
It's a Secret. No one Needs to Know


“Hey,” Chen waved at Xiumin the bartender as he sat down at the bar of his favorite nightclub, Baozi. 

“Oh.  Hey, Chen,” Xiumin leant over the counter to give his friend a hug.  He quickly put a coke in front of Chen after breaking away from his younger friend, “Are you meeting up with Kyungsoo again?”

“Yeah he’s supposed to ditch his date sometime soon.”

“Well you’ll always have me if he doesn’t show up,” Xiumin winked at him and they both laughed. 

Chen gave a yell as he saw liquid fall over the counter and then proceed onto his pants. 


Chen looked up to see the other bartender look at him.  The blond man had a small face and large eyes.  He looked completely innocent because of his pale delicate face but there was malice in his eyes. 

“Luhan, what are you doing?” Xiumin pushed Luhan out of the way so he could run around the counter to help clean up the mess a.k.a Chen. 

“Sorry about him,” Xiumin whispered.  Chen stood up and used Luhan’s cleaning rag to wipe at the wetting stain on his pants. 

“It was an honest mistake!” Luhan exclaimed. 

“Luhan can you man the bar? I think I have some extra pants I can give to Chen,” Xiumin grabbed Chen’s hand and dragged him behind the club. 

“You’re not thinking of changing him are you?” Luhan yelled after them. 

“So it looks like someone is jealous,” Chen remarked as he pulled on Xiumin’s pants. 

“Luhan?” Xiumin laughed, “He’s my best friend.  A little possessive yeah but that’s just the way he is.” 

Chen quickly chuckled, “Sure he is.”  He turned his head and saw some applications on the desk.  He neared it, “You’re looking for a new DJ?”

Xiumin nodded, “Yeah, ours just quit yesterday.  It’s quite urgent actually.  We need one desperately so if you know anyone.” 


They both turned as the door burst open and Luhan came in.  He looked at them and then around the room, “Well I guess there’s no fire here.  Now if you excuse me,” he was about to leave but Xiumin grabbed his hand, “Seriously?”

“I thought I smelt something burning,” he eyed Chen, “maybe it was him.”

Xiumin chuckled, “Chen’s my friend.  You know if I didn’t know any better I would think you were jealous.”

Luhan scoffed, “In your dreams, Baozi.” 


“You know I know the bartenders at a nightclub called Baozi, you should apply.  They’re looking for a DJ,” Chen was taking off his shoes as he entered Yixing’s apartment.

“Hello to you too,” Yixing pecked Chen’s lips and grabbed his hands.

“I’m serious though,” Chen jumped onto the bed and the TV. 

Even though Chen and Yixing were mainly meal buddies, they also hooked up a couple of times after that first night together.  I mean they were far from wanting to be together.  They were just guys with needs and since they’d done it before it was easier to do it with each other instead of finding someone else.  They enjoyed each other’s company and it was a way for Chen to kill time when he didn’t want to go home after work.  Because who knows what his best friend would be doing with his boyfriend there.   

“I don’t know,” Yixing muttered.  He had no job and he really should be looking for one because his parents stopped paying him his monthly allowance.  His family wasn’t exactly rich.  They worked to barely make it and Yixing was living in his own apartment.  If he didn’t find a job, he would be homeless next month.  Well unless he could crash at Sehun’s place or maybe with his new friend Chen.  But then basically he’d be living with Kyungsoo and his boyfriend as well.    

Actually it was kind of weird because Sehun still didn’t know anything about Yixing’s relationship with Chen.  Sehun still thought that Yixing had hooked up with Suho.  But by now it didn’t seem like a big deal.  Except the younger had been getting extremely smug lately, talking about all the things he would do with Suho in the office.  The boy lost his ity to his boss.  Good job Sehun, but you still weren’t in a serious relationship though. 

“Too bad I already got the job for you, you start tomorrow.”

Yixing punched Chen in the arm, “Are you serious?  Without even asking me?”

Chen shrugged, “It’s about time you started worrying about yourself.  God knows how much I do.  I don’t want you living out in the streets.”

He stopped when Yixing grabbed the back of his head and smashed their lips together, “Thanks for caring.”


