Chapter 8


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Min Hee’s side...

“Hhh... hhh... hhhh...” Min hee panted heavily while her feet still kept running, running away from the men that had been ordered to catch her back.

She ran and ran through the thick woods without even bother the heavy rain and the dark night surrounding her.

Min hee kept running, bare foot. She was determined to get back into the mansion which was 350 meters away from the hospital.

“Hhhh... I must save.... my friends...” She pushes all the tree branches that were blocking her way. “I must... get back to the mansion....” Min hee’s pace was becoming slower. She was out of energy.

Min hee staggered through the woods. “I’m almost there....” The mansion was becoming closer.

“Where the hell is she?!” Min hee heard one of the men’s voices shouting not far behind her.

“YAHH!! FIND HER FAST!!” One of the men ordered. He seemed like the leader.

Immediately, the men scattered through the woods. Searching and searching every corner of the woods.

“She’s not here!!” One of the men informed the leader.

“Same here!!” All the men could not seem to find her.

“AISH!! This is bad!! She mustn’t get back into the mansion.... That was Mr. Byung Hun’s order...” All the men gave up. Finally, they headed back to the grand hospital.

Min hee sighed in relieved. She had been hiding in the bushes which were really near to the leader.

Slowly and carefully, Min hee got out from her hiding place. “Aaa...” Min hee winced at her painful bruised feet.

She had been ignoring all the pain that were torturing her body while she was running but now, she couldn’t anymore. The pain was too excruciating.

It seemed that all the pains on her body had accumulated and became really hard for her to tolerate anymore.

But, Min hee still kept on walking. She must get back into the mansion. She must save her friends.

“Hhh...hhh...” She panted heavily. Her vision was getting blurry. The heavy rain wasn’t any help either.

Min hee staggered her way to the mansion. “Just a little bit more...”

Unfortunately, before she could reach the mansion, Min hee fell and accidentally had knocked her head on a piece of rock causing her to pass out in the woods.


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Eun hee’s side...

“Yah... Do you see what I see?” Yunho asked in disbelief.

Eun hee just nodded, surprised. Her jaw dropped open.

“Is this... real?” Eun hee rubbed her eyes furiously.

“Let’s go...” Yunho pulled Eun hee’s hand, causing Eun hee to snap back into reality.

Finally, they both had found the place, the mansion that Joon had ordered them to come.

They both ran, heading to the great huge mansion which was only 200 meters away from them.

“Oh my god!! I can’t believe this!!” Eun hee gasped, staring outside the huge mansion. “We’re finally here...” She covered her opened mouth.

“Hhh... We’ve to find a way to get in...” Yunho bent his body, panting. “It seems that the rain won’t stop either...” He looked up to the dark raining sky.

“Hmm...” Eun hee was searching for an idea. Then, she realized that they were still holding each other’s hand.

Quickly, she pulled her left hand away from Yunho causing Yunho to surprise.

“” Eun hee scratched her head, embarrassed. She was looking everything around her except Yunho who was exactly on her left side.

Eun hee was trying her best to avoid having eyes contacts with him.

“Oh...aa...” Yunho too was a bit embarrassed. “Mmm... we should... mm...” He too was avoiding Eun hee’s eyes. “Mmm... we should get in...” Yunho scratched his soaked hair.

“Aa...aa... Yeaa...” Eun hee stuttered, still embarrassed. “Look!! There’s a door!” She suddenly pointed to Yunho’s right side.

Quickly, Eun hee started to walk but accidentally bumped into Yunho who was blocking her way.

“Aaa... mm...” They both stuttered, looking away from each other.

“I think we should go now before the door closes...” Yunho suggested.

“Yeah, you’re right...” Eun hee stuttered, looking at the ground.

“Let’s go...” Yunho stretched out his right hand to Eun hee.

Eun hee looked up to see Yunho’s face. “Huh?!” She was surprised by Yunho’s action.

But Yunho just smiled. Then, slowly, Eun hee took Yunho’s hand. “Let’s go...” She smiled.


( )

Lee Joon’s side...

Joon walked through the dim lighted hallway which was painted red. He was heading to the meeting room.

He was furious, mad. He wanted to see his uncle. He wanted an explanation from him and he wanted it now.


Joon went to the control room. He wanted to see it for the last time. Then, he will destroy it.

Because he wanted to change, change to a better person. He finally realized now that doing all of these were just a waste of time and also, making innocent people suffer for something that was not their fault.

“The accident that had happened was no one’s fault...” Joon murmured while walking towards the control room. “Nobody wanted that to happen... nobody...” He slowly opened the door.

He walked through the hallway which was dimly lighted by chandeliers along the way. He turned around the corner and finally, he reached the room.

“What the hell are you doing here?!!” Joon shouted when he saw Dongho, Daesung, Key and Gain who were still in that room.

They all immediately stood up from their seats and faced Joon who was standing behind them.

“Umm...” Dongho was speechless.

“Didn’t I tell you that everything’s over?!!” Joon looked at each of their faces. “So, why the hell are you guys still here?!!” Joon raised his voice.

They all just looked down, keeping silent.

“YAH!! SPEAK UP!!” Joon grabbed Daesung’s collar, looking sternly into his petrified eyes.

“Umm... mmm...” Daesung tried to release Joon’s grip from his neck.

“I SAID SPEAKK!!” Joon threw Daesung to the floor.

