One Shot

My Hippity Hoppity Heart


"AGAIN" yelled the dance instructor, B.A.P sighed and took a sip of water before going back to the start position, the music started and they began the dance again. It's been a month and a half since my brother had died, we had the funeral, I mourned, I moved on... its what he'd want. The music stopped and B.A.P collapsed on the floor in a pool of sweat... gross but on the bright side Daehyun looked so gorgeous with his low cut vest top and sweat rolling down his chest, I walked over to them and handed then a towel.

"Oh come on, the dance isn't that hard" I said with a smile, Zelo proped up on his elbows and looked up at me

"Your joking right?" he asked, but I shook my head, I'm good with dance. Daehyun laughed and sat up before taking a drink from his water bottle, he really did look hot with his new dark hair, they'd dyed their hair black for their new album release in February.

I turned the music on and listened to the music, I've been watching them everyday for the past month so I'd memorised all the moves. I started dancing to the music, following mainly Daehyun's moves as I'd been looking more at him then usual lately. B.A.P's eyes widened as I finished the dance without one mistake, awesome.

"Well, I guess I hit the jackpot" said Daehyun walking over to me, I stretched and sighed

"It's good to dance after so long" I said smiling as he leant down to kiss my forehead, he smirked and dabbed the sweat away with his towel. Suddenly someone started clapping, it was the instructor

"Wow, you are perfect trainee material" he said clicking his fingers, I blushed and shook my head

"No thanks, its just a hobby" I said in a small voice, Daehyun stood in front of me knowing that my confidence has taken a knock when my brother died.

"I'm sorry sunbaenim, she's not quite ready yet" he said taking my hands, the instructor scoffed and put his hands on his hips.

"Daehyunnie, she's better then Zelo and Jongup and thats saying something" Zelo and Jongup smiled and nodded, I hid more behind Daehyun and then Yongguk stood in front of us and the instructor

"Hyung, she's just recently lost her brother, just give her a couple more months" Yongguk said with his gummy smile, he's some how taken over Dongmin's role as my big brother, but I dont mind.

"Fine, but darling I will get you, I just cant wait to hear you sing" the instructor winked before leaving, "thats all for today, you may go" he said waving. I sighed and put a hand on my chest, oh thank god he's gone.

"I've already heard her sing" said Jongup smiling, Himchan walked over to him and and nudged him

"What's she like" he said raising his eye brows, Jongup thought for a minute before looking at me

"She kind of sounds like Ailee" I blushed by his comment... was I really like Ailee?

"Wow really? Come one we've got to hear you sing" said Zelo skipping up to me, I was about to say no but the Daehyun put his arms around me and whispered in my ear

"Come on Cheesecake" I melted at his soft words, I nodded and they took me by the arms before taking me into the recording studio. They put the head phones on and Yongguk stood next to me

"What song are we doing?" I said looking a him, he smiled his gummy smile before handing me a lyric sheet, the song was Yongguk and Song Ji-Eun's song Going Crazy. I LOVE THIS SONG.

"You ready?" he said sorting out his headphones, I nodded and Zelo started the music, I began to sing and I closed my eyes so I wouldn't get distracted, I opened them when Yongguk's turn came. I saw 5 very shocked faces look back and I shrugged, we finished the whole song and we even got a round of applause. "Your a great singer" said Yongguk giving me a high five.

"Thanks" I smiled before leaving the room eagerly, this is too embarressing. Daehyun laughed and took my hands which I was using to cover my red face

"Jagiya, that was brilliant, but I hope you didn't forget what you promised for me tonight" he said wrapping his arms around my waist, I sighed and nodded

"Lets go shopping" I smiled, as I'm still living with B.A.P I have to do my bit around the dorm, I now cook every single meal... even packed lunches. We got the the supermarket with all of the B.A.P members, fans had already got their... we all looked at Youngjae who shrugged his shoulders... he's obsessed with twitter. We walked towards the supermarket with the body guards, the girls began to scream and run towards us with their signs and messages. 

"OMO EUNYOUNG UNNI IS WITH THEM" screamed one of the fan girls, suddenly I became the center of attention, why did we make it public? The attention is too embarressing. One of the fan girls threw a colourful sign at me with my name in English, I blushed and smiled. Daehyun took me by the waist and so did Yongguk to try and wrestle me through the BABYs, once we were inside I sighed in relief.

"This is crazy" I breathed standing up properly, I looked at the sign and turned it around, the fan had written on the back of it. 'Eunyoung unni, your daebak and pretty, saranghaeyo' I blushed even more, Daehyun took a look and laughed

"Wow, she's becoming more famous then us" he said making the others gather around me. I shook my head but kept hold of the sign. This was the supermarket that we'd first met, I smiled looking over at the cherry tomatoes and the others noticed.

