All Is Fair In Love And War

My Hippity Hoppity Heart


I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I REALLY HATE HER!!! I woke up and she was still there, turns out she'd slept the night on the sofa but some how woke up in DAEHYUN'S BED... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I wish I could just go over to her and slap her... really hard... and kick her... and punch her... I just want to beat her up

"Oppa you look so cute with that hair style" she said in a high pitched nasally voice, I groaned and put my head in my arms on the kitchen table, I also have to eat my breakfast with this woman? WHY? JUST GO NO BOSY WANTS YOU... well everyone except Daehyun, I put my chin on my arms and looked at the two, they look good together, they're both really good looking... I guess he'd be better going with a girl with a slender figure and beautiful hair... it angers me

"Eunyoung are you okay?" Daehyun said noticing my gloomy look, I sat up straight and ate my last piece of toast before nodding and leaving the table

"Such bad manners, why do you go for a girl like that when you can have me?" she said looping her arms in his and pressing her large chest against him... okay if I stay here one more minute I will hit her. I grabbed my coat which was draped on the chair and stomped out of the kitchen

"Eunyoung! Where are you going?" I heared Daehyun's voice call after me, I ignored it and opened the door only to see Tommy looking back... oh great this really isn't my day... but someone was with him... Kylie? The tall model looked over his shoulder and smiled at me

"Eunyoung, it's nice to see you again" her voice chimed, but all that was going through my mind was my brother... her sister killed my brother, how dare she be like that with me after that happened. I heard someone walk up to me behind me.

"What are you two doing here? Get the hell away from Eunyoung and this dorm" it was Yongguk oppa, "come one Eunyoung come back in" he said reaching for the handle, I cant move, my body wont do as I tell it to...

"Oppa, her sister..." I trailed off not able to say any more, Kylie's smiled dropped and it was replaced with a frown

"Eun..." she began but Youngguk slammed the door shut and stepped in front of me

"Eunyoung, stop thinking about it" he begged but I couldn't, she was smiling at me even though her sister murdered my brother in cold blood, she got someone to put a bullet in his chest... she was smiling, smiling? No it was a fake smile, she's not the same as before, her pressence is distorted, she's as evil as her sister. "Daehyun get over here" Youngguk shouted into the dorm, he put my face in his hands and held it up so he could look into my eyes, "Eunyoung snap out of it" he yelled getting impatient

"Hyung what's wrong? Eunyoung?" Daehyun pushed Youngguk out of the way and replaced Youngguk's hands with his own

"Oppa, Kylie and Tommy are outside the door" I mumbled while pointing to the door, Bora walked towards the door and opened it.

"How can I help you?" she said in a professionally hard tone

"I want to speak with Eunyoung" that was Kylie, Bora looked at me and scowled

"Trust me I'd give her up if it wasn't for Daehyunnie oppa but sorry, not today" she said before digging through her pockets, she pulled out a police badge and smiled at the two, "if you come within 5 miles of this building I will personally arrest you" she said looking at them with pitch black eyes... she sent shivers down my spine... scary

"We only want to talk to her, can we come in?" Tommy said trying to get past Bora, but wow that girl got some moves, he grabed Tommy's arm and twisted it behind his back making him yell in pain

"I'm telling you for the last time, leave B.A.P alone" her voice sounded almost like the voice of a demon, full of anger and hatred. She let go of Tommy and took out her phone before taking a picture of the two, "I have your pictures, if you come close to this buliding I will send it to every cop in Asia along with a bounty on your head" this girl just keeps getting scarier and scarier.

"Fine, Eunyoung, I just want to tmake sure your okay, I didn't mean to hurt you, honestly" Tommy kept trying to look over Bora's shoulder but then she slammed the door in his face. She sighed and dusted her shoulders before crossing her arms

"You have some really persistant admirers don't you?" she looked at me with a glare

"Tommy is just a childhood friend" I argued but she put me intantly in my place

"He's the same person who did that to your boyfriend" she yelled pointing at Daehyun's bruised face, I looked own in shame, "would your friend do that to you" she yelled ripping off my patch on my forehead opening the wound, blood trickled down my face and landed on the light laminate floor.

"Bora leave her al..." Zelo started but she held her hand up to stop him

"Your friend wouldn't make you feel like your a piece of trash" she finally screamed, I winced away from her and braced myself for an impact but nothing came, I looked up to see her shocked face... "Your scared of me?" she mumbled, my legs gave way and I sat on the floor, she squatted down and looked at me with a blank face. "You've been through a lot haven't you?" she said brushing some hair from my eyes, why is she being like this? Just a minute ago she was yelling at me. Youngjae came over and picked me up bridal style before walking with the rest of B.A.P to the bathroom, Youngjae put me on the edge of the bath and moved out of Daehyuns way as he cupped my bloody face in his hands

"Eunyoung are you okay?" he sounded panicked, I felt my bottom lip trembling as I let my tears go

"Mianhae" I cried taking his hands in mine, I held it to the clean side of my face and cried "mianhae" again, I heard him sigh and he took on hand from mine to place it on the top of my head

"Eunyoung, you've done nothing wrong, you didn't tell him to hit me did you?" he said in a soft voice, I looked up and sniffed while shaking my head, "see, your not to blame, it's all Tommy's fault" he said suddenly turning angry

"Tch" Bora mocked and leaned against the door frame, "she brought him here, it's her fault that he's attracted to her, so actually it is your fault, and now I'm cleaning up after you like a frickin babysitter" she said before scowling at me and leaving, I heard the from door open and the close... she's gone? 

