Love Pure Like Snow

Love Pure Like Snow

            On a cold winter night, a figure sat on a bench near a lamppost. Do Kyungsoo was waiting for someone, rubbing his hands together to create warmth. Hot breaths warmed his hands as he looked up into the night sky. Dull, grey clouds covered the sky, giving off a shade of darkness. Kyungsoo began to blow on his cold fingers again and rubbed them together. Causing some friction, he buried his hands in his pockets. Starting at the bright light on the lamppost, Kyungsoo started to stared down at his feet. That’s when he heard footsteps coming his way. Bringing his head up, his eyes laid upon a drunk person. That person reached out for Kyungsoo, stepping closer by the second. Backing away with frightened eyes, Kyungsoo shut his eyes closed. But what Kyungsoo was expecting didn’t happen. As he opened one eye, Jongin stood in front of him, the drunk man ran away.


“Are you alright?” Jongin asked, holding out his hand.


“Y-Yea…I’m fine,” Kyungsoo replied, accepting Jongin’s offer.


            Kyungsoo started to shiver which Jongin noticed. Smiling a bit, Jongin took off one of his gloves, and handed it to Kyungsoo. Giving it a weird look, Kyungsoo put it on his right hand when suddenly Jongin held his other hand. A blush formed on Kyungsoo’s cheeks as he walked alongside Jongin.


“Hey, Jongin?”, Kyungsoo asked.




“Do you remember the first time we met?”


            Jongin scratched the back of his head, and laughed awkwardly. He did remember, but he was too embarrassed to say so. Kyungsoo gave off a soft laugh, and started to think about what had happened four years ago.




            Kyungsoo was a junior at the age of 16. His parents were getting a divorce, even though he didn’t really care about that. All he cared about was his vocals, and music to sing along with. On the last day of school before winter break started, Kyungsoo was confronted by a lowerclassmen. A man that was a sophomore at the age of 15.


“I-I’ve always liked you. Please accept this early Christmas present!”


            And with those words, the lowerclassmen left Kyungsoo. He looked at the carefully wrapped gift, and waited till he got home. Walking out the school gates, his eyes laid upon that lowerclassmen that ha given him a gift just minutes ago. Shrugging his shoulders, Kyungsoo once again headed for the road home. Once there, he heard his parents get into another argument. Kyungsoo just ignored them, and went up to his room. Looking at the gift again, he started to unwrap is. To his surprise it was a very fluffy, and cute teddy bear. Inside there was a card which Kyungsoo began to read.


Shining bright like a star,

I’ll search for you wherever you are.

Listen, I’ll only tell you once

Before the last day of the month.

You’re pure like a dove,

Will you accept my love?

-Kim Jongin


            A smile appeared on Kyungsoo’s face as he pressed the card near his chest. For the first time in his life, his heart thumped rapidly. For the first time, Kyungsoo could feel this emotion called ‘love’. Since the winter break was starting, Kyungsoo never got a hold of Jongin, and had to wait until the next year. Right on Christmas, Kyungsoo went out for a morning jog. His parents were still sleeping so he figured why not take a quick jog? Once outside, he noticed somebody waiting at the front gate.


“Kim Jongin?” Kyungsoo said, going closer to him.


“O-Oh! Y-yes.”


            Without any warnings, Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around Jongin. A moment of silence came between them as Jongin slightly pushed Kyungsoo away. He didn’t want Kyungsoo to see his face that was a glowing a crimson red. Chucking a bit, Kyungsoo looked deeply into Jongin’s eyes.


“This is the only time I surrender to this cage. Capture me, capture my heart. Capture this pure white dove. By saying this, I accept your love.”


            Finishing his little poem, Kyungsoo felt Jongin lean his head closer to his. Before the dawn, their lips pressed against each others, that Christmas was the day Kyungsoo began to know the meaning of love.




            Kyungsoo started to laugh to himself as he thought about the poem that Jongin wrote for him. He glanced as Jongin through his bangs, a smile still on his face. For all Kyungsoo knows, he loved Jongin with all his heart. Feeling Kyungsoo snuggle close to him, Jongin could feel his cheeks burning. A cold breeze blew towards them, making Kyungsoo grip Jongin’s hand tighter. Jongin chucked as he started to swing their arms. That’s when Jongin started to remember the hardships they went through in high school. Those horrible years that came ahead of them.