"It was two months ago that we met here right?" said Yongguk picking up some cherry tomatoes

"Yeah, I still remember how scared all you looked" I said laughing, they all looked embarressed which made me laugh harder. Daehyun hugged me from behind and sighed

"I fell in love with you here" he said brushing his nose against my neck, shivers ran down my spine... recently we've been more like this, but eveytime we went to kiss he'd hesitate and look away... it was kind of upsetting.

"Seriously?" I was generally surprised, he turned me around and kissed my forehead. He sighed and put his chin on the top of my head

"That moment when I looked at your face, I instantly fell for you" he laughed and looked down at me, "I fell in love with you while giving you cherry tomoatoes" that made me laugh too. "After you'd gone I followed you to the confectionary corner, I walked over to you and I WAS going to try and talk to you... but you ran into me and scurried off" he laughed. I sighed and hugged him tight, he hugged me back at first but he soon stiffened and pulled away. "Lets catch the others up" he said taking my hand, I nodded and walked over to the guys with an aching heart.

"Took you long enough" said Jongup throwing me a sunny smile, I gave him a smile back before looking at the list. 

"Okay guys you all have your basket right?" they all nodded "okay then, these are your lists" I gave them a list each and they set off, this is the deal we have when going shopping, I make the lists they get the food and the manager pays...

"Oppa" I said gripping Daehyun's hand

"Yeah" he said back, his hand was getting sweaty. I was going to ask him why he's been distant from me, but I chickened out

"Doesn't matter" I said smiling at him, I let go of his hand and walked over to the checkout desks leaving Daehyun behind. We havent kissed since my brother had died, he doesn't even let me on his knee when we're at home any more. One group by one the boys came back with Daehyun last, we paid for the stuff and got in the car. Just like many other times me and Daehyun sat next to each other with awkward silence, we got out of the car and went to the dorm in silence too. 

"Yongguk oppa" I said taking Yongguk's sleeve, he spun around and looked at me worried

"Whats up?" he said quietly so non of the others heard

"Can you do me a favour?" I said but his reaction was different from what I expected.

"I'll take the others out around 7, we'll leave you to sort him out" he said smiling at me

"W...what?" I stuttered a little confused, "how did you know?" I said blinking trying ot understand.

"Daehyun's been acting strangely lately, we all noticed it" he said losing the smile, I nodded and smiled at him but the smile didn't come back. I pouted and poked him in the stomach making him laugh

"HAHA YOU SMILED" I shouted laughing but then he made a counter attack by picking me up and tickling my at the same time, "YA BANG YONG GUK" I laughed. He suddenly stopped and put me down, the manager was stood in the hallway looking extremely exhausted. "Manager Oppa, are you okay?" I said rushing to get a bag from his hands, he kindly gave it to me

"Omo thank you darling, at least SOME people are kind and helpful" he said gesturing to Yongguk

"Hyung, I'm the leader, if it wasn't for me then the dongsaengs will be running riot" he said looking proud

"Hyung, hyung Eunyoung said she's going to make us an English meal" said Zelo bouncing up and down hyperly. 

"Really? Well, do you mind if I stay for dinner?" he asked

"NO!!" me and Yongguk shouted together, he looked a little taken back but laughed it off

"Am I really that bad of company?" he said smiling, he dropped the bags off and sat down on the sofa discussing schedules with filming the music video. They're going to be filming in not only Korea... but also in the Philippines. All of their time would be full of filming and rehersing, but for some reason I was involved with all of their schedules. "I hope your okay with this? It means that you've got to take all your studies with you" he said to me, I nodded but I was confused why I'm involved in this at all, I'm not a trainee.... wait a minute.... I know what they're doing

"Are you trying to win me over?" I asked him, he looked at me confused, "are you trying to make me want to become a trainee?" he looked away from my eyes and cleared his throat

"I dont know what your talking about" he said before standing up quickly, "okay guys see you tomorrow" he said as fast as he could before leaving.

"Well are you going to make our dinner then" said Youngjae crossing his legs, Himchan nodded and put his arms around Youngjae

"I get to pick two helpers remember" I said smiling slyly, they straightened up and bowed their heads but in the end I chose Zelo and Yongguk, Daehyun and Youngjae had to go for vocal warm ups. "We're going to make Toad in the Hole" they pulled a face, "it's Yorkshire pudding with sausages, you have it with mashed potato and mixed vegetables" they nodded finally understanding. I put Yongguk in charge of the potatoes and vegetables, Zelo washed up and I made the Yorkshire pudding batter and cooked the sausages.

