pretty much delighted. Chanyeol startles and begins playing with his fingers nervously, nodding his head in confirmation “three months at most”.

“But we have a week of schedules next week and then again two weeks after. What are we going to do about Jongin?” kyungsoo reminds.  It’d be weird to show up in public with tiny band mate.

Suddenly a loud cheer is heard and everyone turns to see Luhan bounding over to the manager, a look of pure glee on his face.

“Can I look after Jongin? Please please please please” Luhan does that thing with his eyes that makes him look all innocent and adorable all the while silently manipulating his targets and Jongin fears for his life “M hasn’t got much to do, we can keep him”

“wouldn’t it make more sense for Jongin to go home for a while” Kyungsoo suggests, but immediately regrets it when Luhan turns to (cutely ) glare at him.

“Absolutely not. He has me to look take care of him” Luhan says, looking at Jongin with adoration, Scooping him out of kyungsoo arms once again, ignoring the boys whinning as he turns to speak again.

“please, I’ll even keep him for the whole three months, even if we do have to schedules” Luhan pleads, willing to do anything for the manager too agree.  the manager seems to consider it for a while and when Luhan doesn’t get an immediate response, he looks to Jongin with pleading eyes
“please Jonginnie”

he could never really say no to Luhan

“fine” he huffs, half regretting it.

The manager waves his hand in dismissive approval (probably more concerned with explaining this nonsense to the boss) and Luhan gives off a girlish squeal, jumping around in happiness and showering Jongins face with more kisses.

“Hyung! I said no kissing!”

“Luhan, I hope you don’t expect any of us to help with your baby sitting” Kris pipes from the side, but Luhan merely scoffs at him. Jongin on the other hand is ready to pull his hair out because seriously he was not a baby.

“Come on Jongin-ah, we’re going to get you some new clothes”  Luhan announces


“obviously all your other clothes can’t fit you now. You don’t want to be wearing that all the time do you” Luhan explains gesturing to Jongin’s pyjamas that had somehow shrunken along with his body.

Before he can reply however he is thrown over Luhans shoulder, as the older grabs his jacket to leave. “hmm I might have to carry you in my bag” he ponders quietly to himself.

“Bye Luhan hyung, Jongin. Be a good boy for Lulu” Sehun hollers out once Luhan unlocks the front door, the others all snigger and Jongin makes sure to flip them all the bird before he and Luhan disappear.

“So Chanyeol, can you like cast spells and ?”


chap 1 done! hope you guys liked it

main image (isn't it the cutest, not mine btw) is so you can get an idea of how small kai is compared to luhan, maybe a little bit bigger. Think of the size of a small toddler?

thanks for reading <3

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eine08 #1
Chapter 2: Please please please update >_<
Chapter 2: This is so cute! Omg I need another chapter! Kyaaaa~
Chapter 2: gosh this is so adorable >.< shrunken jongin with his favorite hyung >.< feeeeelsss ~~~
Chapter 2: no update? huhu this is so adorable esp jongin glaring at everyone huhu
hunhanpanda #5
Chapter 2: OMG, THIS IS ADORABLE! Ah! My (new) KaiLu feels! I'm totally starting to full on ship them now, thanks to this story! This is such a cute and fluffy story! Can't wait for the next update! Keep up the good work! (^ O ^)
clairenoona_887 #6
Chapter 1: I mean potion *lol
clairenoona_887 #7
Chapter 2: update pleaseee author-ssi (˘ʃƪ˘)
it's a good story!!
fyeahh Kailuuu!!
but why there's no antidote for the poison?
Kyuhyun101 #9
Chapter 2: Tiny Jongin sounds so CUTE!
I'm really loving this story right now, so update soon author-nim.