            When they came back from winter break, people already found out about Kyungsoo and Jongin’s relationship. Girls gave Kyungsoo disgusted looks, as people started to make fun of the both of them. Since they were in different grades, Jongin couldn’t protect Kyungsoo anymore. Once he went to class, everybody started to stare at him as he made his way to his desk. Jongin didn’t like the attention and often tried to ignore people in his class. What worried him more was the junior and senior girls that Jongin was quite popular with. Before he fell in love with Kyungsoo, Jongin didn’t like talking to girls since they were stranger’s.


“I can’t believe you’re dating Kyungsoo!” Sehun said to his best friend at lunch time.


“Shut up! You’re the one who hooked up with that Chinese transfer student,” Jongin snapped back.


Sehun took a few steps back, leaving space for Jongin.


“What’s up your today?” Sehun joked, laughing a bit at the end.


            Jongin shot another glare at his so-called best friend, and continued to eat his lunch. Then suddenly Jongin’s other friend Chanyeol rushed in. Jongin gave him a confused look, and stood up. Chanyeol was talking so fast that Jongin couldn’t understand. Finally Chanyeol started to slow down and told Jongin what had happened for the fifth time.


“Kyungsoo fell down the stairs?!” Jongin said, rushing out the classroom.


            Heading to the infirmary as fast as he legs could take him, he opened the door. Kyungsoo looked up at his lover, and gave him a faint smile. Jongin started to scan Kyungsoo from head to toe. His head were bandaged up, so was his scratched up arms and legs. Jongin walked up to his hyung, and embraced him.


“I’m glad that you’re okay,” Jongin breathed, voice quivering.


“You don’t need to worry about me that much Jongin.”


“I do! I want to protect you, Kyungsoo.”


            Something about Jongin seemed to sooth, and put Kyungsoo at ease. He didn’t like how the girls in his class had pushed him down the stairs, but he swore that he would have a peaceful relationship with Jongin.


“You’re the only one I need,” Kyungsoo muttered.


            Jongin heard what Kyungsoo said and literally started to laugh out loud. Puffing out his cheeks, Kyungsoo didn’t think that was something to laugh about. Crossing his arms, Kyungsoo turned his head away from Jongin.


“Kyungie I think we need our parents later on.”


“Eh? Why?”


“Because…I have to get your parent’s blessing,” Jongin said, pecking Kyungsoo on the lips quickly.


            That day changed everything in their relationship, but soon after people started to get used to them. Kyungsoo was quite happy when people didn’t give him glares or anything like that. He was happy that he could walk in the hallways, arms linked together with Jongin. On the other hand, Jongin had a hard time trying to adjust to this new lifestyle. He felt super embarrassed when Kyungsoo wanted to kiss, and hug in public. But if it meant that he would be by Kyungsoo’s side then he wouldn’t mind that either.




            Jongin looked back at Kyungsoo as they made their way to the party that Sehun was hosting. Kyungsoo wanted to take the long way so they could spend more time together. Jongin always wondered if Kyungsoo would live with him since they mostly visits each other everyday. He looked behind him, and continued to walk with Kyungsoo. A frown formed on his face as Kyungsoo wanted to get something to eat.


“Like any stores will be open at night,” Jongin said with a sigh.


“Then we’ll go to the 24/7 convenient store.”


“You sure do have everything planned out.” Jongin smiled.


“Of course I do!” Kyungsoo pouted.


“Okay. Okay. We’ll go and buy something.”


            Kyungsoo let out a some-what happy dance, and started to race to the nearest open store. Going inside, the air inside felt warm. Jongin followed Kyungsoo, watching the shopping basket fill with snacks. Pulling out his wallet, Jongin paid for all the food, Kyungsoo came out the store, munching on the snacks he had in the white plastic bag. Once they walked on the same road again, they stopped at a bench to have a rest, Kyungsoo offered some food to Jongin, but he refused. That’s when Kyungsoo started to think about their second Christmas, and anniversary, together.




            It has been months since Kyungsoo’s parents divorced, and his mother rarely being home all the time. So it was that Kyungsoo was to spend Christmas alone, but he didn’t. He invited Jongin over for dinner since it was their anniversary plus it was an excuse to see Jongin over the holidays. Preparing a big feast for the two of them, he instantly started to cook his family’s recipes.


