Second day

7 days of love

_ Just do whatever you want, but if you don’t have those photos for me untill this weekend, you’ll die.


Myungsoo walked with frustrating steps out of the giant buiding behind. When feeling far enough, he stopped, sighing. His eyes attached to the camera which had never been lelf from him.


Yes, the photos he wanted did had, and would certainly satisfy that old demanding editor-in-chief. However... those pictures, those scenery, he really just wanted to kept for his own.


Aish, anyway, today he still had to carry the camera wandered the street to captured others photo to submit for that ing old man.





After walking around for a long time, Myungsoo realized that his foot stepped to the Han River. Choosing some nice corners, taking a few shots, he allowed himself to rest for a moment.


Leaning aganst a tree along the river, Myungsoo held the camera, flipping through the pictures he had took today. After that, he leaned his head back, a sigh escaped his lip. A lot of photos were taken, but why weren’t any of them can made him felf satisfied?


Each cool breeze gust of wind blowed and his hair lovingly. His eyes followed the blue current of water. An unknow feeling was rising inside of him. He closed his eyes, enjoying himself in a peaceful day of the Fall.


_ Yah, stop! That little evil!


Myungsoo was startled out of daydreaming. Confusedly, he looked around to find the source of the yelling, silently cursing the urgainly person who ruined his good mood.


He had just turn around when suddenly a round soft little thing rushed into his lap, causing him to startle, his camera fell onto the grass. He lift that thing up to find a big round eyes blinking at him.


_ Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?


Myungsoo’s hand gently the soft fur on the small body of the puppy. At that moment a pant beside him caught his attention. He look to the side: a tall, thin boy was bending down and breathing heavily. The bangs hung down his face, like the silk cords made him feel the strange urge to touch it. Although Myungsoo couldn’t see the entire face, he could guess that that person was quite good looking.


 When that person looked up, Myungsoo’s breath seem to be frozen. His heart stopped, and the circulation of blood stopped as well. At that moment, he knew nothing except the chocolate brown eyes are looking back at him surprisedly.


That person looked at Myungsoo for a moment, then approaching him quietly. A shy smile was painted on his face.


_ I’m sorry, did it disturb you?


He said softly. That voice even more beautiful than what he had imagined. Taking a deep breath, he shook his head.


_ It’s ok.


That persion smiled and walked over to pick up the camera which was lying on the ground to give back for him, then holding the puppy into his lap. Myungsoo hurriedly checked the machine. This is his most precious thing after all. Since he only payed attention to him, he almost forgot this intimate friend. After failing to find any damage, the machine still worked normally, he breathed a sigh of relief.


_ Seem like you treasure that camera so much?


Myungsoo nodded. That boy continued:


_ Look like... I’ve met you, right? At the tree with red leaves?


So he remembered. Myungsoo smiled, a smile mixing with joy and lots of emotions which is very hard to say.


_ You remember?


_ Of course. Because...


The more time passed, the smaller his voice was. Finally, it turn off completely in the embarrassiment of the boy. His hands lingered on the soft white feathers of the small dogs in his lap.


_ Myungsoo.


_ Huh?


The boy lifted up his eyes with a bewildered look. His confused face made him chuckle.


_  It’s my name. Kim Myungsoo. What about you?


_ Uhm, Sungjong. Lee Sungjong. - He answered with a shy smile.


The words came from his mouth as a breeze, sounding no more than a whisper. If he hadn’t listened it carefully, Myungsoo would have mistaken it for the sound of the wind.


_ What a beautiful name!


And then, they both fell silent. Myungsoo watched the river, feeling the warmth emenated from the person next to him. This made him felt butterfly in his stomach, like he could fly to the heaven.


Was there any magic could stop the time? If there was something miraculous like that, Myungsoo was very willing to trade anything he has to have it and be stay in this moment forever.


Suddenly, the dog jumped into Myungsoo’s lap, making both of them startled. He looked at the big doe eyes which was looking up at him, gently the little cotton ball. Its wet tongue his hand. Myungsoo enjoyed the warm tickling feeling in hand amusedly.


_ He seems really like you.


_ Maybe. He is your dog? - Myungsoo asked, turning to look at Sungjong.


Sungjong shooked his head.


_ Not really. I just found it this morning in a box located in the corner of the road. Maybe he was abandoned.


Myungsoo sunk in his own thought. At that moment, the puppy in his arm ran away. Seeing Sungjong was going to stood up to go after it, he grabbed his hand. A weird feeling ran along the arm and across his entire body, like an electric shock.


_ I’ll take him back for you.


Myungsoo quickly released his hand, answering his questioning eyes. Then he stood up and walked toward the puppy, who was playing happily around the soft grass not too far from where he and Sungjong sat.


As Myungsoo turned around, the wind blew through the river, like the first time he had met him. The last thing he saw was Sungjong’ slim body sitting under the tree, and the obsessive chocolate brown eyes, before the cruel wind brought the leaves bloking his view.


When wind died down, leaves stopped, his eye opened, he already far away. Just like yesterday, came and went like the wind.


A moan caught his attention. He smiled and bent down, slightly tickled the small body.


_ Now just you and me.


Then he went home, this time adding a puppy as a companion.  






The tall thin young men came into the room, sitting down quietly on the chair next to the person who was sleeping peacefully on a bed. The “beep” sound and the green and red lights flickering made him frown. He grabbed one of that person’s hand, head hung down, silently meditating on.


_ Tick...


The man looked up the screen hopefully, but the heart rhythm remained undulating steadily, nothing changed. Maybe it’s just his imagination?


The young man sighed. His eyes filled with sadness as he looked at the body lying there. He fondled the small thin hand, lips softly put a kiss on this one.


_ Hey sleeping beauty, are you going to sleep forever?


A/N: Sorry if it has mistake >.< I'm too lazy to read it again. Maybe I'll edit it later LoL. Ah, as I promise, this chapter longer than the last one LMAO

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Chapter 2: OH! MY sungjong!!!
AznDuckies #2
Chapter 2: Yay the finally talk haha. And aww a cute puppy lol. I want a puppy name momo haha update soon hehe.
AznDuckies #3
Chapter 1: Lol haha its Soo cute \(>_<)/ gonna die from.all The Fluffyness Lol update Soon. And No Its Not Boring its Very descriptive which Is A good Thing
#4 reader here!
AznDuckies #5
It sounds interesting I can't wait to find out what happens lol is it an angst lol or is it fluffy