New Baby Brother

My Hippity Hoppity Heart


"Somethings wrong" I whimpered walking towards the door

"Eunyoung sit down, they'll come and tell us if something's up, try and calm down love" Daehyun said hugging me, "it'll be okay" he whispered... just then new born cries echoed down the halls, I instantly looked towards the door and smiled... he cried...

"OPPAAAAA" I yelled jumping up and down, he gave me a high five before grabbing my face and suddenly kissing me... when he let go of me he grinned slyly 

"Eunyoung..." my appa came running out of the door looking gleeful but seriously ill, "h...h...he's just like you, wow... the...the hair and... and the eyes... he's just... just so..." he said gasping with a goofy smile on his face

"Appa slow down" I said calming him down, he took a deep breath in and then out

"He's just like you when you was born, a head full of hair, beautiful big brown eyes, he even weighs the same as you, he's 5 pound 3" he said a lot more calmer. 

"Can we see them?" I asked around him, he looked in the room and blushed

"Just wait a moment while they get the stuff cleaned up, I'll come back out when they're done" he said before going back in, he came out a few minutes later and held the door open while all the members of B.A.P and Jaehwa walked into the room

"Eunyoung, Jaehwa this is your new baby brother" my umma said with a tired smile on her face, I walked over to the bed with Jaehwa and looked at the bundle of blankets in her arms... WOW he's adorable...

"Umma where did he come from?" Jaehwa said out of the blue, B.A.P held back their laughter while umma and appa looked at each other paniked. 

"Um, the hospital gave him us" umma said solving the most awkward question a parent is asked

"What's his name?" he said as I lifted him up on the bed, Daehyun came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. My parents looked up as us with anticipating smiles

"Do you have a name picked out yet?" appa said putting a hand on Daehyun's shoulder, he took his hands off of me and cleared his throat

"We do" I said with an excited smile

"What is it?" umma said looking the both of us, we exchanged glances before nodding

"We've chosen the name....." I smiled quickly at Daehyun who smiled back

"Taemin" we said together, my umma looked at appa with a gleaming smile

"Taeminnie, it suits him well" she said happily, Daehyun put his arm around me and pulled me against him

"You've got a good sister Taemin" appa said taking him from umm, he walked around the bed and came over to me and Daehyun

"Ohhhhh picture time, Jaehwa get me my bag will you?" umma said patting Jaehwa's back, he nodded and ducked under the bed to get umma's bag, she took out her camera and waited till appa handed me Taemin. I held my hands out and appa put him in my arms... HE'S SOOO PRETTY!!! A full head of hair and large curious eyes, his skin was really pale like mine and he had hints of dimples in his cheeks. 

"Whoa he looks like you" Daehyun said looking over my shoulder in awe, his eyes wide in shock and a smile pulling on his lips. Umma took the photo and giddily smiled before taking another.

"Look at the camera" she sang getting ready, we looked up and the camera flashed. "You three look well as a family" she said looking down at the camera brooding

"Umma" I groaned in embarrassment, she winked at me and put the camera back. Just then Zelo and Youngguk walked over and took a look at Taemin, Youngguk's face was pricless as his face lit up with glee

"Yepooooo" he said putting his hands over his mouth, "so much hair" he said lightly brushing his fingers over his hair

"He's too tiny, I hope he grows tall like me" Zelo said puffing his chest out

"If he takes after his sister and brother he wouldn't hold his breath" appa joked making me and Jawhwa pout, "miahae, someone was going to say it eventally" he said before taking Taemin out of my arms

"He's ready for a feed?" umma asked getting a bottle from the table, she put a few dropps on her wrist and opened her arms for Taemin, she took the blanket off of him and put it over her shoulders before putting the bottle in his mouth... he must have been hungry, he's going at the bottle like there's no tomorrow.

