the barista and the neurosurgeon

this peculiar disease of mine

Choi siwon wakes up 30 minutes earlier than usual today. He gets up from the bed and groans, stretching himself before heading to the shower.

"Ha.. Long day again at the hospital..Here we go, drill some heads, save some lives, same old..same old.. Fighting!" as he shouted his daily mantra that could keep him away from his too-alluring-mattress that will seduce him to go back to sleep and be an irresponsible adult. The doctor takes a shower, grooms himself as usual, put on some hair products, cologne, put on a sleek suit and check himself in the mirror.

"Perfect choi siwon, just one question, why would you put so much efforts in looking attractive when you are in fact forever alone and miserable not mentioning have noone you would want to impress" as he speaks to himself in the mirror. The handsome neurosurgeon let out a chuckle and then get out of the bathroom, grab his coat, keys and bag then he heads out from his luxurious so-called bachelor pad and drive to the hospital. The surgeon made his usual stop at his favorite coffee shop the java bloom, his go-to place for his much needed daily morning caffeine supply ever since he transferred to seoul a year ago. Sure he could get himself coffee at the hospital, but please.. who are we fooling? The hospital's coffee taste like crap and it's nothing like the heavenly-freshly-brewed coffee served by the baristas at java bloom. And being the coffee man that he always is the indulge of a daily-high-quality caffeine is something that he must fulfill in order to function properly and lives..

Siwon open the doors of the coffee shop and head towards the order counter. On that very moment one thing caught his eyes for what seems to be a new barista with cute plump lips, rosy apple cheeks, pale skin and captivating eyes who smiles sweetly at him. For a second Dr choi siwon is confused, how could someone be so handsome and beautiful at the same time, so cute yet y, so..perfect?

"Good morning sir, may i help you? would you like to order?" said a voice that snap him out of his daydreaming. Apparently the gorgeous pale guy in front of him are talking to him,

"Ah I'll order the usual please..Um..i mean.. americano..erm..triple you are new right?" siwon mentally facepalmed himself for the not-so-subtle stuttering. "what the hell?!keep your cool choi siwon!!" as he mentally scold himself.

"Oh I apologize sir, Yes I am new here, I'll get your order soon, you may proceed to the cashier now for payment." said the pale boy. The younger boy smile wider at him, which make choi siwon at loss for words for a second upon hearing the oh-so-heavenly velvety voice until someone's greeting bring him back to reality.

"Ah Dr. Choi, good morning! Hot americano? Triple shot? As per usual?"

"Ah Heechul-ssi.. good morning..yes.. the usual please" it turns out the manager slash owner slash occasional barista, cashier and waiter is the one who called out to him. He became familiar to this eccentric middle-aged guy due to his daily morning coffee trip this past year.  

"Aigoo.. Pardon me.. This is kyuhyun..he is a new barista, today is his first day..the previous barista quit since he finished his study and wanted to find a real i care..anyway..kyuhyun this is Dr.Choi he is a very famous brain doctor from seoul hospital,he is our very valued regular customer..and eventhough we have like 10 billion kind of coffee here, he will always order the same boring thing so please remember what our handsome doctor here would order every single morning. So please keep that in mind..And by the way our Dr. Choi here is very awesome, i heard from a customer last week that he successfully remove a cancer from someone's head whom only had a 10 % chance of success. He is awesome right? And crazy handsome.. But weirdly he is still single, when there is like a gazillion woman drooling over him, even our customers here..ah geez.. are you such a picky person dr choi? You know.." and there goes the usual heechul's signature random babbling

"So his name is kyuhyun..ah.. how cute..kyutekyu..kyutiekyu,,what the hell? why am i thinking about random stuff??"

siwon then head to the cashier and pay for his coffee while pretending to listen to heechul random talks when in reality his eyes are fixed on kyuhyun. The boy is busy preparing his drink and as he finished he turns to siwon and smile.

"Here is your coffee Dr. choi, so i guess I'll see you again tomorrow? Have a good day, work hard!" said the younger boy while smiling with so much sincerity which urges siwon to squish that adorable face of his.

"Ah..ah..yes.. tomorrow..I'll come I'll see you..and.. uh..thanks for the coffee..and work hard" 

siwon rush to the exit and walk towards his car. "great job choi successfully embarass yourself! what's with the plan on cool-gentleman-dr-choi image that you are trying to pull huh?" as he enter his car and turn on the key, he sighed " Oh dear God, what was that? did I fall in love at the first sight? Hell no.. But that guy is so gorgeous and adorable..and..oh God so perfect." 

While dr. Choi siwon drives his way to the hospital he thinks  "ah.. i guess my everyday trip to java bloom will be the delight of my day from now on" as he smiles to himself. 

" let's drill some heads..Off we go.."




