
I'm Back

I stalk out into the kitchen, annoyed with Taeyeon's crying. She could be such a dork sometimes. The trashcan was nearly full, I could put the necklace right in, nobody would notice. Placing a kiss on the ring, I drop it in . . . what I hadn't expected was a crazy midget to pinch my . 


"OW! Sunny!" She grins, her smile resembling a cheshire cat. 


"Why are you throwing that away?" 


"I . . . don't want it anymore." 


"Well," She scoops it from my hands, placing it on her neck. It suites her, the black ring hanging loosley from her neck. 


"I'll take it." Should I let her have it? I nod my head, what's the worst that can happen?


"Perfect." You come in, looking from me to Sunny. 


"I thought you were going to throw that out?"


"It'd kind of be a waste, so I thought Sunny should have it." 


"Whatever." You stomp away again, and I'n lost again. Seriously, what's going on? 


"Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica." It's four in the afternoon. Who is up this early? 


"I can't find the ring!" I shoot out of the bed, tripping over Sunny to get to the door. I knew it was a bad idea to give it to her. 


"Where did you last see it?"


"I left it on my desk yesterday when I went out to get a new game." 


"Dude, every new Call of Duty is the same as the first! Why do you keep buying them?!" 


"Because I feel like it! Now, who do you think took it?"


"What makes you think someone took it?" 


"There was wet nail polish on my desk! Someone took it!" Nail polish?


"What color was it?"


"Uh . . . pink." Tiffany. You.


"I'll see you later." 

I see a mushroom haircut and a puffy pink jacket sitting on the swingset. In a rush to get to the pink blob, I trip over a the steps in front of our door. You turn around, laughing at me. I scramble up, brushing off my pants and running after you. 


"Tiffany, I know you have the ring." You turn away, swinging a bit harder than usual. 


"I don't know what you're talking about." I notice something sparkle as you swing, reaching out, I pull a necklace out of your pocket. 


"Aha! I knew you jacked this from Sunny!" The ring seems to have changed in color. It's pink. 


"Tiffany . . . did you paint the ring pink?" You nod happily, smiling at your work.


"Why would you do that?"


"Because, you didn't want it because it makes you sad, right? Black equals sad. Now it's pink, so you can keep it, right?" Sighing, I flick your forehead, ignoring your pout. 


"Why couldn't you just let Sunny keep it?"


"Sunny doesn't deserve it! She doesn't even know how much it means to you!"


"Tiffany, c'mon. Does it really even matter?" 


"Of course it does!  You're so insensitive!"


"Insensitive? You stole a ring, painted it pink, and laughed at me for falling!" You jump off the swings, pushing past me and running into the house.


"You don't even get it!"


It's cold outside. 

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Chapter 3: Please update...
Chapter 2: Its hurt to see sica like that
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 3: Oh dude.... This is really great... Why u discontinue this ??? Please comeback soon....
Chapter 3: This is a pretty awesome fic. Good plotline! :D really enjoy reading your fics :) would love to know what happens next :D
JeTi_Ace220 #5
Chapter 3: Please update soon! I'm still waiting for an update until now because it's very intriguing. I'm very interested to know what happens next :)
Chapter 3: Okayyy...
how dare Tiff laughing about Jessi slipping!? XDD
what's that, Tiff wants Jessi somehow as someone more than just a friend right? 'cause she's behaving really like a JEALOUS GURL! LOVE IT <3

Chapter 3: Lol Fany painted the ring pink... wait what? Ring? Pink? Ahh typical Fany... kekeke...

Anyways, 고마워
13 streak #8
Chapter 2: aaah, angst! i like angst a lot. hehehe.

i've never played paintball before, but i'd love to try it.