“I wonder what Jongin likes?” Kyungsoo questioned himself as he stuffed the marinated roast beef in the oven.


            Sighing in frustration, Kyungsoo began to check the rice. That’s when he heard his cell phone start to ring. Rolling his eyes, he washed his hands first. Answering it, he was surprised to see that is was his best friend Baekhyun.


“What’s up?”


“I just wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner with my family….since your parents aren’t there.”


“Its okay Baekhyun. I’m expecting someone,” Kyungsoo said in a quiet voice


“Is it Jongin?” Baekhyun snickered, waiting for Kyungsoo’s reply.


            Rubbing his forehead, Kyungsoo rested his elbows on the kitchen counter.


“You should know the answer Baekhyun.”


“Well, I bet you have your hands full in cooking dinner so I’m going to hang up. Bye.”


            And with that, Baekhyun hanged up. Kyungsoo placed his phone on the table, and continued to cook. Pouting a bit, his eyes laid upon the clock hanging on his wall. The sounds of the ticking hand, echoed in Kyungsoo’s ears. He looked at the window, hoping that Jongin would appear soon.


“Ah! I’m going to be late” Jongin said, under his breath.


            Rushing through the streets, he thanked his parents for letting him skip the family feast. Looking at the time on his phone, figuring out he would be a bit late. Dashing through the snow, Jongin ignored the coldness crawling up his body. Blinking his eyes a bit, Jongin made one last sprint. Arriving at Kyungsoo’s place in a few minutes, Jongin lifted his icy finger. Touching the doorbell, he waited patiently. Kyungsoo opened the door in a few seconds, a cheerful expression on his face.


“Just in time. C’mon in,” Kyungsoo said with a smile on his face.


            Jongin gave out a nod, and walked inside. Taking off his shoes, he poked his head into the living room. He then started to followed Kyungsoo to the dining room, finding a feast ready for the both of them. Gulping a bit, Jongin could already feel his mouth watering. Kyungsoo pulled out a chair for Jongin, and waited until Jongin made his way there.


“You made all of this Kyungsoo?”




“I bet your food will always taste delicious,” Jongin smiled, waiting for Kyungsoo to take his seat.


            A blush once appeared on Kyungsoo’s face as he made his way to his seat. Picking up their chopsticks, they started to eat. Jongin flinched his body as he sneaked a look at his hyung. His hands started to tremble on the small box in his hands. Sweat formed on his forehead as silence came between them. Setting down his chopsticks, Jongin looked right at Kyungsoo. Almost choking on the food, Kyungsoo got surprised when he looked up. Those intense eyes of Jongin stared right through him.


“K-Kyungsoo I want to give you something,” was something Jongin wanted to say, but no words came out.


            Once Jongin averted his eyes away from Kyungsoo, he started to feel disappointed in himself. He wanted to give Kyungsoo the gift he spent so much money on, but this feeling inside him didn’t disappear. He felt like Kyungsoo wouldn’t like the gift, and reject it. Kyungsoo looked at his lover from across the table, and tilted his head. Jongin was acting weird, that’s when Kyungsoo started to think.


“What if he felt uncomfortable? What if he didn’t like the food?” Kyungsoo thought, panicking a bit.


            Feeling the chopsticks trembling in his hands, Kyungsoo looked down at his lap. Hearing Jongin clear his throat, Kyungsoo brought his head up. Lips shaking, Jongin spoke one sentence.




“Saranghae,” Kyungsoo said with a smile on his face.


            That warm smile made Jongin’s heart raced as he clenched his teeth together. Once they were done eating, Jongin wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo who was apparently doing the dishes.


“Kyungsoo…” Jongin breathed, his grip tightening.


“What Jongin? You’ve been acting weird lately?”


            Kyungsoo slightly bit his lips once Jongin didn’t say anything. Feeling a bit stupid for saying those words, Kyungsoo turned off the running water. The arms that held him tightly, Kyungsoo wanted to run away from the temptation.


“Kyungsoo…happy anniversary,” Jongin whispered into Kyungsoo’s ear, showing him a small box.


            Inside held a bracelet, emeralds engraved into them. Gasping, Kyungsoo pressed his lips against Jongin’s.