So it has been about three weeks since siwon met kyuhyun. Of course he would visit java bloom every single morning ever since. Siwon finally find the courage to have random chit chat with the cute barista on the third day, and ever since then they would have some short casual talk while siwon waited for his coffee. Sometimes when he is not in a rush and there is not so many customer he would stay longer just to have random light conversation with the younger barista. It was surprising for siwon how much he find himself enjoying every little talk and every little thing that kyuhyun do. While siwon might  still be in denial that he probably is in love, he himself could not deny the fact that he is really attracted to the younger man. He is not so sure about what kyuhyun feels about him. Well, he still call him Dr. Choi so it is pretty clear the younger still somewhat keeps a distance between them. But at the same time he is not sending him away which mean at least kyuhyun is not annoyed by him and could probably enjoy their encounter as well right?

So three weeks after their first meeting, siwon is driving back from the hospital to reach his apartment. As he drive pass by java bloom he notice the silhouette of what seems to be kyuhyun, heechul and a two other employee cleaning up and preparing to close the store. Without even thinking he impulsively drive his car to the parking lot and drag his feet to the shop. When he is about 5 meters away he stop and then he realized "hell..what I am doing here..what would be the reason why I randomly show up? I mean.." suddenly his train of thoughts were cut by the sound of the door opening. Heechul come out of java bloom with two other employees and it seems they finished their cleaning up.

"Ah Dr. Choi what do I owe this pleasure of your late night visit? It is very unlikely of you to come here this late..You are not looking for coffee aren't you? Well apparently we are closing up. It is unfortunate but kyuhyun is still inside maybe I could ask him to fix something for my very special customer here? Do not worry my dear Dr. Choi, this will be our special treat since I am in a good mood today because seoyoon the antagonist character in my favorite drama is this drink will be on me..Ah come in..come in..kyuhyun-ah.. could you fix dr choi something please..what would you like Dr. Choi?Ah where were we..oh yes.. so this seoyoon girl is so annoying.. this dare to.." and there goes the random babbling, siwon thinks. Siwon nods and pretend to be interested until he see kyuhyun make his way to the table he jut sit on and hand him his drink.

"Enjoy your drink Dr. Choi" as kyuhyun smiles,

"ah..that smile..that beautiful smile..why is he so cute.." siwon were caught in awe as he think to himself what a lovely human being this kyuhyun is. Suddenly he realized that heechul had stop rambling and are on the phone talking to someone..

"Ah..hannie..yes..yes..I'll be heading home..just watch him for a while not worry.."

After heechul finished the phonecall he turns to siwon and said " Ah Dr. Choi, my cat is throwing a tantrum because my stupid boyfriend give him the wrong food..This is wednesday for god's sake why would he give him tuna..wednesday is sardine..stupid hannie..of course my heebum will be angry..anyway..I need to go home..just enjoy your drink, kyuhyun will be around and cleans up, take your time and no need to rush..kyuhyun-ah please accompany Dr Choi for a while until he finish his drink ok? Thanks for your hard work..I'll be off..Good night everyone..:" as he make his way to the exit.

Siwon gulps. This means he will be alone with kyuhyun inside the shop. Well he actually would not mind but he recalled he never actually talk with kyuhyun outside his working hours without the presence of other people. Not to mention he usually talk to him about 15 min max? So it was normal for siwon to feel slightly nervous, right?

While he was busy with his thoughts kyuhyun is already on the seating area, wiping tables and arranging chairs.

"So Dr,Choi, how was your day? Tough day at the hospital?" said the barista, opening the conversation.

"Ah..umm is quite a usual day to be quite rounds, interns, same old stuff.."

" still seems like amazing stuff to me..You and saving lives and stuff.."

"Haha..not could be quite depressing sometimes..not all surgery ends up in a success you know"

"Oh it is indeed a tough day for you Dr. Choi.. what happened?" kyuhyun chuckles lightly

"Eh? No..seriously it is not..nothing interesting happened today to be honest.. I havent had any interesting medical case this past two weeks so..yes.. nothing out of ordinary..anyway could call me siwon..I find it weird if everyone call me Dr. Choi even if I am not at the hospital"

Kyuhyun frowns "will that be ok Dr. Choi? I mean.."

Siwon smiles " It is fine kyu...I call you kyu even without asking for your permission right? So it is only fair if I let you address me informally.. If you are still uncomfortable with calling me by my name, you could call me hyung."

"Ah ok..siwon hyung.."

Siwon chuckles at hearing the sound of his name being called by kyuhyun. God it was music to his ear. He suddenly clears his throat because kyuhyun seems to realize that he was spacing out within his thoughts.

"So kyu..what did you do?I mean besides being a barista and all..are you a student?

Kyuhyun stays silent for a while until he finally speaks "Well, for starters. I am a full time barista here, I work two full shift so that means I could not be studying at the same time, no?I already graduated from high school anyway but I never went to"

"Oh sorry I thought you were a student working part time..I mean.." suddenly siwon fall silent afraid that he might offend the younger.

