


You lightly knocked on the door and took a step back, clutching the strap of your bag with both hands.

You looked up when the door opened, revealing a man with glasses.

"Oh, ______, you're just on time," he smiled, "Come on in."

"Hi, Mr. Lu," you gave him a small bow as he stepped aside, letting you enter the house.

You took a tentative step into the house and looked around, smiling at the dozens of pictures that hung of the wall of the hallway. Although you've been inside of the Lu residence before, it was your first time actually sleeping over due to your parents having to get called out for an emergency meeting in Busan.

"Luhan's in his room, you can head up there if you want to," he motioned to the staircase to your right.

"Okay," you smiled, "And thank you so much for letting me stay the night."

He smiled back and shook his head, "It's our pleasure. We wouldn't want you to stay by yourself when you're parents are away. It's a bit dangerous, even if you are right next door."

"Man, you sound just like my parents," you laughed.

The man laughed as well and shook his head, "Well my wife and I have been friends with them since before you and Luhan were born. And speaking of Luhan," he looked up towards the staircase, "why don't you head on up there and let him know that you're here?"

You nodded your head and thanked him once more before climbing the set of stairs and walking down the hallway towards Luhan's room. Noticing that the door wasn't fully closed, you looked through the small opening and felt your heart start to thump in your chest.

Luhan was laying against the headboard of his bed dressed a simple v-neck and a pair of sweatpants. His room was dark, the only source of light coming from what you guessed was a television screen. He had a videogame controller in his hands and was staring intently at the screen directly in front of him. Even though he was dressed in sleepwear and his hair was a little messed up, you thought he looked like he just stepped out of a magazine.

You never really understood how Luhan went from the adorable little boy next door to the heartthrob that he was now. You knew that he was more than just the good looking boy that the girls from your school would swoon over every time he passed them in the halls. He was loyal, sweet, caring, smart, funny … you could go on and on. In short, Luhan was perfect, the guy of your dreams.

But you knew that he didn't feel the same way. To him, you were the shy girl next door, the one that greeted him in the hallways and could never hold a conversation for more than five minutes. You were a friend, and that's all you were to him. Right?

You slung your bag over your shoulder and knocked lightly on the door as you slowly pushed it open.

Luhan looked away from the screen for a split second and a small smile played on his lips when he saw you standing in the doorway.

"Oh, hey, ______," he said with his eyes on the screen again.

"Hey," you said quietly back, taking a step into the room and closing the door behind you. You looked at the screen to find him playing that new video game that was pretty popular among your classmates. You couldn't remember the name but it apparently was "sequel to the spinoff of the original game that made millions of dollars in the first week of sales".

Luhan yelled in frustration and slammed the controller in his hands on the bed when his character fell off a cliff and the screen asked if he wanted to play again.

"Did you just die?" you asked.

"Yeah," he sighed, "I've been trying to beat this level for the past hour and I just can't seem to do it."

You nodded silently and dropped your eyes down at your feet. Luhan looked up and saw you standing awkwardly near the door, your hand clutching the strap of your bag that was on your back.

"Do you want to try?" he asked, holding the controller towards you.

You looked at him in shock and quickly shook your head, "No, it's okay. I've never played this game before so I'd probably just mess up all of your progress."

"Come on," he waved you over, "My game is already saved up to this point and I don't think you can do much worse than I'm already doing."

"Okay," you gave in and walked over to him.

Luhan scooted over and you sat down next to him after placing your bag on the ground. You felt your face start to heat up as Luhan leaned closer to you to explained which buttons did what on the controller.

Pulling yourself together, you nodded your head, "Okay, I think I got it."

"Okay, just press START when you're ready."

You hit the START button with your thumb and started to navigate the character on the screen.

"Okay, go in there," Luhan pointed to a door that was on the screen, "Inside is the guy that you have to beat to move onto the next level."

You followed Luhan's instructions and entered the room. A short animation started to play, showing your character coming face to face with a grotesque monster with six arms.

"Eww, he's scary," you cringed back a little.

