A silent friend

A silent friend

It was Thursday and the five boys were waiting at the dance studio for their lesson to begin, or better for their teacher to show up.

Jonghyun and Kibum sat in a corner, stretching, giggling and, well no way to say it better: flirting. As one of Kibum’s blind strains of hair hung into his face, Jonghyun brushed it away before the boy was able to do it himself. After that, he let his fingertips run down Kibum’s cheek and jawline, ignoring the blond boy blushing.

“Ah, he’s such a player!” Minho smirked and knelt down to close Onew’s shoe.

“So what are you?” Taemin asked and pointed and Onew. “His slave?”

Minho scoffed and Onew rolled his eyes.

“No pabo. He’s friendly! Because he hurt my back yesterday. Got it?” He yawned and sat down, holding his aching back. Taemin kept himself from bursting out in laughter and started stretching.

“What?!” Onew and Minho asked at the same time, gazing at the blond boy suspiciously.

“Oh, was just wondering if I really want to know how he hurt your back.”

The two boys immediately flushed crimson, Onew’s mouth forming an ‘o’.

“Uh, we had...We had a fight and...and I-“ Minho started to make excuses, but he was interrupted by their dance teacher entering the room. Taemin wasn’t listening anyways.

“SORRY! I didn’t mean ti be late, but a friend of mine asked if she could come over, so I picked her up and on our way here some fans recognized me, so we got distracted and...You know how it is, to be a celebrity, I mean you’re the ‘shining SHINee’!” He perfectly imitated their introduction sentence.

“Siwon, who is that?” Jonghyun asked, coming closer and pointing at the person standing behind him. Siwon stepped aside.

“This is my best friend, well she’s more like a little sister to me. She’s living at my house for a while and I didn’t want to leave her alone, so I brought her. I hope it’s okay? She’ll just sit there and watch!”

Everybody nodded, curiously gazing at the girl.

She was wearing skinny and quite ripped black jeans, green converse and a way too big dark-grey sweater. The hood threw shadows on her face so she kind of looked angry or afraid.

“Ah, you can take that off now! It was raining outside, but in here it isn’t!” Siwon laughed, surprising the boys by the unusual calm voice. Normally he was loud, cheerful and a little rough, but now he sounded like he really took care of her.

As the girl still hesitated to take the sweater (obviously his) off he sighed.

“Do I have to take it off or what?”

And, making the boy’s jaws drop, he helped her to get the sweatshirt off, like she was a little child and he the father.

For a moment Taemin was able to see her (apparently much trained) tummy, then she rearranged the shirt. It was bright red, matching with her long, straight dark brown hair. Siwon harrumphed as he noticed the awkward silence coming up.

“Ooookay, guys! Let’s start the practice!”

He turned to the girl, whispered something and walked to the sound system, while she sat down at the side.


After two hours of hard work, the boys were totally out of breath, so Siwon allowed them to rest a little. Jonghyun and Key went outside to get some fresh air,Siwon went to the toilet and Onew and Minho had to leave earlier because of a meeting. So Taemin was alone with the girl.

He sat down at the floor a few meters away from her. The two gazed at each other, partly doubtfully, partly curious. Finally Taemin cleared his throat and averted his gaze.

“So, what’s your name?”

No answer.

“I’m Taemin. Lee Taemin.”

She nodded.

“Ah, you knew?”

She nodded again.

“Why?” he asked and sipped at his bottle. She pointed at the posters at the wall. All of them showed SHINee on stage.

“Ah. Was a silly question…”

A sort of awkward silence spreaded.

“Uh…How old are you?"

She raised her hands, showing ten and then seven fingers.

“Seventeen? I’m eighteen!”

She shrugged.

“Why don’t you call me oppa, how about that?”

She shrugged again.

“One last question. Why don’t you talk to me?”

She turned her head away. Taemin crossed his legs and leaned on his hands.

“You don’t want to?”

She waved aside, her head still turned away.

“Are you shy?”

She shook her head.

“Aren’t you able to?”

No reaction.

“So I’m right? You can’t speak?”

An unconfident nod.

“Isn’t that annoying?” he asked and a second later he could have hit himself for being that respect less. But she nodded and gave him a smile. He smiled back, though he had no idea what it was for.

“Why are you so happy?” he laughed.

She mouthed an answer, but he didn’t get it.


She looked around, searching for a way to tell him. Finally she stood up, turned around and breathed upon one of the giant mirrors. Then she wrote something.

Taemin got in his feet and stepped next to her to read it.

‘No compassion. I like that.’

Taemin grinned and patted her head slightly.

“So what’s you name then?”

‘Yi Seul’ she wrote after breathing upon the mirror again. Taemin nodded and smiled while breathing upon the mirror too.

‘Hi Yi Seul ^^ Lets become friends, okay? ^^’

She smiled like she never did before as she nodded.

“Why are you smiling like that, huh?” Siwon’s voice suddenly sounded from the door. Taemin grinned satisfied and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“She’s happy to have such a cool friend like me!”



Well....that's it already ^__^ Hope you liked it, though it is really...nonsense xD

Ah, and I'll update more Oneshots in the future, because I really like to write them somehow >3< (Even if I don't always have ideas...and the ones I have, well they're not the best either)

Ah, Anais: That one, where helped me to get an idea, it's nearly finished too ^^ you can look forward to it, it's veeery Jongkey-fluffy (just the way you seem to like it >3<)

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Ilonahaku #1
Chapter 1: Waaah, this fanfic of yours was also very nice, very heart-warming! <3
It was interesting that it began with flirting Jongkey and embarrassed Onho and ended up with beautiful friendship between Taemin and her.
I really liked that she tried to communicate by using that mirror, I find it original. :D
Chapter 1: aww taemin is so sweet :)
Lisa_lp10 #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^