"It is ok hyung..I have some issues I need to resolve if I want to attend college..Hahaha..So..Well, why am I telling you these anyway..ah..weird" kyuhyun giggles

"So you stay with your parents?Or you live alone?" Siwon changes the subject since he sense kyuhyun is not comfortable talking about the particular subject before

"I live alone hyung..sort of..Actually I shared a room with a friend of mine, his name is sungmin, but he is barely home since he is a martial art instructor and he often has workshops out of town..My parents passed away 2 years after I finished high school.."

"Kyu..I am sorry to hear that" siwon scold himself mentally "Smart choice of topic siwon, how awkward could this conversation be after this. Idiot"

Kyuhyun gives him an assuring smile "Ah.. it is fine hyung..It has been 5 years ago.."

"5 years? Eh that means?"

"Hahahha yes.. I am 26 years old..why?"

"Ah is just that you look like you just reached your 20..that is"

"I know..I am used to it anyway..I look young right hyung? maybe it is because of my babyface" kyuhyun jokes

Siwon lets out a laugh, feeling thankful that the barista seems not to be offended with his so-much-failure approach in maintaining the flow of the conversation. They continue talking for another 20 minutes about various stuff until kyuhyun realized it is late and he needs to finish closing up the store and head home.

"Hyung, I need to finish cleaning up. Shall we continue this talk next time? I also have morning shift tomorrow. It was a nice talk hyung" kyuhyun said with a big smile on his face

Siwon is smiling from ear to ear, he himself enjoy the talk so much as well and he doesnt want it to end just yet so he makes an offer to the barista.

"Hey, how about I'll help you out and drive you home. You know as a token of appreciation for accompanying me and this delicious drink"

"Well the drink is on heechul hyung, but I really appreciate your offer hyung..sure.." 

Kyuhyun finished cleaning up with the help from siwon and then he went to the employee room and change his clothes while siwon waits in the seating area. Once kyuhyun is finished he calls out to siwon

"ah hyung..let us go..I am done"

Siwon is left stunned, he never saw kyuhyun outside his working attire. Seeing him in casual clothes is definitely new for him. Kyuhyun look extra gorgeous in a simple black v neck t-shirt and jeans while his hand's carrying a thick dark brown jacket. 

"Oh yes..Urm..Let's go kyu" while siwon stands up he noticed something seems off with kyuhyun's face. Suddenly kyuhyun seems to be frowning and he suddenly shut his eyes and bites his lips

"Kyu..are you ok?" 

Siwon notices kyuhyun suddenly sweat a lot. Nothing could prepare siwon for what was about to happen next.

"....Oh ..Not now...." Kyuhyun cursed and suddenly drop himself into the floor and curl himself into a ball. Both of his hands covering his stomach as he lay on the floor on his side in a fetal position, biting his lips to hold the scream from coming out

Siwon panicked and run to kyuhyun to check on him " Oh God..are you ok kyu?"

But before siwon could reach kyuhyun to his surprise the latter suddenly stands up and run with a wobbling step to the employee room. Siwon immediately run after him but when he wants to open the employee room he realizes it was locked from the other side.

Siwon starts to worry a lot. He frantically knocks the door repeatedly and calls kyuhyun over and over but he hears no answer. He then put his ear on the door so that he will be able to hear what might be happening on the other side of the door. He could hear kyuhyun's voice and he seems to be groaning and writhing, probably in pain. Siwon becomes more worried.

"Kyu..please open the door..are you ok??let me help you" he pleads

He heard a muffled scream and afterwards, there was silence. Siwon completely panicked then he decided that he will break in. After a few attempts he managed to succeed. As the door cracked open, siwon barges inside.

"Kyuhyun!!Oh God!"





Oh my God I am such a failure in writing..this is such a crappy chapter..ahh..


Do bear with me readers, I hope i will improve in the next one..This will be quite a short fic tho. 2-3 chap? I just want to know how writing wonkyu feels like.. I beg for your understanding..God this is hard..





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samsungamal #1
hello i like your story can you update soon
Gamekyulove #2
Chapter 1: It's interesting. Please update soon. Thank you.
TanBi11_217 #3
Chapter 1: this story looks so interesting~ Please write the continuation of this chapter, please~
richan24 #4
Chapter 1: kindly update this soon!
oceu84 #5
Chapter 1: author-nim,it's a great story i n my opinion. so please i need your update...
Chapter 1: ahhh I'm so curious about what will happen next! you are doing a great job and shpuld keep writing:) and....can you pretty please update soon? ^.^
Beniikyuwon #7
Chapter 1: Could you continue this? :c it looks quite interesting u.u
purplethickhardblood #8
Chapter 1: Continue it pweaseeee ..i need 'next'button to press ..ohhh god ..pweaseeee update long you need put 'tbc' hang up ...updateeeeeee ne????*puppy eyes*
Chapter 1: OMGGG please continue this... What's happening to Kyu??? :(
Saravy #10
Chapter 1: OMG! Is Kyu okay? I really like this so far. You called Heechul middle aged...LOL! That's hilarious! His character is really funny too. Anyways, I like Siwon and Kyu and can't wait to find out what happens next! ^^