But Daesung was too scared to say anything. Immediately, Joon dashed to their chairs and grabbed one of it.

He was about to threw the chair to Daesung but was stopped by Key and Dongho.

“Mr. Byung hun told us.... to continue...” Gain spoke.


Joon fastened his pace. Finally, he was in front of the meeting room.

He was about to enter the room but immediately stopped when he heard that his uncle was talking to somebody.

So, Joon decided to listen to their conversation.

“Don’t worry.... everything will work out just like how we planned it” Byung hun walked towards the window.

“I’ll find that necklace no matter what...” Byung hun continued, looking at the bright day outside through the window.

“If only I knew that crippled Bum soo had twins... I wouldn’t waste my time on that girl, Min hee...” Byung hun slammed his fist on the table near the window.

“I had worked out for so long to get my hands on that necklace.... but, that old man (referring to his father) had given it to Chang sun instead of me...” Byung hun went back to his seat.

“So, I had to dispose him for good... but my brother just had to give it to his friend... which was now in the hand of his other daughter....” Byung hun swirled the spinning chair that he was sitting on.

( )

Joon was shocked, tremendously shocked. “So, I had to dispose him for good...” Byung hun’s words kept on replaying in his ears.

Joon slumped to the floor. Finally, he had known the one who killed his parents, his uncle, Lee Byung Hun.

He had always thought that it was his father’s best friend’s fault but now he knew, Bum soo was innocent. He should have known that was all his uncle’s plans to get his hands on the money.

Byung hun had always poisoned his mind by telling him to take revenge on his parents’ death, by torturing his father’s only trusted friend.

“ARGHHHH!! YOU BA#@&RD!!” Joon shouted, barging in through the room.

Joon immediately dashed to Byung hun. He was about to punch him in the face but was abruptly blocked by the bodyguards, Byung hun’s bodyguards of course.

Joon tried to wriggle his way out of the bodyguard’s grip but he couldn’t.

“Good job, Sangchu...” Byung hun clapped, praising his trustworthy bodyguard.

“You... B@#%&RD!! HOW COULD YOU?!!” Joon shouted, wriggling his body to escape.

Byung Hun laughed. “How could I?!! HOW COULD YOU?!!” Byung hun slapped Joon’s face.

“I bet you’ve heard all of it. Am I right?” Byung laughed, walking towards the window.

“So, how could you do that to your father’s best friend?” Byung hun scoffed.

“Y... YOU!!” Joon shouted on top of his lung.

“I’ve worked so hard to get that treasure but instead, your dumb grandpa gave it all...... ALL TO YOUR FATHER!!” Byung hun dashed to Joon’s face.

“It’s not fair.... so, I had to do something... to get back my treasure...” Byung hun made a puppy dog face.

"Joon-ah.... even though, you're the master of this plan but I'm the mastermind..." Byung hun whipered to Joon's left ear.

“Lock him up....” Byung hun went to the seat where his guest was sitting on.

Joon struggled hard but still couldn’t escape from Sangchu’s grip.

“Don’t worry... he deserved it, honey...” Byung hun kissed the guest’s head.

Joon eyes widened as wide as could be. “N.... n.... noona?”

To be continued....


To lolisho: Oh really, you like Eun hee more?!! I've read your stories and all of it is good...^_^ I like From the Heart...Kang Shin Woo, so keep up the good work!!

To U-Kissluva: Your welcome, my dongsaeng... Your story is very good, so, pls update soon... I'm really eager to know what's gonna happen next on Love, the Only Thing I Don't Know About...

Hope you guys (lolisho, U-Kissluva, guiwang_4ever, bukcayy and NicoleClove1) love the update...

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ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
iloveljoesomuch #2
amazing! update soon
update soon
They finally met!! <br />
I hope that one day, Eun hee and Yunho will be in a relationship :))<br />
UPDATE SOON!! :))))))
This is getting better!<br />
I really love your story!!!! :D
The first chapter was already shocking, especially about the cat. But the story's totally awesome!!
lolisho #7
Ohh yeahh!! Yunho and Eun Hee are soo cute!!<333<br />
aand YES. Finally meeting with each other! Sweet~ <br />
Lol. Fishy donghae is a bad guy~?(hahh, my Suju bias). <br />
Love love love the update!:D
OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY FINALLY MET! AHHHH TAHTS AMAZING! awwww yunho and eun hee are soooooo adorable! all i want to do with that couple scene is gooo awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww its soo cute! YAY JOONIE! omg min hee and joon will make THE PERFECT COUPLE! i feel sooo bad for him though i mean hes trapped and hes going to get tourchered by that jerk face uncle of his. OMG YOU CANT HURT THE EUN HEE'S FRIENDS! THEY ARE SOOO AWESOME AND THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING! AHHHH stupid hyori your soo mean to joonie! T_T LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV THE STORY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER ! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!^^ FIGHTING
lolisho #9
ani~ it wasn't boring at all! Its on the way for Eun Hee and Min Hee to meet!:D ne, I'll try too soon ^^
YAY! min hee and eun hee will meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!! i hope! awwwwwwwwwww i got scolded! lol well I LOVED IT! its gave me a more insight on the evil of joon's uncle. HE'S SOOO EVIL! awwwwwwwww poor joonie! LOVED IT PLEASE UPDATE SOON!