
Is This What They Call..... LOVE?

*Daehyun's Pov*

I was walking down the street when I noticed an ice cream shop. It was really hot so I decided to buy ice cream. As I entered, I saw a couple sitting near back laughing playfully and feeding each other. They looked really pretty together. Yes, I admire couples, how they can be so romantic and be anywhere for each other. I could only see the guy's face because the girl have her hat cover her face and her back was facing me. They began to whisper to each other but I shrugged it off and went to the table behind them. I was half way there when I noticed the couple started to leave. I noticed that the guy also had his hoodie covering his face now. Uhm... Weird~ Well, I took the opportunity to look at the girl's face to see what she looked like. I was curious! I'm NOT a ert like my huyng, Himchan. Yes, he is a ert. Well I saw a little of the girl's face and- MIA?!? JUNG MIA?!?!

"Mia?" I asked, then she stopped. Yup definitly Mia.

"Jung Mia! What are you doing here? And-" I gasped, " WHY ARE YOU WITH A BOY?!" I yelled angrily, making the costumers around us look at me but I didn't care. I was mad because she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend and also because she didn't trust me.


*Mia's Pov*

We were now sitting down at one of the tables in the ice cream shop. Daehyun was glaring at me and Sandeul. After what seemed like an hour of the staring contest. Daehyun finally sighed and said,

"I approve you two dating.."

"Jinja?!?! I LOVE YOU OPPA!! MUAH MUAH!! " I was overly excited and jumped around like a little kid. Daehuyn smiled but then went back to his poker face.

"BUT!" The word made me stop jumping and I stared at him.

"YOU!" He pointed at Sandeul, making him jump a little, "If you hurt my sister, then you know what will happen." Daehyun warned.

Sandeul gulped and nodded immediately.

"Good," Daehyun said putting his finger down. I sighed because I thought he was going to say something terrible. But then he started to look at me which made me freeze AGAIN. That guy is so scary!

"Mia, what do you think our mom and dad would say, will they approve?" He asked, I nodded.

"Yes they approved of me and Sandeul dating" I smiled.

"Oka- WAIT! You told them about you dating and you didn't tell me?!?!" He asked furiously.

"Sorry oppa.." I laughed nervously. He sighed," It's ok, I understand, you guys should be going now right?"

We nodded nevously and hurriedly got out of the ice cream shop.

"MAN! HE'S SCARY!" Sandeul said as soon as we were out of the ice cream shop. I giggled.

"Oppa, can you believe he's younger than you?" I asked.

"WHAT?!?! He's yougner than me?!" He asked, windening his eyes because he didn't believe me.

"Yes he is. He is 19 and you're 20" I answered, laughing at his reaction.


"You're funny oppa," I said and lightly punched him.

"Owwie~~" He said, pouting while rubbing where I had punched him. KYA~~! So cute! Then suddenly, my phone beeped which means I got a message. I opened it and..


      To Mia,

             Hi! Are you free? Want to have a double date? We can go shopping for it at the Seoul's mall  

          and leave the guys to get ready themself and tell them to pick us up at your house since your parent 

          are out today, YES? REPLY~~~

                                                                  Your crazy bestfriend,

                                                                                    Yunsoo <3 ^^


"Who texted you?" Sandeul asked curiously.














"WE'RE HAVING A DOUBLE DATE!" I said grinning.



so i'm making up for you guys ~~ ^^










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If you find yourself falling for 2 guys, chose the second guy, you obviously love the fist enough to fall for another guy...
But then again, who can resist SANDEUL!? I love you oppa~
Chapter 2: I really like it so far!!!
NamelessHuman #3
Chapter 7: Update Please! Love it so far! update , I mean it!!!