Ch. 2: Bad Timing

Flower Boy [Indefinite Hiatus]

Chapter 2: Bad Timing


Lay was lying on his bed on his back. He was listening to his iPod and tossing his phone up into the air and catching it. He was waiting until around 3:00 to go to the store. He had the whole scenario planned out in his head, and he was whispering his speech over and over to himself. Here's how his plan was supposed to go:

He would walk to the store, like normal. He would go into the store and he would buy the prettiest pink rose, like he always did. Then he would give it back to Suho, and confess. The confessing speech was what Lay was practicing right now.

“Hyung, I know you probably haven't noticed,” he whispered, “but I come here every day and buy the prettiest pink rose, in hope that you would notice me. I know it's your favorite flower because I always see you staring at them, so that's why I buy them. I really like you, hyung.” He finished with a little nod, and then he started over. He was making sure it was penciled into his brain, then traced with pen, then impounded into the surface. He didn't want to forget when he got there and chicken out.

The alarm on his phone went off, telling him that it was 2:45. He took his ear buds out of his ears and sat up. He looked in the mirror and quickly adjusted himself before slipping on some sneakers and exiting his room. He would just go now, there was no reason to wait forever. He got down to the door and told his mom he was going out and then he left.

He tried not to walk too slow because he was nervous, or too fast because he was excited. He just walked at a fairly normal pace down the familiar path to the shop. He was humming a little tune to himself the whole time and started to add a little skip to his step. The thought of rejection never crossed his mind.

He got to the last stretch where he just had to cross the street and he'd be there. He waited for the light to clear him, and he jogged across the street. He got to the shop. He was by the corner of it so he couldn't be seen from the inside, and he couldn't see in, either. He looked at the ground and took a deep breath. Then he looked up and recited his little speech to himself. He smiled and walked to the door of the shop.

He put his hand on the handle and opened the shop and looked in for the first time so far. He saw Suho in there with another man, and they were laughing and talking until they heard the bell. Then they looked up, but the other guy's arm was still around Suho's waist. Lay just took a step back out of the shop and closed the door after him. Then he took off running away, with tears in his eyes.

Suho was confused. He was talking to Xiumin, and Xiumin had his hand carelessly wrapped around his waist. They heard the bell and both looked at the door, stopping their conversation entirely. Suho recognized the customer as the one he had every day. The boy had a very shocked look on his face that looked almost sad. Suho was about to walk over to help him when he backed out of the store and took off running down the street.

He looked at Xiumin, who was just confused as he was.

“That was really weird,” Suho said. He took Xiumin's hand off of his waist and walked over to the door. He opened it up and peered out of the door. The boy was already crossing the street. He sighed and closed the door again.

“I wonder why he ran out,” Xiumin said while pulling himself up onto the counter.

“Me too,” Suho said and pulled himself up right next to Xiumin.

Lay was still running. He was almost home now, though. He turned into his neighborhood and ran to his house. He fumbled with the keys for a while. When he finally got the door unlocked, he ran in and passed his mom. Then he darted up to his room where he slammed the door shut and collapsed on his bed, crying.

So he already has a boyfriend, he thought. Why didn't that occur to me before?


I'm so sorry it's so short!! I just wanted to give you guys an update. Tell me what you think!

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Will u update this please ..
lunaluna #2
Chapter 4: Urghh whyy?? This story was growing in me :(
lunaluna #3
Chapter 3: Auww poor lay
Chapter 2: aawww.. it's fluff enough..
i hope this story is not onesided love.. :)
Thanks for crediting! No blacklist for you ^^
lunaluna #6
Auww the plot is cute. Can't wait for u to update!
Update soon author-nim. I wonder who is the owner and that everyday-flower-buyer.... XDD
BangHimShipper #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^.