It had been a few months.  Their friends, Sehun and Suho had gone through all types of relationship problems.  At one point, Sehun planned on going to America.  What Yixing didn’t know is that Sehun always one of the reasons Sehun mistrusted Suho during their fight was because of Yixing’s and Suho’s ‘supposed’ hookup.  It wasn’t a big part of their fight but just something to add to the fight they were in.  The main reason was because Suho had a one-time fling with Sehun’s mom who was also Suho’s boss.  Well, it was actually a misunderstanding because Suho and Sehun’s mom never actually did anything and the incident happened before Sehun and Suho even met.  But now the two were officially back together and it didn’t seem like they were going to break up anytime soon.  It would be pretty hard to break up with someone while you were in the middle of having which they pretty much did all of the time.

And throughout all of this, Yixing and Chen still hung out.  They’d settled into a routine.  From any outsider it looked and seemed like they were dating.  They basically were, except they didn’t give a label to what they were. 

Both of them were afraid to mention it but at the same they still felt guilty for not telling their friends.  And maybe that’s why they never told each other how they felt either.    


“So when am I going to meet this guy?” Kyungsoo nudged his best friend as they were having their lunch break. 

“Meet who?” Chen looked up from his foot long sub to eye Kyungsoo. 

“The guy you’ve been hanging out with,” Kyungsoo took a napkin and wiped his friend’s cheek.

“It’s only a friend.  It’s no big deal,” Chen began, but he stopped when he saw the look on Kyungsoo’s face.

“He’s obviously more than a friend.  You hardly go home at all these days,” Kyungsoo opened his soup container and blew on it. 

“He lives closer to work,” Chen shrugged, “Anyways aren’t you happy?  You usually have Jongin over anyway.”

Kyungsoo blushed, “Well actually since you’re hardly there, he comes over all the time.”

“And we’ve had just about on every single surface of that apartment,” Jongin pulled out the chair beside Kyungsoo and sat down.

Chen gagged, “And you ask why I don’t come home.  You’re the home versions of Sehun and Suho.”

Kyungsoo chuckled, “Yeah those two are just crazy in the office.  I don’t know how they manage to have all the time and still get work done.” 

Chen laughed as he saw two figures walking towards them, “Well you can ask them yourself.”


Chen shifted nervously from one foot to another.  He and Yixing had gotten a lot closer over the last few months.  They’d known each other for almost a year.  They still had a secret relationship.  No one knew they knew each other or occasionally messed around.  It ate Chen up inside all the time when he had to tell Kyungsoo that he was only friends with the mystery guy.  And it was awkward being around Sehun and Suho because he felt like he was lying to them.  It’s not like Chen’s personal life would come into direct conversation and Yixing hardly ever came up but when he was around the couple it was all he could think about. 

So today he was going to officially ask Yixing to be his boyfriend.  No more secrets or hiding.  No more uncertainties if Yixing had been hooking up with other people.  Chen definitely hadn’t and it was hard for Yixing to when Chen basically moved in with him.  Yixing had taken up the DJ job at Baozi.  It paid okay.  But it was nerve wrecking to enter the club and pretend he didn’t know Yixing because it was the regular nightclub that Oh Corp employees went to. Yixing even became close friends with Oh Corporation employees through Sehun. And of course he became friends with Xiumin and Luhan through his DJ job, so they were bound to become friends eventually through their mutual friends.  It would be awkward if the day arrived where they would meet each other and pretend to be strangers because of course they’d known each other for a year already.    

If they kept their relationship a secret any longer it would be impossible to reveal it in the future. 


Chen turned and saw Yixing walk up to him.  He looked at the café they were at and nodded at it, “Are you planning on taking me into there?  You know that place can’t feed hungry people like us.” 

“Um no,” Chen nodded over at a high rise building on the other side of the street, “I got a new apartment.”

Yixing nodded his head in realization, “Your raise? You can afford a good place now huh?  I guess it’s closer to Oh Corp.”  He looked disappointed, “I guess there won’t be any more sleepovers.”

“Actually,” Chen took Yixing’s hand and started walking toward the building, “I was wondering if you want to move in with me?  And uh…be my official boyfriend?”


