
Alive nor Dead

"A favor?" My voice shook through the darkness. I was placed inside I assume a dark room, considering the minor point that my eyes were covered with a blindfold, how I end up here, again? I couldn't exactly recall, but all I did know was I followed someone here, someone I had no clue existed, someone who was supposed to be dead, long time ago.

My grip tighten around  both handlebars of the chipped wooden chair, feeling sharp wood connecting with my palms. The pain that encountered inside me, I couldn't feel it though, I was too terrified to what exactly these people wanted from me. Who exactly were they? and why, did my stupid cautious follow them or that person here?

"Yes a favor", My ears rised up from hearing his voice that brought me. He was obviously a male from deep huskiness set through his tone. His voice seemed smooth, clear, and collected. Its as though he knew I would follow him here, and as though he had a planned an agenda for me already. My ears followed him, from walking around me in a circle, and from him humming familiar musical melodies in the empty room. I nervously bit down harder on my bottom lip, peeling off the dead skin off. I nodded my head slowly unsure at why I was agreeing to this stranger instead of screaming for help.

I heard a light chuckled behind me, clearly amused by my calmness. " You've got a keeper, funny how she can’t recognize you at all” The voice said. He was a different person, his voice appeared more childish than the first one.

"I know, I'm quite pleased with myself this time around”. I felt his familiar touch land softly on my cheeks it, "Ah, still the stunning Minzy I met years ago, you haven't aged a bit, doll."


The male behind me snickered behind me, "Of course she wouldn't age, its common sense Deukkie!"

There it was the named that brought all my tangled up memories release. Deukkie, better known a Young Deuk. My pass lover. Fear through me, he was here to get his revenge, the revenge he so desperately wished never happened; my immorality.

"Ah, I think she remembers now Don." His hands removed from my check, allowing the bitter-like coldness to take over once again. "You remember?" He whispered barely enough for me to here. "So, you should know the favor I ask for, creature?"

Creature. That's exactly what I was in front of him, nothing more but a dead creature. Anger infuriated through me, as I shook my head left to right hardly, even though I couldn't see his face, I could feel the smirk tugging on his face. The face that I so often memorized. The face that I used to wake up and see every morning. The charming flawless face that caused my heart to shrieked in over engaging joy, but now those thoughts were shattered into tiny, extremely invisible pieces. He was suppose to be dead, he was suppose to be dead long, long time ago. How many years has it been since I haven't seen that face of his?

"It's been exactly 10 years, 3 months, 5 days, 53 minutes, and 23 seconds and counting since you killed me." He answered as if reading my thoughts. "I always thought there wasn't going to be a day on earth that I would find you, but here you are now,  I knew you would be dumb enough to follow me, but who could blame you? you were always the clueless type one". He paused as if thinking about what next to say, after a few long seconds of waiting I heard footsteps approaching me, and before I knew it light blinded my eyes.

"Don't be so surprised,as if you haven't seen daylight in years." My eyes fell upon the man who I was the most afraid of, the man who wasn't supposed to be alive, my ex-boyfriend.

He walked around the room in a constant slow pace, dressed in a black form fitted ux, looking as if he was headed to a extravagant grand ball. He looked the same, the same way I left him, but instead of happiness or love that use to greet me, he was now cold, pale, and painfully emotionless. He came to a halt, sensing my presentable stare at him, his lips that I  kissed so passionately formed into a small smile.

"Please don't stare at me like that, it makes me feel uncomfortable for what I'm about to do next." He walked towards me, so gracefully.

My eyes widened in terror, he was going to kill me, just as I did to him, but this time around, I was going to be dead, grantee.

"There were times throughout the years that I thought what if, What if I wasn't so careless? What if all of this never happened? What if we never go ourselves into this long mess?" His bitter laugh bounced of the walls, loudly ringing inside my ears.

"You should have prevented it" I finally said out loud, hoping that I didn't sound as cowardly as I thought I did, "You promised you would protect me, but you didn't fall through with that promise, so I had to let you go."

His eyes glared hard at me, sending flaming daggers through my body. Hate was filled inside them, pure loathing hate all towards me, and knowing that I was the one that cause it ,burned a full blown out hole through my stoned black heart.

"It was your own fault, I told you to stay away from those vampires, I told you, you would only become their toy, but did you listen, No, instead your idiot self took it upon yourself to go and not listen to me. You thought : Oh vampires, don't exist, but now you know right?” He spitted the last sentence out with venom, making  it fully aware that this was my mistake, this was all my fault, and I was the cause of the break up, the destruction, and the pain that filled his heart.