"Are you okay?" Zelo said sitting at my feet, I nodded and went to pat his head but my hand was covered in blood

"Oh yeah I'm bleeding" I said only just reminding myself

"You silly girl" Jongup joked, Zelo smiled in agreement

"Yeah, my little daughter is a little dopey" Youngguk said absentmindedly while lifting my hair up so he could see my cut

"Your embarrassing Youngguk appa" I smiled pushing away, he looked at me happily

"You called me appa" he said excitedly poiting his finger at me, he turned around and grabbed Himchan's shirt collar with a big gummy smile, "she called me appa" he beamed, Himchan hit him in the stomach with his good hand and walked over to me

"Sorry Eunyounggie-ah, anyway we need to clean you up" he said looking up at Daehyun, "you can help her get changed right? And dress her wounds?" that must have been rhetorical because all of a sudden everyone but Daehyun fled the room... 

"Pabo hyung" Daehyun said smiling to himself, he walked over me me, stood me up and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. "Arms up" he said smiling gorgeously 

"N n no, I I I I'll undress myself" I stuttered while trying to keep my shirt down, Daehyun laughed and took both my hands in one of his, he lifted them and in one movement he whisked my shirt off and wrapped a towel around me

"I never knew you were a polka dot kind of girl" he smiled while whispering in my ear, I looked down to see my navy blue bra that had bright red polka dotts patterned on it...

"ert" I mumbled while tying the towel tightly around me

"Aww your blushing" he said lightly brushing my burning cheeks

"And your a prevert that should be cleaning the blood from my face" I said before blobbing my tongue out, he laughed and walked over to the sink. 

"You don't like Bora do you?" Daehyun said almost amused, I sat on the edge of the bath and looked at the floor, "I thought so, she's a little spoiled and can get away with anything, she doesn't like people apart from me and she most certainly doesn't like you..." I cut him off

"You doing like your dissing her" I said without thinking, he laughed and looked donw at his hands, "mianhae" I instantly appologised.

"No you dont have to appologise, she's not a nice person but she's a family friend, I've known her since the beginning of elemantary school..." again I cut him off without thinking

"I've known Tomy since I was born but look how he turned out" I mumbled but groaned and appologised again

"Your funny when your angry" he said while laughing. I however pouted and wished that I'd dissapear. "You really are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life" he said lifting my chin up so he could dab a warm cloth on my head

"I'm not as pretty as Bora" I mumbled again, "arg why do I keep doing that" I said getting frustrated

"I think it's cute" he said smiling at me

"I don't" I winced as he accidentally dabbed my cut

"Ah mianhae" he said loosing his smile

"Don't do that" I said a little too loudly, he froze and looked at me worried, "dont loose your smile because of me, I've caused you all pain and I've given you nothing but trouble" I said brushing my finger over his flawless lush lips. He took my hand away slowly and looked deeply into my eyes, BAMM, I was frozen like an ice sculpture.

"I'll smile on one condition" he whispered while leaning towards me very slowly

"What would that be?" I whispered back, he sighed a laugh making shivers run down my spine

"Kiss me" he said quietly, I smiled and looked at his beautifully good looking face

"Gladly" I said grabbing his shirt collar I pulled him in and kissed him, he kissed me back and wrapped his arms around me... but after only a couple of kisses we were interupted by a knocking on the door

"Eunyoung Noona, are you done yet?" Zelo said opening the door, Daehyun ran over to the sink and rinsed out the cloth

"Hey Zelo" I said in a pathetically wobbly voice, Zelo looked between Daehyun and I and smiled cheekily

"Ah, I interupted something didn't I?" he said slowly walking backwards, Daehyun nodded making me blush even more then I already was, which I thought was quite impossible

"Zelo close the door" Daehyun said making a hand movement for him go to, Zelo giggled and slowly closed the door... Daehyun looked at me and grinned, I stood up and jumped up to kiss him, he started kissing me back but a drop of blood landed on his cheek

"I'm sorry" I said handing him a tissue

"It's okay, I think we better get you cleaned up" he said getting the first aid box which B.A.P happily put on the bottom shelf on the bathroom cabinate. He cleaned and dressed my cut and kissed it good luck... After this morning I've decided something... THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M GOING TO LOOSE TO BORA!!!!!!


Here's a new chapter guys, okay I started back at college yesterday (Monday 15th) and I think I forgot just how stressfull it is going back to assignments and FMP (dont ask) so I'm going to me a little busy and might not be able to update very often, but I have the Thursday, Friday and the weekend spare so I'll try to upload the future chapters then :) I hope you guys liked this chapter and please keep reading my fan fiction :) Please comment and subscribe if you already havent :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Chapter 50: No it is not ..something will happen
Chapter 5: Her alarm is BAP's warrior, lol, mine too!
Chapter 49: don't worry !! I will support you until the end .... and I will wait :)
JenniferHan #4
Chapter 47: "only one shot only one shot " himchan you are Amazing
jongup jongup jongup jongup WHAT YOU WILL DO ????

nice chapter I can't wait
JenniferHan #6
Chapter 46: i think this chapter was great, a lot of things happen heree! cant wait for your next chappie X) hwaiting!!
megann07 #7
Chapter 45: what a very long and nice update authornim.. im so happy because many things happened in this chapter :) thanks and more power :)
Chapter 45: Thank u
I feel sorry for jongup :'( :'(
Why she choose dea not jongup
I want jongup :'( :'( :'(
*i want to cry*
I love jongup so ......(cry~)

But this fanfic is good i like it
Thank u for ur update
Update soon
Please ~~~
Chapter 45: omo he let her win?! he's so kind I hope he won't get punished for it later...great story author-nim! can't wait for the next update!~
ohshytsitzmarina #10
Chapter 44: i am so gonna beat up the Moon Jongup! >:[