The Cold Bites


You, a cute college student, spends most of your time working, studying, and, if you're lucky, hanging out with friends. Rest is hardly in your vocabulary, but you're okay with that. However there is a different side of you, a side that doesn't allow anyone close. You bite and you scar. But what will you do when someone steps up to the challenge, are your walls really that strong?




"Look, I said no. Now will you let it go?!"

"And why? Give me one good reason!"

"I just don't like you okay?"

"Oh please, I heard otherwise."


There is a blowing breeze in the winter, scattering little snowflakes around the wonderland. The site is beautiful, like a sanctuary. All is white, calm and serene. No one dares to take a single step which would send the beautiful scenery crashing down by the mud filled tracks. They are enchanted. While standing there people start to notice the biting cold. It nips at the skin even though it’s stuffed into the many layers of clothing. They want to stay and watch the beauty before them, but can’t manage to take another glance as the cold fills their mind. Finally, people retreat to the comfort of home.

This is exactly like Lei. She is beautiful, but the moment people fall for her beauty she bites. She loves people, loves their company, and loves her friends. The only time she shows any sign of having such a frightening and cold aura is when they tell her they’re in love.



“You love me?”

“Well I… I think you’re really kind and you’re just so sweet to everyone. I really like that about you. Plus you’re so innocently honest.”

“May I be honest right now?”

“Of course! You should always be honest!”

“Good to know. Then don’t ever see me again.”


“Don’t come close to me again. We’re officially nonexistent to each other now.”

And she walks away.  She keeps to her word, not another word is spoken between her and the secret admirer. Had only they kept secret, that is what every single person who confessed thinks when they’re reminded of the cold words spewed by Lei’s mouth. How could someone be so harsh? People even started to wonder if she had a split personality disorder.

After the painful rejection, those in denial would still try to be friends. Bothering her when they saw her, hoping for the attention they craved. Just being her friend was enough. She would tend to, at first, give them a knowing glance saying she knew what they wanted, but it was soon followed by a stern glare which meant to leave her alone and, preferably, get a grip.

She’s already made a promise to herself, she won’t fall in love.

A moment of your time

I'm finally deciding to do a full length story.

I'll be writing it in 2nd perspective (YOU) so yes this is a "You" Story.

I'd be glad to hear what you think if you don't mind (so I know what’s good and bad), thus it’d be lovely if you’d comment :) .

I hope it's enjoyable ~


Story Information

Title: The Cold Bites

Author: Simplistic

Genre: Romance, Drama

Rating: PG-13; Some language and innuendos.

Pairing: You/OC x Sungmin

Created: 01/19/13


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gothicgogo #1
Update soon please!!!
Chapter 3: this is such a cool story,i'm really looking forward to the next update jeoja-nim ^-^ i love story's that are all sugar and spice
update please :) soon soon ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon^^ really good story