“This is so weird.  What do I even say?” Yixing turned to Chen with his hand on the doorknob. 

“I don’t know.  I mean we’ve basically been lying to them for a year already.” 

“Sehun’s going to freak out.  I mean we’re moving in together and he still thinks that I don’t know you.” 

“Just say it fast like pulling off a band aid.  Tell him fast and quick and then we can get out of there,” Chen put his hand on Yixing’s and turned the doorknob for his boyfriend. 

When they opened it they saw Sehun straddling Suho on the couch. Suho moved his head so he could see who opened the door.  He had a scared look on his face. Sehun was equally afraid but he gave a sigh of relief when he saw Yixing.  It wasn’t the first time he’d walked in on them.  Or the second or the third and the same went for Chen. 

“Ever hear of knocking?” Sehun turned back to Suho and quickly took off the older’s belt and threw it on the ground. 

“Wait,” Suho stopped Sehun and moved again so he could look at Yixing, “Chen?  What are you doing here?”

Sehun jumped off of Suho and Suho quickly got up.

“What’s going on?  How do you guys know each other?”


“No ing way!” Sehun yelled as he hit Yixing in the head after Chen and Yixing’s long revelation, “I’m your ing best friend and you kept this from me?”

“Yeah I’m with Sehun on this one,” Suho looked disapprovingly at them, “Why would you keep something like this from us, Chen?  So this is the mystery guy?”

Yixing turned to face Chen who just gave him a fake confused look. 

            “Well I’m glad that you didn’t keep this from us for two years or something.  I thought something was suspicious when Xiumin hyung told me you were hanging out at the club a lot,” Suho remarked.  Sehun nodded, “You said you were only interested in learning how to dance better!” Sehun pointed at Chen. 


 “Well today was an interesting day,” Chen fell back on his bed in his new apartment.  It was near the top floor and very spacious.  There were two bedrooms, a huge kitchen, two bathrooms and a huge living room. 

Yixing entered the bedroom and jumped onto the bed and looked at Chen, “Thank god I didn’t have to be there when you told your co-workers that you and I are dating.” 

            “Let’s not worry about that anymore.  The truth is out!  No more secrets or sneaking around!” Yixing fell on top of Chen and hugged him. 

            “You know what this calls for right?” Chen moved his face forward so it was barely centimeters away from Yixing’s. 

            “Korean barbeque!” they both exclaimed at the same time.  They got up from the bed and slammed their apartment door behind them as they ran to their favorite restaurant.  Before officially buying the apartment Chen made sure it was close to their restaurant.


Sorry for this fail laychen story!!! I don't really ship this couple so it was kind of hard to write.  And honestly as I was posting this I noticed there's really like no laychen moments in here.  Mianhae!!!  

If you aren't bored of my stories!! I wrote a Xiuhan story which is a side story of this one!!!  It's called Two Different Worlds (also an Oh Corp Story)

For my other Oh Corporation Stories links are in the foreword! 


Thanks for reading!  Bye Yeom 

Toshi Out <3

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Chapter 2: “You know what this calls for right?” lmao
i thought they were going to make out or smthing aigoo
Chapter 2: Somehow..I feel like want to eat steaks reading this..hahaha
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 2: I just love how they were casual food/ buddies and how they managed to fool everyone for a whole year.
parvitasari #4
Chapter 2: 5 hours only for eating?? And they celebrate their oh no longer secret relationship with Korean BBQ?? You're unpredictable author nim.. And they're just cute, oh my chenlay feel..
Chapter 2: Them and their obsession for food XDDDDDD
Japanda #6
Chapter 2: I gotta say i really love this specific ff because i like ur characterization of ChenLay as food couple. Thats a good a pairing, food couple is always so much fun. I knew that they r NOT going to kiss in the end but gonna fill their stomaches to th fullest!!! are you making ff for baekyeol too?
Chapter 2: Omg. I missed Oh Corp!! Haha. And omg the ending was daebak. They just had to consider the proximity to the restaurant. :))
Chapter 2: That was just too cute!!! XD
I'm an ultimate chen/lay shipper so for me this story is so precious! thanks!!!! <3