"If only they could remain touching forever..."

Just Best Friends

            Hyesung never felt more awkward around Eric.

            Which was saying a lot. Although they had both been part of Shinhwa for fourteen long years, there was still a tinge of discomfort when the two of them were left alone. Well, at least Hyesung thought so. Eric had denied it but Hyesung knew the tension between them was mutual.

            But after that strange argument in his hotel room, that friction had grown into something else. There was something weird about how Eric had reacted to him being with another girl. He had even called her a "", a foul term Eric solemnly used. Was he really just worried that Hyesung would taint his "Little Prince" image? Or was there something else...

            No, there couldn't be anything else. Eric was a diligent CEO of the Shinhwa Company now. Of course he would be anxious that s would slip and ruin things for the group. He was overanalyzing it, thinking Eric had other reasons for not wanting to see him with another girl...

            "Hyesungie hyung!" a tall man with a good build interrupted his thoughts.

            "Huh?" Hyesung started. "Jin ah, you called?"

            "Hyung, you okay?" Junjin asked, his brows furrowed together in concern. "You've been dazing off."

            Hyesung smiled at his thoughtful dongseng. "Thanks for taking care of your mommy bird," he joked. "Mommy bird's a little tired."

            As if on cue, Junjin yawned loudly. "Yeah, tell me about it. With the packed schedule and all, I got like two hours of sleep."

            "If by packed schedule, you mean drinking and dancing with girls at clubs..."

            Junjin poked him playfully in the ribs. "More like I was planning stuff to do at your end-of-the-year concert..."

            At that, Hyesung couldn't help but laugh. "If my concert is the reason for your lack of sleep, I sincerely apologize. But only if your performance is extremely good."

            "Oh, it'll be good," Jinnie promised. "I'll try to tone it down though, since it's your concert."

            As Hyesung started laughing again, someone else joined in. Kim Dongwan, looking fabulous in a black suit, walked toward them.

            "Yeah, Jinnie. You better not outshine the star of the concert," he said in his low voice, smiling brightly at Hyesung.

            Minwoo snuck up behind them and hugged Hyesung. "No one can outshine our Pilgyo. Good luck!"

            "Yeah, thanks. You, too." This was why he loved s so much. They were his brothers, his support, his foundation. Without them, there would be no Shinhwa, no Shin Hyesung.

            Eric arrived with his arm around Andy, looking gorgeous with his hair gelled up just the way Hyesung liked it. Well, just as a friend would criticize another friend's hairstyle, of course...

            "Let's go," said Minwoo, loosening his arms around Hyesung. "Let's 'eusha eusha' today!"

            Everyone laughed at that as they all filed into the shoot for Shinhwa Broadcast. Hyesung was conscious of his shoulder brushing against Eric's but he didn't dare utter a word.

            As they all sat around a familiar table, Hyesung chose the usual seat beside Junjin. He briefly closed his eyes as he always did before a shoot, hypnotizing himself to transform from Jung Pilgyo to Shin Hyesung.

            I am Shinhwa's main vocal, Shin Hyesung. I am awkward. I am ready to be laughed at. I am ready to be teased by my members. I will not ruin the shoot with any inappropriate comments. I will think twice before talking. I will not look at Eric.

            At the last thought, he winced, wondering why that bit had been included. Of course he would have to look at Eric. We are oil and water. We will argue and bicker whenever the opportunity strikes. Do what the fans want, Hyesung. Do what the audience likes.

            Honestly, he hated being on variety shows. Ever since he had become a celebrity, SM had introduced him as someone he wasn't, this mysterious, charismatic guy he himself wasn't very fond of. Even after he moved to a different company, that image of him had stuck like gum underneath a desk. Coming back on television with s after four years, he wanted to show the world more of his real self and for some parts, he had been successful. He was awkward. He did get teased a lot by s. But still, he felt self-conscious of himself, always worried of how the public would view him. Especially after his gambling incident, he felt as if the world was just waiting for him to screw up like a lion ready to pounce at one misstep. His every move was being monitored and that kind of freaked him out no matter how long it had been part of his life. He wondered how the other members of his group did it. Did they actually enjoy playing their role? Or were they just it up like he was?

