Author's Note

Paper Planes

Hi there, guys. So there you go. THE INTRODUCTION. I don't know if I should continue this thing. e.e Like, omfg. My English is not really that good. It's giving me headaches. Just tell me if I should. I'll be waiting for your comments, people. :> Please be nice on telling your opinion. And just to tell you, this is going to be my first story. I'm noooooot clever so yeah. Please don't expect much. That's all I've got to say, tbh. Don't forget to comment your opinions! Buhbye~ I love you, mkay? ♥

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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 1: Looks really good. You should continue!!!
Chapter 1: You should continue with it its my first time my 2 biases are! :)
Well its your choice so tyt deciding author nim ;)