"Well, he's just as hungry as you were for the first drink" umma said happily, "of course I never got to feed you, but the nurse told me that you were always hungry" she looked up at me and sighed, "do you want to have a go?" she said nodding to the chair, I gingerly got it and dragged it over to the bed, she handed me Taemin and the bottle... he really is a piggie

"Hehehe this is brilliant" I said shifting my weight in the chair, Daehyun walked over and leaned over me to take a look

"He eats like me" he joked but the others nodded in agreement, "hey you were supposed to laugh" Daehyun pouted at s but they looked at him with looks to say 'really?' so he dropped it.

"He wont take any more, what do I do?" I said looking up, appa gave me blanket and put it on my shoulder

"Put him against your shoulder and pat his back" he said hovering over me, I did as he said and waited till he burped a little

"Woahhhhh" all of the members said in unison, I laughed and put him back down, he took his bottle and carried on drinking

"He's so tiny" I said looking at his tiny fingers, Daehyun put his finger against Taemin's hand and he took it

"He's holding my finger" he pretty much squeaked, my parents laughed but Jaehwa scowled

"DON'T TOUCH MY BROTHER AND SISTER, YOUR A GUMIHO" he yelled before running out of the door, Daehyun looked at me confused 

"He thinks your a gumiho and your going to eat Eunhye" appa said stratching the back of his neck

"I'll go after him" Daehyun said standing up straight

"You sure?" I said worried, he nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving... I hope he learns to like Daehyun, it's be good if he would see him normally



"JAEHWA-AH" I called after him, he runs REALLY fast for a little kid, he turned around and blobbed his tongue out before running to the right, I skidded after him and grabbed his hand

"LET ME GO YOU GUMIHO" he yelled trying to get out of my grasp, I sighed and let go but he fell to the floor with a thud, "YAH WHY DID YOU LET GO OF ME?" he yelled up at me

"Because you told me to" I said helping him up from the floor

"Your evil" he said looking down at his feet, "your trying to eat my sister" he still beleives I'm a gumiho?

"I'm not a gumiho pabo" I said sitting down in front of him

"Then how come your not hurt after everything that's happened, how many times has my sister been in hospital and you've not been in once, you want my sister to die DONT YOU?" he said with a face full of thunder, guilt filled me at his word, they're all true, she's been hurt so many times because I've always been too late.

"I know I've always been too late to save her, you don't know how hard I've been on my myself because of it, I feel guilt when ever I look at her sad face. Sometimes I've thought that maybe leaving her would be the best option" I said looking down at my feet

"So why don't you?" he said in a hard tone, I looked up at him and sighed

"Because I'm selfish, I like her so much that I wouldn't be able to live without her, I'd just break down and stop working" I said rubbing the top of his head

"Aishhh" he said pulling away from me, I laughed and smiled at him

"When I thought that she'd died" my smile fading, "I thought about what my life would be like without her, I thought about what I'd do if she wasn't there to shout at me when I joked around" I said feeling tears stinging at my eyes, I looked down so he wouldn't see. "It wan't a life worth living" I confessed for the first time, "there was nothing for me, yes there's the memebers and the BABYs but... Eunyoung had become the most important thing, she had become my dream, my dream to marry, my dream to have a family, my dream to grow old and live happily ever after..." that started the tears, "mianhae" I blubbered rubbing my tears

"You love my sister?" he said handing me a tissue, I took it and nodded, he smiled and put a hand on my shoulder, "hyung you should have said that in the beginning" he said before laughing

"Mwol?" I said feeling embarrassed

"You should have said that you loved her in the beginning, you could have saved the tears till the next time that your too late to save her" he said fluently... he talks really well for a 7 year old

"Um... mianhae" I said dumbstruck, he laughed and got up before hitting me on the top of the head. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I yelled rubbing my head, he blobbed his tongue out and laughed

"PABO HYUNG" he yelled before running away but someone stopped him... Kylie?

"Annyong Daehyun-ah, omo I see that you've been crying? Such a show I must say, I actually felt a lump in my throat" she said before pushing Jaehwa into someone's hands next to her, it's Tommy

"Heyy Daehyun" he said throwing Jaehwa on his shoulder

"YAH LET ME GO, DAEHYUN HELP ME" Jaehwa yelled while skwirming on Tommy's shoulder, I stood up and went to run over to them but then she stepped out...