            With a loud snap, the shoot began and the game of playing Shin Hyesung started.


            Eric couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. As Hyesung began his usual briefing, Eric felt his heart constrict. He didn't mind filming all that much but he knew how much it bothered Hyesung. Eric was an actor who was used to pretending but Hyesung had never looked fondly at hiding his true identity behind an unnatural mask of a make-believe stranger. It had always pained Eric to see him put on amusing shows to entertain the rest of the world. If only they could run away together, somewhere far, far away where no one could find them...

            Everyone started laughing at something Hyesung had said and Eric joined in half a second later. They met eyes for a brief moment and the world seemed to stop as if they were the only people in the world. It took all his energy to stop himself from getting up and taking Hyesung's hand. He would lead him to somewhere safe from all the cameras, somewhere no one would care about their every move. They would be so happy together... Eric would protect Jung Pilgyo and erase the name of Shin Hyesung forever...

            Then Hyesung turned away to make another comment about Dongwan's ideal woman. Eric kept staring at his best friend, unable to shake off the impossible idea of them traveling to a foreign place together.

            What the hell is wrong with me, he thought. Snap out of it, Eric. Why would you travel with Hyesung alone? Are you seriously willing to jeopardize Shinhwa over a stupid idea?

            As he forced himself back to reality, he found Minwoo looking at him funny. "Is something wrong?" he mouthed.

            Eric just smiled at him and shook his head. To reassure him, Eric gave him a thumbs-up.

            After Hyesung's successful briefing, Eric knew it was his turn to speak. "Let's say 'Hwaiting' before we head into the other room." And stop thinking about Hyesung, you idiot, he told himself.

            As they gathered their hands in the middle of the table, he found his hand directly above Hyesung's. Feeling his soft skin make contact with his palm sent shivers down his spine. If only they could remain touching forever...

            "Hwaiting," they all shouted without him and Hyesung's hand quickly disappeared. Hoping the audience hadn't noticed him dazing off, he followed s into the other room where he would have to somehow put his thoughts of Hyesung off to the side.

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I wrote a page... And couldn't finish. Like I know the whole story plot now but can't put it into words >< I'm so sorry for the delayed update :(


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pikachu0826 #1
Chapter 19: i agreed on the previous and also most of the last comments that this is such an incredible story that is too bad if you wouldnt finish this one really got me hooked up and surprisingly catch all my curiousity on what willl happen next. T___T authornim i hope you pick this one up one day and i hope its a happy ending even just on stories :) i hate sad endings so please dont break my fragile heart T_T
ellieg4453 #2
Chapter 19: This is such an incredible story. I hope you pick it back up one day.
Bunny_RL #3
Chapter 19: Your writing style is incredible. I hope you will update this story one day.
Chapter 19: Author-nim, this story is awesome! I loved the scene where Hyesung was pissed as and was planing to murder all five of s, and Dongwan innocently, waving and smiling at him xD

Please, update soon~ this story is too good to be left In-completed
ChangJaeHolic #5
Chapter 19: Author-nim... Your story... JJANG... DAEBAKK ...
And waaahhhh I have too may questions in my head.. Hehehehe... So please update soon author-nim..... I'm really curious here
Anum96 #6
Hi, I'd just found this fic yesterday and I couldn't stop reading it. Your story is always great!
iechannie #7
Chapter 19: Update please, author-nim :((
miszrange #8
Chapter 19: huhu. what happen next? plese update soon authornim...
Chapter 15: ".... a flower blooming into an explosion of fire." this.. this is just so beautiful. i haven't finished reading the entire story yet, but i've been in a roller-coaster of emotions already.. and i'm loving the hype. :)
tanishi2992 #10
Chapter 19: author nim,miss you and yoủ fics too.please comeback soon