Introducing Choi Sooyoung, heiress of the Choi Family

The Choi Family

-Sooyoung’s 20th Birthday/Debut Party- (Private Family Only)

Siwon and Seunghyun stood off to the side.

“This is bull,” Seunghyun said under his voice, “we’re all going to have to live in one estate together while trying to court and marry a girl who’ve we never met before!”

Siwon gave Seunghyun a light chuckle, “Hey, you’re free to renounce you’re name like Changmin. Less competition for me,” Siwon joked.

“You know I can’t do that,” Seughyun scowled, “No matter how hard we work, or what name  we make for ourselves the family reigns over us… my parent’s would destroy me if I don’t participate in this ridiculous tradition. But don’t worry about competition; I’m never going to court that spoiled brat.”

“Hey, that spoiled brat you’re talking about is my future wife,” Siwon cracked as he lightly shoved Seunghyun.

“Woah, don’t get ahead of yourself, there’s still Minho,” Seunghyun joked as he nodded in Minho’s direction. They both stared across the room at Minho; he looked annoyed as Sulli pouted while whining beside him.

“Like he’ll stand a chance,” Siwon said cockily but couldn’t help himself from lightly slamming his champagne glass on a nearby table in displeasure.

“Attention, please,” Sooyoung’s father said as he tapped his glass with a spoon, “It gives me great pleasure to finally introduce our daughter, and the heiress of the Choi family to all of you tonight! I give you, our daughter, Sooyoung!”

The doors to the ballroom opened and there stood Sooyoung in a delicate silk gown. Gasps filled the room as people began to realize who she was.

“Daebak,” fell out of Sulli’s mouth.

Sooyoung made her way to her parents, “Yes, it is true, Sooyoung has been active as a model in Europe under the alias, Summer, but has taken a break from that to fulfill her duties to this family. I hope you all will welcome her with open hearts,” Sooyoung’s father’s voice boomed throughout the room and was quickly followed by applause of the rest of the family members.

Seunghyun and Minho stood wide-eyed at this unexpected turn of events. Siwon was the first to make his way towards her. Without hesitation he introduced himself and engaged in talk with her. Seunghyun, however, found displeasure in how she smiled; like a robot, so fake. He walked out of the party. Minho stood frozen where he was. He didn’t understand what he was feeling but at the same time couldn’t take his eyes off of Sooyoung.

Sooyoung looked over his way and their eyes met for a spit second. Minho quickly whipped his head around.

“What’s wrong, opp…”Sulli’s voice faded as someone tapped Minho’s shoulder.

He turned around and there she was, “Hello, Minho,” she smiled, “my name is Sooyoung,” she said as she held out her hand.

Minho hesitantly reached out and shook it, “H-Hi,” Minho said as he felt his mouth go dry.


+_+: and so it begins! COMMENT!! Who do you want with Sooyoung?

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Chapter 3: pair up sooyoung with TOP, it will be weid but they are both good looking together. update soon
Chapter 3: pair up sooyoung with TOP, it will be weid but they are both good looking together. update soon
Princess94 #3
Chapter 2: I want Top and Sooyoung couple and Minho and Sulli....hihihi...
Princess94 #4
Chapter 3: where is Changmin oppa~~~~~~TT
ABcony #5
Chapter 3: Wooooooooooooooooooooooow amazing I'll expect the new chapter
soowon_lover #6
i hope you update soon
Chapter 1: SooWon please
Chapter 3: Oh it's interesting :D
jac_21 #9
Chapter 3: I want Siwon with Sooyoung & Minho with Sulli