

It was pretty much empty inside the dorm, except for the person sitting at the dining table. If you took a glance, you would have assumed it was a woman. Another glance, and it would still be a woman. The only moment when you would have known this beautiful, gorgeous woman was actually a man was when he opened his volumious lips to talk. And no-he is not a transgender.

Heechul was seated at the table, currently frustrated over a letter to Super Junior's leader.

"OH MY GOD! What am I I supposed to write!? 'Hey dude, I hope you haven't gone onto doing drugs'!?" the shemale shrieked, slamming the table as he stared at the paper. It was all that stupid manager's fault.

"Do not say the lord's name in vain...," a voice whispered through the roof.

"SIWON, TAKE YOU AND YOUR BIBLE BACK TO MOKPO. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!!!" Heechul screamed,shoving the table towards the shrine that the religious freak made a few months back. Why Mokpo? Because Donghae.

Silence quickly followed, before Heechul smiled. It was a Friday, and no one, NO ONE, was going to order him around. After all, he's the Britney Spears of Korea.

My legs are better than Yoona's legs. At that though, a loud, obnoxious laugh escaped from his (again) volumious lips.

"Let's see...I can either do my nails, piss off Kangy bear, trash Kyuhyun's laptop, or delete Eunhyuk's special collection," he mumbled, flicking through the lists of horrid things he had planned to do during his two years of party time.

Hearing the sound of heels, Heechul turned around to see a cross-dressing Kyuhyun. He was wearing Sungmin's dress from Super Show 4 (How had he managed to steal the dress from the stylists? They would've castrated his head...) with a pair of red heels. A blonde wig lay on his head, crooked. Red lipstick was messily applied, with a thick layer of eyeliner.

Staring at Kyuhyun for a minute, Heechul decided to say what he always would to help situations like these.

"Kyuhyun, this house isn't open 'til 11 P.M."

The other one, who was dressing as Marilyn Monroe, smiled, before sliding closer to Heechul. He brushed his long fingers against the elder's face before leaning in. If you looked from Kyuhyun's point of view though, you would've seen his face scrunched up in repulse.

"Aw sugar, you seem a little tensed. You need a massage?"


"Kyuhyun, I swear if this is for SNL I'm going to-", he said, but was rudely cut off by shemale!Kyu.

"Dude, I need to go on 'Radio Star' next week and they want a funny story," he said, tugging on Heenim's jacket with a (not) cute pout.

Glaring at the maknae, he spat on his hand and shoved it into his face.

"No. Go eat a dog instead. Or do graffiti. Do not involve me with your secret fantasy of wanting to be a !" Heechul shouted.

Twenty seconds later, Cho Kyuhyun was running around the dorm screaming for Shisus to come down from drama heaven to save his beautiful arse from Heechul's stilleto collection.



I'm sorry guyz el o el. This is a lame update because it's a Friday and I srsly do not feel like doing geo. My writing has degraded because of all the writing I did earlier this week so yeah. My name's Henry from SJ-M btw.

p.s. y'all who have tumblrs better give me your url.




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ilabya2 #1
Chapter 1: Swaggalagga shamlamdoobily! Heechul be trippin (on dem stilettos)! //ratchet
KasienSapphire #3
Chapter 1: Lol XD "arse...." Are you from the UK?
Dayum swerve! Kyuhyun be trippin! //cough
What. The. Frick.