“I’m sorry that I’ve been acting weird…Its just that I though you wouldn’t like the gift I got you,” Jongin said in a quiet voice.


“Why would you think that? I love this gift!”




“Yea but…You didn’t need a gift to express your feelings,” Kyungsoo giggled.


            Jongin let out a grin as he connected their lips together. But suddenly a wrapped gift was handed to him as Kyungsoo waited until he opened it. Ripping the wrapping paper instantly, he opened the box. Inside there was another box. He gave Kyungsoo a weird look and continued to opened the other box.


“Kyungsoo….it’s a necklace,” Jongin said, putting it on him.


“Yea…I have the same one,” Kyungsoo smiled, showing the necklace to Jongin.



            Once again Jongin wrapped his arms around his hyung, and kissed him again. They had matching jewelry which meant they were truly a couple. That day Jongin felt very happy and warm inside. He never felt happy in his life time, and the only person who can make him feel that way was Kyungsoo.




            Reaching his hands towards the necklace, Jongin smiled at the memory. He looked back at Kyungsoo, surprised that Kyungsoo already ate his snacks. They spend a lot of Christmas days  together, and anniversaries. They all made them cherish each other, and their love grow by the second. Anyone could tell that they were deeply in love with each other. Jongin made sure nothing came in-between them, and Kyungsoo made sure that Jongin wouldn’t lose interest in him. Together they became inseparable. Nobody and nothing could split them apart.


“Ow!” Jongin shouted, looking at a cut on his finger.


“You are such a baby. Its just a little cut on your finger,” Kyungsoo chuckled.


“I know, but it hurts.”


            Giving one last chuckle, Kyungsoo placed Jongin’s finger in his mouth. Jongin’s face started to flush as he retracted his finger away from the wet cavern. Kyungsoo gave out a pout as Jongin looked at him with embarrassed eyes.


“You know Jongin…your pain becomes my pain,” Kyungsoo breathed, leaning against Jongin.


“Your pain becomes my pain. Every emotion I share with you, whether its happiness, agony, envy, I will always stay by your side. I know Kyungsoo,” Jongin said, ruffling Kyungsoo’s hair.


            Jongin started to get up, holding out a hand towards Kyungsoo. Their hands connected, Jongin bringing Kyungsoo up. When their eyes met, they stood still for a while. Jongin admired the beauty that Kyungsoo held, which made him love Kyungsoo even more. Walking on the snowy road again, they held hands. Kyungsoo could feel Jongin’s heart pulse through their hands, and gave out a smile. His heart was beating rapidly without him showing it. Giggling a bit, Kyungsoo began to erase the space between them.


“Jongin how much do you love me? I’m just curious,” Kyungsoo muttered.


“There’s just too many numbers. Let’s just say that my love for you is infinite,” Jongin said, laughing at his cheesiness.


“You’re so cheesy,” Kyungsoo giggled, playfully hitting Jongin on the shoulder.


            They were almost to Sehun’s house, as they kissed each other again. Their fingers were intertwined together as they knocked on Sehun’s door. It opened instantly, their friends telling them to come in. It was really a Christmas party with colorful lights hanging from the ceiling, and food already prepared. Their friends hollered at them, wanted to show them things. Before they knew it, they got separated into their own groups. Kyungsoo with Baekhyun, Luhan, Joonmyeon, Yixing, and Jongdae. Jongin with Sehun, Wufan, Minseok, Tao, and Chanyeol. They yearned to be by each other’s side, but their friends kept talking to them.


“Are you going to do it Jongin?” Sehun asked, curious of what Jongin might say.


“Yea Jongin, when are you going to do it?” Wufan teased.


“Guys give him time to think,” Chanyeol scolded them.


“Kris-gege you tease to much” Tao said, going way off topic.


“ You guys are funny. When he said he’ll do it today then he’ll do it!” Minseok’s voice full of confidence.


            Jongin could only laugh at his friends, but made glances at Kyungsoo. Sehun noticed and snickered as his best friend’s cheeks started to glow. Scratching his head, Jongin looked at his friends again. They started to encourage him to go over to Kyungsoo, and do his business. Jongin thanked his friends, and made his way towards the laughing Kyungsoo. Giving out a confused look, Kyungsoo watched as Jongin went up to him. Before Kyungsoo could even speak, Jongin dropped one knee. Presenting a box, Jongin gave out a smile towards Kyungsoo.