"Unni, I'm done cleaning can I go do my homework?" I looked at him with a mad face

"Choi Junhong why didn't you tell me that you had homework?" I said taking over Himchan's role, but looks like his Umma instincts caught on and he appeared at the door with hand son hips.... Umma mode activated.

"Junhong get in your room now" he yelled making Zelo sprint out of the kitchen, "no running" he yelled again. I giggled and got on with cooking, Yongguk sniffed in and let it out.

"Ahhhh that smells tasty" he said putting a lid back on the veggie pot, he smiled and patted my head, "good job" he said before leaving me alone in the kitchen... that was before Jongup walked in with the nose in the air

"I smelt something good" he smiled, I blushed and opened the ovan making him make strange sounds, "OMO" he finally yelled when I pulled out the large tray with the toat in the hole in. I smiled and put it on the side. 

"Do you mind getting the plates out?" I said to him, although I've been living here a month I still dont know where anything is. I heard him laugh before he suddenly appeared behind me, reaching for the cupboard above my head. He was so close to me it kind of shocked me, I moved out of the way quickly and stared at him. He looked at me shocked. 

"Did I do something?" he said taking down the plates, I shook my head slightly and started to dish out the food. The others came back just in time to set up the table, we ate and cleaned up... and the Yongguk made his move to get the others out of the dorm. 

"Okay everyone except from Daehyun and Eunyong has to stay over at at Manager hyung's place, he said that we need more work on learning the lyrics" he said getting on his coat, Daehyun looked a little flustered as he whispered in Yongguk's ear, he shook his head before leaving. After they'd left I locked the door and changed the pad key to what Yongguk had given me, Daehyun came from behind me.

"I'm tired so I'll be going..." he didn't finish, I grabbed his hand and pushed him against the door, he looked away from me and even closed his eyes. 

"FOR GODS SAKE LOOK AT ME" I cried, he finally looked at me

"Eunyoung..." he started, but he didn't get to finish

"Daehyun tell me why you've been so distant, I've been going out of my mind, ever since my brother died you've not kissed me or hugged me properly" I said loudly, he looked away obviously admitting that he's been doing it on purpose. "Why?" I said finally. Then he looked up and into my eyes, without saying a word he took my hand pulled me towards his room, he closed the door behind me and walked upto me quickly making me trip and fall onto his bed. He pinned me down and looked at me with a dangerous expression.

"You want to know why I've been distant? Well I've been holding back because it's becoming harder to control myself when I'm with you" he said in a desperate tone, "I WANT you" he said closing his eyes letting a tear free. "I have these feelings for you but I dont know what to do with them" his voice broke and he got off of me, he was about to leave but I grabbed his hand.

"Oppa" I said making him turn around, I looked into his eyes and stood up, standing on my tip toes I kissed him. He hesitated but kissed me back, he pulled away for a second but looked into my eyes for a second before deepening the kiss... My legs became weak again but instead of stopping he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him... I ran my fingers through his black hair and I felt him smirk... 


Okay guys so I'm going onto a more cheerful theme when TS Entertainment try to get Eunyoung to become a trainee, but Eunyoung does have some trouble when the new female character comes in and uses the B.A.P members... THATS ALL YOU'LL GET... any way I'm struggling on a name for the new character, she's american with blonde hair and green eyes :) she's a b**ch but acts nice around people... any way I hope you guys liked this chapter :) please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 

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Chapter 50: No it is not ..something will happen
Chapter 5: Her alarm is BAP's warrior, lol, mine too!
Chapter 49: don't worry !! I will support you until the end .... and I will wait :)
JenniferHan #4
Chapter 47: "only one shot only one shot " himchan you are Amazing
jongup jongup jongup jongup WHAT YOU WILL DO ????

nice chapter I can't wait
JenniferHan #6
Chapter 46: i think this chapter was great, a lot of things happen heree! cant wait for your next chappie X) hwaiting!!
megann07 #7
Chapter 45: what a very long and nice update authornim.. im so happy because many things happened in this chapter :) thanks and more power :)
Chapter 45: Thank u
I feel sorry for jongup :'( :'(
Why she choose dea not jongup
I want jongup :'( :'( :'(
*i want to cry*
I love jongup so ......(cry~)

But this fanfic is good i like it
Thank u for ur update
Update soon
Please ~~~
Chapter 45: omo he let her win?! he's so kind I hope he won't get punished for it later...great story author-nim! can't wait for the next update!~
ohshytsitzmarina #10
Chapter 44: i am so gonna beat up the Moon Jongup! >:[