Luhan turned his head to look at you chuckled at your comment as you started to battle the monster.

He kept his eyes on you, gazing at you as you focused on the screen. He noticed the way that you bit your lip slightly and your eyes narrowed like they always did when you concentrated. His lips twitched into a smile when you started leaning left and right as you moved your character side to side on the screen, determination win your eyes.

He never told you, but that was something he always liked and admired about you: your determination. It didn't matter what you were doing or what it was for, you always had this determination to do whatever it was to the best of you ability. But it was only just one of the reasons why he fell for you.

"Oh!" you gasped, sitting up straight, "I won!"

Luhan whipped his head towards the screen and gaped when he saw that the game was asking if you wanted to save your progress.

"How did you do that?" he asked in awe.

"I don't know," you shrugged and sheepishly looked down at the controller in your hands, "I was just pressing random buttons."

"Can she seriously get any more perfect?" he mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" you asked, your eyes starting to widen when you heard his words.

Luhan tense and clamped his mouth shut when he realized that he actually said his thoughts out loud.

"N-nothing," he stuttered and he turned his head towards you but refused to meet your eyes.

"No, you said something," you shook your head slowly.

Luhan closed his eyes and let out a sigh before turning to face you, "I said it's kind of ridiculous how perfect you are," he chuckled.

You stared at him, mouth slightly agape, as his eyes started to dart around the silent room. You could see that his cheeks were colored in the light of the television screen.

"Do you mean …" you trailed off.

"That I kind of, really like you?" he finished for you, "Yeah. I do."

You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion, "What?! Why?!"

"What do you mean 'why?!'?" he quoted you, imitating your voice as well.

"Why would you like me?" you pouted a little.

"Well for one you're adorable," he smiled as he ran his thumb across your lips to get rid of your pout, causing you to blush, "and you're smart, and pretty, and genuine."

"You really know me, we have been neighbors for forever," he continued.

You felt your breath hitch when he placed his mouth next to your ear, "And it doesn't hurt that you're pretty awesome at video games."

Luhan stifled a laugh when he pulled back and saw you frozen in shock.

"So I'm guessing that you feel the same way?" he smirked.

"Umm yeah I do," you whispered and looked up at him.

His smirk turned into a gentle smile and he slowly started to leaned his head down towards yours. You closed your eyes when his lips were mere inches away from yours.

Luhan was just about to close the gap when there was a sudden knock on the door, causing the two of you to spring apart and sit up straight while trying to look as casual as possible.

"Come in," Luhan called.

Mrs. Lu poked her head into the room and smiled at the two of you, "I just wanted to tell the both of that there's some snacks downstairs if either of you get hungry."

"Okay, mom, thanks," Luhan said quickly and you nodded.

"And don't stay up too late playing that video game, okay?" she smiled.

You both agreed and bid her goodnight as she silently closed the door.

"That was close," you sighed in relief.

"Yeah that was," he nodded.

Mischief flashed through Luhan's eyes as he watched you run a finger over the buttons on the controller.  

You looked up in shock when Luhan swiftly placed a kiss on your cheek and took the controller from your hands.

"What was that for?" you asked wide eyed.

"A reward for beating the level as well as an apology for my mom interrupting us," he sent you a playful wink before pressing the START button on the controller.

You rolled your eyes and rested your head on his shoulder as he started to control the character on the screen again. 

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didzzz #1
Chapter 1: Ah... You portrayed young love so well.
So sweet!
a-gongjoo #2
Chapter 1: Lulu this is so cute and sweet and everything i love this
Chapter 1: feels. omg. i've been going though all of your drabbles (sorry for stalking lol) and ugh that was so perf
theKPOPchaser #4
Chapter 1: I'm in love. <3_<3
PRinCe_SiWOn #5
Chapter 1: the whole story=)plain perfection~~
discosugarbaby #6
Chapter 1: AHHHH fluff attack x3
Chapter 1: fluffffffff everywhere odg
Chapter 1: Omg I love this.