“Will you marry me Do Kyungsoo?” Jongin asked, revealing a diamond ring.


            Kyungsoo didn’t have to say yes when he hugged Jongin close to him. This moment of his life felt so unbelievable that he accepted Jongin’s hand in marriage. But something struck Kyungsoo as he pulled away from Jongin. Looking at his friends’ worried faces, he came to tell Jongin about some bad news.


“Jongin…I got accepted to this college that is in a different city. I would love to marry you ,Jongin, but not now,” Kyungsoo said in a quiet voice, regretting his decision.


“Then I’ll wait for you!”




“I’ll wait for you. When you come back we’ll get married so…please take the ring with you.”


            Tears streamed down Kyungsoo’s face as he was blessed to have a wonderful boyfriend like Jongin. Connecting their lips, Kyungsoo gave out a slight smile. Jongin did indeed feel sad that Kyungsoo was going to leave his side for a while, but he had to think positive. If he wanted the relationship to last for eternity, he had to wait for Kyungsoo. Pouting a bit, Kyungsoo kissed his lips again.


“Don’t pout Jonginnie. We’ll see each other again.”


            Kyungsoo knew Jongin too well, and Jongin thanked god that Kyungsoo could read his heart. Putting the ring on Kyungsoo’s finger, everybody started to congratulate them. Wiping the tears away, Kyungsoo smiled towards Jongin. A good relationship they had together, understanding each other. To get married was now Kyungsoo’s dream, to get married to Jongin. That dream kept Kyungsoo strong until both of them could get united again.




            As the bus stopped, Kyungsoo lifted his heavy bags. Exiting the bus, he looked up into the deep, blue sky. Carrying his suitcases, he started to walk the streets. Along the way, he walked into the convenient store that Jongin and him went in before. Buying a water bottle, he started at the road again. Opening the door to his house, his mother hugged him close to her. Currently she didn’t know that Kyungsoo went to college, and started to ask him all kinds of questions. Kyungsoo could feel his anger kick in as he pushed her away.


“Only if you were home then you would have known!”


            Running up to his room, he started to put his stuff away. His phone started to ring, and his hands reached for it. It was Baekhyun as his voice sounded worried.


“Kyungsoo, are you still going to meet at my place?”


“Yea…is he there?”


“No…but hurry up and come. Everybody is waiting for you.”


            And with those words, they both hung up. Kyungsoo started to change, and headed out the door. His mother was waiting at the front door, demanding where he was going. He started to argue with his mother, screaming his head off. She started to cry which made Kyungsoo feel guilty.


“I’m sorry, mother. Its just that you haven’t been at home for a long time. I have a new life now.”


            She nodded her head and let her son pass by, proud of what he had become. The college he picked was a private collage for culinary arts. He had a life that she couldn’t have. Rushing towards Baekhyun’s house, Kyungsoo felt the tears come out. That was the very first time he argued with his mother, and made her cry. Knocking on the door, he quickly wiped the tear stains. The door opened, and arms captured his body. Jongin held his lover close to him, never letting him go.


“Jongin-ah!” Kyungsoo said in surprise.


“I missed you, Kyungie. I really did,” Jongin breathed.


            Kyungsoo started to feel warm tears fall to his shoulders. He started to noticed that Jongin was crying for the first time in front of him. They looked at each other and kissed. Everyone started to clap as they made their way inside. Baekhyun and Luhan started to hug Kyungsoo tight, tears coming from their eyes. He had been gone for four years, and he was glad to be back. Jongin went by Kyungsoo’s side and lifted up his hand. The ring was still there, as Jongin gave out a smile.


“You wore it for all those years?” Jongin questioned.


“Of course! Every time I looked at this ring, I always thought of you,” Kyungsoo said, pouting a bit.


            Giving off a soft laughter, Jongin ruffed Kyungsoo’s hair. How long he wanted to see and touch Kyungsoo for a long time. They kissed again, hearing their friends aww’s. Jongin intertwine their fingers again and leaded Kyungsoo to a chair. Watching Kyungsoo sit down, Jongin kissed Kyungsoo’s forehead.




“You don’t know how long I waited for you to say those words to me again,” Kyungsoo giggled.