"Bora?" I mumbled trying to find my voice 

"Sorry Daehyun, I just want you all to myself, I'll have the competition out of the way and 6 feet under ground" she said putting a hand on Jaehwa's head, he slapped it off of him and grabbed her hair

"GUMIHO, SOMEONE HELP US, THERE'S A GUMIHO HERE" he started screaming, I held back my laughter as she screamed about trying to get free

"You little brat let go of me, this took two hours to do" she finally got his hand off of her hair, it now looked like a birds nest. She raised her hand to slap him, I raced forward and grabbed Jaehwa before running down the halls

"Hyung where are you going?" he said as I ran back the way we came

"Back to your parents" I said running to the door, I opened it and walked over to Eunyoung. "We need to leave" I took her hand and stood her up, the members looked down the hall and suddenly closed the door

"Too late" Youngjae said looking around, we were on the third floor so we couldn't escape through the door

"Only thing for it" Youngguk said with a smile, the handle turned and appa opened it slightly

"Can I help you?" he said with a smile

"Is Daehyun there?" Bora's voice answered, Eunyoung stiffened

"Sorry but he's not here" he said before closing the door

"What do we do then?" umma said rocking Taemin in her arms

"We call the police" Youngguk said winking at Eunyoung

"The only rational thing for it" Jongup said getting out his phone

"True, it's the only thing we haven't tried" Zelo said walking over to Jaehwa, appa and Youngguk were holding the door closed

"Jongup tell them that one of them was involved with the case with Eunyoung" I said holding her to me, there's no way they're taking her away from me again, she looked up at me scared. "Don't worry, they're not going to hurt  you again" I brushed her hair behind her ears and smiled down at her

"Your silly" she smiled back up at me

"Yeah, yes I am" I pulled her back against me and kissed the top of her head

"They want to know who the person is, the one related to the attack on Eunyoung and her brother" Jongup said drawing everyone's attantion back to me

"Kylie, Morgan's sister, my ex-girlfriend" I felt Eunyoung stiffen, Jongup went on to tell the police, Eunyoung put her arms around me and pulled herself closer to me, I her hair and sighed. "Don't worry Eunyoung, baby, it's okay" I kissed her head again and rocked her... never again... I'll never let her go ever again... never... never ever again


So guys, here's a big chapter, thank you all again for voting and tell me what you think. As you can see Eunyoung's starting to have a lot of things on her hands, she doesn't have only one person to deal with but three, Tommy wont let Eunyoung get hurt, he only want to hurst Daehyun but Bora wont let Daehyun get hurt and Kylie wants to hurt both of them... I don't know how it's going to go yet :) I guess we can only see and wait for now :) Please comment yout thoughts and if you haven't alread please subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Chapter 50: No it is not ..something will happen
Chapter 5: Her alarm is BAP's warrior, lol, mine too!
Chapter 49: don't worry !! I will support you until the end .... and I will wait :)
JenniferHan #4
Chapter 47: "only one shot only one shot " himchan you are Amazing
jongup jongup jongup jongup WHAT YOU WILL DO ????

nice chapter I can't wait
JenniferHan #6
Chapter 46: i think this chapter was great, a lot of things happen heree! cant wait for your next chappie X) hwaiting!!
megann07 #7
Chapter 45: what a very long and nice update authornim.. im so happy because many things happened in this chapter :) thanks and more power :)
Chapter 45: Thank u
I feel sorry for jongup :'( :'(
Why she choose dea not jongup
I want jongup :'( :'( :'(
*i want to cry*
I love jongup so ......(cry~)

But this fanfic is good i like it
Thank u for ur update
Update soon
Please ~~~
Chapter 45: omo he let her win?! he's so kind I hope he won't get punished for it later...great story author-nim! can't wait for the next update!~
ohshytsitzmarina #10
Chapter 44: i am so gonna beat up the Moon Jongup! >:[