The truth came hitting me like bricks, he was right, I was foolish, I was the cause to everything. "I'm sorry" I whispered hanging my head down.

"Deukkie enough with the tear wrenching story, and get rid of her, we seriously are running out of time" .

I completely forgot that Young Don was still here, his twin brother, who share nothing in common with him. The one who always was displeased with everything I ever did in my life. He must had hated me hundreds times worst than Duek did, but their was nothing I could do to change that hatred they both shared for me now, my time living in this world was going to end soon, and maybe, just maybe when this world comes to an end, we could met each other in the afterlife.

"Okay, Don just wait for me outside." Clearly Young Deuk was irritated by his brother interruption. Don did as he was told and walked out of the room slamming the door loudly enough to make the four walls arounds us to shake in motion.

Deuk turned his attention back towards me, with the most sickening smile I ever seen upon his face. "Now where were we?" He didn't give me time to answer, but instead continued off where we left off. "You're sorry? Funny." He crossed his hands over his chest studying my expression before he ask me the question I dread to hear " Why? why did you kill me and turn me into this, this creature."

Remembrance of that night came back rushing to me, where I bit him,  where I feed him my blood, and where I've waited hours, days, for him to be awaken. It was the most exhausting and devastating decision I've ever made in my life. All I wanted was us to be together…forever. That was the only answer to his question. Us, I desperately want us so badly that I was selfish and made him suffer the consequence. When my plan didn't work, and he didn't wake up for weeks, I thought I killed the only person I swore to love and die with. I consider myself a murderer, and left him, leaving no trace behind.

I swallowed the huge gulp inside my throat, trying not to speak the truth. My answer was nothing more than silence. This earned me a hard slap on the face, teeth shaking, and pain left on my right cheeks. I looked up at him only to see not anger, not pain, not hatred, but sympathy, directed at me.

"Damn it!" He gritted under his teeth. "You know, I knew after that night you came back from the club that something was different. I haven't seen you in days, and when you came back you looked paler and you never ate anything. I should have knew then, but I was so busy trying my hardest to build a future for us that I barely pay attention to you and you sudden new awkward action. I was the true fool." He stood right before me,  with an expression I couldn't quite read. "Please just, please tell me the truth, it'll make this easier. We could live together forever, isn't that what you want? Us to be together?"

I haven't cried in years after I left him, but now I could feel the burning sensation in my eyes, my barrier I built so high was tumbling down to the ground. I wanted him back, but not like this, not where he is now. I was about to say something until the door opened, with Young Don poking his head out, "Seriously, the boss is counting down the minutes, hurry the up, or else I'll do it." With that he slammed the door, closing it once again.

Deuk looked back and forth between the door and back at me, merely confused.

"Just do it." I spoke finally. I let out the last breath before he would kill me, the old fashion way, dreading out all my blood.

"I can't", he whispered back staring down at the ground. "I can't do it, not to you at least. The pain I felt after you left was horrible, but doing this to you I would feel worse. I would probably take my own life. The only reason I'm alive today is because of you. The yearning for you was so strong that I wanted to find you, and kill you at first, but seeing you now I can't, not when you love someone so much."

That was the final blow. Tears came streaking down my cheeks, my breaths shorten, begging for air, and my body wanted nothing more to clinging on to his. The only coherent words that would come out of my mouth was 'I love you' and that just did it for him, he came lunging at me, attaching his lip to mines. A kiss that I desired for 10 years, a kiss that meant everything at that moment. A kiss that took every ounce of breath away from me, this was pure love.

Young Deuk was the first to pull back from the kiss, leaning his forehead on mines, he smiled crooked at me, but something was different. "I'm sorry love".

Everything happened so fast, that all I could hear was my own voice screaming from terror, pain, and heartbreak. His teeth sank deep down my throat, the last tear came falling off my eyes as my surrounding came to a blur, and that when darkness surrounding me once again.

Young Deuk looked down at the helpless body of his once lover. Her pale skin turning a light shade of blue. He did it, he killed her. Regret started filling inside him, but the past was the past, he couldn't change it, but only make the future better.

"See you soon, Minzy, in the afterlife. With that he fled the scene.



Hoped you guys enjoyed this one-shot of MinDeuk:)

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natyx10 #1
Chapter 1: Whoa....O.O that was...whoa I guess not everyone has a happy ending....whoa 0.0 @.@ that was the most whoa one shot i read...whoa
Mindragon4Ever #2
Chapter 1: O_O omg!! T.T
Chapter 1: OMG noooooooOooooooooooooooooo why why why I want a happy ending please wriite another mindeuk story