            They both laughed, and looked deeply into each other’s eyes. They were reunited, and the joy on their faces will always be imprinted into their minds. The next few months, they were to be married. Then their love will be sealed.




            Jongin was standing near the preacher, as he waited for the bride to show up. Sehun was his best man, and Kyungsoo’s friends were the bride’s maids. Scratching his head, Jongin looked nervously at Sehun. He gave out a silent cry of help, which Sehun understood. Sehun made his head towards Jongin, having a sly smile on his face.


“What’s up Jongin?”


“I’m really nervous right now Sehun. What if I mess up?” Jongin panicked.


“Relax Jongin.  I think you’ll do great,” Sehun tried to encourage, know he would do a bad job at that.


“If you say so,” Jongin said, trying to calm himself down.


            Then suddenly, the door opened to revealed Kyungsoo in a pure white wedding dress. Jongin could feel his cheeks start to burn as he postured himself. The music started, and Kyungsoo started to walk the aisle with his father linked to his arm. His father was still not used to his son being a homoual, but it was for his son’s happiness. As they made their way towards Jongin, Kyungsoo stood across from him. And thus the preacher started to speak. Jongin could feel his legs shaking as he looked at Kyungsoo.


“Do you take Do Kyungsoo to be your lawfully wedded wife?”


“I do,” Jongin said with out hesitation.


“Do you take Kim Jongin to be your lawfully wedded husband?”


“I do.


“You may now kiss the bride.”


            Jongin leaned his head closer to Kyungsoo’s, pressing their lips together. Everybody started to cheer as Kyungsoo threw the bouquet of flowers to the crowd. Hands reached for it, but Luhan was the one that caught it. Jongin grabbed Kyungsoo, and started to dance to the slow song.


“You look a bit pissed?” Jongin questioned.


“I am! That preacher called me a bride.”




“So? I’m a guy.”


            Once again Kyungsoo pouted, hearing Jongin’s laughter. Jongin looked down at his hyung, and kissed him deeply. Kyungsoo was now his wife, he was now his. Jongin’s smile widen by the minute, making Kyungsoo looked at him weirdly.


“Wipe that smile off your face. You look like Chanyeol when he smiles widely like that.”


            They both looked at each other, and began laughing hard. They apologized to Chanyeol even though he wasn’t near the both of them. Once the song ended, Jongin went over to the food table. His stomach was growling, and he couldn’t ignore that anymore. Kyungsoo followed him, also getting some food. They made their way to an empty table, and started to eat.


“Kyungsoo, are you happy?” Jongin asked in a happy voice.


“Of course I am! I’m finally married to you.”


“But just some minutes ago you were mad at the preacher?” Jongin teased.


“Jongin…I’m not mad at him anymore.” Kyungsoo said, rolling his eyes.


“Knock knock.”


“Who’s there?” Kyungsoo asked, not sure where Jongin was going with this joke.


“I.” Jongin said in English.


“I who?”


“I love you,” Jongin’s English accent making Kyungsoo laugh.


            Jongin pouted as Kyungsoo was suppose to feel happy, but instead he ended up laughing. Kyungsoo wiped the tears that were flowing out of his eyes, and began to laugh even more. Crossing his arms, Jongin looked the other way.


“You weren’t suppose to laugh,” Jongin mumbled.


“I’m sorry, Jongin, but your accent is just to funny,” Kyungsoo said once he was done laughing.


“Thanks,” Jongin said bitterly.


            Kyungsoo felt bad, and kissed Jongin on the cheek. The day of their wedding was their 8th anniversary, and Christmas. They lived a happy life, adopting two kids. Kyungsoo worked at a restaurant, while Jongin was a dancer. Their payment together lasted them. But one thing that we all know was that Jongin and Kyungsoo loved each other. Their love was strong which survived for a long time. A line that Jongin used to express their love was again cheesy.


You’re the Kim Jongin to my Do Kyungsoo

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derpybacon #1
Chapter 2: although it wasnt mentioned in the contest results, i still love your fanfic so much <3<3 keep writing! fighting! kk~
cheriehime #2
Chapter 1: Good luck with the contest. :-)
This is so sweet.
Too sweet, actually.
Chapter 1: Awww this was too adorable ,__,& perfekt <3 Kaisoo <3
Good luck ~ and I know its for a contest buut sequel please <3
Chapter 1: *crying* .. love it and good luck with the contest